2023-12-16 地平线123 4824


I am from Iceland. I did not expect it to rank at 1st place! The ranking must be mainly based on economy, it IS a wealthy country.
Love my country but the weather is really bad.


You haven't been at war with anyone else and are warmer than Greenland.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As an Australian, if I had to leave Australia and move overseas I'd choose any of the Nordic Countries or Switzerland.


To be honest I am very proud of Romania. 20years ago it would have probably been on 46th place after Moldova. 33rd beating Hungary and Turkey is really good.


I didn't realise it had improved so much.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The last 2-3 years were spectacular. If it keeps like this it can have the same level of life quality as Greece and Croatia by 2030 and Spain/ Italy by 2050.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think the low ranking of Italy is very unfair because there are many things more important than economic prosperity. I am not italian, but I lived there (Rome) for some months about 7 years ago, and I think it shouldn't be ranked 24th.


Yeah. I am not European. But if I was to live in Europe, definitely Italy or France. Good food, good weather, good culture. I dont understand the infatuation with those freezing northern countries


Italy's ranking is too low
We're the only country not affected by any crisis, we have a huge debt, but it's all internal.
We have not many big companies but lots of medium companies. That means that in our country economic crisis have low effects.


Who did this video really do not have no idea about history and culture.


Italy should be at least in top 10.


Depends on what’s more important to you- lots of the countries rated highly are seeing their education and social cohesion decline due to mass immigration.


I would rather live in Portugal, Spain, Austria, The Netherlands, Germany, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland and Denmark than in Ireland


I’m so sorry for what is happening in Eire particularly Dublin . Not safe at all . Glad I got out a long time ago .


reland is highly overrated foreign companies funnel lots of money into it - but this money does not benefit the regular citizen, just makes everything more expensive.


​ @littlemy1773 I live in Dublin. It's no less safe than it has been for the past decade. The recent stabbings and subsequent riots were isolated cases.


Many western Europe Countries, now have the same problems. When you actually visits the countries, the cities you'll find the eastern countries like Poland, Slovakia, Czechia, Croatia, even Russia - especially in the big Cities- are way safer, cleaner, friendlier than in the west. The Immigration Problem in Europe is staggering, with Stockholm being the No. 1 Rape Capital of Europe, daily Acidattacks and stabbings in London. Hordes of young Muslim and African, completely oblivious to European culture and even hating it (some live there in the forth generation not even speaking the Language), really have a serious negative impact on society. In some parts in Germany you have class in schools with no German Native child. In Berlin the whole city almost look like you are in the Middle East and are very dangerous.


In my opinion, SWITZERLAND is very special, I live in Zurich for 33 years, I am Brazilian, from Rio.
SWITZERLAND is very clean, organized, Swiss people are educated too. Here you can have the best quality of life. Good chocolates, watches and cheeses.


I would have ranked Norway 1. Iceland 2. Switzerland 3. Denmark 4. Finland 5. and Ireland 6.


I'm not surprised the Scandinavian countries were very high. Although they are cold, they always rank high in happiness. It's clear those countries have governments that care about their people.


That "happiness" thing is very subjective.
How can someone be happy in 4 ,5 hours of daylight during the long winters.
I bet they would move to a warmer place if they had the chance.


They may have more money saved in their bank accounts (I'm not sure about that either), but those countries have the highest suicide rates in the world.


I wonder why Switzerland is ranked as the most livable country in the world if it ranks lower than Iceland.


I'm an American living in Vienna, and there's NO WAY Austria only ranks #10! Austria belongs AT LEAST in the top 5! Great economy, low crime, good food, very high quality of life, etc.


1 thing Iceland does NOT have is multi-culturism.


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