2023-11-23 童言无忌 7895
Why do most 3rd class graduates from Nigeria make first class abroad?


Victor Dirikebamor
My experience with public schools in Nigeria felt like an uphill battle. Every obstacle seemed designed to thwart success, perseverance was the key to navigating this challenging journey.
Imagine University professors in public schools, laboring under the sun's oppressive heat, earning a meager monthly salary that barely equates to 500 dollars, with all their degrees and experiences.
As a fledgling university lecturer, your paycheck might not even cross the 200-dollar mark. These figures hardly inspire dedication.


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Consequently, an unsettling number of teachers, their spirits dampened by these circumstances, resort to corruption to supplement their income.
Classroom appearances become rare events, and on those infrequent occasions, the curriculum is rushed, sacrificing the students' comprehension.
Some lecturers seem to derive an almost perverse pleasure in boasting about the high failure rates in their courses and did their very best to ensure students failed.
Complaints about such educators often fall on deaf ears, and the brave student who dares to voice these grievances is ostracized, risking academic repercussions that extend beyond just one course.


The very essence of academia feels strained. Picture lecture halls bursting at the seams, with every seat occupied, leaving many like myself standing on most days during my junior years.
There were days when the soles of my shoes knew the weight of learning, as I stood for hours on end, grasping fragments of knowledge.
Other times, the soundscape of education is a hushed symphony. The hallowed corridors resound with the weary voices of veteran professors.
Their wisdom, rich with experience, sometimes barely trickles to the eager ears at the back.
Students cluster, leaning forward, yearning for knowledge that is often lost in faint whispers or hampered by faulty audio systems.


Then there's the looming shadow of campus gangs, known locally as "cultists." Their unpredictable eruptions of violence shatter the illusion of safety. The sporadic cadence of gunshots serves as a grim reminder of the constant dangers lurking nearby.
The absence of student loans and limited scholarships meant we had to depend on parents and loved ones for our education, which also meant many studied on empty stomachs, and I was the chief of them, concentrations broken by pangs of hunger that sometimes lasted days at a time.


Reliable electricity remains elusive, forcing some to squint in candlelight, risking their eye health, or gather under the dim glow of streetlights.
Strikes further exacerbate the issue. A course that should span four years might drag on for nearly double that time. Which also met, enduring these woes for double the time.
And to make things worse, after navigating this gauntlet, the much-coveted degree often fails to open doors in the job market because there are just no jobs available. The crushing weight of this realization can drain one's motivation.


Contrast this with the academic experience in developed nations, and it's no wonder that Nigerian students flourish abroad.
There, the system, rather than stifling potential, nurtures it. It's a breath of fresh air, where challenges, though present, become exhilarating rather than insurmountable.
Though the present scenario in Nigerian universities paints a more optimistic picture than before, and with sext private institutions matching global standards, the journey for most remains arduous.
The resilience of these students, having braved such adversities, is a testament to their indomitable spirit. And perhaps that's the secret ingredient to their success overseas.


I think this question is for me. If you are a Nigerian like me you probably might have dreamed of studying abroad. Not only you. This is a dream for most Nigerians. Did you know why? I will tell you why.
If you have been to any Nigerian Universities much especially the public Universities, then ( if you are to be honest with yourself ) you must have asked yourself how do students in such schools able to graduate. According to my experience, these are the reasons why most of the third class in Nigeria make first abroad.


1. Over crowding in lectures: Nigeria as a country with a population of over 200ml you can emergine how many students graduate from secondary schools scattered all over the country and looking for admissions into the universities.
Every public univerity in Nigeria offers thousands of admissions every year and still the number of admission seekers keep increasing.
In the colledge where I graduated, we where over 4000 plus sitting for the same lectures. You can emergine how crowded we were.
The same single lecturer give assignments, tests and mark the scxts of the so 4000 students and still mark their exam papers. Its unthinkable!
This is on the lecturers side. What about the learners. Only few students can be able to hear or perticipate and or contribute to the lectures. Regardless of whether you are comitted or not you will miss your lectures if you are not atleast 30monutes or so ealier to the lecture hall.
In other to past tests and exams, most of the students rely on their own ability to read and understand their curriculum or form group classes to help each other. It is a hell like stuation that you can't undertand it until you experience it yourself.


2. No good practicals: Most of the students in some public schools graduate in computer science without seeing the computer itself or at least without receiving any good practical with computer system in their desks.
This also happen in almost all the coures.
Some of the issues we face in Nigerian universities are:
3. Lack of good libraries
4. Currupt lecturers
5. Bad lecture halls
6. etc.


Now you can see that it will never be suprising for a Nigerian Third class graduate to graduate as first class in USA, UK, Canada. Because if such a person had gotten good one-on-one lectures or guidience and have good study materials and have his scxts marked well, then he or she will definately graduate better.


Joseph Junior
The phenomenon where some individuals who graduate with lower grades (such as third class) in Nigeria perform exceptionally well academically when studying abroad, sometimes achieving first-class honors, can be attributed to several factors:
1. Different Educational Systems: Nigeria's education system may have different standards, grading systems, and challenges compared to those in other countries. Some students may struggle within the Nigerian system but excel when they adapt to a different educational environment.
2. Quality of Education: The quality of education can vary significantly between institutions and countries. Studying abroad often provides access to high-quality education, better resources, and more rigorous academic standards, which can enable students to perform better.
3. Motivation and Determination: The decision to study abroad often requires significant motivation and determination. Students who make this choice may be more committed to their studies, resulting in improved academic performance.
4. Personal Growth: Living and studying in a foreign country can foster personal growth, independence, and adaptability. These factors can positively impact a student's academic performance.
5. Reduced Distractions: Moving to a new country can reduce distractions and focus students on their studies. It may allow them to avoid the challenges they faced in their home country.
6. Supportive Environment: Many universities abroad offer extensive support services to international students, including tutoring, academic advising, and language assistance. This support can help struggling students improve their performance.
7. Different Teaching Styles: Teaching styles and methodologies can vary between countries. Some students may find that a different teaching approach suits their learning style better.

3、 动机和决心:出国留学的决定往往需要很大的动机和决心。做出这一选择的学生可能会更加专注于学业,从而提高学习成绩。

It's important to note that not all students who study abroad experience a dramatic improvement in their academic performance, and success depends on various individual factors. Additionally, the reasons for seeking education abroad can differ from one person to another. While some may aim for better grades, others may prioritize the overall learning experience, exposure to different cultures, or career opportunities.
Ultimately, individual circumstances and motivations play a significant role in determining the academic outcomes of students who study abroad.


Richard Nwachukwu
Just as summarised by Victor Dirikebamor, there are so many factors that leads to low performance of students in Nigerian universities.
One thing is the poor welfare packages to those teaching. As this affects their motivation and focus.
On the other hand, the governing councils in charge of ensuring proper discipline for the learners and the teachers are also fingered as not discharging their duties effectively.
I remember being told, “if you apply for your scxts to be remarked and it gets sent, the affected lecturer and his colleagues would make graduation difficult for you as they'll use any means to ensure you keep repeating same course year after year"

正如Victor Dirikebamor总结的那样,有很多因素导致尼日利亚大学学生表现不佳。

Then the system most times is such that lecturers won't allow students pen down their own understanding. Like, if you don't write the definition of “Aggregates" as is on the prescribed textbook or instructional material, you'll receive zero mark or half mark.
There are so many things that affects students sometimes it's the inability to afford some certain necessities, imagine being in class and having to worry about your parent's inability to pay your fees or tuition even when it's less than a week to the final examinations.
But when a student affected by these finally arrives in a better environment where he has some job, some scholarship and a good number of teachers interested in how well he understands what is being taught, then why won't there be room for excellence?


Linda Buck
Most I Nigerians I have dealt with either by internet or in person are very bright. It may just be that the competition over there is stronger than the competition in a USA School for instance. Plus if you have immigrated to gain a stronger degree and a better place in life you are more motivated.


Nwosu Thompson Uchechi
It's not accurate to say that most third-class graduates from Nigeria make first-class abroad. Academic performance can vary for individuals, and there are many factors that can contribute to someone's performance in a different educational system. It's important to consider individual circumstances, including personal motivation, access to resources, and the quality of education received. It's great to see Nigerian graduates excelling in their studies abroad, but it's not representative of all third-class graduates.


Jim Grupé
Why do most 3rd class graduates from Nigeria make first class abroad?
Citing false claims does not make them true.
But if true, it might be because there is more competitiion from cheaters when studying in their home country.


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