2023-11-05 龟兔赛跑 2823
How do you feel being Mexican?


Ernesto Picazo
Why? You might ask.
Well, i live in a country that risked itself to protect the human righ of freedom, it in fact lost half its territory in a war fueled by that and a greedy neighboor.
I live in a country that has endured so many wars since its conception and were most of them were founded by a neighboor that refuses to accept it did, and yet it has been able to put itself as a regional power.
A country so culturally rich that has Germany, China and Ireland up north, France and Spain at the middle, Africa ok its coasts and Native American down south.
We never really have friends, our southern neighboors think that we stole their territory, north of us they think we are criminals and want to take ’em jobs, however we always support who needs it, Cuba, Chileans, Jews, Spanish, Syrians and we always embrace new cultures.
Most people here seems to think that is sad that there are people still under the poverty line, and it is, however if you compare the numbers, you will see that that people are slowly but surely getting new opportunities, and i have the hope they will not lost their culture while improving the quality of life.
A lot of people say that México is not a country, but a world of its own, and i think it holds true.
We have many social problems, we need to improve a lot in many areas, but there's no way that someone cant feel proud of being mexican, we have so much from so many nations that you always will feel proud, as someone said, a mexican is born wherever the F he wants.


Manny Medina
Most of my life I felt ashamed.
I grew up in Tijuana and was brought up in a middle-high income family.
Traveled the whole country when I was a kid but then,
Corruption and violence changed my family since my father was kidnapped and one of my cousins killed.
It was after these experiences and after we moved to the US that I started to hate being Mexican. Hated the language, hated the music, hated the people and their ignorance, even to this day I find it hard to find Mexican girls attractive.
I have grown up from those feelings since. I think my problem was that I felt superior than my people and in a way betrayed by my country because it didn’t offer me the opportunities I was looking for.
Then I realized that if I didn’t like corruption, violence, the lack of opportunity then I could help bring the change I want to see. I was ready to move to Europe this year but decided not to and stay instead, get close to my community and offer help.
I expect to bring a lot of change, after all I feel superior. I have found a positive way to use my big ego.


Michael Lipphardt
I live in Painesville, Ohio, which has a very large Mexican population. I find it hard to believe how family oriented they are. How hard they work. How gorgeous the girls are. How cute their kids are. How freaking spotless and neat their homes are.
I know I’m sort of generalizing there. But living where I do, contact with Mexicans is daily occurrence. I’ve learned something. They are people just like I am. In general I find much to admire in them. I’ve met maybe one or two jerks, but in about the same proportion as anyone else.


Marisol Levi
The crap that Trump is spewing about them.
That they're stealing jobs from Americans.
That they're criminals by virtue of their presence.
That we need to be protected against them by building a wall.
That they're hurting our economy.
And I certainly don't believe or accept that they are deserving of being torn away from their children and families.
I hope this answer is helpful.


Aria Kae Broeka
I find it hard to believe how nice and how helpful they are and how hard they work, particularly compared to anglo workers on the same job who sit around on their lazy behinds while the hispanic workers are getting the job done. I find it hard to believe how generous they can be, again compared to anglos in similar situations. I find it hard to believe the way their work ethic is so much better than many anglos if the same generations. And i agree with another answer about the way they are so family oriented its hard to believe in this day and age. And, even though many tend to be Catholic, those who are religious have a dedication to their faith so strong as to be unbelievable.
I have nothing but good thoughts about every hispanic i have ever met. Even a couple i suspect may live outside the law are nothing but polite and helpful when i have contact with them.


Michael Fitzjohn
I’ve known Mexican -American people since I was 12 years old. I’m now 67 years old, They are the kindest, most hard working people I’ve ever known.
I met them when my Mother made me pick strawberries on her farm. A beautiful girl was picking on the other side of the row. I was the only non Mexican on the field. She was fascinated why I was working there.
She asked where I was from. I pointed to a big white house you could see from the field. “See that house?” I asked. ‘She replied the owners lived there. I said, “I’m the owners son.”
She dropped her box. “Your parents must be really mean.” I said “they make me work for everything I want. “
I was a slow berry picker. She and and her family helped me keep up.
I ate with her family, played with her brothers. They never asked me for a thing.
That girl had beautiful black hair and made me aware I liked girls.
She and her two sisters were killed in a car wreck that summer. I cried as never before. Her family kept picking the rest of the summer. I learned about strength from them.
I worked on farms as a teenager. I was surrounded by Mexican-Americans. I have never seen any one be able to do manual labor as fast and as well as these folks.
My ex-brother-in-law is married to a lady from Mexico. She is a great cook who has forced me to learn how to eat different sorts of foods.
Mexican-Americans pick the fruit you eat. They do jobs no one else wants.
Do some commit crimes? Of course they do. People of every color, every country, especially ours , commit crimes.
Donald Trump had no right to comment on Mexican-Americans. I bet he’s never had one as a friend.
Our country is better because of their presence.


Suzette Alispach
About a month ago we were staying at LA Quinta in Tucson and our truck was stolen in the middle of the night. Flash forward - our truck was recovered across the border in Mexican Nogales. We were notified by Tucson police.
My boyfriend and I speak very little Spanish but in order to get the truck back we had to find the Federal Police Station. Upon crossing the border we asked for directions but only one fellow seemed to know what we wanted. I should point out, his English was on par with our Spanish, he spoke very little English.
He volunteered to ride with us and take us to where we needed to go. Once we arrived at the Federal Police Station we discovered that we needed a ton of paper work and had to go to yet another office and the tow yard to get our truck back.
To make a long story short, the fellow spent 2 days helping us recover our truck. When we needed a better translator he enlisted a friend and the two of them took us to offices etc as needed. Once we had accomplished recovering our truck they hustled us to the border. They were afraid the truck would be spotted by the cartel that took it and we were all in danger.
If you have never been to the border the danger of the cartel is very real. These two gentlemen took a personal risk in helping us. What do I think - Amazing! These guys were strangers to us. They took time, energy and personal risk. This kind of help goes beyond “friendliness”. I can't express how deeply these two guys affected me.
we live in Mexico full time. Our experience here has been nothing short of wonderful. Everyone we have met have been friendly, warm and generous.
upxe to this story: After we brought the truck back to Tucson we had the trucked checked out by a local mechanic. The truck was fine and the mechanic loved the truck. So we sold it to him. A few weeks later the truck was stolen out of the parking lot at the Tucson mall. The truck was recovered again less than a week later. Unluckiest truck? Or luckiest truck?


Melanie Cooks
Are you wondering what we think of the poor Mexicans that are forced to migrate to the US? Or the middle class/rich Mexicans that would never leave their country and go to the US? Or the Mexicans in the cartel? Or maybe the Mexicans that left because they don't want the responsibilty of taking care of their family? Or the farmers that migrate so they can take care of their families? Female Mexicans that stay at home or go to university? I could go on and on…. Some are trashy lazy thugs and some are hard working and respectful. Some have zero respect for women and some are super respectful to women. Some are drug dealing killers and some are doctors and dentists. Some women are hookers or loud mouthed ghetto trash and some are lawyers. Some men love their families and some run away and hide in the US so they don't have to take care of family. Regardless! I had to laugh at this question and some of the answers. It's like these people are aliens from another planet. Mexicans are just like you and me, they eat, sleep, work and raise families. Some are hard working, some are lazy just like anyone from any other country. Some care very much for their families and some don't. They aren't any different from the rest of the world. The people (world wide) that grow up in the country value different things than the people (world wide) that come from the city. The people (world wide) that come from poor circumstances also value differently from the people that grow up middle class or rich. Some are strong Catholics, some aren't therefore their values will be different as well. Mexicans aren't all the same so you can't lump a whole country together as one. It would be like saying what do you think of Americans…… how would you answer that question? Mexicans are just like you and me and the rest of the world.


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