2023-11-02 龟兔赛跑 3521

Why cant Europe and the US stop illegal immigrants?


Scott Welch
Europe does stop illegal immigrants, by making it difficult for them to work.
The USA, by contrast, is filled with millions of individuals and corporations who love hiring undocumented workers, and who do so. Therefore illegal immigrants are encouraged to both come to and stay in the USA.
Too bad the USA has so many people who keep paying illegal immigrants.


Alberic Mahawan
Americans keep hiring them. Anyone from rich Democrats and Republicans hire them. So do small businesses. Expand the guest worker program and allow those who pay taxes without using any welfare programs to fast track into getting a green card.
Punish those who knowingly hire illegal immigrants. Most illegals come here for jobs. If few hire them, they will be fewer in numbers.


Cheryl Williams
they are visa overstays and for some reason that is not actually a crime in our immigration law. It doesn't even come with a fine. If you can afford to fly, you can overstay your visa, but if you have to walk they treat you like a criminal when you cross the border.
Are you a racist if you dislike illegal immigration and want to send them back?


Rita Ru
Quora will likely ban me for life for this answer, but I am still going to answer this
I am a legal immigrant to the US and I am utterly shocked, disheartened and disappointed when I see the wave of answers here supporting illegal immigration, as well as the wave of democrats on TV fighting for illegal immigrants and actually labeling them immigrants, which they are not.
I read someone’s answer on here and that enraged me so much, I actually had to step away from the computer and eat something ( I eat when anxious lol). According to them if illegal immigrants provide cheap labor ( cheap gardening help) it is reason enough to support illegal immigration, tacitly saying yes, yes you are a racist if you dislike illegal immigration.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

She mentioned something about random chance, sheer luck she was born in the US. Please tell me, what in life is not sheer luck ? Murderers, rapists, child molesters etc are also on some level products of random chance. If they were perhaps born in better loving homes, had not been abused themselves, or even if abused, had better personal character and could process the hurt better, they might not have turned out that way. In life, what is not random chance ? Rich people, your skin color, your gender, your health all to an extent random chance. Why do some people get raped ? You would possibly say oh the guy was a bad guy, no fault of the girl. Some would say oh the girl provoked. I have as yet not experienced any such brutality ( by God’s grace). Would you say there r specific things I did to avoid being raped ? Remember, that would be victim blaming. You would be indirectly saying that the women who have been assaulted did something specific to invite such an attack. They planned the time and place to show up to get assaulted. That is absurd. All things in life, including such brutal stuff is to a great extent random chance. Rapists too become so, due to very many random chances. Does that absolve them of their behavior ? NOPE.


Similarly if you are poor and therefore just decide to enter another country without going through their immigration process, your poverty does not absolve you from personal responsibility. You broke the law, you need to be deported. If you involved your kids in this mess, they will and they should suffer. No human being exists, not Bill Gates, not you, not me, there is no human being that exists or has existed till this moment that was not impacted by the actions of their parents. We inherit our looks, health, money, our culture from our parents. When parents pass on good things, we claim it as a right. Similarly if your parents crossed with you illegally into a country, you ought to be deported.the way you inherit wealth from your parents( few would give it up saying I did not earn it), so should you inherit the burden of their misdeeds. You were not supposed to benefit from the US to begin with. So back to your country you go.


Societies came up with a bunch of rules and laws specifically to reduce the impact of random chance. You study hard you get better grades. We don’t say, oh random chance you were not blessed with a better brain or a better home. Would that woman who posted that answer be OK if I walked into her home to partake of her privileged life ? Citing random chance ? Think not.


Countless legal immigrants come to this country seeking the same fortune the illegal immigrants come here for. The legal immigrants work harder than the illegals. They pay hefty fees to go through the immigration process. Make countless family related sacrifices and even material sacrifices to make it here. I arrived here on an F1 visa on which you are not allowed to work except for the univ you are attending. That too only 20 hrs. I lived on $400 a month during those years. Of this $300 was for rent n internet and a cricket phone. Could not even get my eyebrows done because $10 was too much money. I did not have any assistantship. I took out a personal loan back home and purchased dollars with that and used that for living expenses. Did not see a dentist for 3 years, no money. No illegal immigrant ever lives like this. Becsuse they are illegal, they freely work illegally.


I followed the rules because I was a legal immigrant. People talk about family separations, reuniting families etc. I feel betrayed. When students come here, don’t they get separated from their families ? Are you expecting your govt to give a visa for the entire family of the student ? I got married to another student on an f1 visa here, had to live apart for 7 years because he was doing his PhD and post doc at a university far from where I was studying and later working. Why live apart ? Because to maintain legal status I had to do what my visa was given for. Could not just quit and come stay with spouse. I would lose status. Thanks to all this, I am going to be childless for life.
We spent $11000 on the green card process. $7000 for the lawyer and rest for USCIS fees and tests etc. The wait time was some 20 years for the average person from my country. I regret coming to the US when I see how much people support illegal immigration. It is utterly ruthless to the legal immigrant.


Do our families not matter ? Do you know how much money we spend to go through the process ? And someone gets to bypass the entire process because of your political agenda ? You think you are a better person for supporting illegal immigration ? BS. I HAVE COME TO DESPISE DEMOCRATS FOR THEIR BS AGENDA AND HYPOCRISY. Anyone that understands the concept of basic fairness would never support illegal immigration.
When people are seeking better lives they have to be willing to make sacrifices. I do not get to see my parents or stay with them. For 7 years I did not get to stay with my husband. All because I followed immigration rules to a tee. And now I see all these so called liberals calling anyone against illegal immigration racists. Well then, I, a brown woman who speaks with an accent, am a big time racist.


Amber Handy
I once worked at a very well known fast food restaurant. We had a whole slew of illegal Mexican immigrants (who were always late by the way, and quite conveniently did not speak English) and three LEGAL immigrants from the Philippines. These three were some of the nicest, coolest people I got to work with, in the three-too-many years that I worked there. They spent a lot of money to be here, and they were working damn hard to send money back home to get their loved ones here. They had pride in themselves and their work, spoke perfect English, always arrived to work on time…and hated the Mexican illegals.
Now, why do you think that would be? Do you think they were racist for that? I know for a fact that that they were not. They hated these people because they didn't even care enough to follow all the rules and pay the money citizenship costs. It wasn't, and STILL IS NOT fair.
I've also worked with a legal Mexican who came here (again, legally) when he was 18, learned to speak English fluently, and worked hard to obtain a Class A driver's license with tank and hazmat endorsements and got an excellent job driving a tanker. He was married here and had a son. Never once did he complain about the process, money or hardship. He was a great American, and a good friend of mine.
It's not racist to expect that everyone should follow the same laws and rules of conduct. That's what being a real American is all about.
Edit: Wow, I've never received so many upvotes for implying that people should follow the law. Thanks, everybody.


Matthew Bates
You are a racist if you judge people by their race alone, either positively or negatively.
Here are two pictures, One is the GOP congressional interns, and one is the Democrat congressional interns:
If you have positive or negative feelings about those pictures and what they represent, based upon nothing more than the races of the people in the pictures… then you’re the racist. You’re literally judging people by the color of their skin, and not the content of their character.
But some people, particularly on the political left in this country, will never believe that. Seeing people for their race is a part of their dogma.
Anyway, a lot of legal immigrants actually support Trump and his border policies:


Asian, Muslim and Latino immigrants across USA helped Trump and GOP win
Which makes sense. When you do things right and play by the rules to get something, then see others cheat and get that same thing, you’re bound to be upset.
The whole “if you’re for enforcing immigration laws, then you’re a racist” idea is just the latest version of something liberals and Democrats have been doing for a long time: trying to silence opposition by labeling them as racist or sexist. It worked better in the past, before the rise of alternative media and the tanking of trust in traditional media. Now it’s become a joke to many on the right. Or rather, a term of endearment. They’ve co-opted the label and made it their own, much like other groups have done with labels that used to be slurs against them .
Being a right-winger in America means waiting for someone on the left to call you “racist,” then pointing out that they’re the ones judging people by their race. You’ll have that conversation a few times, before you just give up and accept that they’ll never see it that way, and you know that you’re not racist, and let them believe whatever they want.


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