2023-10-24 龟兔赛跑 5519

As an Indian US citizen, which country is best to live in life?


Krishnan Unni Madathil
In one phrase, it would be the huge middle class in both countries. The Indian middle class, and its diaspora wing in the US, have paved the way for the rapid prominence of Indo-US relations in the period since the end of the Cold War.
These are commerce-oriented, highly productive, highly intelligent people and without an interest in conflict, and importantly, in countries which are stable, so these are the type of relations the US is also trying to seek with other countries across the world. In the medium-term, it is expected that India will be home to the world’s biggest middle class, and America surely would not want to miss the opportunity to cater for this huge mass of people.


George Thomas (Ted) McNabb
I’m really surprised, I thought that all US citizens were Americans.
However, IF your question is actually
“As an American - of Indian (not Native American) extraction - would I likely have a better life in the United States of America or in India?”,
THEN I suspect that the answer is
“In the United States of America (unless you are earning an American salary and living in India - in which case you are going to be in the “Top 10%” rather than in the “Top 50%”).”
Please note that advice might change if you have only been in the US long enough to acquire American citizenship and never really intended to stay in the US in the first place.


Priyam Kakati
I want to live in U.S because
People respects every profession there.
No reservation system.
People follow rules strictly.
Most of the people are educated.
Top tech companies are located there.
Many people from different countries lives there. Different food different culture it’ll be amazing.
One can kiss openly in public. Do this in India and you’re dead.


Ben Reynolds
I don’t want to live in the US.
However, in my opinion, it is a broken country that never joined the modern world. THe political system, healthcare provision, gun culture, the police, education, public transport, and food all put me right off.
I don’t want to live somewhere where guns are cheap and fresh fruit and vegetables are expensive.


Sharon Stein
I was just thinking about it last night, watching Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj. Lately I am playing with the idea of taking my 7yo son and moving to the US (or applying for positions in the US), but I’ll never really do it.
My reasons are:
healthcare. Your system is completely backward. This reliance on insurance companies is a recipe for an already-in-the-making disaster. I don’t think I’ll be able to live with the anxiety that “something might happen sometime and I will need a doctor that I might not be able to afford.”
Education. I know there are some good public schools in the US, but it seems to me the best way to progress in life in the US is private school, and I can’t afford that. The school system in the UK is far from perfect, but it seems to me it’s better than what’s happening in the US.
Gun control. I don’t know how you people get by the day knowing your children might be shot at in school. I don’t know how you leave the house. This is completely insane to me, and your stubbornness regarding it is staggering.
Lately I joined “myfitnesspal” it’s an app that helps you manage what you eat and lose weight (I can gladly lose 5kgs and adopt a healthier lifestyle). One of the great things about this app is it’s huge database of foods. It makes it very easy to find the right product. Let me tell you what I noticed. American brands are significantly less healthy than UK brands. My chicken breast is more nutritious and less calories than American brands. Same goes for other foods. The reason is that Americans like everything much sweeter, and way more processed than we do. This eventually creates health issues and will lead us back to point 1. Your healthcare system sucks.
I don’t know what’s “the best country” to live in. I think it’s an individual matter. Some people are totally ok with all of the above, and I’m sure some think the UK is worse than other places I just know that according to my situation, the UK is better than the US on every front. I know that for me, just considering having to move to the USA gives me a minor anxiety attack.

昨天晚上,我在和Hasan Minhaj一起看《爱国者法案》的时候就在想这个问题。最近,我一直在考虑带着我7岁的儿子去美国(或申请美国的职位),但我永远不会这么做。

Jonathan Buttall
Poor health care compared to the developed world. The health care itself is usually very good, except that many or most Americans can’t afford it, so what good is it?
Republicans destroyed the right of the poor and working class to get affordable health care, yet get great free healthcare from Tax payers welfare payments to those corrupt politicians who never do their job.
High crime, mass shootings in schools and public places, zero gun control, the most corrupt and incompetent federal government in the developed world, poor infrastructure a generation out of date, very, very poorly funded education, and a country that’s been in decline for a long time now.
high employment? Guess where those stats are coming from!
Highest debt in American history, thanks to Trump wasting all our money on stupid and useless projects like over bloating an unneeded and overbloated mlitary, the Wall, which he steals money from the Military to build as republicans rejected the Wall, and many other useless wastes of money.
So why do I live here when I’ve traveled around the world? Having worked in Government (NOT politics), I know the American system very well and how to make it work for us successfully. I also know our current period of deep darkness will not last. I remember the golden days of JFK’s Presidency and hope that kind of greatness will come back one day. Our country was once the light of the world, and someday may be again.


Henry Eshleman
Well… granting that I’ve never lived anywhere BUT the USA, but I’ve been abroad a couple of times, my thoughts:
Healthcare:To call it a healthcare system is to give it a dignity descxtion will not bear. Everyone knows the usual horror stories- uninsured people getting sick, people starting GoFundMes for their insulin, that sort of thing. Here’s my own fun story, a little anecdote where things worked out pretty well for me, but which indicate some systemic madness.
About ten years ago, I was freshly unemployed, my bank account empty, my car only roadworthy because my father paid for it to get fixed so I could slix away from Indiana in shame and defeat. I had several thousand dollars in credit card and student loan debt through a series of incredibly poor decisions on my part. When I reached the new house my parents had bought in Utah, I went skiing with the family the very next day- a high-cost, high-risk hobby. Thanks to a patch of ice from a snowmaker that had dribbled water all night, I fractured my tibia and tore my ACL.


Utah’s hospitals see this sort of thing all the time- getting an appointment was easy, scheduling the examinations and the surgery, all of it was pretty simple.
And then the bill arrived. Saints preserve us, the bill. $300 for the recovery room. $10,000 for the surgery. $1000 for radiology.
So I scraped up my bank statements, my tax returns for the last four years, and various other indications of my near-total poverty, and handed them over to billing, as suggested in the fine print of “if you can’t pay.”
And what do you know! Magically, the recovery room became free. The $1000 in radiology became $100. The ten thousand dollar surgery became $1000.
Magic. Purest magic. Note, by the by, that the figure arrived at was still greater than my net worth at that point- I was “fortunate” that I was already so broke that I was moving back in with my parents, so I wasn’t paying rent, buying groceries, or otherwise having to finance my own existence. had my parents been less well-off that they were able to support me while I hobbled around on crutches in a place where I knew no one and couldn’t drive my self to any job I might have secured, even the reduced amounts would likely have proved disastrous.

然后账单出来了,上帝保佑我们,恢复室:300美元、手术治疗:10000美元、 影像诊断:1000美元;

Now, I never did go to physical therapy- when my surgeon asked where I was doing my PT, my response was something along the lines of , “Doc, I’m not even sure how I’m gonna pay YOU.”
So. Our healthcare system is a laughable joke, especially when you compare it to the systems of literally every other nation on Earth we describe as having a roughly comparable standard of living.
Okay, let’s talk about the guns:
Let me preface this by saying the I own multiple firearms. I sometimes find myself in bear country, and yeah, bear spray works well at point blank range, but a heavy caliber works even better if I somehow screw up and surprise a bear. I’m much happier if both bears and I get out of the experience alive, but if I have to choose, I’m choosing me.


I also like the odd bit of game meat when I can get it.
I say this so as to make plain that I am someone who makes semi-regular use of firearms to a degree that many people in other countries I’ve visited would find excessive.
True, the odds of being shot are still pretty low on a per capita basis, but we have an awful lot of massacres to our credit- to say nothing of the fact that a heavily-armed populace leads to a police force that operates on the assumption that it’ll be facing armed opposition.
Gun control is an a contentious issue in this country for variety of reasons, but can we talk about how the politicians who say it’s a mental health issue also don’t want to provide any funding for mental health?
Every time there’s a mass shooting- and the CDC isn’t even allowed to tabulate data on the subject- we hear a lot of blither about thoughts and prayers but in practice, nothing is ever done. Nothing. Mental health screening, added permitting processes, whatever measure you can come up with? Doesn’t matter.
Irrespective of the degree to which this actually impacts daily quality of life, it hardly smacks of a government trying to do its best.


So, Whose Lives Matter?
funny how nobody was saying “All lives matter,” “Blue lives matter,” or any of that until someone said “Black lives matter.”
I also have the case of the Fairbanks Four near to hand as a reminder that institutional racism cuts many ways.
American Exceptionalism
You know how we rag on North Korea for its relentless propaganda declaring itself the best country on Earth? Yeah. About that.
A truly alarming number of my fellow citizens will proclaim our nation’s supremacy in one breath while admitting they have never been anywhere else in the next- and stating that they have no interest in foreign travel, either. After all, we’re the best country on Earth. Just ask us, we’ll tell you.
Heaven forbid anyone running for office suggest we don’t do things best, that any other nation has anything to teach us… even though our national structure as it exists is built upon taking knowledge from all over and synthesizing it.

有趣的是,在有人说“黑人命也是命 ”之前,没有人说“所有人的生命都很重要”、“蓝色的生命也很重要”或诸如此类的话。
我手边还有费尔班克斯四人案(Fairbanks Four)的案例,它提醒我,制度性种族主义会造成多方面的伤害。

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