如果犹太人没有控制一切,那么为什么犹太人只占美国人口的 2%,却在政府、媒体和银行业中占有过高的比例?(上)
2023-12-03 ARRRRRIES 9317

Hafizullah Sufi
I’m not Jewish — or anything else — but I know many Jewish people well and I understand a few things about their subculture.
One of them is that learning for its own sake is valued and encouraged. And that’s not as-true of Gentiles, many of whom seem to make a virtue of their ignorance.
So Jews are a bit over-represented in fields that require education and expertise.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I am a Jew, and I was going to say something similar. Lots of aspects of Jewish culture came about as a survival mechanism. If you look around, it's actually very rare for Jews to have political power at the highest levels. Most often we're managing the accounts of those with real power. We have learned to make ourselves useful to make it slightly less likely that whichever psychopath seizes the reigns of power finds us too useful to exterminate. It's kind of depressing, to be honest.


Steve Parsonage
Generally speaking, since Jews have been victims of religious persecution for centuries (they’re the world’s scapegoat of choice, since they’re successful, and too few in number to defend themselves easily), their culture has evolved to foster a success-oriented survival strategy. They work hard to be successful, self-sufficient and prominent members of society, so they can take care of themselves, and be valuable to society to protect themselves from, and minimize the amount of persecution.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The majority of American Jews emigrated from Russian from 1880–1910. During that period, the Russian government built the Trans-Siberian Railroad, and got millions of poor Russians to invest in it. It was a financial failure which caused an economic crisis. The Russian government, afraid of a revolution, chose to blame Jews for the problem (antisemitism was big in Russia). Russian intelligence wrote a fake conspiracy theory book called “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” purporting to be the secret agenda of a mysterious cabal of greedy Jewish bankers controlling the worlds’ money, and blaming them for the financial crisis. The book was widely distributed, and triggered a wave of violent pogroms across Russia. Millions of Russian Jews fled the country and emigrated to America. They entered via Ellis Island in New York, and many put down roots there. This is why there a lot of Jewish people in New York.


As far as these three industries you mention, it’s important to note that Jewish immigrants started out doing crappy jobs in America, and figured out industries that they had skills for, that nobody else was doing, but there was a demand for. For example, Jews used to be known as Jewelers and clothes makers (they developed the “garment district” in New York). They chose to do those jobs, and built them into successful businesses that we now all take for granted.


1.Government: Jews were often excluded from government until the 1950s. Schools and institutions (including banks, and elite colleges like Harvard) had antisemitic practices (the famous “Gentleman’s Agreement”), blackballing Jews from getting these jobs. What Jews did figure out is that there was a demand for small claims lawyers (for petty lawsuits, divorces, etc). They started successful law firms, and slowly built them up into big law firms. Who goes into government the most? Lawyers. So having a lot of lawyers, lined up more Jewish people to be good at politics, though they hardly “dominate” politics. It’s important to note that there were still many parts of the country that discriminated vs. Jews, and would not elect them due to prejudice.


2.Entertainment: Before TV and movies, people went to see stage shows at many small theatres. Showbusiness in the 1880s-1920s was considered sleazy and low class. Jewish businessmen saw an opportunity, and ran theaters in places like New York (which is why there were so many Jewish variety acts, comedians, etc). When movies were invented, the theater guys (who had access to the best stage acts) started the movie companies. For example, Louis B Mayer (a Russian-born, Boston based Jewish scrap metal dealer, who grew up poor, and quit school at age 12 to sell junk metal from a cart with his father) opened a theater for Italian immigrants. He later moved to L.A. opening more theaters, and got into movies with Irving Thalberg. Together, they opened “Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)” Movie studios. Movies were immensely profitable, mostly run by these Jewish self-made businessmen, who did the hard work to build the industry. They got rich, and dominate the industry to this day.


3.Banking: The idea that Jews dominate banking is a myth, that comes from that bogus “zion” book/conspiracy theory I mentioned. Jews don’t dominate the banking industry, BTW, because again, bankers excluded Jews due to the “Gentlemen’s Agreement”. Jews made money doing other industries, and worked their way into some banking (actually more in to stock brokering). There are major banks in New York, and since there are a lot of Jewish people in New York, naturally there are more Jewish bankers there. However, a lot of bankers came from elite colleges that excluded and discriminated against Jews, so it’s been an uphill struggle for Jews to become bankers.


Jeremy Cronin
For centuries all over the world Jews were prohibited from owning land, joining professional guilds, or participating in government.
As the world emerged from the middle ages and people started looking to get out of their agrarian lifestyle and enjoy the growth of the Renaissance and Industrial revolution, the only ways Jews could better their lot was to get an education and develop their skills in fields that they were not banned from or that were still early in their development and Jews had not yet been banned from them.
For this reason Jews historically became bankers, lawyers, doctors, traders and businessmen, and it became ingrained in the Jewish psyche that one needs to get a good education and learn skills with which they can succeed independently.


Many Jewish parents continue to this day to push their kids to study these fields and develop a good career. This is why Jews are disproportionately represented in those fields.
There is no conspiracy here. It's simply a side effect of the world's continued attempts to opress Jews.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Rachmaninov Piazzolla
As an Asian American, I generally refrain from stereotyping people. I have seen firsthand stereotyping working both for and against minorities.
That said, I’m going to show some interesting statistics about the Jewish folks — the Jewish people account for 0.2% of the world population; the Jewish people (1/2 or more of Jewish ancestry) account for 22% of Nobel Prize winners.
From a purely mathematical point of view, people with Jewish ancestry account for a statistically significant share of the highest of high achievers. By a 100X+ factor.
You can blame it on their work ethics, their genes, their culture… Either way, the numbers are there.
For one, I’m grateful Einstein brought us Relativity.


I was taking a class in college, an online class. In it the instructor asked us why the jews were persecuted. I responded by showing that the leading CEOs of most businesses in finance, banking, and a couple others were all Jewish. I was called a nazi, even though i showed evidence. The instructor took the side of the heckler. So i took it to the dept head. He looked into it, said i was right, then told me i was getting an A for the course, didn't have to finish the course and was given my tuition for the class, and the instructor had to write me an apology.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sadly, if you bring any evidence to question anything about jews,you are labeled antisemitic, which i am not in any way.
So the question remains, why do they have so much power if they make up such a small minority? It is because they take up key positions in the major industries.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Asher James
You know… there are way deeper analyses of this all over the place, including right here in these existing answers. So I’m not going to get deep into varying cultures of education and literacy; or the ways members of embattled minorities often band together and give each other a leg up, when they can; or the reality that literal centuries when Christians banned Jews from professional and mercantile guilds overlapped substantially with years when the Church wouldn’t let Christians lend money to each others, but would let them fund their wars and build their empires with money they borrowed from us—after all, if repayment got prohibitive, they could always just stage another pogrom.


Those explanations all require some depth and nuanced attention to fully grasp, and anyone still asking this question in 2023 is probably a little short on both, so let me just get straight to the simplest point.
There used to be a lot more poor, disenfranchised Jews, relative to our overall population. But a third of us were murdered in the early 1940s, and they consisted disproportionately of the people who didn’t have money for bribes or immigration; didn’t have business or family contacts who could help them settle somewhere new; had limited access to literacy skills or radios, and couldn’t stay up to date on political news… and the Holocaust might have been the worst time that happened, but it certainly wasn’t the first.


If, for centuries, you periodically murder, rob, exile, force conversion and cultural assimilation on, and burn down the neighborhoods of a given people group—but you sometimes give a pass to the ones with money they can lend you, or who run big important government or business enterprises; or the ones who’ve scraped some money together are just better able to resist or flee; then, yeah, a disproportionately high number of the survivors might be wealthy or politically or socially powerful.


Jews aren’t wealthier than anyone else. But to the extent that it sometimes looks that way? It’s because y’all’s people have spent a couple of millennia killing off all the poorest and least powerful among us, generation after generation, while shielding the ones with resources you thought you could use.


Angela Birch
Because a solid part of the culture of Jewish people is that education and expertise are valued. It is a rare Jewish child that is allowed to drop out of school and the assumption of a university education is instilled in most starting with before they start school. When they hit the job market they are prepared.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Taking an education seriously and teaching a child to value it results in higher achievement.
When I was in high school back in the late 1950s and early 1960s I watched other kids drop out once they hit 16. However none of my Jewish classmates dropped out, they assumed they would get a university education. They did so and their knowledge and skills were valued by employers. When I joined the army Men didn’t need a high school diploma. Women did. I had a lot of people in my post basic training some men and some women the men were unlikely to have a high school diploma unless they were Jewish or came from a family who valued education.


I am an employer and I hire basically the best in the field, because they get high wages and very nice benefits. Someone who is educated has an excellent chance of getting hired. A high school drop out might just as well not apply. In banking it is the same. They hire someone who is educated in the field and will be an asset. They do not hire someone who needs to take off their shoes to count change. In government education and experience are what counts. Factually the evidence indicates that there are about 130,000 government employees who are Jewish out of about 19 million government employees, do the math less than 2%. They do tend to be high profile due to their education and experience but they are under represented as a percentage of the government workforce. Media? The same. The media values education, talent and experience.


If one wants their children to succeed in life you make damned sure they value education and hard work. Without it they do not have a prayer of success.


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