2023-12-27 xky 3629

Why aren't we western people having any more children? We need to continue our culture.


Claire J. Vannette
I assume you're asking why the birth rate in Western countries has declined, and is lower than the birth rate in other countries. It's pretty simple: When women get education and access to contraception, and when infant mortality declines, people choose to have fewer children. This pattern holds up in non-Western countries, too. Turns out most women don't actually like spending half their life pregnant.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

As for whether we need to continue our culture, I leave that for others to debate. I will say this: If you want people in your country to have more children, you need to look at the current incentives and disincentives, and make some changes. How much is a higher birth rate worth to you? Is it worth universal government-subsidized childcare? Is it worth mandated parental leave? Is it worth encouraging men to deemphasize career advancement in favor of spending more time with their kids? Is it worth better schools? Is it worth no-tuition college? These policies might make people more willing to have larger families — but they ain't free.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

I would also like to add that in advanced Capitalist cultures it is not feasible for most to have large families unless you are wealthy. Having large families is more practical in primitive agricultural societies where having children also gives you more free labor, but when you must use modern currency to buy resources, it’s a huge burden for women and society when someone has more than a few children.


John Tierney
Northern European countries like Norway and Sweden provide significant parental benefits. One consequence is a fertility rate near 1.9 children / woman.
In eastern and Southern European countries with little parental benefits like Italy and Greece the fertility rate is abt 1.4.
Guess which countries are going to see tax revenue and economic growth collapse over the next decade or so?


Brian Dague
I don’t have any kids. Why am I answering this question?
Because these are the barriers I perceive when people talk about having children.
The problem you’re going to have with this is that our culture is probably the biggest barrier to having more kids.
To have kids in a society like ours you need:
A high paying job - Because kids are expensive.
Spare time to dedicate to kids - You can’t just have kids then wander away. Even when they get older, they need emotional support as well as physical care.


To get the job, first you need to graduate from high school.
Now, the days of graduating and heading straight for a job at the town plant are gone for good. Thank the Manufacturing companies for moving to automation or sweatshop labor for that, and thank yourself every time you buy something made in a sweatshop.
So, you’re going to have to at least go to a trade school. Maybe get a two-year degree as a plumber or welder, then you find a job with your trade and work. Maybe you could raise a kid on the kind of pay that you get from one of those jobs, provided you get the right benefits. Otherwise you do have to spend a few years at a lower salary gaining experience needed to cost-justify giving you finances in order to afford children.


If you choose to go to college, then you’re looking at four more years of school while you either work a part time job, or live off of your parents, plus all of the studying the professors you have to do to pass your classes means you have neither the time nor the money to support a child.
After college, generally people want to get their career going, and let’s go ahead and face it, there’s employers that tend to prey on young employees who work tirelessly to prove themselves, don’t have any sort of familial obligations, and have a lack of experience to justify their low pay.
Working long hours for low pay and likely few benefits is not an ideal condition for raising children.


As long as our culture dictates that you must train for a job on your own dime and live in poverty during the most fertile period of your life, and then decides whether or not you’re worth allowing to have kids based on what occupation you choose, most people just won’t make the cut. Throw in the fact that it only makes this decision after the period in your life to have kids has passed, and you have people that just don’t want them anymore.
This might be hard to swallow, but your teens and early twenties are the best time biologically to have healthy kids. It’s possible to have them during other stages of life, but I’ve heard plenty of thirty and forty year olds gripe about how they had so much more energy when they were in their twenties, and energy is probably something you want when dealing with kids.


Education and entry-level work pretty much take up most of your life until you earn a senior position that “lets” you start a family maybe. Even then, there’s always the chance someone younger and hungrier than you makes you redundant or some senior executive needs a new yacht for his dog and you’re “downsized”. Why take the risk?
You say we need to continue our culture, but as long as our culture picks and chooses who has kids based what the parents do for a living, it’s going to destroy itself.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Péter Tamas
I am 40 and about half of my friends my age have no kids and even from the other half many have only one child.
When I ask them why one major reason is financials and that they can’t afford to have kids or can afford to have only one.
In most of the Western world having kids is an economic decision as well and most people want to make sure once they bring a child to this world, he or she will have a good life.
The other reason is some people choose a childless lifestyle that lets them live an independent life where they can travel or do “fun” stuff.


Suzette Alispach
I don't really understand “western culture”. In the US we are such a mix of people that culture is often intermingled. In my family, for example, our traditional Christmas eve dinner is enchiladas. However, we are not if Latino heritage. Another dish my family makes is Navajo fry bread. My mother learned to make it from an elderly Navajo woman in the 60s. And yet, all of us have studied Buddhism. Buddhism is just normal and nothing special.
So what is meant by “western culture”? How are you defining “culture”? It can't be religion because nearly every religion exists in the “west”. It can't be music because much of what is consumed in Europe and the US and any place else considered “Western” comes from other places. Korea, Jamaica, Africa, the middle East.
Many of our clothes use patterns derived from the textures if Japan or India.
What is “Western culture”?


Yvette Renshy
Culture isn’t genetic it is social therefore the premise of your question is wrong to begin with.


Brian Donovan
We have an overpopulation problem. Don't most religions tell you to be a good steward of the earth?
The last thing in the world humans need is a religious/cultural/race baby making contest.


Evelyn Jane Saungikar
Western culture has been exported to all corners of the earth. People everywhere aspire to practice western culture. My own dad, for example, when he was a 12 year old Indian boy with no shoes, living on chapati and lentils, wanted to grow up to be Cary Grant.
And he pretty much did.
He married an English girl, moved to Canada, bought a house, a sports car and a Rolex watch. He whistled Rod Stewart songs while he shaved.

例如,我的父亲,当他还是一个12岁的印度男孩,没有鞋子,靠印度卷饼和扁豆为生时,他想长大成为 Cary Grant 。
他娶了一个英国女孩,搬到加拿大,买了房子、有了跑车和劳力士手表。他一边刮胡子一边吹 Rod Stewart 的歌。

There’s more to life than kids. Also, plenty of other people, in different cultures have kids, so humanity isn’t exactly in danger.
Do we? A very small amount of people uses up a very large amount of resources on this planet. Our lifestyle isn’t sustainable even now, when it’s about 15% of this planet’s population. We’d be dead in 50 years if all eight billion tried to live like we do. Maybe it would be not such a bad idea to kill off a culture that dirties and kills the whole planet for the sake of the top 15%.


Joan Philips
Western culture is based in Europe. Europe is overcrowded and Europeans have spread out over the globe. Maybe our (White) numbers are declining slightly, but there’s still a huge number of us on the earth. The real menace to Western culture is not low birthrates of Whites but high birthrates of others. The solution is to promote family planning among ALL people. Then we won’t need to exploit other countries for their resources and they will be able to support themselves and not immigrate to Western countries.
Stop the “baby race” of trying to have the most babies in order to not be outnumbered, because that results in ruin for all of us.


Jim Grossmann
Within my own lifetime, the population of the USA has doubled. So has the population of the Earth.
As far as I can tell, it defies common sense to imagine that US culture will grind to a halt due to under-population.


Mike Neville
You shouldn’t have children to “continue a culture, or at least I hope that isn’t the reson people have children. I wouldn’t know, never had any myself.
I’m curious though. Why should our culture be continued?


Sarah Li
I have a daughter, who is 16 and has TWO daughters of her own with her partner, who is nearly 18 years old himself.
I am 36 years old as of date with a new romantic partner and hoping to get pregnant again.
Planning on popping a few more babies out!


Renita McAfee
In the US, people can barely afford studio apartments. Imagine needing a 2 or 3 bedroom home, especially with rising rental and purchase prices and the public's insistence that Medicaid and food stamps be stopped. Who the heck is going to have 3 kids and not be able to have housing, food, or medical care for their kids. If people stopped having so many kids, maybe housing prices will fall so people already living here can afford to live inside.


Cameron Morse
People haven’t stopped having kids, it’s just that more people are choosing not to do so or deciding to wait until they’re ready for them. Back in the day there was a huge stigma against unmarried and childless people (especially women), but nowadays we’ve come to accept that not everybody thinks of those two things as the most important things in their lives, as they did back when child death rates were ridiculously high. Quite frankly, a lot of the people that would be considered at the point that they should start raising families don’t have very reliable or well-paying sources of income relative to their cost of living, so it would probably be for the best that they wait until life gives them a break to have kids.


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