2023-10-29 龟兔赛跑 3978
What is the root problem in US politics?


Pascal Morimacil
The goal of US politics is to make people cry, ideally at least half the country.
When that happens, it’s celebrated!
Sure, maybe all you got was a nice big mug of neoliberal capitalism.
But close your eyes, pinch your nose, and drink up while it’s still warm!
Think about all those communists/white supremacists, and how they are all forced to drink the same shit as you!
Doesn’t that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?
There is a first past the post voting system, that inevitably devolves into 2 big parties.
Voting third party has no real impact.
The 2 big parties don’t actually stand for anything, their goal is just to win.
They know that they can’t really win by having a coherent position.


They need to try and rally half the country behind them, and having a coherent position would be a disadvantage.
Instead, they try to remain as vague as possible concerning their own positions with empty slogans like “Change”, “MAGA”, or “build back better”, letting people project whatever they want in there.
Actually having a campaign platform is fully optional.
What is not optional, however, is fearmongering and ad hominem attacks.
You cannot really get people to rally around something.
It would be dangerous to the status quo.
But you can get people to rally against something. Or someone.
Presidents split their time between doing things by executive order and undoing the previous president’s executive orders, senators consider filibustering their main job, and everyone is on board with things like packing the courts or gerrymandering
Tax cuts and bailout for the big corporations are the only thing that both parties agree on, so that kind of thing gets passed while barely getting mentioned in the media, before it’s back to slinging shit at each other.
Corruption continues, lobbying continues, shitty media continues.
50% of the country is even less happy about this than you are.
So call them names and dance on their graves! The status quo won again!


Marc Bodnick
Here's a summary of what many of us think about politics today:
The root problem in American politics is that we can't actually sext the government that most people in America actually want.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In other words,
1. In the US today, there is a strong centrist (or maybe center-right) plurality that favors a reasonable combination of:
Social liberalism / libertarianism - i.e., the government should stay out of our personal lives.
Free market-centric solutions to economic and social problems - low taxes, low regulation, market based incentives wherever possible


2. Various constraints and incentives in American politics prevent this centrist outcome from happening, with two parties that are highly influenced and often controlled by the forces at the right and left poles.
As a result:
We have an impossible time cutting government spending, programs, and regulation when they don't make sense.
Natural social progress often takes way too long to happen. For example, it's exasperating how long it's taking America to legalize gay marriage despite the fact that a majority of Americans support it and it's obvious that this outcome is both morally imperative and historically inevitable.
We can't settle on market-based solutions, even when they make tons of sense, because entrenched economic forces exert disproportionate control of outcomes.
The extremists at each pole relentlessly use "wedge" social issues to distract Americans from important problems.


Henry R. Greenfield
Having looked into this a great deal as an expat American, I have been shocked at how polarized the US has become. Once you look at it though, the roots, the causes, the social media, it all makes sense.
I would like everyone to challenge me on what I am about to write and I don’t need any charts to prove it.
The best way is via a timeline of some key events so we all can understand more clearly:


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Postwar boom, unx membership up, US is the only country making anything. Massive infrastructure like national highway program. Taxes at 91% of income for highest earners.
Summary: Consensus everyone agrees that change is needed in the south and everyone is making money, moms are mostly at home. Building boom.


All assumptions change country focuses on civil rights and vietnam war, however in the late 50’s the republicans realize they have to change as they were already a minority party. They develop the strategy that they have refined over 60 years.
Grab the ‘christian’ ground, oppose socialism and communism(from the 50’s onward), begin to demonize the left.
Nixon- a big breakthrough, southern strategy and welcoming the racists who left the Democratic party. Now the Republicans had a real strategy.
Last of the great days for american workers, slack performance by everyone including the workers who collected a lot of money and low QC on products. Importing begins big time but offshoring/outsourcing not yet.


Reagan, Lee Attwater, demonizing the left. Willie Horton ads, blacks coming to get you. Socialism bad, strong on the christian right, beginning of christian coalition. Reagan era ends USSR but not communism, outsourcing begins in earnest. Japan the big threat, unxs begin to shrink rapidly.
Democrats blx and Clinton adopts corporate strategy .
Republicans have the formula, working men angst, anger, christianity, Democrats go corporate and lose touch with their base. The divide becomes massive.
Bush takes the election to SCOTUS, 9/11, 2 wars, trillions in debt, economy collapses no more cooperation at all. They decide, THE ONLY SOLUTION IS DESTROY the Democrats with no cooperation.


Up to 2016
Obama struggles, Democrats lose the plot, Republicans smash them in 2010, roots of anger now the way forward for Republicans, social media kicks in
Republicans have refined the formula, Democrats for years and years battle it out between ‘moderates’ with their corporate leanings and progressives who do not have a clue at how to run things.
Democrats are lost, they do not get it. Republicans have perfected the plan, Trump will be sacrificed but in the end they have the upper hand as now asians, black men and latinos are voting for them.
The goal is the neutering or delegitmizing the Democrats.


Simply LISAble
Stupidity can't be fixed. Unfortunately, I believe that America will always be divided.
I think the biggest reason for this situation sits in the biased propaganda.
I think a lot of people (on both sides) just don't have the maturity to question what they see, hear or smell… they just believe everything.
a country where minorities are victims of a political system that wants to suppress diversities; a country that wants to kill the Earth and doesn't care about the future of our grandchildren; a country that loves guns and trusts a violent police system; a country that lives by the survival law of the strongest…
or a country that is constantly banding backward to accommodate citizens that don't respect the American Constitution; a country that accepts mediocracy and doesn't strive to reach the highest ambitions; a country that wants to be lazy expecting a Government handout; a country that allows immigrants to jump over the border and have access to the same rights; a country that prioritizes buying a latte from Starbucks over having a retirement plan…
But, both situations above have one thing in common: there is one evil side, an ENEMY:


In the first scenario, the enemies are the “bad guys”. Stuck-up closed-minded patriots that have a gun in their truck, and a Confederate flag outside their front door.
In the second scenario, the enemy is a generation that believes in unicorns, free healthcare, and higher education at “no-cost”. The same people who want to “save the world” from violence, while rioting in honor of their beliefs.
Like I said at the beginning, I don't think this situation can be easily doused.
Hypothetically, perhaps America should start this transition by banning fake media (left and right). Also, it would be great to learn to listen, compromising where possible. Last but not least, all Americans should honor the ones who sacrificed their lives for this Country.
In other words, I think all Americans should stand on a COMMON GROUND and grow from there; using diversities to improve, rather than destroy.


Charles Tips
We are not creating wealth. Instead we are creating massive debt.
Wealth is poorly understood. It is denominated in terms of money but is not synonymous with money. It is produced by making fixed assets productive but is distinct from those assets. Most of what is produced in terms of goods and services is not wealth, but some is.
Wealth is certainly found in for-profit corporations, those that are operating well anyway. It is also produced by non-profit corporations (which do not pay tax on it in most instances because they have agreed to socialize it and not let it accumulate to the benefit of individuals). Finally, the public sector, government at all levels, can harbor wealth.


As Adam Smith described wealth
It is resources available for all discretionary purposes - profound or frivolous - consumption or investment - private or government. It is a measure of economic power - either in terms of money or in its labor and commodity equivalents - that is available without diminishing the productive capacity of the nation.
Back in the sixties, we had wealth in government. We had an interstate highway program, a space program, an arms race, rampant school building to accommodate us Boomers, a war halfway around the world and the Great Society War on Poverty. All of this lavish spending with low usage of debt was possible because we had very few people in government, and the ones we had were relatively low-paid.


Lately we have one person in five paid off the public dime (30 million workers out of 150 million total in 2009), and on average they earn more than a private worker (now approaching half again more). The thing is, though they feel the tax bite, public workers do not pay taxes in the real sense as their pay comes from tax revenues--no new money enters the system.
Even that optimistic approach means that the total taxes of three out of five taxpayers are needed to pay for the labor component of government, leaving two out of five to pay for everything else government is supposed to do. That is impossible. Even the most labor-intensive service companies struggle mightily past forty-percent labor costs. Back in the sixties, fewer than one worker in ten worked for the government, which allowed the accumulation of wealth to put toward ambitious programs.
At the same time, we have saddled business with so much regulation and so many social obligations that businesses are sitting on their hands and we've had the greatest decrease in new business formation ever.
"Oh, but the stock market is booming," you counter. Yes, but only because investment in small and start-up business is considered far too risky while the safest investments in bonds and treasuries pay so little. The fact that the stock market alone is consequently soaring should be regarded as a huge warning flag.


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