2023-12-15 ◣靜♂候輪回 4867

Profile photo for Henry Eshleman
Henry Eshleman
Born, raised, and live in Fairbanks. One winter in Kobuk.5y
1、Most of the population isn’t here to stay. Sad but true. Gigantic chunks of our population think of themselves as U.S. citizens first, because they were born in the Lower 48.


2、The presence of U.S. Military facilities is a major economic driver for the communities close to them. And not just big communities like Fairbanks or Anchorage, either- Galena has the airport it does because of previous military operations.


3、The state doesn’t generate nearly enough food to feed its current population- well under one million people. Oil exports are a terrible, streaky thing to pin an economy to- as we’re re-discovering (again) as a state.


4、That tiny population means that our large, geographically diverse and sparsely-populated landmass would be an absolute nightmare to defend- even IF we cut some sort of deal to keep the U.S. military presence at its current level of investment and willingness to defend Alaska.


5、Any arrangement that keeps the military here is effectively establishing a client relationship with the United States, whose foreign policy can shift dramatically every four years- or less. As a State, we can claim both a small voice in national affairs, and a legitimacy in requesting Federal defense funding.


6、The U.S. Government pumps a lot more money into Alaska than it takes out. They aren’t the ones extracting our resources and paying us pennies- that would be the oil companies, whose negotiating position would actually become stronger if they were dealing with a demographically tiny nation stuck between Russia and Canada.


7、The state’s economy, since European contact, has been an unending boom-bust cycle. Until someone commits to a more stable and sustainable economic model, that’s going to make for a pretty crappy national economy.


A tiny nation with natural resources and little inherent defense capability? I somehow doubt it fare terribly well on the world stage.


Long story short, as someone born and raised here? No friggin’ way.


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Profile photo for Junping Zhang
Profile photo for Jon Kime
Jon Kime
· 3y
A great analysis. There are only two states I can think of that would make a viable nation, California and Texas. Maybe. The others are either too poor or rely on federal money in one form or another. When people feel ignored or unrepresented these independence movements start. In Northern California it’s the State of Jefferson, in Eastern Washington it’s Liberty. I’m sure there are more.


Profile photo for The Human Machine
The Human Machine
· Jan 28
Well, Colorado has farming, oil, mining, tech development, SKIING, OUTDOOR RESORTS, and don't forget - NORAD. Colorado provides a steady financial surplus, yearly, and it has the military power to defend itself, because the US federal government wouldn't be able to carry away Mt. Cheyenne.


But do they have any reason to secede? None that I can see.


Profile photo for Jon Kime
Jon Kime
· Jan 28
I could make the same claim for Washington St. Lots of high tech, lots of military, great ports, a long history trading with Asia, good higher ed. (6th best university in the world), natural gas, but not much oil. The wealthy westside has no beef with the Feds, just the poorer eastside.


Profile photo for Andy Neill
Andy Neill
· 5y
How about joining Canada?


Profile photo for Henry Eshleman
Henry Eshleman
· 5y
Logistically, more feasible- more of the nuts and bolts problems confronting feeding the population and maintaining the infrastructure would be allayed.


Realistically, even less likely to work.


How would the United States negotiate the transfer of bases like Fort Wainwright or JBER AND tolerate the surrender of its 49th State?

美国如何谈判像弗特·维恩赖特堡(Fort Wainwright)或JBER这样的基地的转移,并且容忍其第49个州的放弃

Then there’s the cultural distinction, the fact that Canadian law would represent an alteration to certain aspects of local culture (we love our guns here, dontchaknow). While some of the population might welcome the change, most would not- Again, Point #1 in my little list here. Outright independence would still be a more popular option than throwing in with a different national government.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Profile photo for Tim Roth
Tim Roth
· 5y
Alaska may not be a nation on their own but if you added the NWT, BC, Alberta, Sask, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Oregon, you would have a world powerhouse as long as we kept the US and Canadian governments out of the picture.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Profile photo for Jon Kime
Jon Kime
· 3y
The mighty nation of Cascadia, a great idea but I have no idea how it could possibly happen.


Profile photo for Jon Kime
Jon Kime
· 3y
The mighty nation of Cascadia, a great idea but I have no idea how it could possibly happen.


Profile photo for Aaron Bozigian
Aaron Bozigian
· 3y
Well they would certainly have to strike a deal with either Russia or The US to protect them for awhile (a deal likely involving oil). But let’s say things change a bit in 20 years time: let’s say a major tech company entirely based their operations in Alaska, a company that was entirely pro-Alaska and has secretly developed several powerful machines of war. Let’s say the government priority in Alaska changed to bring massive amounts of industry (and with it people and jobs) to the state and has taken care of the food problem with nearly perfectly controlled and sealed robotic farms. Then (and only then) I think it would fair quite well with secession. They’d obviously have to nationalize the oil industries (at all costs) but I think it’s a definite possibility that these things could happen in the future.


Profile photo for Henry Eshleman
Henry Eshleman
· 3y
No, that doesn’t work either- because whichever massive tech company magically decided to base themselves at the end of a long supply line where everything costs more, and brought in more people… those people would retain loyalty to wherever they came from, for the most part.


Your scenario basically describes the post-Second World War military buildup we had.


Profile photo for Aaron Bozigian
Aaron Bozigian
· 3y
Ehhh, if it’s a scenario where Alaska had a really good transparent government with a bigger UBI program and the lower 48 is basically going to shit (kind of like it is now but worse with revolutionary tensions rising (which will happen if we don’t make some serious changes in 20 years)) then I think the majority of people who traveled there for work would want to stay there and bring their families there.


Profile photo for Henry Eshleman
Henry Eshleman
· 3y
You misunderstand- wanting to stay in Alaska and wanting it to be its own country are two very different things.


If the United States starts to disintegrate to the point where the lower 48 becomes untenable, Alaska will have long since become a total basket case first.


The number of things that have to go right in this scenario are so high as to make the Federation in Star Trek look plausible.


Profile photo for Aaron Bozigian
Aaron Bozigian
· 3y
Well, we will see.


Profile photo for Andrew White
Andrew White
· 2y
That was pretty spot on, but let's be fair. Everyone you mentioned wasn't alaskan. A little under half of us don't live in cities and could probably do just fine without any government. We're kind of awesome like that. It's the bases, the roads, the inflated government debauchery, etc, that ENSURE our forced dependence these days. I for one, feel it's highly unlikely to ever happen or be sought, but I think we'd actually thrive.


Profile photo for Paul Murray
Paul Murray
· 1y
Alaska is way, way too close to Russia, China, and North Korea to safely exist as an independent nation.


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