2023-11-26 龟兔赛跑 4632

What makes the US healthcare system so expensive?


Jacob VanWagoner
Why are healthcare costs in the United States so incredibly expensive?
There are a number of identifiable causes, and I will cite examples where possible.
1) Constriction of supply.
Health care is one of those interesting problems in economics where it's essential enough that a significant number of people will go for anything that might help at any cost. While in a normal market, "anything that might help at any cost" doesn't lead to massive price ramps because high margins with high volumes draw in competitors who undercut each other, in health care it doesn't because supply is constricted in various ways. (Thanks Jim Kenyon for mentioning the oddities of the health care market).


a) Regional monopolies (mentioned by Shane Bogusz)
Regional monopolies are, for the most part, dictated by law. Certificate of need laws are explicit in 35 states, and the remaining 15 states are required to meet a national certificate of need-like requirement.
Certificate of Need laws are a requirement that any new medical facility must first obtain a certificate from the state health agency (pretty much staffed by the hospital administrators) before the facility can be constructed.
An equivalent in other markets might be this:
You have a new microprocessor design that, according to simulations, give much better power efficiency with very good performance per clock cycle, and you have the design and everything ready to go. But before you are allowed to sell this microprocessor, you must first get permission from Intel, and they must verify that they are unable to reach the entire desired market with their products before they will allow you to sell it.
In other words, keep competitors out so you can keep prices high.
In Utah, the Certificate of Need requirement is not in effect, and its costs per person are among the lowest and its outcomes are among the best. In most states or regions, there is a single hospital network -- many facilities, but all owned by the same group, but in Utah there are many. The University of Utah health network operates entirely independently from the Intermountain Health Care network, which operates independently from the Mountain Star Network -- and that's just in the Salt Lake City metro area.

a) 区域垄断(Shane Bogusz提到)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

b) Educational supply restriction and barrier to entry.
Now why did this happen?
It's doctors who control the number of doctors in America, not the government.
Yes, the article is from a left wing rag, and the article is clearly slanted to portray anything resembling a free market as the worst possible thing, but the information is accurate -- the system is designed so doctors don't undercut themselves with hordes of new doctors.
There are many possible education/occupational models that can grant certification and ensure new entrants have sufficient experience, but the one we're stuck with right now is the one where doctors get to control how many new guys enter their field.
Furthermore, the cost of education is ridiculous, putting up a huge barrier to entry, essentially making it required that doctors are paid extremely well in order to justify the high price of the education.
Credit: KevinMD - Medical education cost is a health policy imperative
I would almost call that enslavement. At that cost, there's no way you could afford to be doling out low-price care to those who need it without having another way to make money. There's no way you could choose any other profession except perhaps high-paid salesman/consultant. On a 30 year term with a 4% interest rate, that's somewhere around $800/mo (didn't do actual calculation, just estimates). It's comparable to owning a second house, but without the benefit of being able to sell it or live in it.
In any case, the high cost of education is yet another way the medical industry constricts supply.
And it really shows. Just Google "doctor shortage" and you'll get a ton of hits lixing to studies, etc.

b) 教育供给限制和入学障碍。

2) Price opacity.
a) hiding the price.
Good luck finding the price of a procedure, no matter how routine or obscure, voluntary or involuntary it is.
Peeling Away Health Care's Sticker Shock
The Pricing Of U.S. Hospital Services: Chaos Behind A Veil Of Secrecy

a) 隐藏价格。

b) Insurance games.
Classically, insurance is supposed to be about protecting your assets -- that is, paying for replacement in the case of something lost, stolen or broken, paying for property damage that you caused by your accident in a car, or other such things. In no other industry is it "pay for everything," but rather a "pay for everything that you can't afford" system.
In other industries, insurance pays the total value of damages. In cases where there is a lawsuit, insurance will settle out of court for less than the amount of the lawsuit to avoid the risk of losing money.
In health care, it is not so. For many people, insurance pays for everything, minus copays. The person receiving the service is disconnected from payment and therefore has little to no power to negotiate. Combined with the restriction of supply, the consumer really doesn't have much power at all. Furthermore, the explanation of benefits and/or bills for service are almost completely BS.

b) 保险游戏。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dr. David Belk at True Cost of Health Care explains this quite well:
Why do these tests cost them so much more than an insurance company would usually pay? Insurance companies don’t negotiate—at least not with groups as small as the lab at this hospital. They set a reimbursement rate, which is usually pretty close to what Medicare pays, and we (or the hospital) smiles and says “thank you.” After all, if we’re doing it for Medicare for $75, we’ll probably do it for United Health Care (or any other insurance company) for $80. Why would anyone say “no”?
I can think of at least two reasons an insurance company might price services so outrageously high on certain policies. First, that would punish anyone who buys inexpensive insurance with a high deductible. Second, they keep you from finding out how much (little) medical service really cost. Patients with high deductibles pay for most of their own medical care. The insurance companies make sure that these patients see a much higher price than the “real” price that they could pay. Just as with generic prescxtion drugs, insurance companies, not providers determine the price of everything. They can hide their real costs, and punish you for not buying a more expensive plan.

大卫·贝尔克(David Belk )博士很好地解释了“医疗保险的真实成本”:

If an occasional patient has a policy that pays at or near the maximum price charged by the hospital, the hospital is motivated to keep their outrageously high prices. This helps to keep medical care unaffordable to private payers. If these inflated reimbursement rates are only on policies that have very high deductibles, the insurance company will rarely get stuck with the bill. Even at these outrageous prices, most people with private insurance will never need more than $1,500 of medical care in a year. On occasion, someone with one of these policies will have a serious illness and the insurance will have to pay big, but the insurance companies more than make up for these loses with the increase in premiums they get by maintaining their smokescreen.
(What isn't mentioned: there are a few states where if you are on a high deductible plan, then the rate that you pay is equal to the insurance "negotiated" rate -- that is, you pay the same as the insurance company would pay even if you haven't met your deductible. I know of only 2 states that do that -- Utah and Arizona -- and there may be more, but most states do not regulate insurance in that way).


c) the drive for cost/profit
Some folks blame the fee-for-service model of payment, which makes sense. After all, if you get paid per procedure, you'll do what you can to make sure you jam in more procedures. But if the consumer has any degree of power, they'll try to minimize their costs or do whatever is in their best interests. If you post a sign in an ER that says "ER visit: $300; Office visit: $75" I'm sure you'd see a lot more people skipping the ER unless it's a genuine emergency. If you indicate that an MRI costs $500 versus $100 for an x-ray that is just as likely to give the same information, people will pick the x-ray.
The problem is when fee for service is combined with cost obfuscation and supply restriction -- making it so the cheaper alternatives aren't considered as options, either because they're constrained to be unavailable or just because the patient is unaware that the alternative is cheaper.
There is another model used in a number of places in the US -- doctors on salary and people on "unlimited services for fixed monthly fee" plans. This encourages the doctor to try to go for lower cost alternatives, and the patient then is the one to push for more.
As long as the costs aren't obfuscated, both models seem to work pretty well.

c) 追求成本/利润比

3) Push for more care than is necessary.
a) Good old Racketeering
I've got a few stories of tests ordered when not necessary. 95% probability it's IBS? Well, let's take a CT scan just to make sure it's not something else. By the time you get the scan, you could have been getting treated for IBS and would have started to feel better, confirming the diagnosis. But no, get the scan just to be safe, right?
A significant portion of this is blamed on defensive medicine -- stuff done just to cover bases and make sure the doctor doesn't get sued.


Furthermore, it's not just a matter of getting effective treatment, it's that they pick which treatment based on pharmaceutical salespeople's arguments, and based on their bottom line rather than what's good for you and your wallet. Many will push MRI and CT when a simple x-ray is enough (such as for injuries). Push for the latest expensive drug when there's a cheap-o generic one that does the trick just as well. Or, you know, get people to pony up for things that statistically don't help, like this:
Statistically the treatment isn't doing anything to reduce death rates. Chances are you'll die of something else before you die of prostate cancer, even if you're diagnosed with it. Oh, and if you get treated, say goodbye to your days without diapers.
Medical disclaimer: Not being a physician, I can not tell you in your case whether or not prostate cancer treatment is justified. All I know are the statistics that indicate a significant fraction of cases are not necessary to treat. But there are still plenty that might justify treatment, and be sure to question your doctor very thoroughly about whether or not you're going to die of prostate cancer if you are diagnosed.


b) People are deathly afraid of death, no matter how inevitable. They'd gladly take a year of suffering and dependence over two months of pain with independence. The problem here is, I believe, that the statistics are obfuscated. End of life treatments are considered as something to cure whatever comes up, rather than as something that merely delays the inevitable.
Altogether the system doesn't favor people taking better care of themselves when they're younger. With proper education on it and a sense of responsibility for the outcomes (instead of 'oh, someone else will end up paying for it') people might be more inclined to take better care of themselves so they don't need tubes hanging out of them to keep them going for another minute as they ferry themselves around on motorized chairs. In a system where that isn't an option and everyone's aware of it, they tend to take care of themselves better. Or as Rick Santelli put it in reference to the financial system, "Failure is the most effective regulation."

总的来说,这个体系并不支持人们在年轻时更好地照顾自己。有了适当的教育和对结果的责任感(而不是“哦,其他人最终会为它买单”),人们可能会更倾向于更好地照顾自己,当他们坐在电动椅子上四处走动时,他们不需要让管子插在他们身上来让自己再活一分钟。在一个没有选择的系统中,每个人都意识到这一点,他们往往会更好地照顾自己。或者,正如里克·桑泰利(Rick Santelli)在谈到金融体系时所说,“失败是最有效的监管。”

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