2023-12-14 ARRRRRIES 8412

Robert Quek
Not any more. Now, it is skill labour.
“Cheap China” was the much used shorthand descxtion in the early years of its industrial development, during the period that followed Deng xiaopin’s policy of “reform and opening” in 1978–79 and his Southern Tour (Nanxun) in 1992. It was the period that saw a massive creation of employment, from the large inflows of FDIs from Taiwan, Hong Kong, the Chinese diaspora, Japan, Europe, and US, as well as the establishment of large number of SOEs and indigenous private enterprise manufacturing companies.

现在不一样了,现在是技术劳动力。 “廉价中国”是其工业发展早期经常使用的简便描述,是在邓小平在1978-79年实施“改革开放”政策和1992年南巡讲话后的时期。在这一时期,大量的外商直接投资涌入,来自台湾地区、香港、中国侨民、日本、欧洲和美国,同时也建立了大量的国有企业和本土私营企业制造公司,大规模创造了就业机会。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

China was a very poor country, with a huge population, mainly peasants and rural people living in the countryside, where there was much under-employment. Farm reforms away from collectivism engendered a large and continuous outflow of people from the countryside to seek employment in the fast growing industrial sector in the cities & export zones. There is still the urban drift today, but no longer a flood. Urbanization is a deliberate policy of the government’s economic policy.


China’s attraction today is its supply of skill labour, juxtaposes with its centrality in the supply chain network, and the synergies inherent in the network.


Tim Cook, CEO of Apple once said that only China has the combination of electronic component supply chain and large pools of skill labour to make iphone on the scale that Apple needs.


He explained, “…it has less to do with the country’s large and cheap workforce than it does with the skills of the Chinese manufacturers….the focus on vocational skills….we need master tool and die makers, industrial engineers and other highly skilled people to do modern manufacturing…..I can fit the tool and die makers in the US in this large boardroom, in China, it would take several stadiums….”


K Chan
Not really. The hourly manufacturing labor cost for China is US$5.51 in 2018 (due to Covid-19, this is a more meaningful figure than the estimated US$6.5 for 2020). See below. Mexico and Vietnam are lower.
Manufacturing labor costs per hour: China, Vietnam, Mexico 2016-2020 | Statista
In contrast, the lowest hourly labour cost in the European unx is Bulgaria’s Eur5.4 in 2018.
Hourly labour costs

不完全正确。2018年中国的制造业每小时劳动力成本为5.51美元(由于COVID-19,这比2020年估计的6.5美元更具有意义)。见下文。墨西哥和越南的成本更低。 制造业每小时劳动力成本:中国、越南、墨西哥2016-2020 | Statista 相比之下,欧盟最低的每小时劳动力成本是2018年保加利亚的5.4欧元。 每小时劳动力成本
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Furthermore, the states Georgia and Wyoming have state minimum wage of US$5.15. However the federal rate of $7.25 prevails. Otherwise, you could find lower labor cost in the US than China’s average.
Which states have the lowest minimum wage?

此外,乔治亚州和怀俄明州的州最低工资是5.15美元。然而,7.25美元的联邦标准仍然适用。否则,你可以在美国找到比中国平均水平更低的劳动力成本。 哪个州的最低工资最低?

Adrian Wilson
Thanks to Cheap living cost that lead to labor cost.
Govt dont tax so little on individual income, property, essential supplies. In return, the rich will contribute more via luxury car, cigar, drink….

感谢低廉的生活成本导致的劳动力成本。 政府对个人收入、财产、基本用品征税很少。相应地,富人会通过豪车、雪茄、饮料等奢侈品做出更多贡献。

Paweł Kowalczuk
Thanks for asking me. It's simple. Population.
The more supply the cheaper price for it. Wages rise when demand is greater than supply, right? China has the largest population in the world. Western parts are still poorer than eastern parts…

谢谢你问我。很简单。人口。 供应越多,价格就越便宜。需求大于供应时工资就会上涨,对吧?中国是世界上人口最多的国家。西部地区仍比东部地区贫困...

Ed Spire
Because they have 1B people moving from rural poverty into the middle class, and as they make that move, they are willing (and able, due to low cost of living) to work cheaply.
the same thing is true in India.
As third world countries enter the global market, their labor rates are low compared to ours, and will stay that way until the bulk of their people enter the middle class.

因为他们有10亿人从农村贫困地区走向中产阶级,随着这种变化,他们愿意(并且由于低成本生活而有能力)以低廉的价格工作。 同样的情况也存在于印度。 当第三世界国家进入全球市场时,他们的劳动力费用与我们相比较低,直到他们的大多数人进入中产阶级。

Sthitapragnya Deshpande
Disclaimer: The author is a foreigner living in China
China does not pay workers in factories - their empoyer does. Some employers are SOEs, others are private companies.
Chinese workers are more expensive than Indian workers (a minimum salary for a construction labourer in cities is 3500 yuan / month - equivalent to Rs. 34,000/month). Ditto for factory workers, though most earn more.

声明:作者是一位居住在中国的外国人。 中国不会直接支付工厂工人的工资,而是由雇主支付。一些雇主是国有企业,另一些则是私营公司。 中国工人比印度工人更昂贵(城市建筑工人的最低工资为每月3500元人民币,相当于每月34000卢比)。工厂工人也是如此,虽然大多数人的收入更高。 这是如何实现的呢?

The Chinese government makes it easier for factories to employ large numbers of workers by keeping the employers costs low. This is by reducing leases, charges fo land use, electricity, permits, etc.
This also depends on the field, depending on the direction that the government wishes to country to take. For example - 5 years back, the government wanted to incentivise green vehicles. It has sicne been giving a subsidy to BYD of 110,000 yuan for each car sold. the cars sell for 220,000 yuan so actually, the customer pays 110,000 RMB, the governement contributes the rest, BYD makes the same profit, is able to pay its workers, and the company is now the largest manufacturer of electric vehicles.


Tesla gets no such subsidies, hence it continues to stutter despite being an equally good company with equally good cars.
Similarly, the government gives easy credit and cheap land for factories to set up in SEZs and has been introducing new SEZs in areas where people need employment.
In other words - it is because of the government. Reagan might have said this negatively (“The government is the problem …”), the Chinese do it differently and more positively.

特斯拉没有获得任何补贴,因此尽管是同样优秀的公司和同样出色的汽车,但仍在挣扎。 同样,政府为工厂提供易得的信贷和廉价土地,以在特别经济区设立工厂,并在需要就业的地区引入新的特别经济区。 换句话说,这正是因为政府。里根也许会以消极的方式说(“政府是问题的根源…”),但中国人却以不同、更积极的方式实现了这一点。

Joseph Wang
They don’t. All of the cheap labour jobs have moved or are moving to Vietnam and Indonesia.
One of the massively underreported stories about the Chinese economy is that China is undergoing the same economic shift that the US went through in the 1970’s and 1980’s. The jobs that moved into China in the 1980’s are now rapidly moving out of China.

他们不会。所有廉价劳动力工作岗位已经迁移到越南和印度尼西亚,或者正在迁移至这些地方。 关于中国经济,有一个极为被低估的故事是,中国正在经历着与美国在20世纪70年代和80年代经历过的相同的经济转变。上世纪80年代转移到中国的工作岗位现在正迅速迁出中国。

Matt Elsen
Two big reasons:
1. Competitive Job Market. China has a high population. If you have a job, odds are there is someone out there who is more desperate than you, and they will gladly work for less money. This drives down wages, thus driving down prices on the product.
2. Weak Labor Laws. Labor laws in China are weak. Compared to Western countries, they are intolerable. Work is dangerous and more uncomfortable. Manufactures can and will make cuts to overhead, further driving down prices on the product.

1. 具有竞争性的就业市场。中国人口众多。如果你有一份工作,很可能会有比你更绝望的人,他们会很乐意以更少的钱工作。这降低了工资水平,从而降低了产品价格。
2. 劳动法薄弱。与西方国家相比,中国的劳动法律是难以忍受的。工作是危险和更不舒适的。制造商可以并且将会削减开支,进一步降低产品价格。

Katie Pedro
Labor’s wage is decided by labor market economics. Normal economics supply and demand, equilibrium applies to the labor market. When supply of labor exceeds demand for the labor, price, i.e. wage goes down. When demand of labor exceeds supply, wage goes up.


Then other factors pitch in, such as barrier of entry (how much training required to perform the job, how easy to learn, how accessible the hiring facility is, local regulations - some job only allow local residents to apply), minimum wage mandated by law, competition for labor in other sectors (for example fast development in online shopping increased demands of delivery workers, took away supply of assembly workers, caused the factory labor cost to increase), income tax and social security costs, and other regulatory changes (such as recent change on maternity leave) etc. caused the labor cost to fluctuate.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

China's labor cost is relatively cheaper than more developed countries because all of the above mentioned factors. The urbanization of rural area caused the farming land allocated to each family unit in the village small enough that only one or two adults can take care of it. So the rest of the people went to the city looking for jobs. Many worked as maids, nanny, construction, handyman, delivery, service sector and in factories. If there are more people look for these jobs than existing job opening, you got cheap labor. Sometimes you just don't get enough labor in certain area, you got not so cheap labor. For example, nanny specialized at taking care of new mother and her new born baby. China has high demand on this kind of nanny. It is hard job. The live in nanny will cook nutritious food for mother to recover and produce milk, take care of new born, clean after the baby, and even help new mother to learn how to deal with her baby. Hard to learn, hard work, odd hours. So there is shortage of specialty nanny. The current price for an experienced nanny is RMB15,000/month. In comparison, average salary for fresh university graduates in first tier cities are RMB6,500/month.


Look at China’s labor market trend, factors like low birth rate, growing higher education institutions, growing service sector, growing eCommerce decreased the supply for factory workers, which is a upward driver for labor cost. Factors like automation, moving factories to even lower wage countries, weakening global economy decreased demand for labor, drive down wages.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Other factors, such as a hike on minimum wage or a hike on social insurance costs increased the cost of hire thus lowered the demand for labor, leave some less competitive worker jobless.
You see that's how equilibrium of labor markets dictate how cheap or how expensive China labor price will be.


In fact, the supply of work can't catch up the demand of worker. The workers can find their next job in no time. The short supply of worker has caused China labor price steadily increase year over year. I think automation is beneficial for China's manufacturing sector if China still want to be the number one manufacturer of the world.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Zoey Shen
we have a large amount of manpower. and because China is still an undeveloped country, our consumption level is low compared to developed countries, so although the average salary of Labour is low, people can still live their life better than imagined


Evan Li
1、We have largest population in the world,but you can say india has second largest population which has more younger population.But look at 2.
2、We have nine year compulsory education,which can’t make us become doctor,lawyer ,any job need high education,but we can be worker,to be a member of a labour intensive industry. making shoes,toys and so on.
3、We have many poor famliies.They are willing to accept low income,which will make them alive,better life than to be a peasant.
4、Hard work is the fine tradition of our nation.
5、China's infrastructure is ahead of many countries.It is convenient for people to go out to work,even across half of China.
6、Some westerners enjoy high welfare for too long, can not accept the strength of our work.

1、我们拥有世界上最大的人口,但你可以说印度是拥有第二大人口的国家,他们拥有更多年轻的人口。但请看第2点。 2、我们有九年义务教育,这并不能让我们成为医生、律师或者任何需要高学历的职业,但我们可以成为工人,成为劳动密集型产业的一员,制造鞋子、玩具等等。 3、我们有很多贫困家庭,他们愿意接受低收入,这样至少能保证生活,比当农民要好些。 4、勤劳是我们民族的美德传统。 5、中国的基础设施领先于许多国家,这使得人们出去工作变得方便,甚至可以跨越中国的一半距离。 6、一些西方人长期享受高福利,无法接受我们工作的强度。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Atchutanandam Tatavarthy
Iam only against China in respect of its support to Pakisthan which is violent, very dogmatic in its religion beyond any rationalisation and wants to make India as Islamic country with the support of muslim poluation of nearly 20crores in India Bangladesh and Pakisthan put together comes to another 30 crores. China did not consider the friendship of India as better than Pakisthan. Otherwise China’s people and its Govt. did a lot better to its people than any Govt. In the world which is accepted ungrudginly by me and majority of Indians.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Sara Ying
Definitely agree with Anthony about cheap being a relative thing. Nowadays, labor is actually cheaper in Vietnam and other parts of Southeast Asia. However, Chinese labor is still cheap in comparison to the US and Europe because factors like inflation and minimum wage.


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