2023-10-21 大号儿童 11406

In this China vlog, I talk about the United Kingdom trains and the cancellation of the HS2. Bullet Trains in China are an excellent way to travel. The UK would benefit from having faster trains... but the costs?


UK follows US anti-China policy. It first banned Huawei, then drove the China off the HS2 project and then later the nuclear projects. Had China been involved with HS2 it would have the skill, experience and know-how to build the HSR at a considerably lower price. UK sadly played politics with infrastructure building. It is re-inventing the wheel from scratch so the cost has shot through the roof. It reaps what it sows.


The US has only one country in mind on everything, the US.


UK first of G7 joined Belt and Road initiative, called for big project super train and nuclear plant, then he made U turn & passed to Japan and France, dismantled 5G accessories. Anyway he felt gains, but lose to Jakarta, the 350 Km/hr bullet train. Why can’t built in UK? What bullet train need in order to run? That is Huawei equipments to control the speed and communication.


That is why we call UK a sunset country, stuck in a quicksand.


China were supposedly stil involved right until the last few years trying to make it work..... would not be surprised China probably got fed up of redtape and or being intentionally messed around ala UK and Chinese nuclear power station or whatever the Chinese were trying to benefit the uk with.....
im also pretty sure the HS2 has been talked about for at least 50 yrs now..... i remember HS2 talk with a young Richard Bransons leaning Virgin trains when i was a kid in school FFS!!
now in that same time China has gone from fishing village to the solar systems most high tech developed megatropolis!!! Richard Branson himself is now a retired oap astronaut!!! For context!!!! For even more ducks laughing context or idiotic westerners crying into their bowl of cereal...... it took China 10 yrs total to go from ZERO NADA ZILCH 0 HSR to developing and leading the world in the HSR game!!!!

中国似乎一直在过去几年里尝试让它发挥作用,直到最后几年... 不会感到惊讶,中国可能厌倦了繁文缛节,或者像英国和中国核电站或者中国试图让英国受益的其他项目一样被故意搞砸了...
但现在,在同一段时间里,中国已经从一个渔村发展成为太阳系中技术最先进的大都市!!! 理查德·布兰森本人现在是一个退休的OAP宇航员!!为了更加嘲笑那些愚蠢的西方人或者那些哭泣的白痴,中国仅花了10年的时间从零开始,成为了高速铁路游戏的领导者并引领世界!

The UK has money to give away to certain countries for war, not for peace, whilst neglecting its own infrastructure, its homeless and destitute, but taxing more and more, including the so-called middle class who are actually struggling financially. That is British politics for you. It is a case of electing a bad or a worse Prime Minister, who is ineffective, ineffectual, and lacks long term vision for the best interests of the country. They talk too much but achieve too little.
In the US, their politics is even worse. Not only do they talk too much and achieve too little, but also they interfere with the internal affairs of so many countries around the world just because they think that they are the "chosen ones" and have the righteousness to preach democracy, freedom and human rights whilst they themselves breach all of them.


The last time I was in Scotland with my Chinese wife I was embarrassed with our rail service and stations as well as our infrastructure in general. The bullet trains in China are sensational with the general public being very well looked after. When you look at the tram lines in Edinburgh and the cost and time it took to lay them on the surface of the road and compare it with the underground Metro lines and stations built in Shenzhen over the same time limit the difference is mind blowing and Scotland is sadly a clown world.


Yep, when you see China and what has been built... you have to question so much of what we see in the West!!


The question all the westerners should ask is where are all the tax dollars being spend???? It's certainly not used to improve living standards of people.


In UK, not only the hospitals are full with patients. But the prisons are also completely full and no capacity to admit more criminals! How ironic and what a pity case of affairs!


Better than the homeless alternative starving and begging in the streets. Terribly tragic what has become of a former empire/imperial power. Another sad example of socioeconomic decay in the west.
Kharma goes full circle and strikes home hard!! Please pray for the Brits.✌️


The prisons are full, too bad that they can no longer sent them to Australia, and no more colonies available.


Soon UK will follow US's footstep and release many of them.


Competition and national pride aside, my heart goes out to the UK and its people. They deserve better.


The prices are also reasonable (compared to the UK cheap) for the ordinary seats on the bullet train. Of course you're gonna pay an arm and a leg for the business class that Iain uses, and you'll be among the masses of lower levels of Chinese public who aren't always that polite or courteous in the 'British' way. But it's China and you do things the Chinese way. And for the likes of those poorer, working class ones of us, even the slow (dirt cheap) trains in China are punctual, clean and better than the British trains.
The SMP are down the pan cuz the leaders are corrupt and they insist on sending men who call themselves women to women's prisons.
But like you say, Britain is more and more an embarrassment, I I don't want to go back if I can help it.


The West is finished, Britain & the EU are merely subservient vassals to the decaying US Empire. No European country is sovereign & would be able to choose a completely different path like joining BRICS+ for example, without facing massive condemnation & consequences from the USA and their vassals.
Look what happened a year ago when the USA blew up the Nord Stream Pipelines resulting in the beginning of deindustrialization due to massive energy price hike, recession and threat of people going cold this winter in Germany.
I would be staying put in China.
China is a sovereign country that makes its own decisions in the interests of its own people & its own prosperity.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm travelling from London to Manchester few month ago, be honest I'm not sure whether the train I travelled is High Speed Train. ( It was shaking, noisy, and about max 170 - 180 Km/hr I could recall) Let put all argument to rest. I regret to write that most of my meeting with the British are not productive at all, because British have too much views and at the end, nothing much able to achieve.

几个月前我从伦敦去曼彻斯特旅行,老实说,我不确定我乘坐的火车是否是高速列车。(它在摇晃,噪音很大,我记得最高时速约170 - 180公里)让我们把所有争论放下吧。我很遗憾地写道,我与英国人的大多数会议都没有任何成果,因为英国人有太多意见,最终没有多少能够实现。

building large scale infrastructure requires preparing an appropriate foundation for the project. So the cost not only includes the preparation of any hazardous physical environment, it includes the costs of political corruption and political incompetence in the project's environment. (also explains why, despite having engineering comptence, India continually fails)


Bro, don't even talk about the bullet train here in California. They've been building that stretch for the last 25 years; first on paper starting in the late 1990s and real construction ongoing till now, and still have not finished one segment of it. First segment to be done by 2030 but its in a remote part of California where there are no users or patrons who will use this??? Don't trust any politicians.


China is great China is the future China is the leader ❤️ from Nepal

中国太棒了 中国是未来 中国是领导者❤️ 来自尼泊尔

It is leading the way on so many things, including human endeavour and fairness.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thanks for touching on this subject.
We encounter the same challenges/horrors where I live that continue to plague tax payers. No infrastructure projects can be executed within reasonable budget nor timeline. We have a subway extension btw downtown and airport that was supposed to be completed years ago and its budget exceeded multiple folds. It appears the most profitable business is resorting to repeatedly resurfacing the same roads to milk the cows and justify absurd tax hikes. Our government/visionaries have big plans for future development but the reality is unlikely attainable.
In short, too much red tape. Nothing ever gets done. We live in a perpetual vacuum. Pray for us.✌️


Doesn't matter who you vote, I have lost faith in UK politics, not sure if it's the system or the politicians, they have forgotten that they are there to serve the country and the people instead I think they are there to serve themselves.


The train strikes frequently drive people mad. UK is falling behind / backward , it is so outdated. The income tax in the UK is one of the highest in the world, and yet the people don’t benefit anything from the government

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

That is most interesting Lian. The high speed Rail cost comparison is shocking, it highlights the differences in governments decision making.


No crime committed if you legalized corruption. Thanks for sharing.


While UK wants to colonize other countries, no other countries don’t want to have any thing to do with UK.


On the bright side, UK will still have National Express coaches!


And and london underground which doesn't look like it has changed in the last 30 years


Unashamed the Brits still called their nation Great Britain!


When you talked about the cost of UK's train, the duck from your back is laughing.


They ain’t serving the public, only their own pocket. It’s call “corruption”.


The British pride is their stumbling block.


California and UK railway routes are flat, virtually need no tunnels like in most part of China. Yet they cost much much higher

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There is no comparison at all in this respect. UK hi-speed train


There is no comparison between U.K and China High Speed Train. I am nor sure if I should call U.K train High speed or down graded High speed. The China Engineering is light years when compared to U.K and USA. It's a disgrace. These western countries took all their money to wipe out the Russians and left their people in poverty. These countries were tricked by NATO. Zenensky used NATO, USA and the west and he is now a billionaire. Now we have millions of mothers and fathers are mourning for their sons in a senseless war like Vietnam war. Zelensky led these young men to their early graves and one day these parents will call for his head. This man is the reason why Russia entered the Ukraine war when he Boomed and killed THOUSANDS of innocent Russians citizens in the Donbas Region. This Hitler incarnate will one day be charged for Crime Against Humanity and War Crime. It will only be a matter of time before the truth will be revealed and the west will used Zelensky as a scape goat and a sacrificial goat.


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