2023-11-07 汤沐之邑 3813

How can people live in the US knowing that guns are legal? Do they live in fear?


Sanmoy Chakraborty
How can people live in the US knowing that guns are legal?
I work in US. Am a citizen of India, and yes I am an engineer who does work in IT. Just to clarify that I have a neutral point of view.
If you know, there have been some recent escalations in violence against minorities and whenever there are gun related violence committed by people, a shooting spree, hate crime etc., you hear people being up in arms about owning guns. People say it's easy to get guns in US, all faults are guns being legal. I don't think it's that simple.
I live in Texas. Guns are legal here. I don't see anyone trying to shoot each other. People keep it for their protection. They do not shoot at random people at whim! Now, say someone wants to commit a hate crime. He needs a gun. If it's declared illegal, do you think he won't get his hands on one? Do the gang members shoot each other with legal firearms In many other countries getting a firearm may not be as easy as US, do they not have murders there?
Frankly, if my area is unsafe and I have a gun at my house, at least it will help me sleep better at night knowing that I have a better chance of survival than if I hadn't had it.


Lastly, let's look at some statistics. I am looking at the country's gun ownership rate versus the murder rate.
The top 5 countries with most guns per household have a murder rate of under 5 per 100,000 people. US has 88 firearms per hundred residents and 4.2 murders per 100,000 people annually through all means. This includes gang related killings.
The top 20 countries by murder rate do not have more than 13 guns per 100 citizens!
US doesn't even fall among in the top hundred countries if we go by murder rates.


Matthew Park Moore
How can people live in the US knowing that guns are legal?
I think you are confusing capabilities with intentions. Most gun owners don’t shoot people on a whim. Most drivers don’t run over pedestrians on a whim. Most knife owners don’t stab people on a whim. Normal people don’t want to do that stuff, and the abnormal ones who do want to, aren’t deterred by laws. But they are deterred or defeated by armed victim resistance, which is the positive case for having guns be legal to own.
You make a big deal of gun owners’ capability to shoot people, but everyone always has the capability to kill other people, and always has had. Over the long sweep of history, we have gotten better at social control of violence, and for some reason, we have also gotten less motivated towards it.


Stefan Metzeler
How can people live in the US knowing that guns are legal?
Exactly as well as we live in Switzerland, where we are GIVEN assault rifles when we enter our mandatory military service - guns that later become our private property.
And we are free to buy as many guns as we want - handguns, rifles, even fully automatic ones, machine guns etc. with special permits, which are easy to get, if you register as a collector.
We have an average of 3 guns per household. As about half the households do not own any guns, that comes to about 6 guns per household for the others. I have more than that.
From 1848 until 1998, i.e. for 150 years, it was totally legal to CARRY guns, in most cantons without a permit. You could also purchase any long guns without a permit. You just walked into a gun shop and chose a rifle you liked - be that an Uzi or an assault rifle. No permit, no registration. That’s why no one knows for sure how many guns there are, in Switzerland.
Homicide was exceedingly rare and armed robberies totally unheard of. If there was one, it made headlines for months.


In 1999, a new federal law made gun carry illegal for only ONE reason: to conform with the Schengen regulations, as the government wanted to join that club.
2 years later, we had our very first mass shooting in the parliament of Zug by a certain Leibacher. He acted, because he knew that all his victims would be UNARMED and thus unable to respond.
Since 1999, violent crime has risen by about 600%. We no longer live in a totally safe country, because we can’t defend ourselves as before.
And just look at what happened in the UK: even most of the police officers are disarmed, so they can’t intimidate, much less fend off a terrorist.
Why do you think that Pakistani rape gangs suddenly appeared in 1997, the year after the UK banned guns? Because they knew that their victims had been disarmed and could no longer defend themselves or their families. Rape is always one of the first crimes to massively increase, after gun rights are abolished.
And vice versa, where carry permits are easy to get, rape is the first crime to drop like a rock. In Florida, 1 year after a new gun carry law was passed, rape had dropped by 80%.
So the REAL question is: how can people sleep when they have been legally disarmed and turned into victims?
Remember: Only SLAVES have no right to own weapons and defend themselves!

两年后,我们在 楚格州的议会发生了第一起大规模枪击案凶手是莱巴赫。他之所以采取行动,是因为他知道所有的受害者都没有武器,因此无法做出反应。

Kelsey Hicks
How can people live in the US knowing that guns are legal?
So my ex used a gun to threaten my life once. I was TERRIFIED of guns afterwards.
Then I met Cameron. Cameron reminded me guns can be used for protection and as a defense rather than an offense.
Then I met Steve. The cop. He's my daughter’s babysitter. (Well, he and his wife are), and he's a cop and has a myriad of guns within his home.
Cameron also owns a handgun
I don't live in fear of either of them using the guns on me or my daughter, instead I KNOW they will be used to protect us, and those I love if need be.
So no, I don't live in fear.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

J. Thomas Hand
How can people live in the US knowing that guns are legal?
Actually, because it should cause you personally no fear, legal gun owners account for only a fraction of gun crimes. It would be more rational to be afraid of living where people are not legally entitled to own guns. The data is that the stricter the gun control laws in any part of the USA, the higher the violent crime rate. It shows that as a result of enacting gun control in the UK, deaths from gun crime (formerly almost non-existent) have increased 600 fold.


L.G. Brandon
How can people live in the US knowing that guns are legal?
YOu realize that if someone starts shooting on a whim, they are going to get tried for murder if they kill someone right? Even if they don’t kill anybody, they will be facing very serious charges. We can’t just go around shooting people, there are laws about that and any other type of assault and battery.
Even in very gun friendly states like mine, where people walk around with guns, the last thing we worry about is getting shot. People who carry guns in holsters aren’t the ones to worry about. These people have a moral problem with shooting innocent people, so it’s not a problem knowing they have guns. I have plenty of guns, and the last thing I ever want to do is shoot anybody with them. They are there to defend myself, my property and my family, as well as for sport.
It’s the gang members and drug dealers to worry about. They are responsible for over 80% of gun related homicides annually. It’s not the other 100 million law abiding gun owners killing anyone. Guns are not evil or bad. They are there to protect us from evil, like gangs and drug dealers. Every day, people defend themselves with their guns.


Bottom line, very few people worry about getting shot in the US unless they live in gangland. 100 million Americans own and use guns every day without becoming murderers. That seems pretty safe to me. There are only about 3000 non justified non gang related homicides annually. That’s why we’re not scared of guns.
In retort, how do Europeans live knowing that Islamic terrorists are roaming the streets, just waiting for a chance to become a human bomb or to rent another truck to mow down a few dozen innocent people? Don’t they live in fear? I would say they do not, because, while these things do happen, it’s not very often. The Muslims are given the benefit of the doubt because we all know not all of them are terrorists. We can’t judge them all based on the actions of a few. If you give Muslims the benefit of the doubt there, why wouldn’t you give 100 million gun owning Americans the benefit of the doubt and not judge them based on the acts of a few maniacs?


Chris Bast
How can people live in the US knowing that guns are legal?
Do people drive cars in your country? (I'll assume they do.)
How do people in your country walk down the street knowing that at any moment a car driver could veer off the road and run them down on a whim?
HMM? What's that? You say that you simply trust your fellow countrymen not to do that? You say that the overwhelming majority of car owners are not in fact homicidal maniacs and are perfectly capable of owning and operating these multi-ton death machines without committing mass murder?


Joe Mills
I live pretty relaxed.
A guy running from the cops ditched his car on our property. Today he returned to fix his flat tire and get his car, I grabbed a small handgun, tucked it away, went out and talked to the guy. He obviously had a criminal past, but was polite. I was also polite. Nothing went wrong.
Most of America’s gun violence happens in large cities, such as Chicago, New Orleans, Baltimore, New York etc (which all happen to have strict gun control, but they blame their issues on surrounding counties, anyways I digress.) Having a gun isn’t a big deal. I’ve gone into rooms with more guns than our local police department.
Now to discuss the second point of your statement, contrary to what the gun control group would like you to believe, people don’t just get shot by the hundreds everyday. About 31k people died from guns in 2014 (My numbers are a little dated but follow the logic). 19.5k were suicides. Another thousand were justified homicides (IE killing someone who is attacking you). Another 960 were accidental/negligent discharges, largely among children. That leaves you with about 10,000 people killed by guns. Now, the FBI reports around 80% of murders every year are gang on gang violence. This leaves 2,000 people being shot in a country of 330 million. That’s staggeringly low, you’re something like 50 times more likely to die from drinking beer or 60 times more likely to die of medical malpractice.


L.G. Brandon
It’s fantastic. I get to defend myself legally using the most efficient tool available. As a people, we get to protect our rights and way of life in the event our government becomes tyrannical.
No, we as a people don’t worry about getting shot. Statistically speaking, unless you’re suicidal or a member of a gang or in the illegal drug business, you have a very low risk of dying by gunshot. The great majority of Americans have never even heard gunfire during their daily lives. I go anywhere I want without worrying about someone shooting me. Obviously, I’m not going to hang out in gang territory though.
However, I still carry a gun because there are criminals who use weapons other than guns and I like to have an unfair advantage.


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