2023-11-06 兰陵笑笑生 12972

How "Chinese" are most Thai-Chinese?


Chinese Australian here. My university has a lot of Australian born/raised Chinese Australians (we call them ABCs) and we also have a lot of international students from Asia. From what I've seen, we are usually culturally more "China Chinese" than most SE Asian Chinese; many of us can speak Mandarin fluently and behave differently to white people, even if we are obviously "westernized".

我是澳大利亚华人。我所在的大学有很多在澳大利亚出生/长大的华人(我们称他们为 ABC),也有很多来自亚洲的留学生。在我看来,我们在文化上通常比大多数东南亚华人更“中国化”;我们中的许多人都能说一口流利的普通话,行为举止也与白人不同,即使我们明显“西化”了。

Recently, I met a batch of Thai Chinese international students here. My impression is that they seem rather removed from "Chineseness"? I think most of them cannot really speak Chinese and have Thai names. Physical appearance wise, most of them don't really look Chinese either and seem shorter than ABCs. This made me wonder, as Wikipedia states there are 10 million Thai-Chinese. How many of them are actually "Chinese practicing", if that makes sense?

最近,我在这里遇到了一批泰国籍的华人留学生。我的印象是,他们似乎与“中国化”相去甚远?我认为他们中的大多数人都不会说中文,而且都只有泰文名字。从外貌上看,他们中的大多数人也不像真正的中国人,看起来比 ABC 更矮。这让我很好奇,维基百科上说泰国有 1000 万华人。他们中有多少人还在遵循“中国传统”?

Additionally, what political stance towards China do most Thai-Chinese have? My impression is that some amount of overseas Chinese ie Malaysian Chinese or Filipino Chinese are rather pro-China leaning. Chinese Australians and Chinese Americans (parents from Mainland China) tend to be mostly neutral about this or don't talk about it. Not many are overtly negative but neither are they super pro-China.


I think most of them cannot really speak Chinese and have Thai names.
That is true.
Thai-Chinese people have assimilated into Thai culture over the generations and many of them don't speak a word of Chinese.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Even if they do natively speak Chinese, it's likely not Manadarin, but a different dialect.
Those who speak Manadarin mostly learned it as a second language, but it's a choice, not done by routine like sending kids to a Mandarin-language school for the Chinese in Malaysia.
Very few are native speakers of Mandarin, but there are a few, like descendants of KMT soldiers up in Thaton.

以普通话为母语的人很少,但也有少数人,比如在 Thaton 的国民党士兵的后代。

Lived in both Malaysia and Thailand.
I would say Thai Chinese are the most assimilated overseas Chinese group I have ever met. My theory is because Thai and Chinese cultures have much in common, so accepting, they inter married for generations and eventually blended in. But for Malaysians and Indonesians especially, Islam forbids inter faith marriages, and therefore kept the groups isolated. Filipino Chinese are also very well intergrated.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There was also a strict policy of forced assimilation from the Thai government.


Those are Pre ww2 and Cold War era policy though.


Sure, but almost all Chinese immigrants had arrived by then.


Filipino Chinese especially the very rich ones dont like marrying offspring to filipinos. There is also rivalry between Chinese/new rich and spanish/old guard filipino businessmen.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Is this also true of Thai-Chinese?


It's not a case of families being like "You should marry another Chinese", but more like make sure you marry someone from a decent socioeconomic status. Most Thai-Chinese don't view marrying Thais of other ethnicities as a negative (unsurprising since most of us view ourselves as Thai and don't really differentiate people by ethnicities here because there's so much mixing). Probably less of a stigma than a White American marrying a Black or Latino American.


I am Thai, born in Thailand, and grew up in Thailand. Most people around me have Chinese lineage (myself included), but I do not remember meeting any who would consider themselves to be "Thai-Chinese". We're just Thais. And if you ask them specifically to elaborate, they might say คนไทยเชื้อสายจีน. I also don't know anyone who speaks Chinese beyond some borrowed words passed on.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Did you grow up in Bangkok? If so I'd be surprised you don't know any Thai-Chinese with stronger lixs to Chinese culture/language.
Thai-Chinese families obviously still form the economic and political elite, but even upper-middle class Thais mostly have some Chinese heritage.
From my personal experience they often still speak a bit of mandarin or more often a Southern Chinese language with their parents and grandparents but can't write. They may have picked up a bit of mandarin in school or kindergarten but are far from fluent.
Their food at home is often a lot less spicy than Thai food, but in terms of what they eat it's a mix of Thai and Southern Chinese cuisine. Chinese festivals and customs are somewhat observed because older family members insist on it.
So again, OP is probably right that the younger Thai-Chinese are a lot less Chinese than ABC, but there's still the family lixs.

因此,OP 说年轻的泰籍华人比 ABC 的“中国化”少很多,这可能是对的,但家庭联系仍然存在。

I did grew up in Bangkok. I don't know any Thais my age that speak any sort of Chinese at home with their parents. My mother doesn't speak any, but her parents (my grandparent) did. On technicality aspect, I am a quarter Chinese. But I am Thai. Many people in my situation will still identify as Thai, not Thai-Chinese.
Thai-Chinese families obviously still form the economic and political elite, but even upper-middle class Thais mostly have some Chinese heritage.
The only people who would say they are Thai-Chinese is if their parents who grew up in Thailand (regardless of how "strong" their Chinese blood may be), married a "foreigner" from literal China. Sorry but Thais don't go around calling themselves Chinese.


mom is Chinese by blood, born in Thailand the 8th eldest. Her grandma and grandpa migrated here from communist China, from both mother and father side. She is 0% thai by blood, and 100% by association and all practical senses. After living in bangkok for 64 years, she still gets the occasional “how come your thai is so good?” when we’re out in public
to rebutal your definitive statement on how thai-Chinese act, she most certainly refers to many aspects of her life as Chinese. And, she identifies herself as being Chinese by blood quite often(i probably hear a comment a week). She cooks and eats Chinese. Chinese number beliefs and feng shui in the house are two good examples. The whole family is like this, of 7 siblings. Their offspring, myself and my cousins, surely not. So I think while you may be accurate about YOUR interactions, age, or friend group, you are missing a large group of Thai-Chinese in this country that most definitely associate with being Chinese.

我妈妈是华人血统,出生在泰国,排行第八。她的奶奶和爷爷都是从gczy中国移民到这里的,包括母亲和父亲。她有 0% 的泰国血统,但从行为举止和所有的观感来看,她是 100% 的泰国人。在曼谷生活了 64 年后,当我们在公共场合外出时,她偶尔还是会被问到“你的泰语怎么这么好?”

Most of them, if you ask if they're Chinese, they will say "no, Thai." But if you ask them about their grandparents or great grandparents, they will often say, yes, one or more of their grandparents are Chinese. This is especially true with rural Thais. From what I've found, it seems only wealthy, business-owning Thais will always respond with "yes" if you ask if they're Chinese/mixed. For example, my wife is from a rural village in central Thailand. She wouldn't ever randomly claim she is mixed, but after I asked her, she told me she is Thai-Khmer-Chinese, but obviously she just claims she is Thai. I doubt anyone besides her family even knows that, because to her, she's just Thai. Doesn't know anything about China, Cambodia, etc.
I get it though. I'm only a second generation American. My grandparents are from Germany, but they never taught my mom or dad any German language or culture, even though they can all speak German, and I have contact with my German relatives in Germany. I'm just American, since that's all I know. Sure my lineage comes from Germany but it stops in America. The most German culture I have is a German soup both sides cooked and passed down to my mom and dad.


actually on a side note, like I just said in another longer comment in this thread the majority of the Chinese population in thailand was of ethnic teochew descent and spoke teochew.
what most people are ignorant to is that different Chinese ethnic groups have DIFFERENT NAMES- wong and chan for example are ethnic cantonese names.
the teochew have names that are verrrry almost south east asian sounding, like Beh or Ng. So perhaps they have retained their names to some degree just most people dont realise those are teochew names

潮州人的名字听起来非常像东南亚人的名字,比如 Beh 或 Ng。因此,也许他们在某种程度上保留了自己的名字,只是大多数人没有意识到那是潮州人的名字。

9 out of 10 of my colleague have Chinese origin. But all of them doesn't speak mandarin or any dialect anymore, even their parent too.
For majority, the only Chinese thing they have now i guess still following older family tradition for worshipping or prayer. Chinese New Year, qingming, vegeterian festival, or have some Chinese god statue at home e.g. Fu Lu Shou. Some may have nickname related to family.

我的 10 个同事中有 9 个是华人。但他们都不会说普通话或任何方言了,甚至他们的父母也是。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Do they still identify as Thai-Chinese in terms of social group for personal and business relationships? Or do they not see themselves as distinct from other Thais?


I'm 5th generation Chinese descent but we see ourselves as Thais. This was since my grand mother who never force us to learn Chinese and taught us to be Thais.
We would say we are Thai with Chinese descent but not Thai-Chinese.


So not like in Malaysia for example where Chinese ethnic citizens generally consider themselves a separate group. (I suppose the government also treats Malays and Chinese differently too).


Malaysia is well known for it's pluralist demography. Chinese, Malaysia and Indians have their own little quasi nations


Put it this way - if you put at 100% ethnic Chinese Thai (e.g. me) with a China-Chinese person and a 100% "native" Thai person (whatever that means), we would feel closer and identify more with the Thai person most of the time.
We don't try to associate more with other Thai-Chinese as a social group or give preferential treatment in personal/business relationship, but because Thai-Chinese tend to come from wealthier socio-economic backgrounds, we end up in settings that naturally put us in contact with a lot of other Thai-Chinese (e.g. competitive schools, professional workplace, etc.)
No, if a "native" Thai person of similar socioeconomic background ends up in the same setting, they wouldn't feel out of place since we all identify as Thai and feel that we are from the same culture. If a foreign Chinese end up in one of these groups and doesn't speak Thai, THEY would be the one viewed us the foreigner/outsider (however, if they speak fluent Thai most people can easily regard them as Thai mentally. It's very easy to "become" Thai in that sense).

这么说吧--如果你把 100%的泰籍华人(比如我)与一个中国人和一个 100%的“土生土长”的泰国人(不管那是什么意思)放在一起,我们会感觉更亲近,大多数时候会更认同泰国人。

So not like in Malaysia where Chinese would be offended if you thought they were Malay ethnicity?


Yes, definitely not like that from my experience


You make a lot of sense, but there are also Chinese Thais who will exclusively seek out other people of Chinese descent for marriage. It's a minority but it exists.


Yes, I think there are but it's not common.


There was a period of famine in Southern China a few generations ago, causing large numbers of Chinese to migrate to Thailand. These Chinese have largely intermarried with Thais, giving rise to the large number of Thai-Chinese in Thailand today.
Most Thai-Chinese speak little Chinese, but still celebrate holidays like Chinese New Year and Tomb Sweeping Day with their families. They tend to live in the cities and have a strong culture of entrepreneurship, so most of the wealthier people in Thailand have some Chinese heritage.
There are varying degrees of "Chinese-ness" within Thai-Chinese families. Some might only have a single great-grandfather who was born in China, with all other ancestors being Thai. Others might have married between Chinese families and preserved more of their Chinese culture.


There was a historical backlash against the Chinese in Bangkok some decades ago. There is a term Thaification that was a policy somewhat forcing Thai Chinese to change their names. The affluent Thai Chinese I know really don't consider themselves Chinese, speak Chinese and would be insulted if they were referred to as anything but Thai. With that said some small things like red envelopes have stuck around.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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