2023-12-25 大号儿童 8536

Avishek Adhikari
There are various methods and levels of conquest. I think by conquest you mean the most obvious one like having a foreign army being stationed inside what constitutes the present day borders of a country to administer and govern it for a long period of time, possibly to extract resources and/or destroy the existing culture/institutions that exist. If that is the broad criteria then I think the following modern nation states have never been "conquered":


In Asia:
Defeated by the massive forces of the British and the Qing Chinese army in wars fought outside its present day borders. Lost parts of Tibet and the Indian states of Sikkim, Uttaranchal, Parts of Himachal and the Darjeeling Hills to the two imperial powers (about 33% of its area). The British and Chinese Qing army soon retreated back to India and China respectively. They never marched into the country, held it and governed it. So not conquered.


The Japanese imperial army was allowed to "pass through" Thailand and use Thailand as its base on their conquest of Indo-China by the Thais. So not conquered?
***Edit: The predecessor state of Thailand was called "Siam" which was invaded by the Burmese. The capital of Siam called Aayuthya was pillaged, burnt and destroyed and now is only exists as ruins. So Thailand could be considered to have been conquered by the Burmese.***


3. Bhutan
Same as Nepal. Defeated by the British in wars, ceded a lot of land (present day Indian states of Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim-about 60% of it's area). The tiny bit that constitutes present day Bhutan was not held and governed directly. Left to their own devices. Not conquered.


Contrary to popular beliefs,
Persia was conquered and ruled by Alexander's generals, later the Arabs who converted Persia to Islam. Also, Parts of present day state of Iran was ruled by Russia. Iran is out.

与普遍观念相反, 波斯(即现今伊朗)曾被亚历山大大帝的将领所征服并统治,后来则被改信伊斯兰教的阿拉伯人所征服。此外,现今伊朗部分地区曾由俄罗斯统治。因此,伊朗不符合您的要求。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Huge parts of present day China were conquered and ruled by the Japanese, and before that forcefully "leased" by the British (Hong Kong). Their imperial palace was burnt to the ground by combined Western forces. They were forced to give away control of lucrative trading posts all along their river deltas and on their coasts to Western powers. So China is out.


Not even the Mongols were able to conquer Japan. The massive Mongol fleet was sunk off the coast of Japan by a powerful sea storm. The Japanese took the storm as sign of higher power interceding on their behalf. They called the storm, "Kamakazee" meaning "Divine winds".
The US is the only country ever to have defeated Japan. Japan was defeated and conquered by the Americans who ran it after WWII and even wrote their "peace" constitution. There are still American troops stationed inside Japan. Japan is out too.


In Europe:
Russia was conquered by the Mongols (the Golden Horde). The Mongols are perhaps the only people to have conquered and ruled Russia for a substantial period of time. Still Russia is out.


Spain and Portugal were ruled by the Moors (North Africans and Arabs) for 500 years so much so that large percent of present day Iberians who were originally Goth and Visigoths have a large Arab and Moor ancestry today. Definitely out.
Germany was conquered by the allies after WWII. Pretty much all of France, Central, South and Eastern Europe, the Nordic countries were conquered by Germany. Iberia is out. Germany is out. Almost all of Europe is out.


The Balkans were conquered by the Ottomans and occupied for 500 years. The Balkans and Greece are out.
Ireland was ruled for long period by England. Scots too. Ireland and Scotland are out.
The French were ruled by Nazis and before that in period by English and in late antiquity by Romans (Gaul as it was known then). France is out.

巴尔干半岛曾被奥斯曼帝国征服并占领了500年。所以巴尔干半岛和希腊也不符合条件。 爱尔兰长期以来都被英格兰统治,苏格兰也是如此。所以爱尔兰和苏格兰也不符合条件。 法国先后被纳粹统治过,在古代晚期还被罗马人(当时称为高卢)统治过。所以法国也不符合条件。

In Europe the country that has never been subjugated and conquered would definitely have to be England. Although if one were to go back in history one could argue that the Vikings raided England, the Romans conquered England as did the Normans who were what today would be "French". But then the Vikings, Normans and the Romans assimilated into the general English population and became the present day English people and gave England many aspects of its culture. So I think in all of Europe only England has never been "conquered" in the truest sense.
And of course England has been the most successful country in history to defeat and conquer other countries.


In Africa :
I do not know much about these. I have read in many places that Ethiopians always fought away invading armies and that they have never been colonized. All I know about Liberia is that they were established as a country for America's freed slaves.


Nicholas Blake
England was conquered in your sense at least nine times since the Norman Conquest. The most famous is 1688.


Miguel Oliveira
You are at least wrong about Portugal. Portugal didn't exist when this land was occupied by the Moors. Portugal was created by declaring a piece of land independent from a "Spanish" (Spain as we know didn't exist either) kingdom and Portuguese territory expanded by conquering land from the Moors (and was not taken back).
Portugal is not an answer to the question because it lost its independence when it was governed by Spanish kings for 60 years (1580-1640).


Avishek Adhikari
And neither did Spain exist as a nation then. But both of what consists Spain and Portugal today were conquered and ruled by the Moors. The nations we today call Portugal and Spain were only formed after the reconquista. But there is on denying the fact that that predecessor kingdoms of Spain and Portugal were conquered by the Saracens, a completely different people.


Miguel Oliveira
I had already said so about Spain. The question asks about countries. Portugal was recognised as a sovereign nation in 1143.
By your logic, you could talk about the Romans and rule out most europe and north africa, It's not in line with the question, in my opinion,

我之前已经提到了西班牙。问题问的是国家。葡萄牙在1143年被承认为一个主权国家。 按照你的逻辑,你可以谈论罗马人并排除掉大部分欧洲和北非,但这与问题不符合,我个人认为。

Matthew Gordon
I agree that Sweden hasn't been conquered, but the Danes sure tried.
Of course, the Swedes won the Battle of Lund decisively, not altering the end result. Just thought it was worth mentioning that war has occurred in mainland Sweden.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dan Kim
Kalmar unx under Danish control ruled Sweden. Sweden has National Day (independence day) that celebrates its independence from Kalmar unx.


Paul Irving
Define country, define conquered, define independent, define ‘its history’. For example, Spain was pretty much conquered by the French during the Napoleonic wars - but not completely. A Spanish government & armies remained in existence, on Spanish soil, fighting to keep its independence. Does that count as being conquered?


Dennis Wojahn
If by country, you mean nation, neither the USA or Canada have been conquered, Nor have some of the Latin American countries. There are some benefits in being in the Western Hemisphere.


Austen Cline
Pretty much every country in North America especially the US and if you count a countries exsistance starting when a new regime takes over then that would mean most of Europe also.


Daniel Garcia
I agree with Miguel. Spain and Portugal did not exist when the Moors came. It was the Goths that were wiped out by them.
I would say Spain was only conquered by Napoleon (except Cadiz), who established his brother as king of Spain and annexed Catalonia to France.
It is true that Spanish kings governed Portugal for 60 years but did it lost its independence? Was it governed by Spanish administrators? Were there Spanish troops in Portugal?
What about Switzerland? Was it ever conquered?

我同意米格尔的观点。当穆斯林入侵时,西班牙和葡萄牙并不存在。被他们消灭的是哥特人。 我可以说西班牙只被拿破仑征服过(加的斯除外),他将自己的兄弟立为西班牙国王,并将加泰罗尼亚并入法国。 西班牙国王确实统治了葡萄牙60年,但葡萄牙失去了独立吗?它是由西班牙行政官员管理吗?葡萄牙有西班牙军队驻扎吗? 瑞士呢?它曾被征服过吗?

John Cate
Ethiopia was conquered by the Italians during the 1930s and ruled by them until it was liberated by the British in 1941. Liberia has never been conquered by a foreign power. It was founded in 1847 and was off-limits to European colonization during the “Scramble for Africa” because it was a de facto client state of the United States.
Thailand was defeated by the Burmese and its capital sacked, but it was never completely conquered. Taksin the Great took over what remained of the Siamese resistance and had managed to re-establish a government within months of the fall of Ayutthaya, even recapturing the city itself, although he didn’t rebuild it. So if you don’t regard Thailand as conquered by the Japanese, it belongs on the list.

埃塞俄比亚在20世纪30年代被意大利人征服,并在1941年被英国人解放。利比里亚从未被外国势力征服过。它于1847年建立,并在“争夺非洲”的过程中成为美国的事实上的附庸国,因此不对欧洲殖民。 泰国在缅甸人的进攻下被击败,首都被洗劫,但从未完全被征服。大臣塔克辛接管了暹罗的残余部队,在历经大城府沦陷数月后重新建立了政府,甚至夺回了大城府本身,尽管他没有重建它。因此,如果你认为泰国没有被日本征服,那么它应该列入这个列表中。

Karabo Molema
To add to this Lesotho was never conquered, so was Botswana. Botswana was a case of the chiefs coming together and telling the British they want to join the empire. Thus they were left to their own devices


Kevin O'Neill
I'd like to add that America didn't conquer Japan all by itself. While it's quite obvious that the USA had the largest force at the end of the war with Japan, there was still a sizable group from the British Commonwealth that were part of the Allied team that conquered Japan and then also administered it after the war.


The list of allied countries that conquered Japan in the 1940s is as follows: - the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France and the United States of America. That doesn't include all the assistance that was given to the Allies by many Asian nations including China, Thailand, Indonesia, Indochina, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea nor does it include the Netherlands who controlled the Dutch East Indies or the Soviet unx who had been engaged with the Japanese in parts of China and on several island between the Soviet unx and Japan.


British Commonwealth countries aside from those already listed included India, South Africa, Kenya, Burma, Singapore, Malaya and Nepal.
So no, America is not the "only" nation to have conquered Japan - it was a team effort by the Allied forces with a lot of assistance given by various Asian nations.


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