2023-12-14 ◣靜♂候輪回 11403

Profile photo for Gert Busch
Gert Busch
I have backpacked through many countries.Upvoted by
Derek Cheung
, Living in China 18 years and counting and
David K. Clarke
, lived in China (2003-2018)upxed 1y
I once became hopelessly lost in the city of Chengdu, which is in central China. Getting lost in a city wasn’t anything new to me, I felt this was the only way to really see a city, you only know a place once you need to find your way out of it. None-the-less my wife and I after spending the day just walking anyway we wanted were quite lost, to the point that we couldn’t find where we thought were on a map.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Eventually, I had to ask someone for directions. In the part of the city we were, it was surprisingly quiet. I saw a woman standing near the street waiting to cross. Now, the problem I had was almost no one we met while we were there spoke English, so I wasn’t sure how I was going to ask her for help. I came up behind and said “excuse me” to which she didn’t answer, after the second attempt I walk around her and said “excuse me” again, to which she got a huge fright, I thought she was going to give me a fat slap in the face, but I also saw she was actually on a phone call.


After apologising profusely in some broken Mandarin I learnt while there and walking away, she started shouting at me. Well, it wasn’t shouting as I later discovered but let’s just say talking very loudly and gesturing me to ask what I wanted. So, after showing her the map with an “I don't know where I am” expression. She then put her hand up palm out in a manner telling me to wait, quite sternly.


Next thing, she whips out her phone, makes a call, and starts what sounds like a massive argument with someone on the other side, then suddenly stops and passes me the phone and says quietly sternly “take it” (well that’s what I think she said). I take the phone and say “Hi - my name is Gert”, on the other side is a male voice and in the calmest most perfect English says: “Hi - I’m the brother of the lady you just spoke to, she called me and said it looks like you’re lost. If you can tell me where you’re trying to go, then I can tell her how to help you.” - to which I reply “Thank you very much ..” and proceed to explain where we want to go. He then tells me to hand the phone back to his sister. After handing it back to her, they again proceed to have what I interpret as a huge argument. Once done, shes hands the phone back to me and he proceeds to explain how and where I need to go, to find a taxi and specifically how and to instruct the taxi driver. Thanking him and apologising to have wasted his time. He graciously says he didn’t mind and says it’s not every day his sister calls him in Hong Kong…..


He was in Hong Kong 1650 Km / 1025 Miles away and I’m standing somewhere in Chengdu on the street side next to his sister. After giving her the phone back and saying thanking in Mandarin a few times, her face changes and she flashes me this huge and incredibly warm smile.


See, what I learnt was that often one judges by your cultural norms, and cultures across the globe are quite different. What I had interpreted as cross or angry, even rude was actually just matter-of-fact and what I had interpreted as an argument was what I later learnt, just the exuberant and honest manner in which many Chinese converse. The fact of the matter was this lady had no problem just calling her brother across the country for no other reason than she needed him to help these tourists who look lost.


Don’t judge another culture or as in this case the Chinese in relation to your cultural norms, judge on someone's actions. I backpacked through China from top to bottom (literally) and my general interaction was one of warmth and welcome.


This post appears to be attracting more and more Anti-Chinese and or Anti-Western Comments. This is a pity, as it’s not a politically motivated post, it is one of celebrating cultural diversity and appreciation. The experience for me specifically one of learning and growth that I wanted to share.


Please, keep it respectful - Any hate speech will be dexed without comment.

请保持尊重 - 任何仇恨言论都将被删除,不予置评。

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Profile photo for Ahmed Alami Aroussi
Ahmed Alami Aroussi
· 2y
Same experience here. Spent six months in China, felt warmth, comfort, and serenity. Got all the help I needed every time, from Chinese friends and strangers alike. Really nice people.


Profile photo for Gert Busch
Profile photo for Joe Wong
Joe Wong
· 2y
How is your Mandarin now? My Mandarin is terrible even though I am Chinese. I speak Cantonese.


Danny Lan
You need to learn mandarin and all HKers needs to learn mandarin if you want to communicate with the rest of people of China.

Profile photo for 天博 王
天博 王

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

· 11mo
Thanks for the compliment to us,I'm so warm for reading your manage


Profile photo for Carsten Junge
Carsten Junge
· 2y
About being loud: When my Chinese wife calls her parents in China, I always joke that she does not need the phone for them to hear her even though she sits in Germany.


Profile photo for Gert Busch
Profile photo for Anthony Wong
Anthony Wong
· 2y
Ha, ha, ha. That’s so funny Carsten.


Seng Aun Goh
hahaha, exactly my reaction


Profile photo for Kenny K
Kenny K
· Jan 25
I am Chinese but I also want to know why some people always speak very loud to the phone. It seem some people from some province(such as Hunan province) used to speak loud.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Max P
As a Hunaner I agree with you, but actually the idea that whispering is a sign of politeness is only popular among young people . You can't understand loud talking because you've been taught to tell you to keep your voice down. My grandparents, who only went to the fifth grade, were not taught to speak in a low voice; everyone in their generation spoke loudly. But it was definitely not rude, they were very warm and kind.


Profile photo for Sheila Hill
Sheila Hill
· 2y
I have always noticed that the Chinese people are quick thinkers; they solve problems quickly and precisely, never wasting time on senseless chatter.


Profile photo for Gert Busch
Profile photo for Xun Chaw
Xun Chaw
· 2y
It really depends on the situation. In business we are. In family life we also do blahblahblah.


Satish Sharma
Same as Indians. In family situations we can go on and on and never come to any conclusion. Good that we have this common trait.

Profile photo for 友 盛
友 盛

· Jun 1
absolutely right, we Chinese believe that in most of occasions words can change nothing and we look down upon Sayers and ones speaking a lot


Profile photo for Jamie Cawley
Jamie Cawley
· 2y
Also people in Beijing always sound as though they are about to break into a fight - it takes some getting used to.


Profile photo for Gert Busch
Profile photo for Sheila Hill
Sheila Hill
· 2y
I love to listen to my friends from Fuzhou speak in their native tongue. Even though some would consider it very loud, I find it soothing and strong.


Profile photo for Gert Busch
Elaine Higham
I like listening to Hongkongers speaking, they sing their language…..


Profile photo for Ken Goh
Ken Goh
· 1y
About a year after arriving in Sydney Australia, i heard what i thought were two young fellas swearing at each other. Many moons later, i figured out that they were saying goodbye to each other. Yea, cultural, bcos where i grew up, if you hear loud voices, it means there's a fight developing.


Profile photo for Gert Busch
Profile photo for Craig Doolittle
Craig Doolittle
· 2y
Haha, I really enjoyed this story. have visited China on three occasions, and staying at my now ex future mother in laws house in Dandong. I remember the first time I was there. She was speaking to a sister on the phone, and I finally asked my fiancé why was she so mad? Why is she yelling? She laughed and told her mom what I said and they both laughed. Over time, it seemed that more women than men would talk really loud. I was told that it was due to living in large populations and also working in loud factories. I am not sure the real reason, but it is true they talk loud haha. It is also true that everyone, including strangers were very polite. Dandong is not a large city, so the people didn’t see too many western people. I had noticed that the woman especially would always stare at me, and to be honest in was not comfortable because I wasn’t sure if it was friendly or not. . So one day I decided to try something. I decided that regardless of age, the next women I found staring at me I would look into her eyes and smile broadly. So I did that, and the smile coming back to me was incredible, so warm and friendly. I realized that my smile to her was to be a story she would tell to all her friends haha.


Profile photo for Gert Busch
Profile photo for Yiqiong Wang
Yiqiong Wang
· 1y


Profile photo for Seventeen
· 1y
Most Chinese people are curious when they see a foreigner on the street. For example, when I see a foreigner on the street, I always want to communicate with him, but I don't dare to communicate with him.


If you live in tier -1 or 2 cities. And working for westerners like me. You will never feel amazed by see a foreigner on the street. It depends on where do you work and what sorts of peope you are touching daily. Actually,humans are the same from essentially


Profile photo for Valerie Van Kerckhove
Valerie Van Kerckhove
· 2y
People from some provinces of China speak Really Loud so to outsiders it sounds like they’re angry or arguing, when they’re actually talking normally. Someone joked to me that it’s because they traditionally lived in mountainous areas so they had to scream at each other to be heard at the other side of the mountain (not sure to which extent this is true).


Profile photo for Gert Busch
Profile photo for Bobby Lynn
Bobby Lynn
· 2y
People from rural areas tend to speak louder. Possibly talking to each other across a rice field or something needs a bit more volume.


Profile photo for Gert Busch
Gheorghe Ivanovsky
We have few rice fields, but same in rural Eastern Europe.


Profile photo for Tham Yuk Tai
Tham Yuk Tai
· 2y
It's very true. The screaming will alx the house owners to control their dogs and with this action it guarantees a warm reception.


Profile photo for Teo Englian
Teo Englian
· 2y
Dude, you won my heart. What a warm encounter and unforgettable experience you had in Chengdu! I had been to Chengdu few times. It’s a nice, slow pace and very tourist-friendly city in south-west China.


Profile photo for Gert Busch
Profile photo for Zilin Xu
Zilin Xu
· May 17
Sometimes cab drivers can speak some simple English too!


Profile photo for Matthew Galat
Matthew Galat
· 2y
My ningbo Aunt speaks so loud it sounds like she has a shouting match with her family every time she talks. Just the way she is.
Profile photo for Gert Busch
Profile photo for Calvin L
Calvin L
· 2y
What a great story, thanks for sharing.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Profile photo for Gert Busch
Profile photo for Zhongyang Liu
Zhongyang Liu
· 2y
Emmmmm just providing another fact. Making a phone call from Chengdu to Hongkong is something like an international call, which takes about a 10 times of price for a phone call within borders. And that’s also the reason why the lady didn’t call her brother frequently.


Profile photo for Gert Busch
Profile photo for Siales Pangkatana
Siales Pangkatana
· 2y
We Chat.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Profile photo for Tifonee Zhong
Tifonee Zhong
· 1y


Profile photo for Jeff Taylor
Jeff Taylor
· 2y
When I’m lost in Chinese cities I stop a taxi and give them my destination written on a piece of paper (in Chinese characters, supplied by a friend or hotel staff). Taxis are relatively cheap in China.


Profile photo for Gert Busch
Profile photo for Seventeen
· 1y
However, I prefer to use the mobile app to take a taxi. Some taxi drivers may choose to take a detour because you are a foreigner, making you pay more.


Profile photo for David K. Clarke
David K. Clarke
· 2y
Because Chinese is a tonal language, one of the easiest ways to add emphasis is to increase volume. It’s also done to add certainty/authority or add urgency. Also, keep in mind that a lot of people in China are used to being in a crowd VERY often, so you tend to speak louder in general. When I first arrived in China I thought people were arguing constantly too, but later you realize its usually just a discussion on what to have for dinner.


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