2023-10-18 兰陵笑笑生 10841

Tokyo VS Shanghai


Anyone who lived/worked long term in both cities care to comment on your experience and what you prefer in one city of the other?
I’ve been in SH for nearly 6 years and I’m at a point where I’m comfortable in regards to material needs and have a decent amount in savings.
After a 1 week trip to Tokyo and quite the cultural shock when coming back, I’m wondering if it’s time to thrown in the towel even if it means a possible pay cut and rise in life costs

我在上海工作将近 6 年了,现在物质生活比较宽裕,也有一定的积蓄。

Aren't you the guy who used to rave about Shanghai so much, thinking it's the coolest city in the world? Unless I'm confusing names pretty sure I saw you a lot mocking basically anyone with criticisms.
What changed?


Been living a total of 7 years in SH. For me SH is the better deal.


My personal preference would be Tokyo (or Osaka or Kyoto). I may be speaking too much as a tourist but, despite some of the clear problems in Japan (bureaucracy, cash-based transactions, etc) I just like the environment and lifestyle in Japan more. I like the vibe in those places more. It's a little more diverse to me in terms of activities and what you can do. I like Japanese food more than Shanghai style food at the very least (although there are some varieties of Chinese food that really are just incredible).
I think despite its initial appearance of complexity, the Tokyo metro system is better than Shanghai's in comfort and in terms of all the places it goes to. Also beneficial - your Tokyo metro card will work in any other metro system in Japan which is incredible.
The cost of living is higher, sure, but like Shanghai, you can live frugally if you try, I've heard. Ultimately I just would prefer it - that could change if I end up living there though.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If the people were better China overall would outshine Japan.
Sadly the Japanese are simply better in terms of social aspects such as politeness, modernity, education, societal norms and behavior, etc.
The large majority of Chinese won’t change until the government actually does take action in reforming education and reversing the damage the cultural revolution has imposed upon the people.


i felt depressed in Japan: you need to behave very carefully to look like a Japanese


Oh man, Korea is MUCH worse for this shit. Nearly all human behaviour (except blacking out on the street) is a faux pas. Using your left hand, handing things to people with one hand, eating before the oldest person at the table, having long hair, drinking at your own pace.


Yeah Korea is fun but it's a lot more homogeneous in terms of how people dress and style themselves.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It seems every winter, the entire under 30 population of Korea has been told which down coat to buy, coupled with everyone having the same haircut (military bullshit). Of course, everyone is absolutely gorgeous due to their insane beauty standards.

似乎每年冬天,韩国所有 30 岁以下的人都会被告知要买哪件羽绒服,再加上每个人都留着同样的发型(跟军队似的)。当然,由于他们疯狂的审美标准,每个人看起来都绝对漂亮。

I had a camper van in Japan. Unreal. They actually take the toilets out of RVs here because you can always access a clean toilet no matter where you are.
Like literally middle of the night. At a random lakeside parking lot. Not a soul for miles. Bathroom with electronic sliding doors, fully clean and toilet paper stocked. WTF.


Almost like when you have a country of cultured, educated and relatively wealthy people, and they don't let tons of of trash into the country, that's what happens. Who would have thought you could keep your country neat with this simple trick?
Sweden could have been like that too. They went down a different route however.


This .. japan is picky about the foreigner they let in and also many do not stay because of the strict work culture. I am honestly surprised I have lasted 10 years here but soon I will head to Shanghai

加一。日本对外国人很挑剔,而且由于严格的工作文化,很多人都不会留下来。老实说,我很惊讶自己能在这里坚持 10 年,但很快我就要去上海了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I had a colleague who worked in Tokyo, Shanghai then Hong Kong. She was female and it was really tough working in Japan. The patriarchy is quite real. So you may need to account for that. She speaks English, Japanese and Chinese fine.


I know that isn’t very related with the questions, but I went to Tokyo, Sapporo, Fukuoka, Osaka and other places, but I have a feeling that Japan is like that hotel 5 stars from the 90’s. You can see that they where super rich, but now, it’s a little old, no renovation, with some abandon look. Sorry, just had this feeling during last week over there.


Things are run down. Japan lives in Showa times.. sadly


spent a good part of my childhood in Tokyo and have gone back a few times, I have to say I would much prefer Tokyo but I make way, way more money here.
In terms of bureaucracy and getting things done, Tokyo is marginally more difficult. Neither are friendly to foreigners though. Having to go through my friends to order certain things because I don't have the 18 digit ID card in Shanghai is just bs.
Other quality of life things are mostly better in Tokyo. I.E. Food quality/safety vs price, public transit, cleanliness, people in general, hygiene, internet freedom, ease of getting western things, price of luxury goods.

在官僚主义和办事效率方面,东京更难一点。不过,这两个城市对外国人都不友好。在上海,因为我没有 18 位数的身份证,所以必须通过我的朋友才能订购某些东西,真的很扯。

Lived in Tokyo for 2 years around 2010, Shanghai for 10 years until 2020, my brother still lives in Tokyo so I visit regularly. Tokyo feels like living in an airport or some kind of medical clinic. Whereas Shanghai feels like living in the wilderness that has been paved over but the chaotic nature of the wild hasn't gone anywhere - I'm talking about the vibe and feeling of the place, not necessarily the experience of living there.
In real terms though when it comes to living - they're both comfortable, safe, and convenient, with Shanghai being much more convenient (probably one of the most convenient places on earth - think Wall-E levels these days). Shanghai is good for making money. Tokyo is good for a more relaxed, family kinda lifestyle. If you're OK jumping through hoops to gain freedom with certain things like internet and visas etc, Shanghai can be great. If you're OK jumping through beaurocratic hoops with everything you have to do to live in a place, Tokyo can be great.
Chinese is easier than Japanese for English speakers so in that way Shanghai is better. Shanghai also has more options when it comes to food. Shanghai is more multicultural too. People speak better English in Shanghai but still not great so doesn't make much of a difference.
Having said all that if I could choose a place to stay it'd be Tokyo but that's just a personal preference.

2010 年左右在东京住了两年,2020 年之前在上海住了 10 年,我哥哥还住在东京,所以我经常去看他。东京给人的感觉就像住在机场或某种医疗诊所里。而上海给人的感觉就像生活在荒野中,虽然已经铺好了道路,但荒野的杂乱无章却丝毫没有消失--我说的是这个地方给人的氛围和感觉,而不是生活在那里的实际体验。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm not sure I agree with this point. Japanese is more complex in terms of grammar rules and articles and particles and all that, I would say, but the difference in accessing the languages is substantial because of katakana and hiragana. It's a lot easier to learn more phrases and words and become conversational due to that. Once you learn the katakana / hiragana it's fairly easy to start deciphering stuff and you can even become pretty conversational / somewhat with just those. Chinese you can really only learn through sheer effort and memorization. I think lower levels of Chinese are maybe easier in terms of the basics but becoming an advanced, fluent speaker and reader (more this) of Chinese is extremely difficult.


I'm with you on most but food wise... c'mon. Without a doubt the best food establishments in Asia are in Japan. You name any cuisine and the Japanese do it, and do it better, including Chinese food. I won't forget how I was in Kyoto in a French restaurant and I asked if I could see the chef. They took me to the back and not a single foreigner was there. They had 1 star.
China sure you got a ton of regional foods available, most soso in Shanghai in all fairness, but nothing really outstanding. Not going to argue against eating it but when it comes to food, whatever you want, Japan will win hands down.


Currently in Shanghai, came here from Tokyo. Shanghai is far and away the better place to live, unless you absolutely need/want the following things:
full internet access without a VPN
decent public manners
a car enthusiast scene
buy a property
-Lower levels of air pollution (China overall has gotten MUCH better in this regard over the last 10-15 years)
Cheap, modern public transit; a 21st century payment structure, a digital ecosystem; a top notch international manufacturing logistics network, great and inexpensive public transport; down to earth, friendly people that often speak decent English, and abundant public seating spaces: these are some of the many things that Shanghai has, but Tokyo DOESN’T.
Shanghai is still rough around the edges in comparison yes. But getting literally anything done is a million times easier in Shanghai compared to Tokyo. Try to change/get anything done in Tokyo? Whether banking, online order returns, getting around, renting an apartment, or anything, dealing with these things in Japan is like trying to pull teeth from a skunk. With rabies.
Tokyo’s best days are a solid generation behind it. It’s declining, and even from young people, there’s no push towards change. They’re still living in 1997, and it shows that the Sakoku policy still lives on in the mindset of the Japanese people, and you won’t change that. There’s a reason your average Japanese has worse English ability than the average North Korean.
Tokyo, for me, was absolutely NOT worth the hype. For a week? All you’ll see is the superficial, the good stuff. But to live there? Glad i did it, but never again. The hype has enabled Japan to better hide its deep structural problems from the outsiders than anywhere else. But that’s not saying much, because even in Japan, it’s still easy to find.
So enjoy Japan for what it is: a good tourist destination that is a bit out of date in the way they do things. But enjoy even more going back to where you live
If the itch to move is strong though, have you considered SE Asia or the Mediterranean at all?

1. 无需 VPN 即可完全上网
2. 体面的公共礼仪
3. 汽车爱好者
4. 买房
较低的空气污染水平(在过去的 10-15 年里,中国在这方面的总体情况已大为改善)
廉价、现代化的公共交通;21 世纪的支付体系、数字生态系统;一流的国际制造业物流网络;便捷、廉价的公共交通;朴实、友好、能说流利英语的人们;丰富的公共座椅空间:这些都是上海拥有而东京没有的。
东京在最好的时代有一群实干的人在支撑。它正在衰落,即使是年轻人,也没有改变的动力。他们还活在 1997 年,这表明锁国政策在日本人的思想中依然存在,你无法改变这一点。普通日本人的英语能力比普通朝鲜人还差,这是有原因的。

OP just wanted to whine and moan and you came and laid down some real knowledge.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Good to hear from people who has really know both places.
But yea, always heard from people who lived in Japan that it's not a happy place to live for work. Maybe if you retire spend a few months there traveling around then it must be nice.


Former resident
I’ve been told by friends that it is much much much more difficult to make Japanese friends vs Chinese friends - at work, school or just in mutual interest organizations.


It is hard because most foreigners need to learn Japanese to make friends. I speak Japanese have made friends and connections here but japan is over hyped up. I love it here but ready for China. Salaries are low


Public tranportation is excellent in Tokyo and not that expensive tbh


Would you say it’s better than Shanghai though? I certainly would not.


Lived in both cities and personally transit feels significantly better in Tokyo but then again it has had several decades on Shanghai in terms development. Shanghai’s pace of improvement is bananas and it is genuinely shocking how fast they can put a line in.
The Kanto region is just a lot easier to get around than Shanghai but throw in affordable taxis and share bikes for the last mile and things start evening out.
I give the edge to Tokyo on transit but not necessarily on mobility.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Tokyo is considered to have better public transport than Shanghai while Shanghai is not massively behind Tokyo


But 3X the price. Also their shared bikes aren’t convenient. Shanghai metro plus shared bikes wins for me. Ended up walking A LOT in Tokyo


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