2023-11-14 汤沐之邑 2642
Who was the all time best President of the United States of America?


Marc Bodnick
Who is considered the best U.S. President?
Lincoln is the best US president, followed by Washington or FDR.
Lincoln's leadership during the Civil War resulted in (1) the continued unx of our country, (2) the ending of slavery, and (3) the passage of the 13th amendment.
This was a very difficult / very uncertain war and required incredible resolve and leadership on Lincoln's part. And Lincoln's personal commitment to end slavery as part of a successful resolution of the war was critical to that outcome.
Lincoln's success is all the more remarkable considering his modest background and limited experience.


Dallas McKay
Who in your opinion was the greatest American who ever lived? Why?
Fred “Mr.” Rogers.
He was the man you saw on TV. Soft spoken, caring, loving and looking to educate you and have honest fun. He also had balls. He went in to Congress, and sat before hostile committee, and made them become his allies. He was millions of kids best role model. He was our neighbor.
I have never cared much about celebrities. When they die, it rarely elicits more than a “HMM”. I don't know them and their loss from this Earth doesn't change much in my life. I sure as hell don't cry. Mr. Rogers was different for me. When I learned of his passing, so many years ago, I was struck as if I'd lost a dear and close friend. I still feel that way when I think of him. Unlike our politicians, athletes, veterans and invemtors, there was no flaw in Mr. Rogers chracter. He was undoubtedly the greatest American to ever live.


William Bei
Who are the top 10 US presidents?
In brutal honesty, this question will generate many of the same answers.
Almost everyone will include George Washington, FDR, Abe Lincoln, and a few other well-known and well-recorded presidents.
The truth is, however, that some of the presidents that created major turning points in history weren’t the best (or were even the worst) presidents in history.
My answer is going to be a lists of the presidents that made or are making the most impact on our nation’s history, whether positively or negatively. Most of them will show up on other lists, but some will be unexpected. These are the presidents that have shaped (or are shaping) America’s domestic and global image.


10) Donald Trump
“WAIT,” you say. “Why the hell is he on this list?”
Because Trump changed the political game. The election for the 45th presidency will go down in history as a landmark election due to his populist platform and style of campaigning.
Trump managed to merge and exploit the power of social media and rhetoric. By tapping into common discontent and utilizing easily accessible media, Trump was able to convince just enough of the right people to vote for him. In the future, I expect that political campaigns will stray further and further away from “traditional” methods (such as TV advertisements and posters) and become ever more reliant on fast communications that reach individual voters. This includes political campaigns for senators and representatives as well, as evidenced by the special elections that have happened during the past year.


9) Harry S. Truman
President Truman made many strides towards domestic progress by continuing his predecessor’s agenda, but his greatest impacts were international. His policies against communism helped set the stage for the Cold War, and shaped the policies of the US for decades to come.
Truman was also responsible for ushering in the nuclear age, but whether or not it was his choice to is up for debate.


8) Dwight D. Eisenhower
In all honesty, I feel that Eisenhower deserved a higher spot on this list.
Domestically, Eisenhower expanded many of the progressive policies of his Democratic predecessors (much to the chagrin of some conservative officials). He also created the Interstate Highway System, greatly easing transportation between states.
Diplomatically, his continuation of Truman’s policies combined with his own efforts to stop communism effectively set in stone the US stance towards the Soviet unx for the next half of a century.


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7) Andrew Johnson
Andrew Johnson is, by many metrics, one of the worst presidents of the United States. That’s why he made this list.
Johnson became president with the death of Abraham Lincoln. In many aspects, he was the exact opposite of what Lincoln would have wanted. He hampered Civil Rights efforts, obstructed Lincoln’s plans for the rebuilding of the South
The impact of his actions (and, in some cases, lack thereof) still linger today, as evidenced by the voter discontent in predominantly white rural areas during the 2016 election.


6) Lyndon B. Johnson
Despite his negative public image due to the increased military activity in Vietnam under his presidency, Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society” and “War on Poverty” set the groundwork for many welfare programs and public services that are still used today. He also helped advance Civil Rights by signing the Voting Rights Act and bills that banned discrimination in housing, public facilities, and the workplace.
Of course, one could cynically argue that LBJ was only to accomplish all of this because John F. Kennedy (who was the first to come up with these ideas) was tragically assassinated; nevertheless, President Johnson and his administration are directly responsible for many of the government services we enjoy today.


5) Thomas Jefferson
His most important contribution during his presidency was arguably the Louisiana purchase.
The reason why I placed President Jefferson as 5th is that most of his accomplishments and contributions came before he became president. As a Founding Father, Jefferson was essential to the creation of our nation. As a president, however, he was most known for his land purchase and progressive policies to assimilate Native Indians and Americans. Internationally, he was unable to create a lasting impact. His Embargo Act is widely regarded as a failure and his Non-Intercourse Act created little to no beneficial impact.


4) Theodore Roosevelt
Diplomatically, his namesake corollary to the Monroe Doctrine helped establish the US as an international power. This essentially became a stepping stone for US imperialism in the Americas and, later on, in Asia.
Domestically, President Roosevelt was essential to economic reform that would transform an entire nation. Roosevelt, He oversaw the creation of the United States Department of Commerce and Labor, further limiting the abusive power of large monopolies.

在外交上,以他的名字命名的门罗主义(Monroe Doctrine)帮助美国确立了国际大国的地位。这实质上成为了美帝国主义在美洲以及后来在亚洲的垫脚石。

3) Franklin D. Roosevelt
President Roosevelt has much to his name:
He transformed the Democratic Party, turning it from a conservative one to a progressive and liberal one.
His New Deal provided relief for a nation destroyed by the Great Depression. (Granted, it took World War II for the economy to fully recover, however, FDR was still responsible for creating economic growth that definitely helped the nation rebuild.)
That New Deal also provided many public services to remote rural areas; it was only because of President Roosevelt that remote towns were able to get access to electricity
And, of course, FDR effectively led the US in World War II.


2) Abraham Lincoln
A progressive who helped create the modern Republican party (of course, that party had a vastly different platform than today’s Republican party). His leadership guided the North towards victory, and his actions galvanized a nation and set the foundation for modern Civil Rights.
Among the noteworthy legislation that he created are the 13th amendment (which abolished slavery) and the Emancipation Proclamation.
It is unfortunate that his plans for rebuilding the South were never realized.


1) George Washington
Everyone recognizes Washington as the first president of the United States, but what he did often goes unnoticed.
As president, Washington unified a divided nation. His intervention in the Whiskey Rebellion and presence at the first Congress meetings led to the establishment of a strong federal government, backed up with a Constitution that was ratified by all the existing states.
In other words, President Washington is responsible for forging the groundwork that our nation is built upon. Without him, who knows how our nation could have ended up.


Nick Moyne
Who is the most underrated American president?
Easy answer. Ulysses S. Grant. Every poll done by laypeople (as opposed to historians) has Grant near the bottom because of the fact that they perceive him a hopelessly corrupt and ineffective and think he was nothing more than a drunk. Historians, particularly modern historians, however mark him much higher. In this case, the modern professionals are correct. Grant is actually one of our greatest Presidents.
He was by far the most successful of the post-war Presidents in implementing Reconstruction in the correct manner , i.e. stabilizing the nation, welcoming back the Southern states AND enforcing racial equality. He fought for and won passage of the Fifteenth Amendment, giving constitutional protection for African-American voting rights, enforced those voting rights along with other civil rights laws and fought ferociously against the Ku Klux Klan and its violence. Grant secured legislation allowed the full force of the federal government to reach the Klan. By 1872, the Klan was effectively wiped out. At the same time, he was able to rebuild a coalition of Republicans in the South working with black voters and Northern carpetbaggers that could actually win elections there and govern effectively. Grant was able to achieve this through his great personal determination and reputation gained by being a respected warrior and military leader. Even when members of his own party turned their backs on African-Americans, Grant continued to fight for their rights. With the political tide against him, Grant still managed to push through the Civil Rights Act of 1875 , which prohibited discrimination according to race in all public accommodations.
He also protected the rights and welfare of Native Americans. He directed efforts to provide federal aid for food, clothing and schooling for the Indians as well as protection from violence. Reformers praised Grant's Indian peace policy which lead to many of the most important reforms that still bear fruit today.


He was a strong advocate for the separation of church and state.
His foreign policy and diplomacy were first rate. He settled the Alabama Claims, a major dispute over claims for damages by the US government against the government of the United Kingdom for the assistance given by the UK to the Confederates during the Civil War. Great Britain paid the US $15.5 million to settle the claims and began friendly relations with the US really for the first time in its history. Grant did this though the clever use of international arbitration, a then underutilized method of settling disputes. He later did the same with the government of Spain.
Nevertheless, modern historians now recognize that Grant was far from a bad President and many acknowledge that he was in fact a great President who overcame severe limitations of his times. Historian Nathan Newman calls Grant "the true founder and implementer of the modern American nation of equal rights."


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