2023-10-27 兰陵笑笑生 11814

Do you guys have hobbies in China? What do you do?


Big on cycling, otherwise too busy with work and family life.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Me too. I'm passionate about cycling (on pace for 12000km this year) but don't have any time for anything else due to family / work.

我也是。我热衷于骑自行车(今年的里程为 12000 公里),但由于家庭/工作,我没有时间做其他事情。

Mountainbiking. But there's no off-road riding in my area. Winters riding in Kunming and especially Dali are good. There's even an MTB Hostel in Dali (Dali Enduro) where tou can take your gear, and either your bikes, or rent Enduro bikes or ebikes from them for the duration of your stay (they have vans and do guided tours locally, and have a big 5 day staged event coming up soon - gotta be real fit)

山地骑行。但我所在的地区没有越野骑行。昆明,尤其是大理的冬季骑行很不错。大理甚至有一家山地车旅舍(Dali Enduro),在那里你可以带上装备和自行车,或者在逗留期间向他们租用 Enduro 自行车或电动自行车(他们有面包车,并在当地提供导游服务,而且很快就会有一个为期 5 天的大型活动--身体状况一定要合适)。

I've never met a foreigner who hadn't heard of or didn't use taobao. Nearly everyone I know has things they like to do in their free time. Some of those are pastimes more than hobbies (watching sports, reading books). But I have enough things to deal with in my own life that I don't worry about other people's hobbies.


This was my experience too. I did meet the occasional foreigner who spoke no (like zero, none) Chinese, didn’t use WeChat/Alipay or Taobao, and wondered how they got by or why they bothered to stay. Even some of those types seemed to have hobbies though.


They're rare but they exist. Met a guy who relied on his Chinese gf for EVERYTHING. Been here years and can't even figure out how to get a powerbank. When they broke up it was hilarious how pathetic he was at life in general


Those people are literally pathetic. Not everyone needs to learn Chinese to fluency, but if you are here longterm and still need to live like child with someone doing everything for you I lose all respect.


I've known two. Both over the age of 50. One would give me cash to help him purchase items for him from Taobao as he didn't want to learn to use it.

我认识两个不会用淘宝的。他们都超过了 50 岁。其中一人给了我现金,帮他在淘宝上买东西,因为他不想学着用。

I ended up furnishing two apartments completely using Taobao. Its really simple to navigate even with the language barrier (e.g, just search the Chinese word of the item you want, sext the image you like best), so it also surprises me when people act like it’s like rocket science to use.
As for hobbies I beg to differ on your claim that expats don’t seem to have hobbies, as it’s likely you are hanging out with the wrong people. It’s really common for expats to have a hobby, like biking, running, motorcycling, fostering animals, exercise groups, reading, music, hiking, DND, etcetera. A friend of mine even made custom leather products, and another was dabbling in dungeon game creation out of room environments.

至于兴趣爱好,你说外籍人士似乎没有兴趣爱好,我不敢苟同,更像是你和错误的人在一起。外籍人士有爱好真的很常见,比如骑自行车、跑步、骑摩托车、饲养动物、运动团体、阅读、音乐、徒步旅行、DND 等等。我的一位朋友甚至会定制皮革制品,另一位朋友则会利用房间环境制作地下城游戏。

I’m big into classic menswear and started collecting vintage watches. There are so many here for next to nothing.
I can’t imagine not using TaoBao.


Where do you look for vintage watches? On taobao? I'm so worried about getting scammed



I use the 闲鱼 app

I'm always looking for cycling friends and chat buddies. Let me know if anyone is passionate about getting into better shape, hiking, and cycling in China - and wants to be friends!


“Hiking” and “cycling” are the fake hobbies most people give when they don’t have a hobby but want to pretend they do.
Where do you cycle and where do you hike and how often / how much?


I cannot speak for others, but I hike a 900 meter elevated mountain 1.5 hrs 2-3 times per week, and drag my mountain bike 2 hours up and 2 hours back across various inclines to a nearby city 2-3 times per week. This does not include daily or weekly weight lifting routines. If anyone else, on any level, is also motivated and interested in MTB, cycling, running, etc at any intensity please feel free to hmu!
Based on your tone and form of response, are you interested in being friends or just aiming to indirectly insult other expats on this sub with your presumptuous or accusatory tone and stance or attitude? Your words seem bitter, angry, and come off as irritated.

我不能代表其他人,但我每周徒步 2-3 次,1.5 小时登上 900 米高山,每周 2-3 次拖着我的山地自行车上山 2 小时,回程 2 小时,穿越不同的斜坡,到达附近的城市。这不包括每日或每周的举重训练。如果还有任何人,无论水平高低,也对任何强度的山地车、自行车、跑步等运动有动力和兴趣,请随时联系我!

Most of my foreign coworkers hobbies are getting drunk and eating.
Most of my local friends hobbies are playing mobile games and eating.
In shanghai, opportunities for hobbies are plentiful. But people are creatures of comfort and habit so won’t pursue them. They’re more comfortable staying in their own social circles. It’s a shame really.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The ones that have kids, have their energy and time consumed..
My wife and I make a little bit of time to play PC games together.
China doesn't allow mods on road cars, so that entire subculture feels kind of dead, whereas it's very much alive in most countries.
When our daughter gets a bit older we can go back to having some hobbies.


China has a big offroading community and I see many people kit out their 4x4s for that purpose. Is that allowed but street mods aren't?


I don’t buy anything besides food in china because… there’s nothing I want to buy. No clothes or shoes that fit me. I have an ebike and a bike. I have a PS5. My wife owns the apartment. I don’t want to climb Yellow Mountain with a million other people again. I don’t want to go to Sanya again. I just came back from a week in Jeju Island, South Korea. I do want to go back there.

我在中国除了食物之外不买任何东西,因为……我没有什么想买的。没有适合我的衣服或鞋子。我有一辆电动自行车和一辆自行车。我有一台 PS5。我妻子拥有这套公寓。我不想再和一百万个人一起爬黄山了。我不想再去三亚了。我刚从韩国济州岛玩了一周回来。我还想再去那里。

How was Sanya btw? I’ve been meaning to go.


I would recommend somewhere less touristy in the Philippines or Thailand or Vietnam. I went scuba diving in Sanya. There was literally nothing alive or worth seeing. Except about a thousand snorkel mouth pieces on the ocean floor. Dead coral. No fish. Everyone merchant tried to overcharge. Pickpockets galore. And severe overcrowding. Once was enough. And the tourists leave garbage all over the beach. There is no comparison between Hawaii and the Hawaii of China.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

For what it's worth i went there over Nye last year and had a nice time. Weather was very comfortable, but a bit cold for swimming. But very pleasant for long beach walks. There weren't a lot of people which i enjoyed, also didn't notice any pickpockets. Food prices there are at least Shanghai level, probably bit more expensive

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

FPV drones, rc models, electronics, painting, photography, archery, watchmaking, fish keeping, motorbiking and horticulture
That's a... lot of hobbies lol.
My hobbies are cooking, traveling, and (if I'm being honest with myself) playing video games.
I know that many people would not consider cooking and traveling hobbies per se as most people tend to cook and travel at least sometime, but I do think that they're still stuff that you can really throw your intellectual energy into.
Am I the only one who's noticed that expats in China seem to lack hobbies? (Like most locals) I never hear any colleagues talk about their hobbies unless punishing your liver at the local expat bar is a hobby.
Sure, but I think that most people everywhere lack real 'hobbies'. It's just that people in the US are taught that you have to have some sort of compelling response to "what are your hobbies?" or else you sound like a boring person. But for a lot of people, "watching football" and "playing Counterstrike" are really what they're doing in their spare time.


I think cooking and traveling are hobbies. I do both but I'm not a hobbiest cooker or traveler because I don't do them to an advanced level.
Many people have DJI drones but wouldn't be a drone hobbiest for example. Many people have house plants but aren't horticulture hobbiests.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Who said that you have to do hobbies to an advanced level? I thought the word “hobby” implies that you are doing something on an amateur or casual level. Hobby subreddits may make it look like everyone spends a small fortune on their hobby and is an expert on it, but most people aren’t actually like that.


I don’t know who you’re hanging out with but every laowai I know here has hobbies they’re passionate about. My husband and all his friends are very dedicated motorcyclists, and it’s not just foreigners who do it, they also have a lot of Chinese motorbike friends. We also share a pub quiz hobby, and during the pandemic we picked up rollerblading, hiking and ice skating. Friends of ours are also on football and ice hockey teams that they take very seriously. I also see a lot of committed cyclists in Beijing. Reading is a big hobby of mine, and that’s one of the hobbies that people don’t really seem to talk about.


Well yes my motorbike club and rc club is all Chinese apart from me. But on average, whenever I ask a local work colleague what they do for fun they answer the trifecta "sleep, eat, watch movie".


Part of it is cultural I’m sure. A new friend from my quiz team was telling me his middle school and high school years just consisted of cramming for the Gaokao, and it’s only now in his thirties that he’s discovering new hobbies.
In the 80s/90s/00s Chinese kids are taught from a young age that Zhongkao/Gaokao is the be all end all, and aren’t really encouraged to have hobbies. Even now, kids get taken to lots of activities but it always seems like it’s parents forcing them onto the kids.
Anyways you don’t have to be so judgmental of people for their lack of hobbies, or acceptable hobbies through a Western prism. People live their lives the way they want, and whatever they do with their free time is none of your business.

在 80/90/00 年代,中国孩子从小就被灌输“中考/高考就是全部”的思想,并不鼓励他们培养自己的兴趣爱好。即使是现在,孩子们虽然会参加很多活动,但似乎都是父母强迫孩子参加的。

So what do you think “developing country” means? It means very few people have the luxury to enjoy non-essentials in life. Work is essential, but hobby is not, so people would rather use the time to worry about tomorrow’s work.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I have very similar hobbies to OP and I second their opinion with regards to the average foreigner here. For a lot of expats, China seems to be like an extended vacation, which means the activities they partake in are like that.
Maybe it's an expat thing everywhere? Maybe those with rich social lives don't feel the need to fill the void with hobbies?
And for the record, eating, sleeping, watching TV, and shopping are not hobbies.

我的爱好与 OP 非常相似,我赞同他们对普通外国人的看法。对很多外籍人士来说,中国似乎就像一个长假,这意味着他们参加的活动也是如此。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Football, not the american one, the real football.
I have been going to random pickups with random people for the past months. It's really fun and don't really need advanced equipments.


I’m in multiple board game groups, a biweekly D&D game, and take bachata lessons, in addition to stuff like pub trivia. Also used to do beer league bowling, but that ended up being a schedule conflict after some changes at work. All of these are roughly 50/50 foreigner and Chinese (except the latin dance, which is like 80% Chinese). And I’ve never met a foreigner here who doesn’t use Taobao regularly

我参加了多个棋盘游戏小组,每两周参加一次 D&D 游戏,还参加了巴恰塔舞课程,此外还参加酒吧问答等活动。以前还参加过啤酒保龄球联赛,但由于工作上的一些变动,最终导致时间冲突。所有这些活动中,外国人和中国人各占一半(拉丁舞除外,中国人占 80%)。在这里,我从未见过不经常使用淘宝的外国人。

I've discovered outdoor activity groups and language exchanges since moving. However, I've encountered a lot of expats don't pursue pastimes here. I think for some expats, acclimating to living in China may be more crucial than engaging in hobbies. Personal interests often have to be put on hold, at least temporarily, because of adjusting to a new culture, language barriers, and professional responsibilities. People who have lived here for a while may have just gotten used to their routine. Overall, everyone's flexibility looks different.


Running, tennis, padel. And I've met a lot of expats (as well as locals) through these hobbies.


Gym, play alot of pool, travel, I know of a few climbing gyms next city over would be good to go there. I think gaming is China's biggest hobby to be honest. On mobile or just gambling. I used to mod watches I could get into that again the parts are abundant in China.


很赞 12