2023-12-29 龟兔赛跑 3060

Why did the US not win the war of 1812?


Alec Melling
Why didn't the USA win the War of 1812? What did we do wrong?
This was a strange war. On the one hand, you have a country that wanted the war and won nothing. And, on the other hand, you had a country that did not want the war and lost nothing.
If you cut away a lot of the US popular mythology about the war there is no doubt that the British won the military war. Where the US won a battle here and there non of their wins against British forces was militarily significant. Whilst the British wins at sea and on the Canadian border had a war-winning strategic impact on the outcome of the war.
During the naval war, the US Navy won a few single-ship combats and took a few merchant ships. None of the losses inflicted by the US Navy however were strategically significant. The British had plenty of frigates and the losses inflicted had no strategic impact on The Royal Navy. The British merchant marine was huge and the losses inflicted, mainly by US privateers, were so insignificant that the US actions at sea did not cause the maritime insurance rate to fluctuate and had little impact on the British economy during the war.


In return, The Royal Navy counted the US threat at sea and destroyed US merchant commerce. In doing so it drove the US federal government to default on its loans and the brink of bankruptcy.
By landing military forces at will around the US coast The Royal Navy, with contingents of the British Army, tied most of the US’s military forces into a defensive posture. This meant that the US could not make significant reinforcements on the only front where they could hurt the British, the border of Upper Canada. An outright strategic win for The Royal Navy.
Indeed The Royal Navy’s campaign against the US was one of the most significant naval achievements during the age of sail. With the imposition of a year-round blockade conducted on a hostile coast, two and a half thousand miles or more from its home bases.


The failure of the US at sea was compounded by the failure of its forces on land. British North America was never really threatened by the US military. The US military attempts to make inroads into Upper Canada were defeated, and this was the only place where the Americans could have inflicted a war-winning loss on the British.
So what did the British gain from the war? Britain gained security for British North America. This meant that this colony was able to morph undisturbed by the US into the Canada of today. Making the Canadians the outright winners of the War of 1812.
What did the US gain from the war? The US’s one strategic victory during the war, over the Native North American Federation at the battle of Thames in 1813, opened up the west. This coupled with its failure at sea drove its industrialist and capitalists, whilst they were cut off from the world, to look to the west for opportunities and financial gain. This was the true foundation of the continental US and the true gain of the US from the War of 1812. Sadly this made the Native North Americans the outright losers of the war.


Geren Nichols
The war of 1812 is perhaps the strangest event in the history of the USA.
Huge miscalculations abounded at the time and our present views are frxd by the fact that the USA is a now a dominate military and economic power , our ‘special relationship’ is with the UK and we think that French tanks have 4 gears in reverse none of which was at all true in 1812.
The USA in 1812 was economically well off and large in geography but sparsely populated, with neither a standing army or military tradition and although there was an embryonic Navy it was outnumbered something like 600 to 15 by the Royal Navy.plo
The casus belli for the US
First, the actions of the British Navy attacking American shipping to continental Europe and occasionally the US Navy itself. There were a variety of legal principles involved and serious animosity. The USS Chesapeake incident in 1807 most notably was an act of war perpetrated by British officers convinced that they could do as they pleased followed up by the Americans killing 32 British when they fired on the little sloop HMS Little Belt, The ultimate finding on that was the US was mostly harmless but only because Napoleon crashed in Russia.

首先,英国海军攻击美国前往欧洲大陆的船只,偶尔也攻击美国海军本身。这涉及到各种各样的法律原则和严重的敌意。1807年的切萨皮克号事件最引人注目的是英国军官犯下的战争行为,他们确信自己可以随心所欲。随后,美国人向小型单桅帆船“HMS Little Belt”号开火,杀死了32名英国人。最终发现,美国基本上是无害的,但这只是因为拿破仑在俄国战败。

The second was American desire to annex Canada. The possibility of this was based on the belief that most Canadians would rally to the US, which was of course lunacy. Canadians came in 3 general flavors. English speaking, most of whom had left the 13 colonies at the end of the revolution if the were not actively thrown out (Canadians could have more outstanding claims for expropriations in the American revolution than there are for the Cuban revolution).
Then there were Native Americans, at that time still numerically important and militarily more so. They often were in the same boat, thrown out of the US after 1781 and persecuted often with brutal force. The US was not known for good or even benign treatment of Indians, indeed one of the unmentionable causes for the American Revolution was colonists desire to steal more Indian lands than the Crown would allow.
Only French speaking Canadians could realistically be hoped to desire an association with the US an erstwhile ally of France and Napoleon in 1812 but the Quebecois had reached a working relationship with the British and they were well aware that the US was a protestant republic, in spite of claims of religious freedom, and it would be unlikely that an acceptable modus vivendi with Washington could be reached.


In 1812 it looked like the French Empire would either defeat the UK or continue to keep all of its army and most of its fleet occupied. The war party felt it was a prime opportunity assail an empire in decline. The UK obviously had never taken the Americans seriously enough to give the peace parties ammunition to carry their cause. The vote for war in the Senate was only 19 to 13 .
So know that the war was not universally popular.
The attempts to capture Canada went as expected for a country without an army mounting a hugely unpopular invasion. . The Americans assembled an impromptu militia which collapsed when it discovered that Canadians were not only not anxious to become Americans but were quite ready to fight. The northern frontier was only stabilized when Oliver Hazard Perry mobilized industrial ship production in Erie due to the surplus of American sailors, supplies and ordinance because of the blockade of the American Navy and Ports, to overwhelm the opposition, a unique situation in this war but which foreshadowed the key to American success in the 20th century. (Also to the joy of crossword puzzle writers.)


The naval war was a commercial disaster for both sides, more for the Americans than the British. For example the American whaling fleet in the Pacific was eliminated. Trade with Europe ceased. Loses to privateers and the respective navies on both sides were large but by 1815 the Royal Navy was blockading the entire US Navy and most privateers in American ports and also held French ports, effectively winning the naval war .
After successful walk overs destroying The government buildings in Washington DC the British Army loaded up for New Orleans, a raid with no strategic goal, where the commander not only seriously underestimated the firepower he was having his troops walk into but disdained optimal use of his naval assets and their mobile artillery and succeeded in making Jackson a hero and being the only general to lose more men to guns than disease in a tropical campaign. Famously it was not even during the war.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The political reality after Napoleon was defeated was the UK and the USA were potentially their mutual best trading partners, even the Southern and Western states the home of the war party were better off at peace. There was no desire in London to reconquer the US, and in the US there was realization that Canada was a pipe dream.
Officially a draw


Mike Bowerbank
There are those who say that the US did win the War of 1812, which is quite amusing. They tend to talk about how the effects of the war benefitted the US over the long run. Yes, it's absolutely correct that the US did emerge stronger in the long run because of the war, but this does not mean the war itself was an American victory. Far from it.
Those who say Britain/Canada won the war point to the fact that Jefferson's assertion to Madison that the acquisition of Canada was "a matter of mere marching" was completely and utterly wrong. The US gained no ground, the colony was preserved, and out of that war began the bond between the colonists that provided a sentiment that would unite the future Canada. So as some in the US can state that they got some benefit from the war, so too can their neighbours to the north. At BEST, it was a draw for the US.


Look, let's break this down. The US had two main obxtives:
The first was to end impressment (although some argue this was an excuse to go to war, but let's put that aside for the sake of this argument). This obxtive was met, so the US 'won' on that front. (It should be noted, however, that impressment was ending anyway, but let's not deny the US a small victory here.)
The second was the eviction of the British from North America and the subsequent conquest of Canada. Anyone who doesn't think this was an obxtive of the war is ignoring history. Jefferson convinced Madison that invading Canada was the right move and that it would be easy. To say that they were wrong is an understatement. The Americans in Fort Detroit surrendered without a shot fired.
Sure, the US burned (and let's not forget looted and pillaged) York (present-day Toronto), but the British responded with the burning of governance buildings in Washington DC (note how the homes and residences in Washington were not torched, looted, or pillaged).


In terms of the invasion of British-held 'Canada', the only thing the US got out of the war was the 'Star Spangled Banner'. Nobody in their right mind can say that the US was successful in their invasion of Canada. Net territory gained: 0 square inches.
As I have said in other posts about the War of 1812, the US really blew it. By being a hostile and pillaging (see: York) neighbour, they created a mindset north of the border that still largely persists today: a distrust of the American government. That distrust resulted in a united Canada years later.
Had the US been a peaceable and friendly neighbour, it's at least possible that some of western Canada might have joined the US. (see: British Columbia, which had to decide which country to join before deciding it was a better idea to join Canada in 1871.) At the very least, BC and Alberta - two rich provinces - might be American today by choice had the US acted less like a bad neighbour and bully.
Oh, and one last thing... the US backed Napoleon Bonaparte. The dictator and self-proclaimed emperor of France - you know, because freedom. Napoleon lost. The British would have been able to send over it's "A Team" to the war and then the US might have experienced an entirely different outcome. The US was fortunate to get a draw - their best at the time was being held off by Britain's numerically inferior "B-Team".

哦,还有最后一件事……美国支持拿破仑·波拿巴。法国的独裁者和自封的皇帝——你知道,因为自由,拿破仑失败了。英国本可以派遣他们的“精选部队”参战,然后美国可能会经历一个完全不同的结果。美国队很幸运地获得了一场平局- 在那个时候,美国所能达到的最佳水平是被英国数量较少的“二流部队”所阻挡。

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