2023-11-30 汤沐之邑 3314
Should the US Constitution be reformed?


Andrew Breslin
It is reformed, on a fairly regular basis. In fact today, November 20, marks the very first time this ever happened (or at least the date on which the process actually began . . . it's a pretty slow process). On November 20, 1789, New Jersey became the first state to ratify the first proposed Amendments to the Constitution. It took about two years for eleven other states to ratify 10 of these proposed Amendments, thus creating the Bill of Rights.
The Constitution has survived for so long as the frxwork for our governance precisely because it is designed to be modified and adapt to changing circumstances, but at the same time to make such modification difficult to accomplish without overwhelming support. The frxrs allowed for Amendments to the Constitution to be added to it, but these Amendments had to first be approved by two thirds majorities in both the House of Representatives and the Senate and then go on to win approval in three fourths of all State legislatures.
I could suggest all sorts of specific amendments that I think would make this country run better, but that's not my point. the point is that the frxwork is already in place for amending the Constitution. It has happened about two dozen times over the course of the last two centuries.
I will add, though, that Amending the Constitution should not be the first choice to address any current crisis. It's a fairly radical procedure. The regular legislative process could do a lot . . . if we had an informed electorate.


Charlie Fortin
Should the US "modernize" the Constitution?
Modernizing would be the euphemism for rewriting the U.S. Constitution with positive rights.
Mr Obama put it this way.
But, the Supreme Court never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and of more basic issues such as political and economic justice in society. To that extent, as radical as I think people try to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical. It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, at least as it’s been interpreted, and the Warren Court interpreted in the same way, that generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties. Says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the federal government can’t do to you, but doesn’t say what the federal government or state government must do on your behalf.
With recent historical failures of Greece, Venezuela, Cuba and Russia, and the turning away of China, we have real world examples of the jeopardy America would be in if we made this change.
Modernizing is a deception.



Scott M. Stolz
Is the U.S. Constitution outdated?
The concepts in it are not outdated. It was designed to limit government’s power and to put mechanisms in place to prevent abuse of power. The bigger problem we have is not that the Constitution is outdated, but rather the government is sextively reinterpreting the Constitution to give itself more power, thereby eroding the safe guards the Founding Fathers attempted to put in place.
A lot of the things that are inconvenient in the Constitution, like checks and balances, dual jurisdiction of the states and federal government, the electoral college and the Bill of Rights were put there for a reason. Ignoring such provisions can lead to a consolidation of power, which is great if you are the ones who are in power, and not so great for everyone else.
And the Constitution has actually been changed twenty-seven (27) times through the amendment process. So it has changed with the times, and will continue to do so. The Constitution can change and adapt with the times through the amendment process.
The important thing is to not dismantle the checks and balances in the Constitution. Yet, many people who do not understand the purpose of certain provisions unintentionally propose to do just that.
Any streamlining will result in tyranny by the elite, or tyranny by the majority. Our government was designed to be decentralized and slow for a reason. We may not always like that, but it is what protects us from abuse of power.
If nothing else, we need more enforcement of the Constitution, rather than replacing it with something else.


Gary Porter
Suffice it to say now that the Constitution itself outlines the process for reform in Article V. That there have been only 27 official "reforms" in over 200 years shows that the proposed "reform" must have wide-spread support, both in Congress and in the States (this doesn't count the ill-fated original 13th Amendment "Titles of Nobility" which appears to have been ratified and then mysteriously removed). Unfortunately, the Constitution has been unofficially “reformed” countless times through Supreme Court opinion.
One reason there is mounting pressure to "bring the Constitution up to date" is that people have not been taught the underlying principles that informed the original document. These principles must be recaptured and taught in our schools. They are eternally valid and without an understanding of them, much of the document cannot be properly understood.
Another reason for the mounting pressure for "reform" is the realization that the federal government has truly become the "Leviathan" of Thomas Hobbes fame and has been allowed to burst the limits the original Constitution placed on it, thanks largely to liberal/progressive interpretations by the Court. Now the feds intrude into areas of our lives that would never have been countenanced by the frxrs.
Putting the federal government back into its "enumerated powers" box will be difficult, but not impossible.

“修正”压力越来越大的另一个原因是,人们意识到联邦政府已经真正成为托马斯·霍布斯(Thomas Hobbes)那著名的“海怪”,并被允许突破原宪法对其的限制,这在很大程度上要归功于法院的自由/进步解释。现在联邦政府侵入了我们生活的各个领域这是制宪者绝不会允许的。

Ernest W. Adams
Why has the US never changed its Constitution?
The US Constitution was deliberately designed to be timeless by being only a blueprint for government and not an instrument of policy. Even the fundamental rights that it guarantees are in amendments rather than in the main body. Because it wasn't written in response to specific circumstances, it doesn't need to change dramatically when circumstances change.
However, this isn't to say that it doesn't contain errors. It should have been explicit from the beginning that it applies to the whole nation and not just to the federal government. That wasn't decided until the 1930s. It also should have banned the filibuster and gerrymandering, as both of these are attacks on democracy, irrespective of circumstances.


Rupert Baines
It is often said that the United States federal government is challenged with significant gridlock. Do you think this will resolve itself on its own or do you think the constitution itself needs to be changed?
The Constitution is designed to be slow: so that aspect is deliberate. (Especially the Senate)
The worrying aspect is the Constitution assumed politicians would be reasonable men, who would decide on issues, negotiate and reach the best answer.
That is not the same as today, with strong factional party blocks, big money PACs and gerrymandered constiuencies.
As a result, there is less && less compromise or cross-party voting, far more of "forget the center - I just need 50%+1" and appeal to the base.
The gerrymandering and guaranteed majorities (and hence guarnteed disenfranchised minorities) is particularly egregious.


WE HAVE written a lot, recently, about the insidious insanity inside American democracy otherwise known as gerrymandering.
Worse, politically controlled redistricting helps drive the hyper-partisanship of politics. In turbulent political times, when large swings in the vote are possible, party bosses feel driven to construct safer seats than they once used to need. With fewer seats changing hands on election day, this tends to shift the focus of politics away from the general election itself, and on to the primaries in which the parties sext their candidates. The turnout in primaries is tiny, typically only between 10% and 20% of voters, and tends to be disproportionately composed of activists. So those sexted tend to be politically slanted to the left or the right extremes.
This, in turn, drives the gridlock that affects Washington.
The most important change would not be constitional, but making sure that Representatives were actually representative, by having an independent boundary commission with teeth that set House consituencies in ways that made them both "sensibl" and competively.
That does not work everywhere (there are always safe seats) but it would be an easy change that would have a major impact, would better serve democracy (remove a lot of those permanent minorities) and would reward consensus, negotiation and results.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Elion Lima
Will the Constitution of the United States ever be revised?
The US Constitution already has been revised 27 times.
The Article V of the United States Constitution states:
“The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate.”
Actually, the amendments are the main way which Constitution is revised, it's very natural that a Constitution be revised and get added an amendment, in fact, an Amendment is a kind of upgrade that Constitution receives to attend social demands of a society that is constantly changing. America is not more the same country that it was when Constitution was written: The Bill of Rights was passed; Slavery was abolished; Black people and women gained the right to vote; Senators started to be elected by the popular vote, not by the State Legislature anymore; the current Federal income tax was introduced; the Presidential inauguration was changed for the January 20th instead the old inauguration day: March 4th; and the President's term started to have a two term-limit (no person can be reelected US President more than one time anymore, this Amendment was passed to prevent that someone tries FDR's strategy of a 4 times term, but it's also valid remember that FDR broke up the 2-term tradition established by George Washington).


So, yes it's possible that US Constitution can be revised and get a new amendment, but for that an Amendment be passed it must be approved by 3/4 of the states legislatures, currently the number of states for approving an amendment is 38 (3/4 of 50, or 75%), Also America is a very diverse nation with very different States, the same amendment that can be approved by a state can be easily rejected by another state (For example: a wannabe Amendment that could repeal the Second Amendment can be easily passed by a progressive liberal state like California, Hawaii or New York, but the same amendment can be rejected and even lynched by a conservative state like Wyoming, Tennessee or Texas and by a lot of swing states like Pennsylvania, Florida or Ohio and even by moderate progressive states like Michigan, Colorado and Wisconsin, probably a wannabe Amendment that could repeal Second amendment will never be passed and cause a lot of polemics).
In short, yes the United States Constitution can be revised, but the revision process of the US Constitution is an essentially political process and can pass for a lot of polemics and discussion in Congress and in American society and also take a very, very long time to be passed, the 27th amendment took almost 200 years to get passed! The last Time that the US Constitution was revised (got an Amendment) was in 1992 when the 27th Amendment was passed. In fact, America hadn't revise its Constitution for almost 30 years.


Brian Mattes
Can the U.S. Constitution be changed?
Yes, and it has been. 27 times (out of 33 proposals).
But the process is, by design, is difficult. Put simply, it must be proposed by two-thirds of both the House and Senate.
Then it must be ratified by three-quarters of the states — currently 38.
It’s a very long and drawn out process that can take years.


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