2023-11-02 不要可乐 4589

The breakthrough that allowed an initial group of foreign nationals, including US citizens, to depart Gaza on Wednesday came together after weeks of intensive, multi-party diplomatic efforts, sources familiar with the negotiations told CNN.
The agreement to allow foreign passport holders and a group of critically injured civilians to depart through the Rafah border crossing was reached on Tuesday, prior to the Israeli forces’ bombing of Gaza’s largest refugee camp.
Qatar, which coordinated with the United States, was the key broker of the deal between Israel, Egypt, and Hamas, according to sources familiar with the talks.

据熟悉谈判的消息人士告诉CNN,经过数周的密集、多方面的外交努力,包括美国公民在内的第一批外国人于周三离开加沙地带的突破取得了成功。允许持有外国护照和一群重伤平民通过拉法走廊边境离开的协议是在以色列军队轰炸加沙最大难民营之前于周二达成的。 据熟悉谈判的消息人士称,协调与美国合作的卡塔尔是以色列、埃及和哈马斯之间达成协议的关键经纪人。

The development was hailed as a critical first step in getting thousands of foreign nationals out of the war-torn strip as Israel intensifies its military operations there. Though US officials have stressed that the situation remains fluid, they have expressed optimism that hundreds more will be able to depart in the coming days.
The negotiations were consistently described as immensely complicated, and the breakthrough came after “intense and urgent American diplomacy with our partners in the region,” President Joe Biden said Wednesday.
Negotiators had to contend with Hamas’ control of the Gaza strip, Israel’s blockade and bombing, as well as Egyptian security concerns.

这一进展被誉为使数千名外国公民脱离战乱地带的关键第一步,同时以色列加大了对该地区的军事行动。尽管美国官员强调局势仍然不确定,但他们对未来几天有数百人能够离开表示乐观。 谈判被一致描述为极其复杂,而这一突破是在“美国与地区合作伙伴进行了紧张而迫切的外交”之后取得的,乔·拜登总统在周三表示。 谈判代表们不得不应对哈马斯对加沙地带的控制、以色列的封锁和轰炸,以及埃及的安全问题。

Leading up to Wednesday, there had been a number of moments where US officials thought they would be able to get the Americans out, and the State Department had advised Americans to consider making their way toward the crossing. Those ultimately fell through, leading to frustration, fear, and confusion for the hundreds of US citizens trapped in Gaza.
US officials, led by Ambassador David Satterfield, engaged in on-the-ground diplomacy in both Israel and Egypt, but relied on partner countries to communicate with Hamas.
“We’re dealing with Israel, Egypt, and Hamas, and we’re not talking directly to Hamas, Egypt can send messages to Hamas, Qatar can send messages to Hamas. But you can imagine how difficult every little thing is, every bit of this is complicated,” a State Department spokesperson said last week.

在周三之前的一段时间里,美国官员曾多次认为他们能够将美国人带离该地区,国务院曾建议美国人考虑前往边境口岸。然而,这些努力最终没有成功,导致被困在加沙地带的数百名美国公民感到失望、恐惧和困惑。美国官员,由大使大卫·萨特菲尔德领导,在以色列和埃及进行了现场外交活动,但依赖于合作伙伴国家与哈马斯进行沟通。 “我们正在处理以色列、埃及和哈马斯,我们并没有直接与哈马斯对话,埃及可以向哈马斯传达信息,卡塔尔也可以向哈马斯传达信息。但你可以想象每一个小事情有多么困难,这一切都很复杂。”国务院发言人上周表示。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

At the outset of the negotiations, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi insisted that humanitarian aid make its way into Gaza before Egypt would consider letting civilians depart. Egypt had also made clear they would not accept a flood of refugees.
Since Hamas’ attack on Israel on October 7, Egyptian officials have expressed serious concerns about a scenario where Palestinians in Gaza are permanently displaced to Egypt. That anxiety had been a major complicating factor, as negotiations in part centered around Hamas’ request to allow wounded Palestinians to leave Gaza, two sources familiar said.


Hamas insisted that wounded Palestinians be able to leave alongside foreign nationals. Notably, the group wanted some of its own fighters to be included in the group of injured allowed into Egypt – a demand that was rejected, a senior US official said.
However, the US supported allowing injured civilians to depart and seek medical care, and a significant part of the US’s diplomatic efforts focused on convincing Israel to accept a list of wounded people that could leave, the official said.

哈马斯坚持要求受伤的巴勒斯坦人能够与外国公民一起离开。值得注意的是,该组织希望将一些自己的战斗人员包括在被允许进入埃及的受伤人员名单中,但这一要求被拒绝,一位美国高级官员表示。 然而,美国支持允许受伤平民离开并寻求医疗救治,美国的外交努力的一个重要部分是努力说服以色列接受可以离开的受伤人员名单,这位官员表示。

Concerns about Palestinian displacement was a topic of discussion for Biden and Sisi – the leaders agreed that it was important to ensure that “Palestinians in Gaza are not displaced to Egypt or any other nation,” the White House said over the weekend.
As negotiations progressed and aid trucks were able to cross into Gaza, Egypt became a more cooperative player. According to one source, Egyptian officials had asked US officials for lists of American citizens and relatives who are seeking to leave Gaza. Miller said Wednesday that Cairo had “agreed to the transit people through Rafah some number of weeks ago, and it’s taken this long to actually make it a reality.”

对于巴勒斯坦人流离失所的担忧是拜登和塞西讨论的话题之一,两位领导人都认为重要的是确保“加沙的巴勒斯坦人不会流离到埃及或其他任何国家”,白宫上周末表示。 随着谈判的进展和援助卡车能够进入加沙地带,埃及成为一个更具合作性的参与者。据一位消息人士透露,埃及官员曾要求美国官员提供试图离开加沙的美国公民和他们的亲属名单。米勒在周三表示,开罗“几周前同意通过拉法赫(边境口岸)转运人员,但实际上花了这么长时间才将其变为现实”。

It was Hamas, according to US officials, that was obstructing any movement. State Department spokesperson Matt Miller said last week that “at times, Hamas has had no one there manning the border station,” and “at other times, we have seen Hamas militants actively there with guns preventing people from approaching the crossing.”
National security adviser Jake Sullivan said on Sunday that Hamas had been “making a series of demands” to allow departures but would not go into details.
Still, over the weekend, a deal looked to be within reach. Biden again got on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Sisi on Sunday to discuss the details of a possible agreement deal, officials told CNN.

根据美国官员的说法,哈马斯是阻碍任何行动的一方。国务院发言人马特·米勒上周表示,“有时候,哈马斯没有人在那里管理边境站”,“另一些时候,我们看到哈马斯激进分子带着枪积极地阻止人们接近过境点。” 国家安全顾问杰克·沙利文周日表示,哈马斯一直在“提出一系列要求”以允许离开,但不愿透露详细信息。 然而,整个周末,一项协议似乎即将达成。官员告诉CNN,拜登周日再次与以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡和塞西进行了电话交流,讨论可能协议的细节。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

On Monday, Secretary of State Antony blxen spoke by phone with his Qatari counterpart Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani and strongly pressed him to push Hamas to accept the deal.
And it was the next day that the US “got to the point where we were able to feel confident that we could get American citizens out,” Miller said Wednesday.
The Hamas-controlled border authority is overseeing the departure of civilians through the Rafah gate on the Gaza side, as they did prior to the attack on October 7.
Approximately 400 American citizens and their family members – about 1,000 people total – are stuck in Gaza and are seeking to leave, as well as approximately 5,000 other foreign nationals, blxen said on Tuesday.
Biden said Wednesday that as many as 1,000 more foreign nationals could depart soon via the Rafah crossing.

周一,国务卿安东尼·布林肯与卡塔尔的对应方穆罕默德·本·阿卜杜勒拉赫曼·赛义德进行了电话交谈,并强烈敦促他推动哈马斯接受协议。 米勒周三表示,就在第二天,美国“已经到了我们能够确信我们可以让美国公民离开的地步”。 哈马斯控制的边境管理机构正在负责通过加沙一侧的拉法赫口岸安排平民离开,就像在10月7日袭击之前一样。 布林肯周二表示,大约有400名美国公民及其家属(总共约1000人)被滞留在加沙,并寻求离开,还有大约5000名其他外国公民。 拜登周三表示,最多还会有1000名外国公民通过拉法赫过境口岸很快离开。

They voluntarily visited a people who are officially waging a 75 year long war against the existence of their neighbors and who use terror to wage it. What did they expect?


This is the America I know and proud to. One that finds solutions in impossible times to save lives. Not the America that blindly follows and provides a military shield so a terrorist israel can cut life support off to a population and kill indiscriminately civilians as they want. Not to blindly follow in the name of self defense as terrorist israel kills thousand for a dozen or so hamas terrorists. Not provide more missiles/bombs so terrorist israel can kill more civilians efficiently and effectively 10x more civilians than their terrorist enemies. Not blindly follow so that their terrorist leader declares a holy war quoting the Bible for his country just like a terrorist leader and terrorist group.


Thats great and all but I'd be more impressed if they can get the pro Hamas supporters we have here deported back to Gaza to be with their Hamas Rats in the tunnels. That's what i'd love to see.


Good on us for getting medical treatment to the injured. Now if only we weren't sending bombs for the IDF to drop on them.


Wonder what the red hats will come up with to complain about on this Biden diplomatic victory? And I wonder how a senile old man engineered it?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Avram Vogler
These tourists have been stuck in Gaza, because the Hitler-loving Hamas terrorists won't let them leave.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Relax Joe...Egypt wants nothing to do with Palestinians. Sure we'll care for them but they will be parcel posted back and quick. Give Palestinian's aid but make sure the Palestinian's get it and not Hamas. I know CNN is desperately trying to prop up Biden but he has nothing to do with this. The U.S. is an outsider. Egypt and Israel both border Gaza not the U.S.


Hopefully these "American citizens" that will be returning to the U.S. will not become a part of the demonstrations and potential "terroristic threats" that we are now being warned about.


If Trump were potus those people would have already died. Don't kid yourself either it is true.


Hamas controls Gaza? You mean the place that is being obliterated by the IDF with American supplied bombs and shells? The place that has had all food, water and electricity cut off? The place where people are cordoned in like animals? That's not much control.


Why is anybody negotiating with terrorists. You tell them to release all of the hostages or else.


Satan Wins!
This isn't America's problem. Americans that fly there are their problem. Americans should always know the risk when u visit terrorists borders. Biden doesn't know when to quit. I wish he was held there!!


Iron Man
The good news of course is that at least some are safe, even some of those so called life long Gaza residents that happen to hold papers. The bad news is very likely to be again at what cost? Team big guy and his merry band of money printing cohorts have taken their cue from no-bahmer and the ham heads are again laughing all the way to the bank.


Hamas is evil. Israel is evil for GENOCIDE of Palestine. Israel Defense Forces killed unarmed American college student Rachel Corrie. This is what they do. Read about the Crusades. Christians vs Muslims. The Holy war spanned most of the High Middle Ages, 1050-1300 CE. Netanyahu dragging America into a the next religious war. American made weapons should not used against Muslims. Biden should demand ceasefire and start peace talks.


Briben and his leftist handlers are good at throwing billions around and making concessions leading the free world and standing strong not so much.


1886 people
Now, if the U.S. could only broker a deal to get foreigners out of the U.S.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hamas wanted citizens of third world countries out but the US insisted on europeans and americans be included too, win win


Send the Hamas to Russia on threat of death if they leave. Russia and Iran love them. China is Russia's friend forever now, maybe Hamas could go there.


That's nice. Good for everyone involved...but that does leave millions of innocents to die in a war in horrific ways just because they were not citizens of some influential country.


Most comments here are anti-sematic from people who are brain dead do not see the atrocities happening since 1947 with a short term memory


It’s the Biden deal. We will find out later that America gave Iran, Hasbulla and Hamas $50 billion dollars and weapon diagrams.


So many posts about money being offered to Hamas,and all the refugees coming to the US. Nowhere is that stated in the article, it's all conjecture (look it up), from far right types. This is how "you people" get disinformation started!


I’m sick and tired of the news trying to make the Biden administration look like that they have done something positive we should have gone in an taken the people out


Thank you President Biden for working to get the Americans there home safely and for saving countless other lives, too.


We probably gave them billions in untraceable bills to help Hamas buy more weapons. Seriously. Why do you really think they cooperated with that request? Good grief


The US "brokering" anything is another of Biden's ego trips, which will result in more of Biden's unwanted, uninvited refugees.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I'm guessing lots of loot and the release of terrorists.


It's almost like the US has taken over the world and nothing can happen unless the US is involved.


I read that even Lindsey Graham was impressed with the Biden administration for pulling this off.


PLEASE don’t let any of them back OR into the US. They’ll just end up in pro Palestinian protests and ripping down posters of the hostages.


很赞 2