2023-12-22 汤沐之邑 2224
Is settling in the USA worth it for an Indian?


Laurence Sarner
Is settling in the USA worth it, being an Indian?
I can speak to this question from an interesting perspective. I have a lot of good Indian friends who I’ve worked with who originally entered the US on H1-B visas. Virtually all of them have stayed and have become US citizens. My original relationship with many of them was as an IT project manager. Nearly all were either software engineers or business system analysts who I worked with in carrying out a long software development life cycle under tight deadlines.
I personally have been to India once before as well as other developing countries in Asia. I previously spent 2 years in South America working for a Fortune 25 company, so I have a lot of experience, unlike typical Americans, in seeing what life is like in other parts of the world.


My Indian friends in the US overall like the quality of life that the US has to offer. However, they have retained many of their own cultural nuances. For example, quite literally every one of my Indian friends had an arranged marriage. Also, frequently I’m asked a lot of questions about cultural differences such as “Why are there so many divorces here?”, “Why do people wait so long to get married?”, “Why do American movies have so much violence in them?”, etc., etc. Even though we jokingly point out cultural differences, they are happy here.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

From another perspective, at some high tech networking events, I have met many Indians who have settled here to open up a US office for an offshore coding operation based in India. They are doing this to open a sales/business development presence. So, for someone asking a question about the business/entrepreneurial opportunities by coming here, there are a lot of great opportunities, especially in onshore/offshore software development businesses.
Overall, I agree with many of the perspectives in the other answers. Some people come here and long for home and eventually want to go back. The answer is complex and subject to one’s personal preferences in life.


First things first. I am answering this question anonymously because I have no interest in engaging in pointless arguments. These are my opinions and experiences only and you can disagree but you don’t need to tell me that. I am just stating what’s on my mind.
Alright then! A bit about me. I grew up in Jammu. I have lived in some of the biggest cities in India namely Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Pune and Bangalore. I moved to the USA about five years ago from Bangalore. I am a software developer by profession and also mom to a little girl.


My husband and I decided to move because the opportunity presented itself to us and we took it. He was offered a position in the same company which meant more growth opportunities for him. Yes, more money was also a factor and so was a better lifestyle. Also, a chance to see more of the world and experience things we haven’t before in a completely new society.
My husband lived in the USA before so it wasn’t anything new for him. For me, it was the first time in this country. I had travelled to Europe and UK before so it wasn’t my first time abroad but it was new and different. I try to keep an obxtive mind and see the good and the bad. The USA has so much to offer! It’s a beautiful, diverse and impressive country. I live in Texas and let me tell you I have met the friendliest people here. Were there challenges? Of course! There always are.


Most people have a view of the USA based on what they’ve seen in movies and TV shows. That’s like thinking india is what they show in Bollywood movies and TV serials! The reality always is more nuanced, complex and intricate.
You are not guaranteed a happy retirement anywhere. You are not guaranteed a good relationship with your kids anywhere. You are not guaranteed companionship anywhere. You are not guaranteed good health anywhere. You are not guaranteed family happiness anywhere. You are not guaranteed work life balance anywhere.
I fell in love with this country but that doesn’t mean that I lost the love I have for India. You can love two things at once! I actually find lots of similarities between India and USA. A few examples:


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Both are strong democracies where people choose the government. A thing both countries value the most.
Both are religious countries but the constitution is independent of any religion.
Both are beautiful with all kinds of topography. Deserts, mountains, coasts, forests, marshland, lakes, rivers, waterfalls,hills, plains and valleys we’ve got it all.
Both are former colonies that broke away from the British empire and redefined themselves.
Both love sports, movies, music and food.
Both have hardworking people who want to make life better for themselves and their families.


Both have friendly and lively people who just want to have a good time.
Both countries are very diverse. India is diverse with each state having its own language, food, traditions etc.
Both even have similar problems. India has caste system and communalism. The USA has racism. Either way it’s prejudice based on immutable characteristics of a person.
Both are obsessed with their beverage of choice. Coffee for US and Chai for India. I love both!
Both have amazing colleges and universities. History and culture that is rich and interesting.
Both have people that are very patriotic. Americans love America. Indians love India.
That is not to say that there aren’t any differences. The USA is a developed country and India is on its way. India has made so much progress but we still have work left to do.


Below I will list some pros of USA:
Infrastructure here is good. Roads are clean and well maintained. Most things can be done online. 24 hour electricity and water.I know it’s changing in India but it’s not at par with US yet.
You don’t have to deal with corruption in day to day life. India has taken some steps in this direction but i have had recent personal experiences that beg to differ.
Laws are applied strictly and you can’t pay money to get out of sticky situations. People follow rules. Something I find funny is that the same people who criticize corruption in India will miss being able to get out of a ticket or violation by bribing the police. You can’t have sextive corruption only when it works in your favor.
Air and water are mostly clean. Of course they will vary. India is one of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gases in the world. Almost no recycling programs and some smaller cities don’t even provide municipal garbge collection. I have seen this in Jammu.


There is more security. Things like emergency services, police, fire department, ER, lifeguards, roadside assistance, home security companies etc. are dependable and do their job. I personally know people who have lost family in India because the ambulance didn’t show up on time or no one helped them after an accident.
There is infrastructure for physically disabled people. Reserved parking spots, hand rails or ramps, special toilets and special accommodations in places like museums, zoos and even amusement parks.
Individualism is celebrated in US. It’s not that family is not valued but it doesn’t define a person. Family is very important to American culture but so is defining yourself as a person and not just as a member of a family.
People don’t kick their kids out at 18 and don’t want anything to do with them anymore. That’s a myth. Also, kids don’t abandon their parents. Kids have their own lives and parents also have their own lives. People romanticize about the joint family system in India but that has so many disadvantages, mainly for women.


People are polite and say hello, excuse me, thank you etc. In India, it would be absurd to hello to a stranger specially for a woman.
Tons of parks, museums, aquariums, libraries, rec centers etc. Many are free or subsidized by the city.
The national and state parks program is such a great achievement for the US. India needs to implement something similar to protect our natural gifts.
Mostly cashless economy which helps in keeping corruption down.
Customer is king in US. In India, most places don’t have free returns and exchanges.
Customer service is better here because of which I don’t mind the tip.


People are professional, on time and will take responsibility.
You can sample cuisine from all over the world. People love food here and there is a restaurant from almost every country. Real foodies like to experiment and try new things. I love to cook and eat but why should I limit myself to Indian food only? It’s my favorite but I like variety.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In service of fairness, I will now list some pros of India:
You will be physically closer to family and friends. Kids get to see grandparents more often. It’s easier to go to a relatives house or attend weddings etc. No argument there!
Domestic help is affordable and easily available making that aspect of life more comfortable. In USA, manual labor is very expensive. Families have to share chores and everyone contributes. My husband had to learn basic skills around the house which he is quite proud of but it depends on the person.


Service providers like painter, gardeners, tailors etc are fairly cheap so you don’t have to DIY.
You don’t have to pay ten types of insurance. Here we have insurance for life,health,dental,eye,house,car,rental plus travel insurance for visiting parents.
There is more excitement in the air and festivities around Diwali,Navratri, Holi etc. We love festivals in India. Ofcourse those will be more celebrated in India. In the USA, all of that happens at Christmas, Halloween etc.
India has good medical facilities available for affordable prices. Healthcare system is a mess in America that only benefits the insurance companies.
Higher education is good but not so exorbitantly expensive like in the USA. Overall, schools are good too but we do put too much emphasis on academic achievement.
India in the recent past has invested a lot in better public transport systems. I could easily live without a car in India but most parts of America require a car per family if not per adult.


India has a strong and growing entrepreneur culture even in smaller cities. This is a recent phenomenon but it’s very prominsing. Not to say that US doesn’t have it but I think it’s easier to start a business in India.
You’re already a citizen so no worrying about visa or waiting for green card.
Indian beauty parlors are better. Had to be said!
So overall, I would say both countries are amazing in their own way. If you keep an open mind then you can build a great life for yourself and your family in either one. This question is about worth which is very subjective. What is worthy to me might not be to you and vice versa.
I love living in the USA and currently have no plans to go back. I love going to India and enjoying myself there. I love seeing the growth and prosperity in India. I love the new found confidence in Indian youth and the national pride. I love the social progress in India. I love that I get to enjoy two incredible countries and cultures.


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