2023-12-15 冲动的小李 5871

Shawn K.l
· Nov 24
Because people have zero faith in the US Federal government. They have zero faith in the election system, zero faith in justice system and zero faith in the media.
Because people know when they are being lied to. People don’t want WWIII, don’t want to get involved in the Ukraine, Gaza, don’t like open borders, and don’t like how Dementia Joe surrendered in Afghanistan. Because people know that Beijing Biden works for China, cares not one squat about the American people.
Because people remember a President who built the strongest economy on earth, who lowered costs, who earned 4 nominations for the Nobel Prize because peace was breaking out across the globe and avoided any new war. They remember Operation Warp Speed, and a massive response to COVID. They remember that Democrat politicians fought that response tooth and nail, and sent infected people into nursing homes to kill more old people.
You think our memory ends after one news cycle. It doesn’t.


Profile photo for Terry I. Davis
Terry I. Davis
· Nov 24
I believe that the USA is currently in the midst of the American version of the Cold War. Instead of our adversaries being the old Soviet unx and the communist bloc it is now the US Government, the liberal media and others aligned with them going after conservative Americans and anyone who supports the traditional values that made America great. I firmly believe the 2024 elections will not be conducted in a complete transparent manner and will no doubt witness election fraud, manipulation and corruption on a scale unimaginable. The Democrats saw how easy it was to flip the 2020 election and have been working nonstop to prepare the 2024 election.
The stage is now being set for the Cold War to escalate into the next phase and if the people perceive the situation next year as another 2020 election then things very well could spiral out of control.

我认为美国目前正处于美国版的冷战之中。 我们的对手不再是旧苏联和共产主义集团,而是美国政府、自由派媒体和其他与他们结盟的人,他们追捕保守的美国人和任何支持使美国变得伟大的传统价值观的人。 我坚信,2024年的选举不会以完全透明的方式进行,毫无疑问,选举舞弊、操纵和腐败的规模将难以想象。 民主党看到扭转2020年大选是多么容易,因此一直在马不停蹄地准备2024年大选。

Profile photo for Ed Kennedy
Ed Kennedy
· Nov 27
A war is when the gov’t tells the citizens who the bad guys are, a civil war is when the people figure it out for themselves. Your comment is spot on. Wait til they start coming for the guns, and they most definitely will.

战争是政府告诉公民谁是坏人,内战是人民自己找出答案。 你的评论很到位。 等到他们开始来拿枪,他们肯定会的。

Profile photo for Terry I. Davis
Profile photo for Carol S
Carol S
· Nov 23
So true. It’s comforting to read comments from people who can see what’s really happening. I get seriously frightened when I read the disturbing comments from the voters on the radical left. Truly scary. Thank you for restoring my faith! #Trump2024

如此真实。 阅读那些能够看到真实情况的人的评论是令人欣慰的。 当我读到激进左翼选民的令人不安的评论时,我感到非常害怕。 真的很可怕。 谢谢你恢复了我的信心! #特朗普2024

Profile photo for Matt
· Nov 25
We're all screwed if anyone from Bidens group gets it in 2024

如果拜登集团的任何人在 2024 年得了它,我们都完蛋了
原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Profile photo for Bryan Machin
Bryan Machin
· Dec 2
We have NO DEMOCRACY if anyone from Trump’s group gets in in 2024—They SAY IT every day.

如果特朗普集团中的任何人在 2024年加入,我们就没有民主——他们每天都这么说。

Profile photo for Combustioneer
· Dec 5
We've never had a democracy. Democracies don't last. We are a Constitutional Republic. There is no other country on earth with a constitution that protects the people from tyrannical govt. That same constitution protects against mob rule which is what causes democracies to fail. The Democrats are trying to usurp the Constitution and violate election law again to maintain despotic power over the people.

我们从来没有民主过。 民主不会持久。 我们是宪政共和国。 地球上没有其他国家拥有保护人民免受暴政政府侵害的宪法。 该宪法还防止暴民统治,而暴民统治正是导致民主制度失败的原因。 民主党试图再次篡夺宪法、违反选举法,以维持对人民的专制权力。

Profile photo for Frank Silbermann
Frank Silbermann
· Nov 26
There is a very real danger that conservatives will grow to hate and hold in contempt their opposition to the same degree that their opposition already hates conservatives and holds them in contempt (and some signs that this is already beginning to happen).
If hatred of and contempt for liberals among conservatives ever reaches the degree to which liberals already feel hatred and contempt for conservatives, it is difficult for me to imagine America not falling into Civil War.


Profile photo for Gary Neely
Gary Neely
· Nov 29
As in the 70s I love my country but I don’t our government


Profile photo for Gary Neely
Gary Neely
· Nov 29


Profile photo for PG Wist
PG Wist
· Nov 23
Right and the democrats foot soldiers are on the ready.


Profile photo for Ed Kennedy
Ed Kennedy
· Nov 28
To do what? Vote blindly “fo’ anybody wid a D by dey name”? They say they’re going to start a revolution, hell, most can’t start a lawnmower…. Let’s get this show on the road. The damned politicians are bad enough, the voters just useful idiots for them.

做什么? 盲目投票“给任何名字为D的人”? 他们说他们要发起一场革命,见鬼,大多数人都连割草机的启动都不会…… 让我们行动起来吧, 该死的政客已经够糟糕了,选民对他们来说只是有用的白痴。

Profile photo for Bryan Machin
Bryan Machin
· Dec 2
THEY don’t say they’re going to start a revolution. YOU say that. You’re the ones who want to overthrow the government. The other side does not.

他们并没有说他们要发起一场革命。 你这么说,因为你们是那些想要推翻政府的人。 另一边则不然。

Profile photo for Paul ShadowCat
Paul ShadowCat
· Dec 5
There is a big difference. We don’t want to “Overthrow the government”. We want back what was stolen through fraudulent elections.

有一个很大的不同。 我们不想“推翻政府”。 我们想要拿回通过舞弊选举被盗的东西。

Profile photo for Matt
· Nov 23
To much money in DC no one goes their to fix anything any more. And we're told then vote them out . Will , two problems that one is ballot fraud see Biden and Trump and two if we were lucky enough to vote them out then what ? More big promises then nothing? I said once voting is like picking your favorite clown in the circus

在华盛顿,花了很多钱,但是没有人再去解决任何问题。 我们只是被告知如何投票。 拜登和特朗普会遇到两个问题,一是选票欺诈,二是如果我们足够幸运,把他们选下来了,那会怎样? 更大的承诺然后什么也没有? 我说过投票就像在马戏团里挑选你最喜欢的小丑

Profile photo for Stan Miller
Stan Miller
· Nov 23


Profile photo for Bryan Machin
Bryan Machin
· Dec 2
Back to prison.


Profile photo for Jerry Marois
Jerry Marois
· Dec 2
How can someone to go back to some place they’ve never been? I know it has changed a lot lately, but it used to be you had to be proven guilty of something to go to jail.

一个人怎么能回到他们从未去过的地方呢? 我知道最近情况发生了很大变化,但过去你必须被证明有罪才能入狱。

Profile photo for Bryan Machin
Bryan Machin
· Dec 2
I meant went he had to appear to be arraigned. I know jail isn’t the same thing as prison, so my bad.

我的意思是他必须看起来像是被提审了。 我知道监狱和监狱不一样,所以我错了。

Profile photo for Larry Hag
Larry Hag
· Dec 5
Arraignment is not jail


Profile photo for Scott Houff
Scott Houff
· Dec 2
The system is played out. Today we don't vote for best man for the job. They only give you the choice this rich guys lacky or that guys lacky. It would be funny if they put “none of the above” on the ballot so the parties had to offer someone that is worth really voting for

美国玩完了。 今天我们不投票选出该职位的最佳人选。 他们只给你选择这个有钱人缺乏或那个人缺乏。 如果他们在选票上写上“以上都不是”,那就很有趣了,这样政党就必须提供真正值得投票的人

Profile photo for Darrell Shultz
Darrell Shultz
· Nov 27
Because we would much rather fight than sit by while the fairy population finish ruining our children and country.


Profile photo for Dustin
· Nov 23
Also, there is no communist takeover in the US. communist are not funded by giant corporations and multi million/billionaires. Usually those people al get killed during a communist takeover, along with the intellectuals.

此外,美国没有***可以接管国家。 共产主义者不受大公司和数百万/亿万富翁的资助。 通常这些人都会在***接管期间与知识分子一起被S。

Profile photo for Craig Hoffman
Craig Hoffman
· Dec 1
Yes, America faces serious challenges and I agree with many on the list, but we are all Americans first. Talk of “civil war” is treasonous.

是的,美国面临着严峻的挑战,我同意名单上的许多人的观点,但我们首先都是美国人。 谈论“内战”是叛国行为。

Profile photo for Ginger Scott
Ginger Scott
· Dec 2
Mr. Hoffman, you need to go back to Civics Class: Discussing the possibility of civil war is a far cry from planning it…


Profile photo for Craig Hoffman
Craig Hoffman
· Dec 2
Perhaps, but doing so is not in good taste and it is not patriotic.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Profile photo for Billy Bookman
Billy Bookman
· Dec 8
Bull. Blindly allowing your government officials to destroy your nation is “not patriotic”. The first duty of any American citizen is literally to stop the government for getting out of control.
Was it “not patriotic” to leave England? Technically, THAT was a civil war, also.

公牛。 一味地允许你的政府官员摧毁你的国家是“不爱国”的。 任何美国公民的首要职责实际上就是阻止政府失控。
离开英国是“不爱国”吗? 从技术上讲,那也是一场内战。

Profile photo for Dustin
· Nov 23
It’s weird how people sow doubt over many years & then people don’t trust the system. Politicians have sown doubt for their political gain, or because they’re giant puzzies and can’t admit they lost and would rather make up conspiracy theories than man-up and move on.

奇怪的是,人们多年来一直在播撒怀疑的种子,然后人们就不相信这个系统了。 政客们为了自己的政治利益播下了怀疑的种子,或者因为他们是一个巨大的谜团,无法承认自己失败了,宁愿编造阴谋论,也不愿勇敢地继续前进。

Profile photo for Toxicnut
· Nov 30
Once more people realize that the elections are all theater, because of the amount of fraud being committed, anything could happen. It will happen quickly and violently. As it should. And any attempt at gun confiscation against the American citizens, should be the final act of this government, before they are all removed and executed. That is the line in the sand.

一旦更多的人意识到选举都是戏剧性的,由于存在大量的欺诈行为,任何事情都有可能发生。 它会发生得又快又猛烈。任何针对美国公民没收枪支的企图都应该是本届政府的最后行动,然后他们才会被全部驱逐和处决,那是最终方案。

Profile photo for Bryan Machin
Bryan Machin
· Dec 2
There is NO EVIDENCE of widespread fraud. Fraud is made up by people who keep losing elections and don’t want to admit they lost. Find ANY verifiable study of widespread voting fraud in the last sixty years. Good luck because they’re aren’t any.

没有证据表明存在广泛的欺诈行为。 欺诈是由那些不断输掉选举并且不想承认自己输了的人编造出来的。 查找过去六十年来普遍存在的投票欺诈的任何可验证的研究。 祝你好运,因为他们都不是。

Profile photo for Larry Hag
Larry Hag
· Dec 5
They announced today during a congressional hearing that over 110,000 votes in one state alone are in question because the chain of command was “lost” bringing the entire election into question

他们今天在国会听证会上宣布,仅一个州就有超过 110,000张选票受到质疑,因为指挥系统“失效”,使整个选举受到质疑

Profile photo for Greg Aliano
Greg Aliano
· Dec 1
Democrats! You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all the time ! Americans have seen what you're about! Lieing, cheating, communist, giving trillions of dollars away and have no clue where it went Duh, it went in the back pockets of lieing cheating no good Democrats, while hardworking middle class Americans are going broke paying for the Democrats shenanigans! Words cannot describe how Americans feel about this administration , horrible, terrorists, communist, traitors, liars, thieves, homo’s, , pedophiles, there's a hot place in hell for them!!!

民主党人! 你可以在一时愚弄某些人,但不能永远愚弄所有人! 美国人已经看到你的意思了! 撒谎,欺骗,共产主义,捐出数万亿美元,却不知道它去了哪里,呃,它进了撒谎的民主党人的口袋,而勤奋的中产阶级美国人却在为民主党的恶作剧付出代价! 言语无法描述美国人对这届政府的感受,可怕的、恐怖分子、共产主义者、叛徒、骗子、小偷、同性恋、恋童癖,地狱里有他们的位置!

Profile photo for Gary Nichols
Gary Nichols
· Dec 1
I agree with most of what you said in the article. But how do you trust any one. The previous President basically kissed the shoes of all the communist leaders and played Mr. Wheeler Dealer with them and in return got played. That is the problem, they are all business men and politicians and not leaders. A leader knows what is good for their country and does not play stupid. A Businessman and/or Politician gets played.

我同意你在文章中所说的大部分内容。 但你如何信任任何人。 前任总统基本上亲吻了所有***领导人的鞋子,并与他们一起玩,作为回报,他们也被玩弄了。 这就是问题所在,他们都是商人和政客,而不是领导人。 领导人知道什么对国家有利,不会犯傻。 商人和/或政治家才会被玩弄。

Profile photo for Mike Hillsgrove
Mike Hillsgrove
· Dec 1
Your comments indicate that you didn’t understand what went on under Trump. Not at all.


Profile photo for Jacob Kasprzyk
Jacob Kasprzyk
· Dec 4
He understands exactly what went on under Trump.


Profile photo for Lee Kamps
Lee Kamps
· Dec 2
You can vote next year for President and then the votes will be counted just like they were following the 2020 election. The problem was that the losing candidate couldn’t handle losing the election and spread a lie about a “stolen election”. He tried over sixty times in court and every time the case was dismissed because there just wasn’t enough evidence.
When he couldn’t “win” in court, he incited a mob of his supporters to storm the Capitol to prevent the certification of the vote and his loss. That didn’t work out very well and hundreds of his followers have been convicted and sentenced. Now they are criminals.
The problem you have is that you listen to propaganda that is nothing but a pack of lies most of the time. We will see next November what most Americans want for a President. Probably by that time, Donald Trump will be a convicted felon appealing a long prison sentence. In case you haven’t noticed, the United States is still a country of laws and not of men and that the constitution is the law of the land, not the whim of a wannabe dictator.

您可以在明年投票选举总统,然后将像 2020年选举后一样进行计票。 问题在于,落选的候选人无法接受选举失败,并散布“选举被盗”的谎言。 他在法庭上尝试了六十多次,但每次案件都因证据不足而被驳回。
当他无法在法庭上“获胜”时,他煽动一群支持者冲进国会大厦,以阻止投票的认证和他的失败。 但效果并不理想,他的数百名追随者已被定罪和判刑。 现在他们是罪犯。
你所面临的问题是,你所听到的宣传大多数时候都是一堆谎言。 我们将在明年 11 月看到大多数美国人对总统的期望。 也许到那时,唐纳德·特朗普将成为一名对长期监禁提出上诉的重罪犯。 如果你没有注意到,美国仍然是一个法治国家,而不是人治国家,宪法是国家的法律,而不是一个想成为独裁者的心血来潮。

Profile photo for Bryan Machin
Bryan Machin
· Dec 2
THIS is the best reply to this question—everyone on here is just inventing BS so they can have someone to hate, and then pretend it isn’t their fault when Trump tries to overthrow the government (again).


Profile photo for Gary Sausen
Gary Sausen
· Dec 1
Great answer


Profile photo for Yaky Lu Pickles
Yaky Lu Pickles
· Dec 1
This is the best quora answer I’ve ever read.


Profile photo for M. Redleg
M. Redleg
· Dec 3
I hope so.


Profile photo for Deez Nutzonyurchin
Deez Nutzonyurchin
· Dec 3
Would you call it a Civil War, or a Revolutionary War? The government is corrupt a.f Seriously, look at the hundreds of millions most all of the communist Democrat Politicians and some of the RINO Republican Politicians have made. There needs to be term limits and them corrupt ass Politicians should be allowed to play the stock market.

你会称其为内战还是革命战争? 政府是腐败的,说真的,看看大多数共产主义民主党政治家和一些绿诺共和党政治家赚了数亿美元。 需要有任期限制,应该允许那些腐败的政客参与股市

很赞 7