2023-12-01 xky 5052

Why is Justin trudeau blaming grocery store corporations for rising food prices and not his own policies, why do Liberal politicians always blame others for their failures?


Why do trolls automatically blame governments for something that private industry does.
Canada has a free market economy and our government does not set prices in stores.
I suppose that if they did, your next question would be why is Trudeau turning Canada into a Socialist state?


Cameron Fraser
The Loblaws group of companies recently reported a 5% increase in revenue compared to last year. That generated an 11% increase in profit. So apparently a lot of that revenue was going directly to the grocery companies rather than anywhere else in the supply chain. What government policy made that happen?
As to the second part of the question, at least the Liberals have policies. When it come to blame, that appears to be all the opposition can offer.

Loblaws 集团(加拿大最大的生鲜连锁超市)最近报告称,与去年相比,收入增长了5%,净利润增长了11%。

Let's say it takes 2 full-size potatoes to make a 280g bag of chips. This March, one of the major grocery chains was charging about $5 for two bags. Not a bad deal. A couple months later, the same 'deal' was $7. Within a few months, $9 or $4.50/bag, an increase of $2 each. Now, if you're telling me the farmers are getting twice the price for potatoes, or show that electrical and fuel costs to manufacture and transport (mostly air-filled) bags has doubled, I might say the grocer is passing on reasonable costs to the consumer. But these chains are posting record profits, all the while complaining how their expenses have gone up too. The price of one potato did not go up by $1/each, and these guys are MORE than covering their costs.


Mark MacAulay
Inflation is a global problem. We can kill it…but that comes at a cost. Remember 1980–82?
Austerity budgets, and a steep hike in interest rates to bring the economy to a halt. That will kill the unsustainable real estate boom, and curtail consumption. People will sit on their money rather than spend it. Prices will fall. The cost will be high unemployment, flattening of living standards, and some business failures. No free lunch.
One problem Canada has is a monopoly situation with regards to grocery chains, and those conglomerates are making record profits. The US has far more smaller regional chains (Tops, Meijer, Giant Eagle, King Soopers, and the rest).
The OP needs to remember that Canada is not a one-man dictatorship.

加拿大的一个问题是食品杂货连锁店的垄断状况,这些企业集团的利润创下了历史新高。美国拥有规模小得多的区域连锁店(Tops、Meijer、Giant Eagle、King Soopers等)。

Big Mike
Because they are jacking up the prices. They're making record profits. If the reason for the increases was because of inflation, like you claim, they wouldn't be making those record profits. They'd be making minor to moderate profit like they did before the pandemic.
Cons literally blame the libs for everything. Healthcare, housing, education, infrastructure like roads, etc. Are all provincial matters, but the issues we have with them aren't blamed on the provinces like they should be, they're blamed on the fed lib party. You cry they aren't doing enough, then when they say, we'll get involved, you cry they're overstepping their grounds.


Owen Parker
I’d like to get mad at someone and blame them for my groceries going up! Please elaborate on the policies that Trudeau and the Libs have set in place that are causing the ridiculous spike in groceries started due to a pandemic and carried on due to ‘inflation’. I mean, the grocery chains are bragging about record high profits.


Jennifer Anderson
Corporate GREED is what the problem is here!! Even taking worldwide inflation into account, grocery prices are egregious.
Your question should be directed at grocery store CEOs who are making record profits.
What does Trudeau have to do with it?


Ray LeBlanc
First , you are very wrong. The rising prices of food have nothing to do with Liberal policies.
Second, he is not blaming the food stores, he is asking them to find a solution.
All the big chains have posted record profits in each of the last 3 quarters.
I think a big part of the ridiculous food prices is the media who for a good year while inflation was slowly rising, like in every other G7 country, the media was going on about how prices for everything will rise and become much more expensive , over and over . Well that just opens the doors for manufacturers and retailers to raise prices with less bitching from the public because we have already been conditioned to think it’s a normal reaction to world financial conditions and we were warned about it already from all the newscasts.
All the gloom and doom offered by the media , anything can seem to come true because they have conditioned us to accept it.


Edith Jensen
Because the large grocery chains are to blame,
They can fix prices on bread
They lower the size of products, but prices are still the same. For example, coffee used to be sold in 1 kg cans for about $7 per can. Now that can is 928 g, but the price is still $7. Frozen vegetables used to be sold 1 kg bags. Now they are now 750g, but the price is the same.
This has been going on for years, long before Trudeau was out of high school. The grocery chains have taken over smaller chains and made it impossible for smaller stores to compete. They can charge whatever they want. The big buzz word these days is “supply chain shortages”, but prices have never soared as they have in the last year and we've always had “supply chain shortages”.


Blair Korchinski
Because grocery stores have raised their prices and have been record profits since Covid began.


Demian R
Bro… if you think only liberals blame others for their failures, you live in a bubble or in another universe. All politicians lie and blame others for their failures, all of them!
If it happens that is is a liberal or a specific person (in this case, Trudeau) that you see failing, it’s not because it’s liberal or the specific person, it’s because he/she is a politician. Failure and little recognition is inherent to a politician’s career, regardless of the party and the person.
That’s reality, bro.


James Stuart
So you want the government to control the price of eveything. You’re a good socialist!


John Warner
Trudeau himself has zero grasp of money. He was brought up with and maintains a trust fund and has never had to balance a household budget. Consequently, he has nothing in common with the average Canadian.
It is the carbon tax that has boosted food prices, like everything else that needs to be transported. It is a simple fact that he and his colleagues cannot grasp. Hopefully, they will pay the price for this in the next election and the NDP who support him will be wiped out.
Leftish governments and taxation are synonymous.
It has been shown that grocery corporations are not making excess profits. Even if they were, it is not Trudeau’s place to summon them to Ottawa and demand they fix his error. If Trudeau taxes grocery corporations, they will just rightfully pass the tax on to the consumer. Trudeau and his gang are too stupid to understand this, so just posture to blame others for the problem.
His attitude is akin to plain stupidity.


David Skead
It's the carbon tax that is raising the price of everything. Trudeau is too pigheaded and doesn't care about the people to cancel the taxes and actually help his country. Plus he's dumb as a post.


H. Gill
Because that's how they get re-elected. If the sheep knew the truth, they would never vote Liberal again.
Conservatives have a solid financial policy, and once that is set, the rest can be discussed.


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