2023-10-24 童言无忌 6886

Why is the refugee crisis in Europe not affecting Russia?


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Hristo Barakov
Russia has inherited from the USSR the most formidable border control system. As you may know, the Soviet unx was encircled by aggressive Capitalist enemies. We put in place a perimeter that did the impossible: it sealed 60.000 km of our borders for unauthorized crossing in both directions. Most of it is still in place, something Donald Trump can see only in his boldest dreams. Our border patrols are part of the modern-day successor to KGB. If you are not a trained military or spy, your chances to illegally cross into Russia are not very good.


What a regular aspiring refugee in Afghanistan or Africa may have heard of us most probably is “Russia is the capital of Siberia where birds freeze in mid-air and gangs of gulags make a lot of Kalashnikovs”. When they compare that with what they hear of Germany, the choice of destination is obvious.


The flow of refugees is a regular business run by rational men. When they steer the boats and lorries with refugees, they are entirely up to date on which directions of transit give them the best return on investment. The Russian border is famously expensive to cross (just ask traders who move goods across the line). Why bother, if you can just shove off a boatload of suckers somewhere with a Greek island almost in sight?


Just to give you the idea. This is what a typical Russian border looks like in the middle on godforsaken nowhere. The men on the picture are inspecting for footprints a strip of ploughed mud that stretches for thousands of miles. They carry Kalashnikovs and are trained to shoot to kill.


Ibiang Augustine
What Africans think of Russia is more Weird and horrible than your number 2.
I'm Nigerian, I have heard a lot about Russia and have read lots of handful of harsh opinions on a Nigerian forum similar to Quora.
In fact, many Africans would prefer going to hell than to come to Russia over what they have read from the western media about Russia.
I get a lot of Africans especially Nigerians asking me how I'm coping with Russians, that they heard Russians are racists. My answers are like how can 147 million people in Russia be racist? I haven't experienced it yet living in Russia for 2 years. I'm still enjoying my Russian local tea, Vodka, champagne, охота beer, with my Russian friends, and the beautiful places is hypnotizing.


Christian Okwori
The media makes Russia a Devil’s cauldron in the eyes of African immigrants even though it’s far better than some western countries. I don’t think it’s a better bother control that keeps immigrants away but a horrible propaganda


Daniel Kalchev
Most of the people claiming to be refugees and flooding Europe are in fact simply migrant seeking better life in some European country’s welfare systems.
The flow of migrants will continue until the system, where you are offered benefits to come and settle, often at the expense of local people ends.
Apparently, Russia discourages such behaviour and does not give benefits to any strangers that somehow enter the country, without any documents etc. Just as any sane country would do, anyway.


Alex Zander
Bulgaria is being avoided for similar reasons, although it shares a common land border with Turkey. Bulgarians have set up formidable border patrols in rough terrain, aided by border razor-fences and sophisticated sensor technology. In addition, irregular citizen’s armed militias patrol the border. Naturally, the migrant traffickers steer clear from such obstacles and opt for the sea and land routes via Greece.


Greece is extremely lenient towards refugees, as it allows them to transit Greece without fingerprinting in most cases, so there is no way to prove that Greece is their first EU country of landing. This benefits both Greece, as by EU asylum law it should be the country receiving the asylum claims being an initial EU point of entry, but it also benefits the migrants as there is no way to prove their point of entry into the EU. This way they can shop for asylum in the country which is most likely to provide the best financial assistance, usually Germany and Sweden. Greece also provides free ferry to the mainland from the islands of Kos, Lesvos to the port of Pireus near Athens. There the migrants have the option of staying in camps, but they usually take a bus to the northern port city of Thessaloniki. From there they exit the EU via the border with N. Macedonia or Albania and start their trek towards the contiguous Schengen Countries in the EU such as Hungary, Slovenia and Austria. From which point on they are free to move about the entire continent of Europe and pick a country where they can file their asylum claim!


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

As you can see, some routes are deliberately left unguarded, so they can be utilized as semi-safe passages by the migrants and their smugglers. It is a matter of political will, or as politicans love to call it - a humanitarian outreach. It has nothing to do with the inability to control borders in his day and age. The countries who have the political will to seal their borders, do so successfully, as is the case with Russia and Bulgaria. That is why they are being avoided.


Ronnie Akena
Most regular Africans (those without higher education) have never heard of Siberia. To many Russia is just a word that crops up on TV every now and then. Just like Indonesia or Papua New Guinea.
Like you said, many set their hearts and dreams on Europe and the US if they can make it there.
No insult to Russia by the way


John Smith
Russia has secure borders? Then why is illegal immigration from former Soviet states in Central Asia so high? Around 4 million illegals live and work in Russia. That doesn’t sound like controlled borders to me…


Dima Vorobiev
They just get a visa and don’t go back.


Dmitry Kuzmenko
There maybe much shorter answer :-)
Russia have bad weather (on most part of it’s territory)
Russia do not pay or give accomodation to unemployeed people.


Tom Martin
Does Russia not have millions of migrants who came to Russia from countries like Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Georgia? That is what I have read. Sure, they are not war refugees like the Syrians or the Afghanis. They are economic migrants like the people from Morocco and other African countries that are coming to Europe in search of a better life, a job, higher pay than they would get in Africa if they can find a job there.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Liquid Fireman
“migrants who came to Russia” have to work their ass out to get paid amount of money that wont make Russian get up from his sofa.


Mike Chang
Plus no free benifits once they get inside Russia.


Wendy Heath
Have you taken a look at Russia's prison systems? Do you think Russia would put up with their b.s.? What nitwit would want to go to Russia when they can go to other countries that coddle them and place them above their true citizens? Example: Sweden


Gerhard Lauck
America and European countries should hire the Russians!


Serhat Yanıkoğlu
“Why bother, if you can just shove off a boatload of suckers somewhere with a Greek island almost in sight?”
I presume you were referring to the refugees as “suckers” to reflect the perspective of human traffickers. Otherwise it is an unfortunate statement.
Nobody really wants to risk his/her life on an air filled, over-crowded, and mostly broken-engined boat crossing an open sea. So many people, women, children lost their lifes in these tragedies.


Dima Vorobiev
You’re totally right. But that’s not the way human traffickers operate. Otherwise, we wouldn’t see all these tragedies.


Helmut Samerski
Human traffickers have only one motive, to make money. They have no conscience and no respect for their fellow human. They are so protective of their own family ‘but ruin other families …is just business’.
We are all [me included] far too naive to belief how high into society [and or government] these people are embedded. I could tell you stories which nobody would believe and no newspaper would publish.
The only true international currency is money and greed. Money and greed have no religion, no boundaries no conscience and no racist overtones. Unfortunately, it is getting worse before it [might] get better.


Nhien Phan
The border control of the Russia is going to give the leftists in the USA a collective heart attack.


Markus Stahli
I honor your patriotism and sense of humor as well, but the real reason why the refugee crisis did not have an impact on Russia has nothing to do with their ability to seal a country.
The real reason is why would someone willingly try to ask for asylum in Russia when you can have a better life in almost any other east European country.


Tanish Roy
I hope US and EU do the same. Too many uneducated, uncultured, unemployable gorwn up adult black, latinos and nomadic muslims wanting to get inside and some of the goodies of western society without ever holding their own corrupt and dangerous govt. accountable!!!!


Michael Georgiades
Because Russia has not offered to accept refugees. Neither has Europe for that matter, but refugees know that once they are on European soil, European legislature forces them to consider the application and legally process the request.
If they manage to go to Russia, they would just find themselves on the next flight home. Russia makes no promises to consider any requests. If you arrive illegally on Russian soil, they will not undertake to feed, clothe, and give you shelter.


Simon Jäger
Nobody wants to go to Russia. It is further away from Middle East and Africa, you do not get money from the government, it is cold, you do not get free housing, you cannot bring your family, you do not get citizenship, you do not get free education, your job perspectives are bad.
There is simply no reason to go there. Even the few refugees that actually flee from war and persecution would not go there, since it is simply too far away, and they would have to cross Europe to get there.


Maxim Preobrazhenskiy
Russia is definitely not as nice a place to live in as anywhere in EU. They would have to actually *gasp* work. Also noone would really sympathise with them playing the victims.


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