2023-12-06 辽阔天空 3376
What is wrong with the current education system in the US?


Hargovind Singh
What is wrong with our education system today? Clearly, many people disapprove of our current public education system and believe it is holding students back. What do you think are the main issues that need to be addressed?
Let me point out the fundamental problem in my humble opinion with one simple example.
Recently I visited my village and one of my friend, a teacher, invited me to felicitate some of his students at the government junior high school, who were the top tankers in some general knowledge competition held at Block level. The teachers there were very proud of their students and told me that they had worked very hard and are very satisfied that the students had excelled under their guidance.
The head master asked one such student to stand up. He then bombarded the students with many questions regarding the United Nations (UN) Organisation. Such as—


Who is the current Secretary General of UN
When was UN formed
Since when India is a member of UN
How many countries are members of UN
Where is its headquarters situated
I was surprised as well as shocked to hear that the student of seventh standard of a government school answered all the questions with great confidence. The efforts of the teachers were really praiseworthy.


Then just out of my curiosity, I asked one simple question to the same student??
Just tell me what is United Nations, why it came into existence and what is its relevance??
The brilliant student, who gave correct answers to all the difficult factual questions was shocked. He didn’t expected any such question. I requested him to tell me anything about the UN except the facts, but he failed to say anything.
There lies the fundamental problem with our education system. Instead of teaching the students different concepts, their applicability in practical world and making the students think on their own; we just try to cram their minds with all irrelevant facts. Unfortunately we also test their intelligence on the very same facts and judge them accordingly.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If we had taught the student about the role, importance and relevance of the UN rather than so many facts, then his thought process would have developed better. He could have got an idea how in a situation of conflicts, one should try for peace.
The end result of such an education is that our bright students stop applying their minds logically, they stop asking thoughtful questions. The innovative approach and a rational mind required in this era of technology and innovation is lost somewhere in the burden of facts. The students don’t know what they are studying, why they are studying and what is the ultimate purpose of education.
Unfortunately then most of the students are not at all bothered about gaining knowledge or wisdom. They just study to get some job so that they can earn some money. That is why we are lacking in the field of science, technology and innovation.
Hope this situation improves and their is more focus on proper training and capacity building of our teachers to impart quality education.


Matthew Bates
What is the number one flaw in the American school system?
What is the purpose of school?
Different groups of Americans will answer that question differently. Fortunately for them, there isn’t much of a unified American school system. Most of the major decisions are made at the local level. When people talk about the failures of American schools, they’re usually pointing out the failures of a few local school districts, and those districts are usually only a reflection of the failures of the communities from which their students come.
It’s easy to see the different expectations of schools from parents and politicians if you look at the responses they had to remote learning during the pandemic.
“Remote learning is too easy for my child.” This parent expects the school to challenge their child to live up to their full potential.
“Schools need to reopen so parents can go back to work.” This person sees schools as more of a babysitting service.
“Schools will still offer free breakfasts and lunches to students during remote learning.” This person sees schools as a social service to help parents feed their own children.


“Schools should offer free, no-questions-asked birth control to students without parental consent.” This person also sees schools as a social service.
“School should teach my child with special needs how to do basic things, like cooking and cleaning.” For this parent, having a child that is able to just live independently is the goal.
“Schools should teach things like critical race theory and social justice and use restorative justice.” This person sees the purpose of schools as a tool for social engineering.
“Schools should spend more money on advanced classes for advanced students.”
“Schools should prepare students for college-level work.”
“Schools should be as diverse as possible to prepare students for the adult world.”
“The military should be allowed to recruit at high school.”
“Schools should have a lot of uniformed security officers to help students feel safe.”
“Schools should have people on staff to reach out to parents who speak other languages.”


And so on…
You get the idea. Everyone has different expectations of what schools should be doing. But, thanks to the highly-localized American education system, conflicts usually only occur when what the school district wants to do doesn’t reflect the wishes of the local residents in that district. Every now and then, you’ll hear about some parents at a school board meeting getting loud over what the school is doing, because it’s not what they think the school should be doing. Those conflicts make the news because they are rare.
One of the few consistent things in the American education system is that the student achievement is often a reflection of their home lives. That is, if you want to find a school with a lot of students who will end up with successful careers as adults, look for the schools where the majority of students come from homes where at least one of their parents also has a successful career.
The best schools, as far as student achievement is concerned, have a majority of students who live with two parents, one of whom is a college graduate, and one of whom has a middle class or higher income. The worst schools have a majority of students who only live with one parent, or their grandparents, none of whom are college graduates, and live in poverty or close to it.
And, in both extremes, the parents’ expectations of their child’s school is different, and the school should be responsive to those different expectations.


Joyce Fetteroll
What is wrong with the current education system in the US?
Expecting a great individual education from a system designed for mass education.
Schools are factories. They were designed to turn out a uniform product cheaply. When first created as a public service in the 1900s, all that public schools expected to do was to get kids literate and numerate. Then, while keeping them off the streets as parents worked, schools exposed them to broader knowledge. But the purpose was never proficiency in the broader knowledge. It was exposure in a world where few kids had access to books and equipment outside of school. The kids who enjoyed what they were exposed to could pursue it (if they had the means) into a career or college.


Had the purpose of schools been to nurture each child’s individual learning needs, no sane person would have designed schools as they are.
As a side effect, treating all kids as if they learned the same.
Kids grow into adults who become bankers, ballerinas, truck drivers, graphic artists, physical therapists, tennis players, programmers, bakers, archeologists. No one would even consider designing one learning program that would be useful to all those adults. Yet it’s expected that every single one of them could be reached the same way as kids.


If schools are offering more than basic literacy and exposure, if the purpose is learning, then for kids to learn well they need to be treated as individuals. They’re people who have their own unique set of skills, interests, and talents.
If the purpose is individual learning, then the plant and process need to change. It can’t operate with one teacher and thirty same-age students. It can’t operate with one process applying to all.
My husband teaches a college sports statistics class. The students aren’t as proficient at math as the students in his regular statistics class. Yet he can teach the sports stats students a higher level of statistics because 1) they’re there because they enjoy sports statistics and 2) they’re learning from real uses of the techniques to find information that interests them.
Sports stats wouldn’t work for all students because not all are interested in sports statistics. But if kids could approach statistics through their interests they would learn it far better and far faster.


Focusing on acquiring skills and knowledge divorced from use.
Doing endless math problems designed to cement the process into kids’ heads for most kids is not only incredibly hard but doesn’t even work well. Kids who are naturally good at math will get something from it. (Though they could be better served.) Everyone else will feel stupid for not learning from a process that makes no sense to begin with.
As above with the sports statistics class, when skills and knowledge are learned in context, they’re learned far better and far easier. My daughter was unschooled. That is she learned as a side effect of pursuing her interests. A big chunk of her math knowledge came from video games and the rest from ordinary use of numbers in day-to-day life. she learned to use numbers to get information she needed.


She learned to reason mathematically, to use numbers to make decisions with. She learned to estimate, to get an answer that was close enough to make a decision from. When she needed a precise calculation she learned some tricks to do it in her head or to use a calculator, depending on which served her needs better.


In real life, the problem isn’t reduced to a calculation. It isn’t dumbed down to the point where you’re just crunching numbers. In real life, you won’t walk into a store with $3 to buy apples at 79 cents a piece. In real life, you’ll have $3 and be asking, “I’m hungry. What are my options?” One option might even be searching the car floor for change to increase your options. In real life, problems are about weighing options to make a decision.
Schools can no longer rest on the assumption that what they do is necessary.
Unschooled kids, kids in Democratic schools learn in a environment that supports interest-based exploration. It looks nothing like school. Yet they go onto college with no problem if that’s what they wish to do.
If education is about literacy and numeracy, then people need to stop complaining that kids aren’t coming away with more. If education is about learning, then the system needs to be designed around learning.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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