2023-12-02 汤沐之邑 2845
Should the US Constitution be reformed?


Alicia Czechowski
Why do you think the U.S. Constitution can or cannot be revised entirely?
Revision of the U.S. Constitution is already in sight, The Koch brothers are underwriting austerity groups moving to rewrite the Constitution. Twenty-nine states have already passed resolutions to convene a convention. Seven more states targeted by austerity advocates will bring the number for ratification up to the required 38 states.
The legislative push may nominally be for the purpose of a balanced budget amendment and limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, but once the convention is underway, it can make up its own rules.
Texas governor Greg Abbott has called the Convention of States resolution an “emergency issue” and has published a 70 page plan aimed at severely limiting federal power, even allowing a two-thirds majority of states to override a Supreme Court ruling or federal law.
If it happens, it will be a runaway convention. Common Cause, the Center for Media and Democracy and other groups have raised the alarm about the efforts to call an open constitutional convention.
In 8 years the USA may not even make the pretense of being a democracy.


Joseph Spina
What are the reasons why the U.S. Constitution has not been done away with in favor of a more modern constitution?
There are a variety of reasons:
There is no legal mechanism to do so. You can amend the constitution, but not outright replace it.
If the federal government were abolished, full sovereignty returns to the states. Given the wildly divergent social and legal desires of the different states, I strongly doubt they would agree to join another unx.
You say ‘modern’ as though there were a clear meaning as to what that constitutes. There is not. What one person calls progress, another person calls regression. What one person calls improvement, another calls draconian. And given that people want to replace the constitution because it doesn’t let one portion of the population impose its interpretation on another, it’s hard to imagine the states agreeing to either being coerced harder, or to let others get away with more.
STOP FIxiNG THINGS THAT AREN’T BROKEN. Really, that’s how you wind up with things that really are broken. The Constitution was written wisely, and with a lot of thought. It has stood the test of time. It doesn’t need replacement - it needs to be observed.
There is nothing out dated about the constitution. Government isn’t software that needs an upxe every 6 months to function properly.


Mark Binfield
What sucks about the US Constitution?
Instead of my own opinion, I'll relay the comment I heard Justice Scalia offer in a radio interview, in response to a similar question.
He suggested that the Constitution's provisions for amendment are outdated, because they make it far too hard to upxe the Constitution. They made sense when the Constitution was first drafted and there were far fewer states. But Scalia calculated that today, given the number of states, the large size disparity between them, and the 3/4 threshold for state ratification, opposition from as little as 2% of the US population could be enough to block an amendment. Scalia believes, and for what it's worth I would agree with him, that the frxrs of the Constitution never intended for it to become quite that inflexible a document.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Stephen L
Can the Constitution of The United States of American be rewritten?
Of course. It was created by humans, so it certainly can be altered by humans.
It has been altered 26 times, through the amendment process articulated in the document itself, although technically the first ten amendments came out together and are known collectively as the Bill of Rights.
It may also be “rewritten” through the calling of a constitutional convention, which may be initiated by the states themselves. However, a constitutional convention might net end in a rewrite, but in a complete scrapping of the entire document, or any number of scenarios in between.
After all, that’s how the Constitution itself came into being — through a convention called to address the flaws in the Articles of Confederation.


Rick Ferrara
Does the United States need a new constitution?
No, the Constitution establishes The frxwork for our Nation. It is one of the most important documents in the history of the planet.
Do we really need to revise the First Amendment? Which part of free speech do we need to take away from people?
Some people really want to do away with the Second Amendment, which states that the People have the right to bear arms - however, they do not and never will represent the majority of Americans, despite what the manipulated polling attempts to tell us. If enough people want to amend this provision, the constitution has a process by which that can occur, but it is (as it should be) complex. The Constitution should not be easily modified, too much is at stake.
Third Amendment: American’s should not have to quarter soldiers in their homes. Really? What part of this do you want to change?
4th Amendment: Protection against illegal search and seizure. Again, why change this, the concept is simple and we have 250 years of case law to expand it to modern times.
5th Amendment : Protection against self-incrimination, double jeopardy. Protection of due process and right to a grand jury. Same thing… 250 years of case law has modernized this one… just like all the rest…


6th Amendment : Right to speedy and public trial, impartial jury and right to counsel. There is a pattern here… no need to modify this…
We could go on and on… Protection from self-incrimination (5th A), Right to a speedy trial (6th A), Right to a trail by jury (7th A), No cruel and unusual punishment (8th), A prohibition that the rights in the Constitution will not be used against the People (9th A) and the 10th A: Reserved Powers to the States.
Amendments 11 through 27 did things like free the slaves and gave them citizenship, the right to vote (Black men), established Income Taxes, put prohibition into place and then later removed it, Gave Women the right to vote, limited the President to two terms and made the election of our Senators a direct election… and a few more things like gave 18-year-olds the right to vote.
What you don’t see here is the 1978 Equal Rights Amendment, which FAILED to get the required votes to be made part of the Constitution. In 2020, the idea that the required number of states could not or would not vote in the required number of years is hard to believe, but that is what happened. We will hopefully see that amendment passed one day.
So, out of all of these, the only Amendment that some people seem to have anxiety about is the 2nd Amendment. Few are going to argue about doing away with Double Jeopardy… or having to quarter soldiers in their homes - but some of these zealots would likely agree to throw the entire Constitution out to simply get rid of that pesky amendment. It really pisses them off that it’s #2 on the list… was pretty darn important to our Founders.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

William Connell Cawthon Jr.
Should any of the amendments to the US Constitution be changed? If so, which ones and why?
I would like to see the Second Amendment simplified to “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” This would remove confusion or willful misinterpretation.
I would like to see a new amendment redefining the limits of the federal government under the Commerce Clause. Ever since Wickard v. Fowler was decided in 1942, the federal government has been encroaching on reserved to the states by the Tenth Amendment.
It sounds a bit frivolous, but I would like to see an amendment that modifies the requirements to be elected to Congress. I believe every person running for a national legislative office should be able to pass a test showing that they have a thorough understanding of the United States Constitution. If one wishes to be a part of shaping the nation’s laws, it’s reasonable to expect them to know the legal foundation for them.


William Redmond
Should we rewrite the US constitution?
It does not need to be rewritten, only slightly modified to rein in the Federal Government from sucking all power to itself. It has bloated itself into a monster that considers itself morally superior to the American citizenry, which, on the face of it, it a complete absurdity.


Mark Lorenz
Should the US "modernize" the Constitution?
Thanks for the A2A
We need to be careful here. Nothing of course is ever perfect, so changes are needed at times…and they have been made. The process is purposely difficult and thank goodness for that. There have been and continue to be so many proposals that if it were easier we'd be living on legal shifting sands on a regular basis.
Add to that our current (2017) arguments about how our country should be run, many of them bad ideas like identity politics and race baiting, that we risk these bad ideas making it into the foundation of our country.
The original intent was that local and state ideas can be tried out and often only used where people want those changes without forcing them on all of us. That's why e.g. someone living in San Francisco won't be as comfortable living in Alabama. And that's ok. Changing the constitution is a big government one-size-fits-all type of move and should therefore be used sparingly.
Bottom line: we don't need to change the constitution much, nor should we want to.


Tony Zanichkowsky
Could the US constitution theoretically be amended or overhauled to better address current times and circumstances?
Why don't you instead, embrace the Constitution as it is.
You realize, right, that the Constitution was deliberately designed to be very difficult to amend, because the Founders thought it fruitless and dangerous, to constantly alter the founding laws and structure of our country to adapt it to ever changing times and circumstances.
You're supposed to adapt yourself to the Constitution, not the other way around. Learn to embrace the genius of the men who designed this republic.
They were far better statesmen than any currently serving in public office.


Chuck Sears
How many Constitutions of the United States are there?
Assuming that the question comes from a US citizen...questions like this make me say we need to go back to teaching Civics in high school. If people learned about the Constitution and how our government works, they would understand that there is only one Constitution of the USA and it is the supreme law of the land.
Questions like this also scare the hell out of me because people who are so ignorant of our government are also the ones voting on our government.
If you are not a US citizen, my apologies for the somewhat rough tone of the post. It really saddens me how many people in this country have no clue whatsoever how our government works.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Lynn Fredricks
Should we rewrite the US constitution?
No, the US Constitution is near perfect as it is. It also offers a grand template for avoiding many forms of tyranny.
Where it isn’t perfect, the Constitution can be extended and modified with amendments.


Matt Riggsby
If some Americans want to alter the Constitution, how?
How, as in by what method? There’s a process for amending the Constitution built in, and we’ve used it over twenty times. There are a couple of ways it can happen, but it boils down to supermajority support.
How, as in in what way? There’s a range of things which various people would like changed. There are racists who would like to see an end to birthright citizenship, fiscal conservatives who want to require a balanced budget, and proponents of democracy who would like to see the Electoral College abolished and voting established as a fundamental right. There are, really, too many proposed amendments to even begin to list.


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