2023-10-31 龟兔赛跑 2664
What is the root problem in US politics?


Rob Brown
The simple, straightforward way to fix the partisanship in our politics is to have a voting system that does not directly cause it. Those who think that partisanship, as we see it in the US, is simply "human nature" and therefore unsolvable are severely misguided, in my opinion. Instead, it is a direct consequence of our current voting system.
Any system that gives an advantage to those candidates that form alliances with ideological similar candidates, will result in parties forming and becoming dominant. Parties form so that similar candidates can gain strategic advantage by agreeing to put only one candidate on the ballot. Over time things tend to stabilize into two dominant parties. With even more time, the public themselves become polarized, with more falling on one side or the other . The center becomes a very lonely place.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Edit: As requested, here's some steps to fix the problem (all of which basically come down to "convince a lot of people we should make this change"):
Write amazingly persuasive prose that convinces lots of people that a relatively simple change will make a dramatic, positive change -- and post it on Quora. :)
Make beautiful and elegant videos and interactive sites to demonstrate how this happens, in a way that can be grasped in a few seconds.
Build free web services that do internet polling and elections in these better ways, letting more people warm up to the idea on things that aren't as important as real elections. Make them good enough that they get used all over the web.
Build sophisticated game theory based computer models where you can run simulations to demonstrate how this problem manifests itself, and how easy it would be to fix it. Use these models to convince the rest of the holdouts.
With the public thoroughly behind it, push representatives to change the election laws. We've already changed them here in San Francisco, and although the system here is not perfect, it is a move in the right direction.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Matthew Bates
There’s always been a divide. It’s just gotten a lot worse in the last 20–30 years. Here’s what I think deserves the blame:
The fall of the Soviet unx and the end of the Cold War. Having a real threat beyond your borders really unites a populace that would otherwise hate each other. Once the Cold War was over and Americans realized the “Commies” weren’t going to be parachuting in anytime soon, it made it that much easier to bicker amongst ourselves.
The rise and availability of alternative media. Many people now live in echo chambers, hearing only the news that already reflects their point of view. Conservatives usually get criticized for this the most, but I know a lot of liberals that do it too. That’s because I think the mainstream media has a decidedly liberal narrative. If you watch just ABC or CBS or NBC News, you’re not getting the whole story any more than someone who watches just Fox News.
Hedonism and a rejection of culturally or legally-imposed self control. If it feels good and doesn’t hurt anyone except yourself, why shouldn’t you be able to do it, right? If there’s a law or cultural norm against it, that’s because of some old patriarchal religion or something. We don’t need that anymore. Just do it.


Joshua Alexander
There is nothing new under the Sun.
We’ve always been deeply divided, but we were never really quite so ignorant to the fact until very recently. For example, A Conflict of Visions is a book by Thomas Sowell originally published in 1987. It outlines two vastly differing world views, the constrained and the unconstrained view of human nature, which sees the world through dramatically different filters.
In short, Sowell explains that, while there are many different forms under each one, there are really only two primary ways to look at human nature. He calls the first the constrained view. It is constrained because it sees human nature as permanently flawed: fixed and incapable of change. Thus, those who hold a constrained view of humanity try to make the best of things by taking the failings of our nature into account when they organize human activities. On the other hand, the unconstrained view holds that man’s nature is malleable: it can be purposely directed. In short, those holding the unconstrained view of human nature believe that man is capable of perfecting himself. For these people, there are no boundaries to what man can make himself to be. Some have even boasted that man can be and even is his own god.

我们一直存在严重的分歧,但直到最近,我们才真正意识到这一点。例如,托马斯·索威尔(Thomas Sowell )于1987年出版的《愿景的冲突》一书——它概述了两种截然不同的世界观,即受约束的人性观和不受约束的人性观,这两种观点通过截然不同的过滤器看待世界。
简而言之,托马斯·索威尔(Thomas Sowell )解释说,虽然每种形式下都有许多不同的形式,但看待人性的主要方式实际上只有两种。他称第一个视图为约束视图。它之所以受到限制,是因为它认为人性是永久性的缺陷:固定的,无法改变。因此,那些对人性持限制观点的人在组织人类活动时,试图通过考虑到我们本性的缺点来尽量做到最好。另一方面,不受约束的观点认为人的本性是可塑的:它可以被有意地引导。简言之,那些持有不受约束的人性观的人认为人有能力完善自己。对这些人来说,人能使自己成为什么样的人是没有界限的。有些人甚至夸口说,人可以成为上帝,甚至自己就是上帝。

It took me a while to get around too, but the logical consequences of both these visions create whole world views distinct and often mutually exclusive. Listing off the various assumptions of both visions lays out a clear roadmap for why so often the same actors appear on opposite sides of every ideological debate be it abortion, criminal justice, treatment of veterans, or private property.
This isn’t so much to say this is why conservatives are one way and liberals another. The dichotomy appears again and again, though no modern ideology is completely one or completely the other. This is true of conservatives and liberals, Labour and Tory, Communism vs Nazism, or even those worldviews far removed from Western tradition .
Of course, when looking at how the two align, their views on individualism, justice, liberty, and so forth, it is clear to see which side liberals (more distinctly progressives) in America are influenced by and which conservatives gravitate towards. That said, Sowell’s 1987 work clearly spells out a prediction of the conflict existing some thirty years later. It isn’t, of course, a prediction, so much as looking at mentalities defined by history. All this has happened before. It will all happen again.
But it certainly feels unique and severe at the moment, doesn’t it?


You want to know why? You’re reading it. Not this piece of writing in particular, but the evolution of technology that made disseminating information so easy and so cheap, that literally anyone could do it. This had a few radical transformations, namely in that the mainstream media suffered so grossly under the competition from non-traditional sources, they had to become more efficient. Efficient at delivering ads, that is, not more efficient at delivering information. They closed many of their local offices, and local correspondents to more centralized urban headquarters. In so doing, they lost touch with rural populations, conservatives, and tens of millions of people. They no longer understood their needs, their fears, their motivations, and the reasons for why they acted as they do.


That had consequences because when the media stopped listening to the rural heartland, the urbanites lost any resource to understand them too. They became mysterious and strange, As it seemed, it was easier to vilify these people than to listen to them. This is the nature of people engaged in conflict but ignorant of each other’s motives. This placed the urbane at a disadvantage, however. This isn’t a two way problem. Rural conservatives aren’t stupid. They still access to the New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN. They still access to all the media that only focused on the issues concerning to a mostly urban, mostly liberal, mostly wealthy class. Yet they also had their reality to contend with, which at least served as a fact check. They knew when someone was wrong, but the media never saw it necessary to check their own sources since they were the very first to decided that those not born in cities didn’t matter. Their viewers were none the wiser.


This included the universities. They were trapped too, though their evolution began much sooner than blogging. While Engineering and other hard Sciences remained true to their empirical roots, History, Philosophy, English, and the Social Sciences, became horribly corrupted by a one-sided and dogmatic practice willfully and intentionally forcing out dissenting views, views necessary to provide the critical analysis on theories to make them meaningful, trustworthy, and the basis upon which others should shame culture around. So they continued on blindly ignorant that their every theory on the injustices of the world were hopelessly corrupted by a lack of critical analysis, stacking one a top the others. It all came crumbling down when there finally came a point where anyone with the curiosity and an internet connection could disprove their deepest held assumptions with the results of a few minutes of a Google search.


Yet, they forced their views even further, creating a toxic environment on campuses where ideas themselves were considered violent and so anything which disagreed with the high priest’s edicts were struck down as racist, sexist, Islamophobic, homophobic, transphobic, or otherwise bigoted. All but a narrow few who granted the privilege of free speech were now guilty of hate speech, and hate speech was intolerant, so the tolerant refused to tolerate the intolerant, and thus became intolerable.


But as the media declined, it also transformed. It became social. Now information would not be issued out from a few sources, but from anywhere, and aggregated, vetted, and shared through balkanized tribes of like-minded individuals who hate to be told they’re wrong. They weren’t incentivized to share and educate their fellow tribesman, but instead incentivized with endorphins intoxicating the pleasure centers of our brain with “likes” and “shares” like a dog salivating to Pavlov’s whistle.
But… there were the bloggers and YouTubers, anyone could make a site really. Anyone could get their word out and make it known for others. More so than that, they could connect with other disparate groups, something which the rural poor have always found to their disadvantage. This made their views something undeniable. They were out there and the mainstream media couldn’t react to something they were now incapable of dealing with.


So their frxwork based on their experiences that the world is a good place filled with nice people is challenged, broken really, by the awareness of how drastically wrong that is for most people. To top it all off, they are somehow guilty of this inequity. Mind you, this vision of the world, where they are in any way guilty, or even responsible for why the world is how it is, is based off a collection of social theories which exist in isolation from critical analysis themselves… so it’s mostly wrong, but when your entire culture, the news, your schools, and even your favorite movies and the celebrities who played in them all echo the same pernicious themes… then that is your whole reality now. And when you have literally no access to differing views, when you’re actually taught such views are evil before ever hearing them, who are you to question reality?


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