2023-12-09 yjl0518 8442

There’s the stereotype that Asians are smart at school, always doing very well and coming in top of the class. There’s the stereotype that Asians get straight A’s on their exams and are academically gifted.


It’s no secret school is competitive in Asian countries and it’s a race to the top of the class there. In Australia, students with Asian-born parents outperform students with Caucasian-born parents and get honorable mentions in school, doing very well in subjects like Maths, Chemistry and Physics, and English too.


Sometimes we’re pressured by our parents to do well at school, so we study hard and accumulate more knowledge in our minds. Chinese-American author Amy Chua exemplifies this in her book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother which garnered quite a lot of backlash, documenting her strict typical Asian parenting rules that lead to her daughters doing well at school.


When I was younger, my dad said to me over and over again, “Everyone has a degree now. Everyone don’t want to get left behind.” I suppose what he meant was school goes some way in getting us somewhere: gets us a fairly good job to support yourself, and your parents in the later years. And so our Confucian, filial-piety ethics drive us to study hard and in a sense be clever at school. Achievement at school is like a duty that we owe to our parents for some of us.


Longer school hours in many Asian countries means more time to learn and know the textbook back to front like the palm of our hand. I blearily blxed at the whiteboard in the classroom at 7.30am during high school days in Singapore and was always wide-awake at 2pm when school finished – just in time for remedial classes. There’s not forgetting evening tuition classes but my parents decided not to spend money on that, instead presenting me with the maths revision books when I came home from school.


Perhaps some of us are just naturally smart. Studies have shown that kids in Asian countries perform better at school and have higher IQs, though their parents might not have had much of an education back in their day. Then again, every research study is subjective.


Maybe formulaic chalk-and-talk teaching systems in many schools in Asia – we sit quietly in class listening to teachers repeat formulas and equations over and over again, and think it’s disrespectful to talk while the teacher’s talking. I remember nodding along in maths class in Singapore, memorising formulas without knowing how they came about and just scribbled them down in the exams. That actually got me the marks.


For most part, it seems that it’s not that we’re smart, but more so that we know the value of being hard-working and earning our slice of the pie.


There are different kinds of smart. There’s study smart, the lessons you learn in the classroom. Then there’s street smart, the lessons you learn outside of the classroom from life experiences. Whether Asian or not, we all love to travel, and these days parents gladly shell out thousands of dollars for their kids’ graduation trips abroad post-high school or university. Seems many of us agree that we learn from once-in-a-lifetime experiences traveling the world. As my dad asked me when I was halfway through university, “Do you want to travel? Experience something different? I pay.


Over the years, I’ve learnt that getting an education and distinctions at school doesn’t necessarily guarantee us a job; sometimes we can’t keep listening to others but need to listen to ourselves. Finding the answers to who we are, what we want to do with our life and finding time for all that we do.


Were/are you a hardworking student at school?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Matthew Curry
I admire you. I wish I had taken school more seriously.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mabel Kwong
Thank you, Matt. It saddens me to hear you say that. Each one of us has different learning capacities, our own strengths and talents…so really, we are all smart in our own ways.
I admire you, too, especially how you draw so well and the fact that you have three books in print already. I wish I had more dedication like that as an artist.


Matthew Curry
Thanks. Well, I wasn’t very serious or dedicated when I was younger. Not in school, anyway, It’s something I regret.


Mabel Kwong
But I’m sure you learnt something at school…if not, discovered what you really loved doing back then. Not all successful people were academics, think Steve Jobs and Bill Gates who made a living doing what they love


Meihsiu Hsiao
I think the different Asian and Western education and lifestyle, they educate children grow up performance and achievements are also different, as children can Westerners more flexible and adaptable to the pressure is relatively strong, while Oriental Education Children good test scores, excellent teachers that are very smart kid, but there are also some are creative enough, because I have two children of their own, so this is my opinion.


Mabel Kwong
Very good point. Our lifestyle and the way we are brought up usually has an impact on how well we do at school. The common Western mentality is “work hard, play harder”, and it could be one reason why their studious Asian classmates do better on graded tests.
That’s not to say Asians aren’t smart in the creative sense. In Asia, many of them are very dedicated to their extra-curricular activities like playing piano or dancing. But for a number of them, it’s at the insistence of their parents.


I think Asians are taught to work harder, that is what I picked up as a child and the same values I tried to give to my children. Whatever we do, we are expected to do very well and these expectations get the best out of us, whether at school or work. High scores are a big deal and those who don’t come up to the expectations of their parents are reminded every single day that they must study well, which is made the top priority. Co-curricular activities and sports take a back seat. The curriculum is also frxd in such a manner that more emphasis is laid on learning, there is no flexibility at school level, rote learning is encouraged though latest changes focus on creativity too.
All these facts are very well illustrated by Asian students who enter top universities overseas and do so well! Apparently they are smarter! The western concept of getting a job of one’s choice does not occur to them as they can adjust very well in all kind of circumstances, as they are groomed in such a manner. So they are smarter even at work.


Mabel Kwong
“Co-curricular activities and sports take a back seat.” You are so right, Balroop. Although extra-curricular activities in schools in Singapore take place on Saturday mornings, they are usually cut out from curriculum in the couple of weeks towards the end of semester. It’s so students can focus on exams. Getting top grades is always a priority for the student, their parents and their teachers.


Figuring out who we are and becoming our authentic self is what’s must important in this life….in my opinion. Academics are great….but happiness in what you do and who you are – are greater!


Mabel Kwong
Yes! Becoming our own authentic self is most important in life. When we are happy, then we can spread the happiness around and help others and make them happy too. No reason why you can’t make a difference without a school or graduation certificate. You are certainly smart!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I have often wondered why Asian children don’t rebel more against their parents. To have such pressure seems like it would be more common for rebellion.


Mabel Kwong
That is such a good question – why Asian kids don’t rebel more against their parents. Maybe it’s fear, the fear of seeing their parents angry or sad or fear of letting their parents down. As kids, we rely on our parents for a living. We’re dependent on them for a living. So rebelling against our parents wouldn’t make for a happy household.


We are dependent as well on our parents but for some reason we are feisty. I have a male asian friend who I’ve known for years and he is in his 50’s and never married because he never found an Asian girl to date and his mom would’ve been horrified if he did not marry an Asian girl. i used to ask him why does he care? He isn’t a child anymore. He could never really give me answer.


Mabel Kwong
That is sad to hear. Some Asian families til this day still want their kids to marry someone with brains or academic smarts. Then again, as you mention, we all have the right to make friends and fall in love with anyone we like.
I think it’s a pride thing, for the parents. For the kids, I don’t know. The best answer I can suggest is we don’t want to make our parents sad, which is worse than making them angry.


Recently I was talking about teaching method in Indonesia with a friend of mine. He teaches at International School here in Jakarta. There are different ways of teaching he said. We are used to asked to sit and listen. Remember this and that, just like what you said. While outside, they are learning about how and why.
So if we are talking about smart or not, back again to the person itself, imho. Yes. I agree that Asian are told to work harder and I do also feel the same thing.


Mabel Kwong
So true. Sitting down memorising formulas, we might learn persistence and dedication, while being closed-minded. Chatting in groups with classmates discussing projects, we might learn what teamwork is but might not come to stand on our own feet.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Although I did not go to school overseas, I can totally relate just because I remember being young and being so competitive. Haha! As a student, I honestly didn’t have much social life because my time was filled with academics and co-curricular activities. Honestly, it didn’t feel weird at all, I grew up in a household where exceptional academic grades were expected, and where parents are their children’s most enthusiastic cheerleaders. As an adult, I really appreciate the way I was brought up – valuing school, hard work and education. I’ve gotten a bit more laid-back now, trying to pursue my passion (traveling and writing); but, at the same time, I’m in the middle of finishing post-grad, so maybe I’m not too laid back after all.


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