2023-12-20 龟兔赛跑 3102
Why is soccer not more popular as a sport in the US?


Brian Dunlap
Will Major League Soccer ever reach the popularity of other US national sporting leagues?
"Soccer's too boring to ever become that popular!!!".
Hell, if baseball is as popular as it is and supposedly America's past time, despite it being as boring as it is, then soccer sure as sh*t has a shot. (Note: I quite like baseball and soccer and don't find either boring, but we've all heard many accuse both of being dreadfully boring)
MLS definitely has a shot.
Already, many MLS teams have quite loyal, passionate, and even entertaining fans. Check out some of these people:
Those attending live matches are having a blast, and starting to appreciate what many soccer fans in other countries have long since known - beyond the game itself, the traditions, antics, songs, rituals and atmosphere is a huge part of the fun. You're not as passive an observer as one might find themselves to be at some other live sporting events, and the fans collectively contribute to a big part of a team's identity.

美国职业足球大联盟(Major League Soccer)会像其他美国国家体育联盟那样受欢迎吗?
见鬼,如果棒球能如此受欢迎——尽管它有点无聊,但是被认为是美国的传统运动——那么足球肯定也有机会。 (注:我相当喜欢棒球和足球,我不认为这两项运动觉得无聊,但我们都听说很多人指责这两项运动是无聊透顶的运动)

The US' growing immigrant population certainly won't hurt MLS, one must imagine. Latin American and Asian immigrants are coming from countries where soccer is a major, if not the major, sport, and are eager to find teams in their new home cities to support; their children are growing up in households where soccer is as popular as any other game being played out there.
Certainly, some things are worth making note of...
A soccer game runs non-stop from start to finish, without the dead balls and timeouts and extended stretches of inactivity you get with American football, basketball and baseball. So, advertisers don't get those big commercial breaks to play with and you have to wonder just how, regardless of audience, a network could make as much off a soccer match broadcast as they a football game. Nonetheless, MLS matches now get plenty of coverage on ESPN, networks, satellite, and Spanish-language stations. MLS has also expanded where and how sponsors may be featured (such as fronts and backs of jerseys), and moves like that help deal with the lack of TV-spot opportunities (as motorsports have long known).


The NHL is quite a step down from the NFL, MLB, and the NBA in terms of popularity, and it probably has some of the same characteristics of soccer - far more popular in some regions than others, lots of foreign players, relatively fewer advertising opportunities during broadcasts. If one were to compare MLS to another US sports league, NHL would be the one most apt to look at.
The best football, baseball and basketball players in the world come to play in the US. The same can't be said for soccer players. The best US players often end up playing overseas, where the sport is more popular and the money is better. In recent years, though, MLS teams have managed to keep some big names stateside, as well as import a few. MLS rules have been specifically laid out to give teams the opportunity and ability to bring in some big name players from overseas.
Soccer-specific stadiums are popping up for MLS teams. This is a good indicator that people are willing to invest in these teams and the sport, fans are filling seats, and the infrastructure supporting teams is expanding.
MLS will get there; it may get there sooner rather than later, if the US manages a decent World Cup showing (quarterfinals again? Beyond that, even?).


Gregg Gray
Why is soccer not popular in America?
It seems to be growing in popularity all the time. Especially with younger kids.
Playing American football is on the decline as of late. As we become more aware of all the brain injuries fewer of us are interested in seeing children maimed. I think we will see greater participation in soccer as football declines.
The American sports market is jammed full already. It is hard to introduce a new sport, much less turn it into a major sport. But soccer is getting there.
Another drawback, especially for inner city kids is that like baseball and football it requires large playing fields. Where Basketball can be played almost anywhere you can hang a hoop. Basketball can also be played on asphalt and concrete, where the others can't. Maintenance of a basketball court boundaries is painting every three years. The others is weekly mowing and remarking boundaries.
Soccer will get there. Getting men's soccer into college sports is happening and needs more emphasis. But most schools already have over 20 sports teams on campus. Almost all of those programs lose money with the exception of football and a few basketball programs.
One advantage men's soccer will have us most schools already have women's soccer, so the fields are already there. When Tennessee built their new ladies soccer stadium they went so far as to also build men's dressing rooms and offices in the complex as well. Many are hoping that men's soccer and women's gymnastics will soon be added to our sports programs.


Eric Johnston
Why do you think soccer is not popular in USA?
Soccer is incredibly popular in the USA. Especially with the success of MLS (our top professional league) over the last 20 years, soccer is easily the 4th most popular sport now, behind football, basketball, and baseball.
Several million kids play soccer on some level here, and many of those go on to play in high school and college. Most kids that are in to soccer know the top teams in Europe as well, wearing jerseys of their favorite EPL, La Liga or Bundesliga players.
It's not the most popular sport, but it is definitely popular among most people 12–40. More tickets have been bought to the 2018 World Cup by Americans than any other county except Russia ( the host) and we didn't even qualify this year.
Soccer is here to stay, and will continue to grow in popularity for years to come.


Anthony Teasdale
Why is soccer not more popular as a spectator sport in the US?
There's nothing guaranteed to wind up the soccer fan than an American telling us our game is "boring". But here's the rub – people around the world think American sports are boring, too, which is why they haven't caught on (with the exception of basketball) outside of the USA.
Are they right? No, of course not – we're just not familiar with the patterns of those individual sports. No sport is inherently "better" than another.
Yes, soccer is low-scoring – that's because goals often require unbelievable levels of skill. But when that ball does go in the net, check out the celebrations… that's what you live for as soccer fan.
We, on the other hand, think it's too easy to score in US sports, which is why it's rare to get that same release with a touchdown or a score in basketball.


In soccer, we love the fact that the best team doesn't always win, that a game can be locked for 89 minutes and then it can suddenly change. This is the stuff of life itself. When a goalie makes an incredible save or a striker misses from just a few yards out, these plays can be every bit as vital as a goal. If all this is so boring, why is it the most popular sport in the world?
America already has four great sports at the core of its identity, and at the time when TV was rolling out across the land, soccer had no foothold there. Today, basketball and hockey already do soccer's job for it – that sticking a ball/puck in a net thing .
Yet maybe there is room for it – after all, American football, baseball and hockey are all distilled version of older, non-US sports. Their dominance might not be forever, and as the demographics of the country change there's a lot of soccer players and fan coming through. Or maybe, there's room for one more, wouldn't it be something for the USA to do really well in the only truly global game?


Dan Bradbury
Why isn't soccer so popular in the USA like other countries?
There are lots of various reasons. Some of it is nativism. Some of it is how sports arose in the US (baseball arrived with the middle class w/ lots of weekend free time; football really spiked after the First World War because football is just a war re-enactment; basketball arrived in our urban landscapes because space was limited and it could be played in the city).
There’s the curious case of how American sports are more economical for how commercials work and the need to have start/stops at regular intervals. There’s the fact that Americans loathe tie games (something that could simply be fixed with a rule change to an American League).
But more than anything, sports enter where there’s an opportunity. The US’s sports time was already filled by the big three. There just wasn’t much room left. Sure we have hockey and pro soccer teams. It’s played in high school and college. But for a sport to have a chance, people have to fit it into the feedback loop that feeds the interest.


Alistair Henderson
There’s a curious thing about the answers to this type of question (and it comes up a lot).
An American will dismiss the sport as boring / slow / low-scoring / lacking any tactical depth / lacking any real athleticism / being too simple / lacking any jeopardy, etc.
In response, Europeans (usually Brits, because we treat criticism of our national sport the same as someone questioning our daughter’s chastity) will wade in and explain at length why they’re wrong. Or alternatively, the European will preemptively explain the American’s lack of interest as being due to: low attention span / lack of intelligence required to appreciate the game’s subtle nuance / a “not made here” syndrome / a jealousy that they’re not the best at it / their penchant for violence
All the while, I am wondering… why?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I love America… I really do. But I don’t WANT them to like the sport. If they did genuinely get interested in it, what would happen? They’d take over and ruin it. When the MLS first began in the 1990s, two of things Americans didn’t like, ties & penalties
The rest of the World should be glad we largely get this one to ourselves without their interference. No cheerleaders or controversial pre-match national anthems during domestic games.
And let’s be honest… are you REALLY bothered whether some guy thinks our sport is boring but then goes to watch a car drive left around an oval 200 times? Bite your tongue and let it go.
Soccer is for sissies, kids and girls? You’re right ! Man


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