2023-12-28 ARRRRRIES 7266
Trevor Krause
I think all the other answer missed the main point. After WWII the USA and the allies stated that they were committed to staying in Japan overseeing the full transition to democracy and they were prepared to be there for a long time until the mission was successfully completed. They would also make sure enough personnel, military and other, were available with resources to prevent other foreign nations from interfering in the process. And the USA and Allies kept their promise. The same deal was done for Germany and Korea.


Come Iraq and the US forces and Coalition partners had just finished sweeping aside the obvious forces of the last regime, then in a rush to leave the country said hold an election, set up a government and bureaucracy, now you have a democracy, you are on your own, we are going home, live long and prosper.


US forces are still stationed in Japan, Germany and Korea more than 50 years after the wars officially ended. The US has never appeared to have given that commitment to Iraq as a means of stabilizing a nation beset by problems internal and external in a volatile region. Iraq is a nation which is about as close as you can get to being a failed state without actually being called one.


The USA is definitely on the nose in that region of the world, but what else can you expect when you push your weight around, make promises you don’t keep, show disrespect to the locals, keep the wrong sort of company, work with unfounded assumptions and generally bad-mouth the region to others.


Laurie Pettitt
Japan adopted Democracy. Their own system had failed them. After WWII, America’s aims were benevolent. Japan needed to be disarmed and, like Germany, brought quickly to some semblance of normality. Again, as with Germany, no punishment of the nation as a whole, just the perpetrators. Good policy. Look how far Japan has come. And look how Japan has the kind of status in the Pacific that it tried to get by force of arms. Iraq was different in that Sadam was containing all sorts of factions. Democracy was not the cure. Iraq, unlike Japan, was ripe for Plunder. Countries joined with America for reward not idilogical reasons. The equivalent of Merchant Adventurers backed government policy in America. There was no altruism in our actions in Iraq. People cannot eat votes. People who are hell bent on killing each other in the name of God, or for national identity cannot be soothed. But it takes a long time to help people to evolve out of enmity and Our politicians work on four year cycles.


Brian Collins
Japan had an elected Prime Minister since the Meiji Constitution. It is true that the Emperor and various military leaders did have a lot more power in Meiji Japan than they do now, and in many ways, those military leaders’ influence drove Japanese expansionism leading to WWII.
Here for example, is the Japanese general election, 1920.


I think a better example would be Germany, which did not have a democratically elected head of state during WWII. Hitler never even won an election to become chancellor or President in the first place—Hitler lost the German presidential election, 1932 in a landslide.


The German Parliament went against the will of the majority of eligible voters, and appointed Hitler into the position of Chancellor, which they themselves created.
On the Parliamentary level, the Nazi party was the largest party after 1932 but still had far less than 50% of Parliament on the day Parliament passed the Enabling Act of 1933, dissolved all parties but the Nazis, and gave Hitler direct control of Germany. The one member of German Parliament who was brave enough to speak out against the bill, Otto Wels, was stripped of his citizenship less than 5 months later.


The next farce called an election looked like this German election, November 1933:


In that election, voters in many communities were told that a ‘no’ vote on Hitler was not allowed, and many people feared reprisals from the government. Even politicians had been executed or lost their citizenship for opposing Hitler in Parliament. Most Germans would vote ‘Yes’ even if they opposed Hitler.


So, for Germany, the case could be made that the US (and its allies) turned a dictatorship into democracy—well at least in West Germany.
In East Germany, the Socialist Unity Party of Germany ruled the country in a one-party system.
For the other part of the question, I must ask:
Has democracy in Iraq failed?


Has the elected government in Baghdad been overthrown by enemies of the US, akin to the US-backed government of Vietnam being conquered by North Vietnam?
The answer is no. It is true that radical Sunni groups like ISIS did defeat the Iraqi Army on the battlefield hundreds of times before the US started helping them, and at one point the Shia-majority Baghdad government lost control of most of the outlying areas, but does that mean Democracy failed?


Most of their defeats were faults of the way the civilian government was fighting ISIS and alienating Sunni factions, and faults in how the military was fighting ISIS.
I think we will need to wait and see if democracy in Iraq has truly failed. If things don’t improve after the Syrian Civil War ends, then maybe.


Johannes Tantow
I would like to add something to how Hitler became Chancellor.
In the end of the Weimarer Republik, this is mostly the time after the World Economic crisis 1929, the Präsidialkabinette, i.e. governments based on the ernormous might of the Reichspräsident as it is based in the constitution. After the last democratic government of Hermann Müller(SPD), consisting of the SPD, Zentrum, DDP, DVP and BVP, broke down due to disputes about increasing founds to the unemployment benefits.
After that Heinrich Brüning, Franz von Papen and Kurt von Schleicher ruled based on Hindeburg’s power and dependend on him. Hindenburg could disband the Reichstag(parliament of Germany at this time)(Article 25), he could limit the rights of the people and enact laws(Art.48).


Most important for Hitler becoming Reichskanzler is however Article 53 “ Artikel 53. Der Reichskanzler und auf seinen Vorschlag die Reichsminister werden vom Reichspräsidenten ernannt und entlassen.” (= The chancellor of the Reich and on his suggestion the ministers are appointed and dismissed by the president of the Reich) There the parliamant couldn’t appoint Hitler and the parliamants approval to the “Ermächtigungsgesetz”Enabling Act of 1933 - Wikipedia Hitler needed Article 48 to remove the members of parliamant of the KPD from the Reichstag and offer the Zentrum additional rights for catholics(Zentrum was the party of the political catholizism), which lead to the Reichskonkordat with the Pope. Reichskonkordat - Wikipedia

然而,对于希特勒成为总理来说,最重要的是第53条:“第53条。帝国总理和根据他的建议,帝国部长由帝国总统任命和解聘。”在那里,议会无法任命希特勒,并且议会对1933年的"授权法"(Enabling Act)的批准是必需的。希特勒需要根据第48条取消德国共产党成员在帝国议会中的席位,并为天主教徒提供中央党额外的权益(中央党是政治天主教派别的党派),这导致了与教皇签署的《政教协定》(Reichskonkordat)。

This position that the chancellor isn’t depended on the approval of the parliamant is based that Bismarck wasn’t particulary popular in the Reichstag in the German Reich while the Emperor/Kaiser was still in charge, but Wilhelm I. trusted him. The Reichspräsident is a continuation of the might of the Emperor and is called “Ersatzkaiser”(substitude for the Emperor)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Regarding the vote of november 1933 it isn’t sure to say that most germans didn’t want Hitler. Yes there was Intimidation by the SA, but the parties and the democratic system of the Weimar Republic were unpopular and the economy started to recover. Also the catholic church and many intelectuals such as Martin Heidegger or Gerhart Hauptmann supported Hitler. German historian Hans-Ulrich Wehler states that the result of this election are mostly representative for the populations mood.

关于1933年11月的选举结果,我们不能确定大多数德国人是否不支持希特勒。是的,SA(纳粹党的冲锋队)进行了恐吓,但魏玛共和国的政党和民主制度并不受欢迎,而且经济开始复苏。此外,天主教会和许多知识分子,例如马丁·海德格尔(Martin Heidegger)或格哈特·豪普特曼(Gerhart Hauptmann),都支持希特勒。德国历史学家汉斯-乌尔里希·韦勒(Hans-Ulrich Wehler)认为,这次选举的结果在很大程度上代表了人民的心情。

Brian Collins
We can’t say for sure how most Germans felt at that moment because all data was now being manipulated by the Nazis.
However, based on the last time the Germans had a say, Hitler got under 40% of their vote (which is also how the Nazis performed in Parliament).


Johannes Tantow
Yes, but in constrast to the last election they had more time and could do their political actions that I told in the post before. This would let me and as I told historian Wehler think that many Germans would approve the Regime.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Brian Collins
30–40% of the population qualifies as ‘many.’
I was not arguing that Hitler was wildly unpopular, but more that his mandate and absolute authority was imposed on the German people, rather than legally and democratically elected.
I think it’s plausible that 60% of Germans supported him in 1934, but that still leaves 4/10 people who oppose him, but are afraid to voice their opinions.


Sng Kok Joon Leonard
That’s a weird way to answer the question. Even in the west you don’t generally judge whether democracy has failed in a country by whether or not they lost a war.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Anthony M Anderson
The USA hoped that Iraq could be democratised just like Japan did after WW2 but the experiment failed. Here are the reasons:
· Different Societies: Japan was and is an homogeneous one that was peaceful whereas Iraq is an heterogeneous nation with different ethnicities such as the kurds, arabs e.t.c living in a same land but they always pitted against another. Establishing democracy in a ethnic divided society like iraq is a huge challenge and that was part of the problem for the americans.

· 不同的社会结构:日本是一个和平的、同质化的国家,而伊拉克是一个由不同族群组成的异质国家,如库尔德人、阿拉伯人等生活在同一个地区,但他们总是相互对立。在一个种族分裂的社会中建立民主制度是一个巨大的挑战,这也是美国人面临的问题之一。

· Dismantling of institutions: The USA implemented a policy of de-baathification with the aim of dismantling the existence of institutions already in place such as the army and excluding sunni muslims from participating in a different form of government. This policy proved challenging to establishing effective democracy as it led to political polarisation, sectarian division and lack of qualified people to participate. Japan on the other hand had it's institutions kept in place such as the emperor still being on the throne, legal system and educated elite class in place to effectively establish democracy.

· 机构解体:美国实施了去复兴党化政策,旨在解体已经存在的机构,如军队,并排斥逊尼派穆斯林参与不同形式的政府。这一政策导致了政治极化、宗派分裂和缺乏合格人才参与,从而使建立有效的民主制度变得困难。而日本则保留了其机构,如天皇仍然在位、法律制度和受过良好教育的精英阶层,为有效建立民主制度提供了支持。

· Lack of experience: Iraq on the other hand had a long experience of authoritarianism and coup d'etats and lacked the experience of democratic experiment. Japan did enjoy the fruits of democratic experiment under the parliamentary system however it failed for some time until the post war era.

· 缺乏经验:与此同时,伊拉克长期以来一直经历着专制主义和政变,缺乏民主实验的经验。而日本在议会制度下享受了民主实验的成果,但在战后时期曾一度失败。

· Security and Stability Challenges: Iraq was faced with sectarianism, insurgency and terrorism after the overthrow of saddam who kept the country somewhat stable making it difficult for the american occupiers to effectively establish democracy. Japan on the other hand didn't face that and the long term of peace and stability allowed democratisation to continue peacefully.

· 安全和稳定挑战:伊拉克在萨达姆被推翻后面临着宗派主义、起义和恐怖主义的问题,而萨达姆统治使该国相对稳定,这使得美国占领者难以有效地建立民主制度。而日本则没有面临这样的问题,长期的和平与稳定使得民主化进程得以和平进行。

· Different plans: The americans didn't effectively planning for how democratising Iraq would be and the americans were criticised for that. Japan on the other hand had saw effective democratisation in place that was well planned by general douglas mcarthur and other allied occupation authorities.

· 不同的计划:美国没有有效地规划如何使伊拉克实现民主化,因此受到批评。而日本则实施了有效的民主化计划,由道格拉斯·麦克阿瑟将军和其他盟军占领当局共同策划。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The democratisation process in japan led the country to have a system of full democracy while in Iraq, the process which proved to be challenging led the country have an hybrid regime. You can clearly see the difference with Japan being ranked as having a full democracy while Iraq being slipped as having an authoritarian regime:


I don't understand the metrics used to define how democratic a nation is. If we're going strictly by legal system, Iraq would technically be more democratic.
Also, if we aren't going by legal systems, I find it very strange for Japan's de facti one party state to be considered to be a full democracy versus China's one party state.
I don't trust these western metrics and stats. They're nonsense made to make the west look good. Just like how suicidal Finland happens to be the “happiest” country (I can imagine there's a huge survivorship bias at play). As if happiness can be quantified anyway.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Again, you have to choose between legalities and realities. If you want to talk about what's legally enforced, Iraq would be more democratic than the US. Look up how the government and elections work.


Alexander Major
There indeed could be obxtive reasons to define the USA - on the federal level - as a hybrid regime, also because the financing of campaigns depends on getting huge amounts of money from those that have it - with all the results. Systems with a more state financed party system (as in Europe) are more fair in this regard. Also, the high incarceration rate of citizens rather resembles that of an authoritarian regime. Just to name two examples. On the other hand, I am quite sure that the states and in particular the local levels are indeed free, everyone can run as a candidate there and would have a real and fair chance to be elected. What is an argument in favour of the point of view that the USA is rather democratic is that they do not have state controlled media, apart from some education channels.


Characterising ww2 Japan as non-violent is a bit of a stretch, don't you think? It is a common mistake because Japanese brutality was mostly carried out in the Asia-Pacific during ww2 but I assure you they were not shy at the sight of blood, even of their own.
Japanese society was highly group compliance but it was no less turbulent than others. It was literally feudal Europe in a smaller sclae.
The Shogun was basically a military dictatorship with the Emperor being symbolical at best, puppet at worst.


I suspect the main reason why Japan was successful because they were, by the end of ww2, already an industrialised nation. Infrastructure was destroyed but with know-how people could rebuild fast, not unlike Germany, especially with substantial outside support.
There was also this sense of purpose and urgency to rebuild Japan to counter the USSR and China, which was what lacking in the case of Iraq.
Conveniently, Iraq has a lot of oil so it is possible that powerful business groups may not find the idea of an effective central government amusing. It's easier to deal with corrupted leaders than those with integrity.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Another main one is geographic. Japan is an island. Traditionally, once all the people on an island managed to reach an agreement they tend to stablise over the long run, not unlike the UK. It's easier to invest in just your Navy, especially so if you got the US as a security backer.


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