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Harley Trần
Follow Professional English Copywriter, Freelancer · SaigoneseUpvoted by
O Xxu, lives in China (2005-present)Feb 28
As a 24 girl who works in Ho Chi Minh City, I have observed that Vietnamese people's opinions on China and the Chinese can be quite diverse. Given the long-standing conflicts and territorial disputes between our two countries, some Vietnamese people hold deep-seated suspicions and even resentment towards China and its people.
As someone who lives in a rapidly developing city, I cannot ignore China's growing economic influence in Vietnam. While some Vietnamese people appreciate the economic opportunities that China brings, others worry that China's rapid expansion could lead to dominance over smaller countries like ours.


Over the years, China has been a significant investor in Vietnam, particularly in sectors like manufacturing, infrastructure, energy, and real estate. According to data from the Vietnamese government, China was the largest foreign investor in Vietnam in 2020, with registered investment capital exceeding $4.8 billion, a 35% increase from the previous year. However, it's essential to note that this figure only accounts for registered investment capital and does not include other forms of investment like loans or joint ventures.
Nevertheless, the economic ties between China and Vietnam are not without their challenges. There is a perception among some Vietnamese people that China is seeking to dominate its smaller neighbors, resulting in pushback against Chinese investment in Vietnam, particularly in sensitive sectors like infrastructure and telecommunications.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Additionally, there have been reports of Vietnamese women, particularly those from rural areas, marrying Chinese men in the past. Factors contributing to this trend include seeking a better economic future and a better life in China. However, it's important to note that such marriages can carry significant risks, including forced labor or sex trafficking.


Harley Trần
· Mar 1
Just to clarify, this only reflects my personal opinion as a Vietnamese. I cannot speak on behalf of all Vietnamese regarding their feelings toward China. I'm surprised by the number of Vietnamese and Chinese people who have upvoted my answer. Thank you for taking the time to view my post.


Hamilton Zhou
· Mar 2
I appreciate your candor and honesty. That is something not very common on Quora.


MC Dragonsphere
· Mar 11
Im 22 from Vietnam, used to have quite a negative view on China, until i actually visited the country in 2019, and it turns out im an idiot.
China is one beautiful country! I have toured many places on earth and China gave me an authenticity vibe to it, especially Hangzhou and Suzhou, very special vibe. And Chinese people are also very educated.
Try not to be like old me, when you gonna judge a country make sure you go there first and see it for yourself.


Tiny Apartment
· Mar 11
This is often the reaction of those who blindly trust the media. China is extremely diverse, and an old civilization at the same time. With its long (interesting) history, there will be haters and admirers.


Ron Chow
· Mar 11
I agree. Visit China and experience it. don't Just rely on media as many are not truthful in their reporting.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Charles Choy
· Mar 13
I have visited VN twice. Most local people are friendly. VN is like China 20 years ago. A beautiful country. Have great potential in industrialization and tourism.


Ian Robertson
· Mar 24
The Chinese people are good people,unfortunately the ....


Joseph Wall
· Mar 10
What vietnamese think of China?
1/ Yan Emperor is paternal grand father of Lộc Tục
2/ Vietnam was a colony of China for 1000 years
3/ China is the biggest population on the world
4/ China likes Russia


Summit Weed
· Mar 11
I think India has a larger population now, but China population is decreasing.


Kirigawa Yoshikuni
· Mar 12
Most Vietnamese people that I know dislike Chinese and China.


De Le
· Jul 18
We hate them. They are evil but us Vietnamese are good people.


Hailey Hoang
Follow Studied Geography1y
I have both positive and negative views about China and Chinese people.
a big country, is developing fast, a huge market
people are very smart, hard working, live under huge pressures (I watched some videos about the exams in China, especially Gaokao; I was absolutely stunned)
Some Chinese are very nice, open-minded and generous
On the other hand, sometimes I feel scared of Chinese people. A minority of Chinese are too arrogant ( some claimed Vietnam is a China province or Vietnamese is originally Chinese), I was surprised that some of them didn’t even know Vietnam. I’m not gonna say Vietnam is big enough that everyone needs to know, but I think everyone should know their neighbors.


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