2023-12-26 杏子 10173

When I was in my late teens and early 20s, life for my friends and me revolved around meeting girls. My son and his friends, who are athletic and outgoing, don't seem to put a lot of emphasis on dating. They play a lot of online video games, and have boys outtings. Once in a while one will hook up with a random girl they met on an app. Rarely does one have a girlfriend. This seems to be the norm for my friends' kids too. What is going on?


I’ve been teaching high school for 2 decades. The number of kids dating is very low compared to 20 years ago. For the first 10 years or so, there would be students canoodling/making out in the hallways. I’m happy to report I don’t have to see that anymore, haha. It’s really unusual to even see high schoolers even holding hands.
It takes a lot of effort to get kids to talk to each other in class. They walk in to the room from the passing period and continue to be on their phones. I can’t even say they are texting (talking to each other), but just mindlessly scrolling. Teaching has become exhausting for so many reasons, but the amount of effort teachers make to draw students out, talk, be present, and ask questions, engage in any meaningful way rivals staging a Broadway production. It doesn’t surprise me that kids aren’t connecting, let alone dating, because the default setting is to just not talk to anyone.


Scoompii to hop123hop223
Fuck that’s depressing. I’ve been looking into ditching my smart phone. Get a dumb phone at least with text and navigation. Get an mp3 player & flashlight and I’m ready to raw dog life again baby.


Ok-Painting4268 to hop123hop223
According to my middle schooler, the dating scene there is quite lively. So much drama about who likes who and who is breaking up.

根据我的中学学生所说的,他们那里的约会场面相当热闹。 关于谁喜欢谁、谁分手的戏剧性事件太多了。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Grouchy-Friend4235 to hop123hop223
Teaching post grad lecturer here. I observe the same with people in their 25+. Of a class of 20 perhaps two actually participate. The rest expects wisdom to befall them, sitting there and starring at the screen. Also not open for interactive teaching or group work. Some of them actually complain that they don't like having assingments bc they don't have the time. It is now expected of the school/uni to provide all material in prestine quality, including a nicely written scxt, at best in simplified language and "sound bites" of 1-2 minutes max. Not a good development.
Re. Group work: I tried with individual assignments. Results: perhaps 4 out of 20 actually work on it. The other just browse the internet and when prompted say things like "I'll do it later" and "It seems too much work for now". With group work at least I get some discussion going.


BurnerSevLives to Grouchy-Friend4235
I’m old and went to school before smartphones, but please believe me when I tell you most everyone hates group work.


Assdolf_Shitler to BurnerSevLives
Group work teaches us one of two things:
people are pushovers and I can skate by on the backs of my peers.
Everyone is useless and I can get this done quicker on my own


ericsonofbruce to Assdolf_Shitler
Seriously, if theres one thing ive learned in life its that i cant expect to count on anyone to help me.


Can’t speak for your son, but personally, I just have no game whatsoever.


MutteringV to Pavoazul
the young and the rizzless


Pavoazul to MutteringV
It’s actually gotten to the point where my family asks “When are you gonna bring a girlfriend… or boyfriend home?”


AcedtheTuringTest to Pavoazul
I was in my early 30s and my folks pulled me aside, threw up their hands and down in exhausted frustration and dad just stammered, "You need... you need a companion."
When singleness causes an intervention.


emzbobo to AcedtheTuringTest
My parents recently told me I needed to lower my standards or I'd never meet anyone.... I'd hardly call "must have a sense of humour, and must NOT be a d*ckhead" overly high standards!


My mom just occasionally threw jokes at me that I'm gay since I've never had a girlfriend. Even my dad points out that the reason why I haven't had a girlfriend is probably because of how my mom treats my dad. I don't want a relationship like they have.


Billuman to K_rent8
think ur dad is on to something.


Part of it has to be that guys are simply around women a lot less these days outside of school hours. People are far less likely to leave their homes.


MegaTreeSeed to OnceMoreAndAgain
When school ends, the only places you tend to go are work and home. Literally everywhere else costs money to be, and with prices the way they are, who can afford to sit in a bar and pay more for one glass than a whole bottle would cost at the liquor store.
People be working their asses off just to exist, there's no time for anything else, and even when there is, there's nowhere to do it, and with nowhere to exist that's not work or home, there's no time or place to get to know people anymore.


rd1970 to MegaTreeSeed
Also, it's pretty common for people in their 20s still live with their parents these days - which puts a pretty major damper on things.
I grew up when life was affordable and had my own apartment at 17, and bought my first house at 19. Having that kind of independence changes the whole dynamic of dating, sex, etc.
Nobody is having naked hot tub parties at their mom's house.


I think a big part of that is because there's nowhere left to go that doesn't cost money. Young men and women used to meet a lot at community centers or just walking around, or even at like bowling alleys/arcades. Though with the latter, those still did cost money, but now are kind of out of fashion. Plus, gaming systems are very accessible to buy and have at home now.
Also I think newer generations of boys (myself included, I'm 27, so a bit older) are being socialized to approach women in public less, even in places where it's socially acceptable, or they're scared to because of potentially being accused of harassment. Some of this is not necessarily bad, but if it gets to the point where it dissuades people from trying to form relationships altogether, that's a problem.
The end result could be somewhere like Japan. Even though they have different cultural factors at play, the government is trying to get people to have more babies because of their aging population. There's not just economic concerns, but social ones as well. I think Japan will try to use technology to solve this problem, I don't know if it will be enough. Anyway, food for thought.


CampShermanOR to MyNameIsMud0056
Before the most recent presidential election I was in a line at a bar to get a beer. The tv on the wall was showing yet another political ad. I remarked to the girl in line next to that I would be glad when the election was over so we wouldn’t have to see political ads. She aggressively responded, “leave me alone.” I didn’t intend in any way to be hitting on her or anything, I thought we were all having a communal moment in line, but her response made me feel horrible. I have a tremendous fear of being a creep of creepy and I felt like I had done that. I apologized but she didn’t respond. After she got her beer the woman behind me said, “she must be having a rough day,” but it didn’t make me feel better. I still cringe when I think about it even though I know logically my intent wasn’t creepy. I’ve been in a relationship for over a decade thankfully. I guess I see why people use apps. Approaching people in public seems risky these days. However, I do break the #1 rule of dating: I’m not very attractive.


This is just my theory, but it seems to me that the internet has provided so much access to a diverse range of content and interests that common ground is harder to find.
When I was younger, we all watched the same tv shows and played the same games. Now there are tens of thousands of content creators, shows, games, and subcultures available to us that even if you meet someone who likes the same things as you in general, the chances of you sharing much common ground are slim.
I remember a time when playing games was something you could bond over, and the chances of overlap in games you'd played was high. Nowadays even if you both game, the chances are that one of you plays 5 different first person shooters while the other only plays farming sims. Maybe you both watch anime? Back in the 90s/2000s this basically meant watching Dragon Ball Z and Avatar TLA, or maybe Naruto. But now there's a good chance one of you only watches Shonen anime discussed by a particular YouTube channel, while the other exclusively watches anime from a particular studio. This of course applies to any number of things, from superficial interests like fashion, down to core philosophical beliefs. High schoolers are even discriminating against each other for having an Android phone instead of an iPhone and vice versa, or so I'm told.
The curse we're currently suffering from is one of overabundance and ease of access, which creates so much room for differences of opinion that it's harder to find common ground outside of those you developed your interests with in the first place.


OooSickBurner to ScruffyNuisance
This is a good observation. The "Balkanization" of cultural touch-stones.


Crafty_Bluebird9575 to ScruffyNuisance
Excellent observation. This is the first time I've seen this theory.
However when I was in high school back in the 80s, we didn't start dating a girl because we played the same video games or watched the same movies. We started dating a girl because of simple things like being in the same class at school, having a mutual friend, being in band together, or our parents were friends. That's literally all it took. Most of the time the kids that dated each other had very little in common, entertainment-wise. We dated each other just because of opportunity and then formed common bonds after we met.
I don't recall ever dating any girl that I had something real in common with, other than something trivial like being coincidentally placed in adjacent desks by the Spanish teacher.
Every girl I dated was interested in very different games, video games, outings, movies, music, sports, books, magazines, and even religion than me. When we dated we introduced each other to new things and bonded over new interests. My marriage came out of a girl I met in college just by chance, who had an entirely different background, religion, music, age group, family history, culture, friends, major, even state. We had very little in common, other than attending the same school.


Every time you leave the house, you're probably spending $50-$100 if you go to another location. Doesn't matter what you're doing, you're gonna pay out the ass. Therefore, it's not really financially responsible to date when you're young.


ienjoybasketball24 to sav-rose
for real. just filling the car with gas is $30-60 right off the bat


The death of inexpensive third spaces for people to just “hang out”. The increasing online nature of relationships. A Global pandemic exacerbating both.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

rnd765 to simcity4000
And yes I strongly agree with this. Where can people just loiter and hang out without having to spend money these days?


Im_Balto to rnd765
Even still. I’m fine with spending 8 bucks to patronize a small shop that I can sit in and talk to people but there’s no community in these shops because you have to get in a car and go on a massive road.
You can’t just walk out of your house and down the street to the local shop and gossip about the dog poop issue in the neighborhood


Dating is expensive.
Having hobbies that aren't Gig work can be expensive.
And anything that takes you out of the house generally requires things that are expensive (car, insurance, gas, eating out while away from home)
And worst of all, a lot of work just doesn't pay enough... especially for the younger generation.


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