2023-11-06 汤沐之邑 4059
Why cant Europe and the US stop illegal immigrants?


Joshua Christos
As an European who emigrated to USA in 1990s, back when USA was obxtively THE best country in the world to emigrate to (trust me, from 1991 up to about 2006 USA really was an awesome place to live) I can answer that questions pretty well.
Now, a lot of other people mentioned the quality of life that in the USA it actually decreased a lot from 2006 to 2016, while in Europe it increased in the same period of time, especially in the former Soviet satellites that are now part of EU.
The major factor is that American immigration system is insane. There is no other way to say it.
there is in fact no way to legally immigrate to USA outside of: visa lottery, marrying a US citizen, being a person of extraordinary ability (like Albert Einstein, or... Justin Beiber), or a member of the lucky 1.5% of the H1B visa holders who get certified by Department of Labor as indispensable to American science or industry. There is no other legal way to come to America and stay permanently.
Now, let's say it you are one of the "lucky" holders of a Green Card. Now, this is where the real "fun" starts. You see, American immigration system is predicated on a core idea, written into law, that every person coming to USA is a criminal, and they have to prove otherwise: at the consular office and at the border.


So what happens when you are a Green Card holder? Your family is marked as the "super-villains" - potential illegal immigrants to USA. Even if your mother or sister or brother had a US tourist visa before, when you were an ordinary schmuck on H1B, now they will be stopped at the border as potential illegal immigrants and questioned. Does not matter if you are from Norway, France or Poland. It is the law.
Your wife? Cannot come and visit AT ALL. You can only apply for a Green Card for her and than wait 4 years. Yes, USA thinks that Norwegians are so desperate to get into USA and stay illegally that your wife's tourist visa becomes automatically invalid when you get a Green Card and you cannot see her until she gets a Green Card (or if you have a kind of a job that lets you telecommute from Europe - you get to see her a few times a year if you fly there).
That does not even touch on the subject that a Green Card holder can be kept in indefinite detention without a trial, can be deported for ANY felony, event 4th degree (were you speeding in Virginia by going 65MPH in a 45MPH Interstate construction zone that was not there? tough luck), or he can be even deported and lose all livelihood for filing a government form incorrectly (any government form, one guy got deported for checking a wrong box on a DL application).
Now, if you are from Iraq, that may seem like minor inconveniences compared to war.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

C Hjorth
As a 19 years old woman born in Scandinavia and now living in England, I'm sorry to say you could not convince me to move permanently to USA.
I realize things are different here than there, and I'm not trying to criticize it, nor is it meant as an insult, it's a comment on why I'm simply staying where I am. It is more about what I've already got, which keeps me here.
I get free healthcare. I don't need to pay for health insurance, it's already done through taxes. These are high, but I believe they're worth it. I'm never in between insurances, and I never have to worry when I'm paying for medicine. As someone who's chronically ill with asthma, that means a lot to me.
Free education (I get paid to go to school). This has obvious benefits, and are again paid by the very high taxes. Arguably it may remove the sense of “competition” but I again believe it allows everyone an opportunity.
Guns aren't a common thing (I realize that's how it is certain places in American but the thought of so many citizens owning guns makes me uncomfortable.) This is simply because I'm not used to it, and I think it would take me long to do so - I still flinch when they take out guns in the airport, despite knowing its for protection.


Work benefits by law (6 weeks paid vacation, 1 year paid maternity leave). You can get it in USA yes, but here I'm guaranteed it no matter what. This is again a part of our culture, everyone is “paying for the neighbor” - and most I know are happy to do so, and proud of it.
Easy to travel between countries (lots of different cultures right around the corner). This is true for America as well I assume with the different states, but right now I love travelling around Europe - and so this is an important factor.
The culture. Having lived in a different country than my native for 2 years, I've come to appreciate my own even more so, and honestly I would miss it a lot if I moved somewhere else, further away. The very dark humour, and the lack of PC. The history, the socialism (yes we’ll moan about taxes, but most are bottom line happy to pay), the music festivals etc.
However; I'm not saying you can't/can get all these things in USA and feel at home, but for a young woman - on my way to university - just getting started in life, USA holds very few opportunities for me I can't find right here. I would love to visit, but I doubt I would leave Europe any time soon.


Edit: Thank you everyone for your interest in my answer, unfortunately I'm in an exam period and therefore won't be able to answer every comment.
So to answer some of them.
I'm sure there are many different ways of living, and none may be make right than the other, I've simply stated my preferences and why I'm staying where I am. I'm aware you can get a lot for the above if you work hard, and that competition is healthy. I just take pride in our social security and our principle of paying for our neighbor. This system isn't flawless though, some people take advantage of it and decide that “working isn't for them”. Don't get me wrong, we have plenty of problems here as well, I'm not trying to paint a perfect picture.
Some has commented that Europe receive a lot of free protection from America. I simply and honestly don't know enough about the situation to comment or argue anything valid for and against. Also, bottomline is that it's not something I'm controlling or condoning.
Lastly, I love my country(ies). I'm likely to be biased towards the systems in place here. it of course plays a big role in my judgement. It doesn't mean I believe USA is a bad place, I just simply don't have any reason to move.
Someone commented something I think is very true for my situation: People mostly move when they experience hardship, I'm not; and therefore I'm content with where I am.

一些人评论说,欧洲从美国那里得到了很多免费的保护。老实说,我不是很了解这方面的情况,无法给予评论或就任何支持和反对的事情进行争论。 而且,最重要的是,这不是我要控制或宽恕的事情。

Katja Kaila
I’m answering from the perspective of Western Europe which I know best.
Please note that my intention is not to criticize the United States in particular. However, answering this question informatively requires listing some reasons why Europeans might not feel tempted to immigrate there.
People migrate because of getting married with someone from another country, getting a tempting job offer, or wanting to study in a good university abroad.
Europeans still do immigrate to the United States for these reasons. It’s a huge country that offers many possibilities if you are lucky.
In 2015, 695 Finns immigrated to the United States, which makes it the third most popular target country for emigrating Finns after Sweden (2363) and the UK (991).
Germany, Spain, Denmark, Estonia and Norway weren’t far behind.
In the same year, 1,619 Americans immigrated to Finland (and 72 were denied the residence permit.
That means the direction of the migration flow was from the USA to Finland, not the other way around.


In addition to the aforementioned reasons, people also migrate if they don’t have very good prospects in their own country. It can be because of war, persecution, extreme weather conditions (floods or drought), lack of safety, or unemployment, for example.
When a country suffers from factors like this, also people who marry a foreigner tend to choose the country of the spouse, rather than their own country.
Europe doesn’t have such large scale problems at the moment that would force people to emigrate.
They don’t have to leave, and if they still opt for leaving, it’s almost always for other reasons than escaping some problems in their own countries.
Europe has many advantages that the USA doesn’t offer at the moment:
good workers’ rights which result in long paid holidays and protection against being fired


universal healthcare
free or cheap education
paid parental leaves and social benefits for families
affordable daycare
good public transport
reasonable gun control
low crime rates
high social mobility
good gender equality
truly representative multi-party democracy
an overall good safety net in different life situations
Many European countries also exceed the USA in rankings when it comes to freedom[2] , press freedom[3] , and happiness[4] .


Most Europeans are conscious of all this and don’t aspire to immigrate to the USA unless they have a specific reason to do so.
Most people already have everything they pursue in their own country here in Europe.
That’s why immigrating to the USA would be for them a step backward, not forward.


Dan Bradbury
That it’s illegal. That people who break the laws aren’t magically good people just because they’re poor (nor necessarily bad people for breaking the law, but they’re still breaking the law). That every nation and the US has a right and obligation to control its borders. That the US’s immigration system is fucked up is besides the point. Illegal immigrants are here illegally. I believe in a humane policy in how we treat migrants (especially the old, infirm and children), but the US doesn’t owe any people, much less the world, unfettered access to the country.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Pascal Morimacil
It’s yet another clear example of capitalism saying one thing, and doing another.
You heard about the ideas of free trade and free markets, right? You know how companies are relocating to places with lower wages, lower labor and environmental protection, and all of that, yeah?
The idea is that if wages are higher in one place than another, then some of the companies will move to where wages are lower, and some of the workers will move to where wages are higher, and then it kind of balances itself out.
That’s the story: Don’t get governments involved in any of that, just let it all happen, it will be for the best for everyone!
But then, what actually happens in practice?
Well in practice, you have laws and borders to prevent this from happening.
Goods and money are allowed to move freely, but people are not.
People are told: If you don't like your job, you can just go find a different, better paying job elsewhere!


And then, if people actually do that, it becomes: OMG,Government has to intervene!
Imagine that most of the resources in your country are owned by wealthy foreigners and their corporations, and they are buying up everything else, calling it foreign investment.
The relocated some factories to your area, and are polluting the hell out of everything.
They offer you to work in sweatshops for ridiculously low wages.
They bribe your politicians, and often the bribes are even tax deductible.
All the profits go to their country.
Because of the OECD tax policies, the wealthy and corporations pay 0 tax (taxation rights are granted to the country where the investment came from, not where the business is set up and operating)


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