2023-12-25 平平躺平 6255

Would be interesting to see this per Capita, normalized by city population.


My guess is Geneva being the No.1 out of this list - it only has approx 200k inhabitants

我猜想日内瓦会是榜单上的第一名,因为它只有约 20 万居民。

Monaco would win.


You need to have at least 2million to simply breath in Monaco goes up to 5 when the f1 is in town


I would say Midland, TX actually.
Highest GDP per capita in in the US at $300,000.
Lots of oil money there.

这里是美国人均 GDP 最高的地方,达到 30 万美元。

Wait lol what...so like 40% of the people in Geneva are millionaires.
That's actually crazy

等等,哈哈,好像 40% 的日内瓦人都是百万富翁。

No.9 Shanghai’s HNWI of 258K should either be a tie for 4th or an error.

第 9 位上海的高净值人群为 25.8 万人,要么是并列第 4 位,要么就是排序出错了。

Maimi is where ultra rich park money. They don't actually live there


I’m surprised Miami isn’t on the list


Maimi isn't the typical millionaire. It's where multimillionaires park their money in the form of apartments. It isn't their domiciles though, much of the time. Miami is to South America like London is to Europe and Asia.


I’d think Miami is a case of suburbs taking away data from the “big” city.
It’s strange this chart only has the Bay Area as a Metro.

我认为迈阿密是郊区夺走了 "大 "城市的数据。

Bay Area is a city?


Silicon Valley and San Francisco/San Jose area is less in population than many others on this list


Yeah but the point that including San Jose or any of Silicon Valley in as being part of San Francisco is too much of a stretch… they are just too far apart to consider as being one metropolitan area


The metro area is called SF Bay Area and does include SJ. SF is comparable in size to manhattan but with only 800k people. I

该都市区被称为旧金山湾区,其中包括 SJ。旧金山的面积与曼哈顿相当,但人口只有 80 万。

So in Zurich every forth and in Geneva almost every second person is a HNWI? Nice

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It is usually said that a third to half of people you see here are millionaires, yes. Then again, being a millionaire doesn't make you feel rich here.


When I lived in Geneva 20 years ago, gas stations had posters saying "we no longer accept 1000 Swiss franc bills" as in, it was common for people to pay for their gas with one 1000 franc bill.
Also, when I went to the atm to retrieve some money the first time, I punched in 200 francs and got a single 200 franc bill from the machine instead of multiple smaller bills. I was worried but when I bought a 3 franc croissant and gave them a 200 bill, they didn't bat an eye and have me 197 in change no problem.
This was 20 years ago.
My point, they're on a different level of magnitude there.

20 年前我住在日内瓦时,加油站贴着海报,上面写着“我们不再接受 1000 瑞士法郎的纸币”。例如,人们用一张 1000 法郎的钞票支付汽油费是很常见的。
此外,当我第一次去自动取款机取钱时,我输入了 200 瑞士法郎,结果从机器里取出的是一张 200 瑞士法郎的钞票,而不是多张小钞。我当时很担心,但当我买了一个 3 法郎的羊角面包并给了他们一张 200 法郎的钞票时,他们眼睛都没眨一下,就给我找了 197 法郎的零钱。

Geneva was the stupidest most expensive place I’ve ever been by a mile


How expensive, can you give some comparisons? I saw a post saying that and Singapore were expensive but they both look pretty reasonable.


Was there (I'm not a millionaire) and I can confirm. There literally only rich people.


No one is commenting on Houston being on the list...I find it a bit surprising. I'd think Dallas would be higher just in Texas alone. But Houston higher than DC, Boston, Seattle, or any other large affluent cities?


Frankfurt has around 750k inhabitants. And around 100k of those are millionaires? Hard to believe actually.

法兰克福约有 75 万居民。其中大约有 10 万是百万富翁?实际上很难相信。

This would be a lot more interesting if it were metropolitan areas rather than just cities. If you go North of Chicago there are lake front mansions that stretch almost to the state line. NYC should also include towns like Greenwich and Hoboken.


Given it is “Bay Area” I just assumed it is metros.

既然是 "湾区",我就认为是大都会。

If it was metro I'd expect Paris to not be that far down compared to London. Even if I expect to be more rich folks in London, 2.8x feels a bit much.

如果是大都会,我觉得巴黎不会比伦敦差那么多。即使我认为伦敦的有钱人更多,2.8 倍也感觉有点过了。

But the chart specifies Bay Area as a metro, like it’s an outlier to the other data.


That’s why this infographic is poorly done, they arbitrarily expanded San Fran to include not just the metro area but also a separate metro area some distance away. But then don’t do the same with Los Angeles / Orange County or Chicago as an exampke


I wouldn't be surprised if they mangled the Bay Area calculation as well. Probably just added together SF & SJ. Because otherwise the Bay Area number (285k) looks wildly low.

如果他们把湾区的计算也弄错了,我也不会感到惊讶。可能只是把旧金山和新泽西加在一起。否则,湾区的数字(28.5 万)就显得太低了。

I’m surprised not to see Monaco on here… Switzerland is staggering and always feels a world apart, and also fascinating to see how much impact brexit has had on the UK according to this


Monaco's total population is less than the 20th place on the list.


According to this statistic apparently 1 in 7.5 people in Frankfurt is a millionaire. Though it’s a rich region it certainly is way off

根据这项统计,法兰克福每 7.5 人中就有 1 人是百万富翁。虽然这是一个富裕的地区,但感觉数据有很大的偏差。

Where's Vancouver? Every home owner is a millionaire since the average home is 1.6 million

温哥华在哪里?每个房主都是百万富翁,因为平均房价为 160 万

investable assets do not include real estate


Ah I just read the title. Didn't see thr investment part. Makes sense now since all out money is tied up in the house and gave little extra to spare


The population of the city of Vancouver is too small for it to end up on that list.


But yeah, there are definitely lots of rich people in Vancouver. Vancouver has the most luxury cars per capita in North America, so it’s not just mortgage free boomers with homes worth well over 1 million.

但没错,温哥华肯定有很多有钱人。温哥华是北美人均拥有豪车最多的城市,所以这里不仅仅是拥有价值 100 万以上房产的免抵押潮一代。

A million isn't a lot today.


Say that to people that live paycheck to paycheck, but i understand where you trying to get, pretty soon there will be people reaching the trillions.


Hence why we're seeing hundreds of thousands of them in some cities on this list.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

If you own a house in Sydney, then you are a millionaire.


It says investable wealth, this doesn’t include one’s primary residence.
That’s why these numbers are lower than you might expect if you included people’s homes in valuing their wealth.


By this chart it would be own a house in an expensive area AND have $1m on top of that.

照这个图表的意思,就是在昂贵的地区拥有一套房子,并在此基础上再拥有 100 万美元。

17 years of work for the average Canadian. I'd say that's alot.

加拿大人平均工作 17 年。我想说这已经很多了。

But having 7 actual figures in a liquid account is still exceptional relative to the average person on this earth.

但是,相对于这个世界上的普通人来说,在一个流动账户中拥有 7 位数的实际数字仍然是非常了不起的。

Pretty much a useless graphic. Some cities here are 100x the population of others, yet we compare absolute numbers.

这几乎是一张毫无用处的图表。这里有些城市的人口是其他城市的 100 倍,但我们却在比较绝对数字。

Moscow should be on the list.


Only 340.000 people have over 1 million usd in NY? Sounds off. That's less than 4% of the population, in a city where minimum rent is ~60k per year.

纽约只有34万人拥有超过100万美元?听起来不太好。在一个每年最低租金约为 6 万的城市里,这个比例还不到总人口的 4%。

Tbf this is investable assets, so real estate wouldn’t count towards this.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I thought China was communist, why do they have millionaires.


Why does it say CH for Zurich and Geneva? Is t that supposed to be Switzerland?


The abbreviation for Switzerland is CH.

瑞士的缩写是 CH。

This circular visualisation is bad.


Does it also take into account the number of millionaires in the region surrounding the city ? Because Geneva has only 200k pops so 40% of the inhabitants would be millionaires

是否也考虑了城市周边地区的百万富翁数量?因为日内瓦只有 20 万人口,所以 40% 的居民将成为百万富翁。

Where Monaco? Malta?


If we look at net worth, owning a house in Toronto automatically makes you a millionaire


That’s not an investable asset, which is why it was excluded from this list otherwise you’d just have a list of expensive cities


The famous CITY Bay Area!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Now do it per capita!


Why Tokyo


I’m so proud Berlin is still out of these top charts.


What is the story behind Japan millionaires ?


Not familiar with Houston but I was surprised to see it appear here


HMMm gosh I never heard of this Bay Area city…


Only 106K Canadians in Toronto with at least 1.3MM CAD liquid? Seems a bit low tbh.

多伦多只有 106K 加拿大人拥有至少 130 万加元的流动资金?这似乎有点低。

Finally, a brexit benefit.


Does this include primary residence in net worth? If so, I’m not surprised there’s that many in New York

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Funny the explanation about London but not Hong Kong


Can anyone tell me the tools with which this infographic is made


That's cool. Now do cities with the most people who live in their cars.


Houston I live here


look at the farmers that Dubai is


Canada made the list! Whoop whoop!


The scaling on this graphic is abysmal.


很赞 4