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To trust or not to trust? That’s the question we often ask ourselves when we meet someone for the first time or encounter strangers. Trust: it’s about believing others, taking their word and seeing the best in them.


I’m not one who trusts easily. Generally, I avoid talking to people I don’t know, be it at social occasions or on the streets.


Trust. It’s embedded within the unconscious rituals of everyday life: walking to work, we trust passer-bys won’t stab us. We trust shopkeepers will give us the correct change at the cashier. We trust no chef spat into food we ordered. Trust. It’s about going forwards: we trust and travel to get on with our lives. And whether we trust others usually depends on where we’ve been and where we’re from.


Sometimes we hesitate to trust those we barely know because we’ve always kept “stranger danger” in mind. Better safe than sorry taking someone’s words and actions for what they seem. As Indonesian-born blogger Marcella Purnama writes on growing up in one of the numerous crime ridden Asian cities, she “wasn’t really taught to be nice to strangers. When someone asks for help, ignore them.” Trust, in this sense, is influenced by our upbringing.


When I went to primary school in Malaysia, my family lived in a high-security house. A massive wrought iron gate blocked our driveway’s entrance. A double-padlocked stainless steel grille gate blocked the front door of our house. ….sitting in the living room on a hot, humid weekend afternoon, the “ding” of an ice-cream pushcart filled the air. Mum and I hurried outside with some coins, and she flagged it down. I looked up at the tanned chap on the pushcart from behind the prison-like driveway gate, my hand feeling numb from clenching a cool icy pole packet. Instantly the ice-cream seller looked away, and my eyes darted to the ground. Never saw him again.


Time and time again cultural values play a part in whether we trust others, shaping the way we see the world. As a kid, I didn’t speak much and people stared at me – probably wondering why I was so quiet – and I shrank away, frightened. “The gweilos are only good at smooth talking,” dad also always said.


And so in this diverse world, sometimes stereotypical perceptions get in the way of trust. In Australia, there is a lack of interpersonal trust between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. Sometimes the “Us and Them” dichotomy stands between us of different heritage, sometimes racism. Or perhaps some of us are afraid of offending another culture or getting judged for our culture; we’d much rather keep to ourselves.


At times whether we trust strangers depends on our personalities, not so much our background. We might simply be outgoing and others might gravitate towards that, and we in turn trust them. Or we might simply be shy and rather be alone.


Whether we trust also depends on context. When we have things in common and click through mutual understanding. When one or the other is chatty, there’ll probably be light-hearted conversation to break the ice – little by little each of us opens up about ourselves and connect. In short, we trust when we’re comfortable around each other.


When we trust someone new, we’re vulnerable. On one hand, you can’t really be sure if they have good intentions. On the other, going along with their word we might go on a new adventure, start a new chapter with them. That’s why we trust. To build bridges, build relationships from a single moment of faith. And perhaps we trust to earn trust back in return being the social creatures that we all are.


When we trust someone, we take our chances. It’s a leap of faith. And a moment where we don’t wonder “what if”.


Do you trust people you just met? Are you a people person?


I don’t trust strangers easily. Actually, I don’t trust people easily. But, I try not let it affect the conversations I make. I think it’s possible to strike a conversation with a person and maintain a fair distance. Sounds complex, but, it is possible. We’ve met many incredible and interesting people on our trips. I’d not get to know any of them if I’d stayed mum and wondered who they were.


Mabel Kwong
I agree with you. We can talk about parts of our lives with someone when we’re getting to know them, but at the same time we withhold our deepest thoughts and secrets from them. Keeping distance, as you said
Very glad to hear you met many a nice people on your trips by trusting based on instinct. There really are nice people out there.


Ngobesing Romanus
It is important to be prudent about whom we trust. Even members of the same family may not be trusted.


Mabel Kwong
That is so true. Even the ones closest to us – or the ones whom we think are closest to us – might let us down when we least expect it. Trust, it’s a precious thing.


Alex Hurst
I’ve been living in Japan for about five years, and the trust in people is pretty high here. Of course, trust and intimacy are totally different things, and Japan (I think) lacks in the latter. But it’s interesting to hear how trust was not a given in Malaysia.


Mabel Kwong
Though I’ve never visited Japan, it comes across as one of the more trusting Asian cities, a city where the locals are always ready to help. After all, the city is so efficient in many aspects. It takes a while for one to get to know Malaysia…and it never hurts to be very careful there wherever you go.


A very interesting article, Mabel. Yes, I think that trust can only come if we trust someone enough to get to know them better. I shudder now when I think back to how vulnerable I’ve been with absolute strangers when I was younger. but as I’ve got older, I’ve learned to trust no-one implicitly until that trust has been earned over time.


Mabel Kwong
I can’t imagine you being young and reckless, Sylvia. You come across as such a level-headed person…then again, we all have our wild days in our youth.
Trust earned over time – the more we get to know someone, the more we will be able to gauge and predict their character, and feel if they are worth our time.


I think I was naive rather than reckless. My parents didn’t really prepare me for what was out there, so I was very vulnerable.


Cardinal Guzman
I live very close to the slum (in the slum some might say), which means we have more than our fair share of travelling gypsie thieves, rapists (mainly imported muslims), street violence and ‘home-grown’ junkies.
It’s quite a shady place: bikes have to be kept locked at all times and other things that you’d like to keep (e.g. your kids toys), must be kept inside a storage room in the basement or inside the apartment.
You can’t leave any valuables in your car overnight and even the barbeque/grill in our backyard is chained up and locked to a heavy table.
Here and there you can even see public bikes (bikes that you can rent on a day pass or on a yearly basis for practically nothing) that are stolen and locked by the thieves that stole them!
It’s tragic, but at the same time kind of funny: “I stole this bike and now I’ll lock it, so that no other dishonest thief can steal the bike that I stole. I worked my ass off stealing this bike, it’s mine now.”


Mabel Kwong
It certainly sounds like a dodgy part of town you live in. Not like a place where you would go wandering out on your own at night. Pity kids toys get stolen as well – I would be devastated if someone stole my favourite stuffed monkey
“You can’t leave any valuables in your car overnight ” That reminds me. In Malaysia, there are thieves who use scanners to scan the boot of your car and if it detects valuables, you will probably never see it again.


I guess that’s just an Asian thing, Yes of course it can be about being an introvert or an extrovert nature in general but it has more to do with upbringing and place around where we grew up. I grew up listening to the same things you did, never to trust strangers (including not to take candies ) I find myself midway between an introvert and extrovert. It majorly depends on my mood if I’m chatty or not with people around me. But despite of that trusting them is something that is hard to come by. I never trust someone right away, someone asks for my phone number, or where I live, where I go to study, i immediately become uncomfortable. So I can totally relate with what you said in your post Mabel.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mabel Kwong
Never to take candies, awww. But I suppose what we were thought as kids about not trusting strangers has kept us level-headed all these years. Like you, when someone starts getting personal with me, the whole trust issue crosses my mind. I get jittery when they ask about where I work and live. These days people usually ask me for my Facebook but I really don’t post much there You really can never be too careful with who you let into your life.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Like Sylvia, I tend to err on the side of trusting rather naively, and I chat away to anyone who happens to be around, at a bus stop or wherever. I hate it when people pass me by without raising their eyes or smiling. We’re in this world together to make the best of things, aren’t we, and the world feels better to me when I smile and chat. But it’s interesting to observe the differences in society.


Mabel Kwong
You sound like a very friendly person, Jo. Sometimes we really get a lot out of trusting strangers, like making a new friend for life and who knows what adventures that will take us. Yes, we’re really all in this world together and trust is actually what holds us all together


Uday Narayanan
Mabel, I think both trust and skepticism are important and contribute in their own ways. When it comes to relationships, trust is priceless. That said, inquiry and skepticism have also been of great value especially in the growth and progress of human thoughts, ideas and beliefs.


Mabel Kwong
When we’re curious about someone, often we’re inclined to trust them to get to know them better.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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