2023-12-15 遐怪 6314

“Operation Iraqi freedom” was the angelic title for the brutal invasion of Iraq. “Operation unified protector” was the fancy name for the destruction of Libya.
“Operation enduring freedom” was the virtuous name given to the unjust invasion of Afghanistan. All in the name of democracy.


nato is not a defensive alliance. They illegally bombed Yugoslavia (direct violation of the UN Charter). We must never forget what they did to Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria etc.


I know my son is so cynical about our military interventionism that he would never even start to consider a military career or even a role in the civil or security services in which he is ideally suited and qualified. That’s the problem when a state is acting as a malign actor, it looses all credibility with its citizens. I asked him what would he do if the country was under attack, would he be prepared to fight and die for the state, he stated he would leave before conscxtion started as only a fool would chose to die for something so corrupted.


I will blame your guys for not getting an important project done today. That was the most riveting discussion on the current state and the views that lead us into the perils we are creating all over. I do not even live in the US anymore, living in a much more reasonable and pleasant society where people get a long, Russia. But reviewing the history we all were part of in the US during the last 40 years. It is obviously we had (have) some of the most evil people in public office in my native USA. No one has learned from history and the current evil is even worse than the prior evil. I do not see any conflict in the world that was not cooked up by Washington, with military and CIA undermining every country on earth. It would be hard to think of a conflict or coup in the world that the US was not behind. When we call it the Empire of Lies it REALLY IS. I can't think of a single time when Putin has lied to the people or anyone he is dealing with in foreign affairs. I can't think of a case with a US official DID NOT lie.


My personal aha moment at last!!!! Thank you Colonel Sir I feel vindicated after all these years hating on the US foreign policies of attacking other countries. I'm an American patriot n I feel better now listening to u a former top government official that I'm not wrong about my feelings in this regard. Thanks


He says U.S. should focus on China as the biggest threat, then later says China doesn't want to be the world's hegemon. I've heard ad nauseum how China is the biggest threat, but no one ever explains why.


I met a career army guy back in August (2023). He said that a couple of years ago he had worked in a recruiting office for a while. (I think around Boston.) He said that for about every 100 men (mostly) and women who walked in, only eight to ten, in terms of physical and mental fitness, were even qualified to join.


The Roman Empire began its decline during the Emperor Commodus AD 190. It would take 286 yrs. for it to finally fall. Hopefully not so long this time. Thank you Col. Wilkerson, Alexander and Glenn. Well done all.


The globalists wanted to make a fool out of Russia. But instead, the globalists ended up making fools of themselves. Let that be a lesson.


It make my endlessly angry to hear all those US army officers to say how sorry they are ALWAYS AFTER the mass killings and war crimes, they were part of. They are probably hoping for forgiving.?
The US and NATO have conducted another of their illegal wars against my small country back in 1999. We shall never forget that and even less forgive!!!!!Their regrets do not bring millions and millions dead innocents back the US has massacred all over the planet!!!!!!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Profound and enlightening discussion. "The wheels of Karma grind slow but sure" - what they sow, surely shall they reap.


12:35 I am extremely disappointed to hear Alexander excuse Colin Powell's actions in 2002/3 as "good faith." I was 23 and just entering an adult level of political and international awareness. It was absolutely clear to me in real time that Colin Powell's presentation to the UN was absolute fabricated bullshit. Any adult with any relation to intelligence, military or not, would have seen right through it. It was Colin Powell's job to be able to do the same in that role and he completely failed, leading to the displacement and death of millions. I'm sorry, but his nice guy persona is not a big enough ticket to bypass responsibility of being one of the driving factors toward one of the most damaging decisions in human history. Even before that point, it was clear to me watching from home that the Bush administration was grasping at any straw possible to invade Iraq. Don't tell me you seriously believe that it took 2 years for Lawrence Wilkerson and Colin Powell to see things clearly. They should all be tried and imprisoned as war criminals, folksy accents or not. For any of them that have died and are buried in a military cemetery, engrave "war criminal" on the tombstone


I have lived almost 80 years and I have seen this inept empire unfold over my life time but Col. Wilkerson has filled in many blanks for me.
The problems with empires is they all fall


Every time I listen to Colonel Wilkerson I find myself nodding in agreement the entire time. I nod even harder when he talks about how stupid our Presidents and cabinet members have been in recent decades. We are headed off a cliff and I don't know if it's too late to avoid it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Saying Ukraine is a democracy is like saying the USA is not corrupt.


When I arrived in the UK in 2009, people were happy, it was easy to buy good food, and above all, it was safe.
How can a country be ruined so quickly...


The empire is falling slowly, and the more it tries to expand, the quicker the downfall!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Great episode! As a teen, I recall the opening of Eastern Europe and the fall of the Berlin Wall. I remember the excitement and hope. To see where we are now is heartbreaking.


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