2023-12-30 冲动的小李 5848

Profile photo for Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
What you need to realize is that, the Dollar being a primary reserve currency has been an issue that many countries have secretly not been very comfortable with
It was one of the not so public reasons for the existence of the EURO
Many Nations especially the Middle East Nations felt it very wrong to sell their oil and keep all the money earned from those sales in Accounts in the United States
However back then the US was too powerful
Saddam Hussain tried and ended up being murdered after a bogus invasion


Gadaffi tried and was killed in a color revolution sponsored by the United States
The Saudis, the Qataris, the Iranians all felt like being under a Colonial Dictator who decided and controlled every aspect of their life using the dollar
The US was making up rules and using the power of sanctions and its military to destroy anyone who did not toe the line
Thus the fact that the Dollar was the Primary reserve currency was not something everyone was happy with even from the mid 1990s
The UK had decided to tolerate this because they were too badly broken after World War II and needed the US to survive as a developed nation
Every 3 out 4 Dollars they needed came from US Banks & US Federal Loans.
Europe too
Russia due to it's incompetent leadership under Geriatrics like Brezhnev, Andropov and Gromyko and Chernenko plus Idiots like Gorbachev also needed US Dollars to rescue it's economy from collapse and hyperinflation
China was happy earning dollars and building its reserves and growing 14% a year
In short the US had forced these Nations into situations where the US and it's Dollars were indispensable to them


Today things stand different
The US is much weaker than it was
The same Nation that could probably once control a conflict from DC alone, is unable to rein in its most dependent lackey ally - ISRAEL
It is riddled with Debt
It hassanctioned and played unfair so many times that IT'S CREDIBILITY IS ZERO
So every Nation that once tolerated the US Dollar as primary reserve, is starting to trade in other currencies including the Yuan, the Ruble and their own Local Currencies
Energy & Food is now being sold in Yuan and priced in Yuan
Qatar sells LNG to China pricing it in Yuan as do Saudi Arabia and Russia
Brazil sells Soybeans and Ore priced in Yuan to China
The US may still be very powerful against any attack on the US itself but their offensive warfare capabilities have significantly become weaker and weaker.
The Military Leaders are weak
The Politicians are imbeciles - either Neocons or Corrupt Ideologues or Neo Liberals
Hence DE DOLLARIZATION HAS BEGUN and will continue


One currency as primary reserve and One Nation as a Hegemon was always wrong
Maybe it was unavoidable from 1945 to maybe 1975 when the world was still recovering from the World War and Anti communist Wars
However it should have started focusing on a Multipolar World and a Variant currency reserve from at least 1975
Yet the US kept it's hold as a Hegemon and it's currency as primary through:-
Removing the Gold Standard and adopting the Bretton Woods system forcing Europe to accept both
Adopted the Plaza Accords in 1985 and finished Japan as a potential rival
Invaded Iraq and sponsored color revolution in Libya to ensure no other player even thought of going against the Dollar


Sadly today the US cannot continue this
Putin, xi are TOO STRONG
The BRI has ensured that most of the Global South no longer kowtows to the US blindly but rather would do what's best for them, bes example being Vietnam
Also the US thanks to 30 years of bullying and intimidating has now a foreign Service and diplomatic service that DOESN'T HAVE A CLUE WHAT IT MEANS TO NEGOTIATE OR BARGAIN.
The crop of idiot diplomats know only to threaten and bully


Like Daleep Singh, the numbskull who threatened India with Sanctions when he could have offered a nice tech transfer deal plus a nice $ 100 Billion swap facility in Mumbai and maybe swayed India on his side
Or this brainless fool who could have easily offered China, a full tariff waiver for 3 years, a written guarantee on their US Investments plus a mutual guarantee on Taiwan (You don't attack Taiwan and we don't supply weapons)
China may have agreed to move away from Putin
If that was the case Putin would have lost by June 2022 and the West would have won

就像戴利普·辛格(Daleep Singh)一样,这个傻瓜用制裁来威胁印度,而他本可以提供一份不错的技术转让协议,再加上孟买价值1000亿美元的基础设施,也许会让印度站在他一边
或者这个无脑的傻瓜可以轻易地向中国提供三年的全额关税豁免,对美国投资的书面保证以及对台湾的相互保证(你不攻击台湾,我们不提供武器) )

So Yes the US Dollar is going to lose its Primary Reserve Status
By 2030 I believe the USD will have a reserve of around 46%, the Yuan at 13%, Euro at 10%, Yen at 5%, the BRICS Settlement CBDC at 5% and Local Currencies at 21%


Profile photo for Sumanth
· 13h
The Washington administration is WILDLY out of step with the common American people. Poll after poll indicates that the regular American is tired of foreign conflicts and sanctions and wants the government to focus on the US only. Making sure the people have affordable healthcare, education and housing while these morons go off to support conflict in some foreign country which most Americans can’t even locate on a map.


Profile photo for Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
Profile photo for Hu Shi xiong
Hu Shi xiong
· 13h
Polls hadn't decided government action within living memory .


Profile photo for Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
Profile photo for Sumanth
Profile photo for Jeff Duda
Jeff Duda
· 7h
That is true but please know that the US people are a lot better than the US government. Probably not going to fix the problem as the US has a huge military and control of the media to use against its own people as well as the rest of the world. But at least know the people of the US do not support or believe in its own government. Apologies to the rest of the world from the people of the US. Result the Dollar will collapse as it is not used for the betterment of the world and the leader of the USA (still the most powerful country in the world although falling fast) The politicians are also not working for the betterment of the world.


Profile photo for Hoàng Phan
Hoàng Phan
· 12h
The euro itself is often thought of as the first example of exit — a planned exit from the dollar system. Because by creating the euro, the European countries essentially ejected the dollar from their mutual transactions. So this was the beginning of European monetary integration, largely by combining the surplus run by the German economy, with the rest of the Eurozone that was running a deficit. And so in that sense, they were trying to balance and stabilize their own exchange rates.
The way in which the euro was created was basically the satellite currency of the United States, because it was designed by Robert Mondell at the University of Chicago for what he was given the annual Nobel Prize for the worst economic advice that they give annually.
And he created the euro in a very right-wing “Chicago School” way, in a way that blocked the Eurozone from actually using the euro and the central bank to actually finance Keynesian-style budget deficits.
European countries were forbidden to run a budget deficit of more than three percent of their GDP, which is a very small amount. And what that did was prevent the euro from creating enough money, enough currency, enough credit, to really become a rival for the dollar.
It was sort of crippled from the very beginning by the rules that made sure the government would not be able to create enough credit to enable European recovery to take place without very very heavy borrowing from the European banks and from the American banks.
So the euro was created in a way to minimize the role of government, maximize the role of banks, and essentially that’s what made it a right-wing Chicago School development from the very beginning, and we’ve now seen how it’s unfolded.


Germany’s industrial exports were the major factor supporting the euro’s exchange rate. The great attraction to Germany in moving from the deutsche mark to the euro would avoid its export surplus from pushing up the D-mark’s exchange rate to a point where German products would be priced out of world markets. Expanding the currency to include Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and other countries running balance-of-payments deficit would prevent the currency from soaring. And that would protect the competitiveness of German industry.
After its introduction in 1999 at $1.12, the euro did indeed sink to $0.85 by July 2001, but recovered and indeed rose to $1.58 in April 2008. It has been drifting down steadily since then, and since February of this year the sanctions have driven the euro’s exchange rate below parity with the dollar to $0.97 this week. The major factor has been rising prices for imported gas and oil, and products such as aluminum and fertilizer requiring heavy energy inputs for their production. And as the euro’s exchange rate declines against the dollar, the cost of carrying its US-dollar debt – the normal condition for affiliates of U.S. multinationals – will rise, squeezing their profits.

欧元于1999年以1.12美元的价格推出后,到2001年7月确实跌至 0.85美元,但在 2008年4月反弹并确实升至1.58美元。此后欧元一直在稳步下跌,自今年 2月以来,制裁推动了欧元的贬值。本周欧元兑美元汇率低于平价0.97美元。主要因素是进口天然气和石油以及铝和化肥等产品的价格上涨,这些产品的生产需要大量的能源投入。随着欧元兑美元汇率下跌,承担美元债务的成本(这是美国跨国公司附属公司的正常情况)将会上升,从而挤压它们的利润。

This is not the kind of depression that “automatic stabilizers” can work “the magic of the marketplace” to restore economic balance. Energy dependency is structural. And the eurozone’s own economic rules limit its budget deficits to just 3% of GDP. This prevents its national governments supporting the economic by deficit spending. Higher energy and food prices – and dollar-debt service – will leave much less income to be spent on goods and services.
As a final kicker, Pepe Escobar pointed out on September 28, 2022 that “Germany is contractually obligated to purchase at least 40 billion cubic meters of Russian gas a year until 2030. … Gazprom is legally entitled to get paid even without shipping gas. That’s the spirit of a long-term contract. … Berlin does not get all the gas it needs but still needs to pay.” It looks like a long court battle before money will change hands – but Germany’s ability to pay will be steadilyweakening.

这不是“自动稳定器”可以发挥“市场魔力”来恢复经济平衡的那种萧条。能源依赖是结构性的。欧元区自身的经济规则将其预算赤字限制在 GDP的3%之内。这阻止了其国家政府通过赤字支出支持经济。能源和食品价格上涨以及美元债务还本付息将使用于商品和服务的收入大幅减少。
最后,佩佩·埃斯科巴 (Pepe Escobar)于2022年9月28日指出,“根据合同规定,到2030年,德国每年有义务购买至少 400亿立方米的俄罗斯天然气。……即使不运输天然气,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司也有合法权利获得付款。”这就是长期合同的精神。 ......柏林没有获得所需的全部天然气,但仍然需要付费。”在资金易手之前,这似乎是一场漫长的法庭斗争,但德国的支付能力将逐渐减弱。

For that matter, the ability of many countries’ ability to pay already is reaching the breaking point.


Profile photo for Ahmad Jamal
Ahmad Jamal
· 6h
Great economic article. I think Germany needs to move away from US enforced sanctions & do business with Russia & China as well as others outside EU more freely. It will bring vivacity to its economy as well as ensure it remains th 4th Largest Economy in th World.

很棒的经济文章。 我认为德国需要摆脱美国的强制制裁和制裁与俄罗斯做生意,中国以及欧盟以外的其他国家更加自由。它将为其经济带来活力,并确保其继续保持世界第四大经济体的地位。

Profile photo for Czar Merazmican
Czar Merazmican
· 2h
That's technically impossible at the current moment!


Profile photo for Myron Sanderson
Myron Sanderson
· 7h
Very insightful, thank you!


Profile photo for BL Cheah
BL Cheah
· 12h
Daleep Singh was truly stupid. He is not born in India.
You don't get anywhere threatening India. They believe they are immensely powerful so intimidation does not work.
Yes, offer them goodies. I don't believe USA will ever be nice enough to offer a $100b swap, but $10b is possible.
Tech transfer is impossible. USA won't empower a second China. Moreover many elite Americans are personally aware that Indians are very cunning and entirely capable of politicking their way to the top.
I think for most elite Indians, easy to get HB1 visas are at top priority. If you doubled the HB1 quota for Indians for 10 years, doubled the diversity visa quota for 10 years, then together with just a $10b swap facility, that would go very far to swaying Indians.
As for Modi, anything that flatters his ego will work. My bet is on a Ticker Tape parade in NYC with a million Indian-Americans throwing flowers at their Chaiwallah Raja.
Jaishankar can do nothing that makes Modi happier.

我认为对于大多数印度精英来说,容易获得 HB1签证是首要任务。如果你将印度人的 HB1配额增加一倍,持续 10年,将多样性签证配额增加一倍,持续 10年,那么再加上100亿美元的互换安排,这对印度人来说将大有裨益。
对于莫迪来说,任何能让他自负的事情都会起作用。我敢打赌,纽约市将为他举行一场游行,届时将有 100万印度裔美国人向他们的穷朋友投掷鲜花。

Profile photo for III Moh
· 11h
2nd Last para is spot on,!


Profile photo for Allan Kay
Allan Kay
· 35m
Daleep is as much an Indian as Bill Clinton is Irish.
The US in best at the trickery of mindset; get a Black to trigger a war with Iraq and soon a Filipino with China & etc.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Profile photo for CjW
· 13h
Interesting. The USD is about the 59th most used trading currency at the moment, so 40% by 2030 sounds about right - if things continue to wind down slowly. However, my bet is that they will default on their debt before 2030, which will result in a massive collapse of the USD overnight. I'm absolutely certain that the Euro will be the most likely currency to be adopted. Despite its problems, most of the Euro economies do not carry a lot of debt (a few exceptions).

有趣的。美元目前在最常用的交易货币中排名第 59位,因此如果情况继续缓慢放缓,到 2030年达到 40% 听起来不错。然而,我的赌注是,他们将在 2030年之前拖欠债务,这将导致美元在一夜之间大幅崩溃。我绝对确定欧元将是最有可能被采用的货币。尽管存在问题,大多数欧元经济体并没有背负大量债务(少数例外)。

Profile photo for Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
Profile photo for Curious
· 12h
Us never needs to default on their dollar denominated debt. They can make more dollars. Defaulting is worse than making more dollars, so they make more dollars.


Profile photo for Elliott J. Schuchardt
Elliott J. Schuchardt
· 13h
I'm betting BRICS currency at 40%, yuan at 20%, euro at 20%, local currencies at 15%, and dollar at 5% by 2030.

我押注到2030年,金砖国家货币将增长 40%,人民币将增长 20%,欧元将增长 20%,当地货币将增长 15%,美元将增长 5%。

Profile photo for Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
Profile photo for Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
· 9h
Too early
Maybe 2050


Profile photo for Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
Profile photo for Venkat Indra வெங்கட் இந்தரா
Venkat Indra வெங்கட் இந்தரா
· 11h
Daleep singh is a product of colonial past, when he dictates and others need to listen.
Times have changed.


Profile photo for Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
Profile photo for Abdul Rehman
Abdul Rehman
· 12h
For further distancing of the dollar many countries has to have a alternative which we don't have, and countries don't try to find a different way out as they try to depend on dollar.
The opec countries like Saudi may seem like moving away from the dollar but will come back to it or they are just playing hard to get.
Same with china they do try to strengthen the yuan but will buy dollars.


Profile photo for Marceline
· 11h
Well, I have a theory that the entire special military operation was a trap set by Putin-JINPINg working together to lure the west to sanction Russia which is used as an ammunition to de-dollarize countries around the world.
Russia & China did not start de-dollarization in 2022. It was a slow decade long process throughout the 2010s particularly indicated by the relentless purchase of gold.
Also I won’t rule out the de-dollarization process entering the physical realm — for example a nuclear or pure EMP attack on Bank of America, JP Morgan, Wells Fargo data centers. The dollar ends completely, literally overnight. Not directly though but by some proxy.
Let me bring to notice that there are “rumors” of a false flag cyber attacks such as banks that enable powers that be instate instruments for internet surveillance. I wouldn’t rule out someone else seizing that opportunity to expand the scope, so to speak.

俄罗斯与中国并没有在 2022年开始去美元化。这是一个贯穿2010年代长达十年的缓慢过程,尤其是对黄金的疯狂购买。

Profile photo for Jeremiah Emunyu
Jeremiah Emunyu
· 3h
Should the US dollar collapse now, most currencies including Yuan will collapse. Other currencies have not yet gained enough acceptance globally to replace the dollar


Profile photo for Myron Sanderson
Myron Sanderson
· 7h
This commentary is right on the money!


Profile photo for Jeff Duda
Jeff Duda
· 7h
One good thing is that technology has made it much easier to not even have a world reserve currency and have a multi-polar currency world where no one has much power over others through currency manipulation.


Profile photo for AR
· 6h
Daleep Singh was educated at the best universities in the US even in the world. (Harvard and MIT) What the hell is going on at these universities? He probably didn’t even benefit from Affirmative action. How could he be so incompetent as described in this answer?

戴利普·辛格 (Daleep Singh) 曾在美国甚至世界上最好的大学接受教育。(哈佛大学和麻省理工学院)这些大学到底发生了什么?他甚至可能没有从平权行动中受益。他怎么会像这个答案中描述的那么无能呢?

Profile photo for Jeremiah Emunyu
Jeremiah Emunyu
· 3h
Let me pray that Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam lives for another 20 or 30 years then I will ask him the status of the yuan. China cannot open up its currency to be used as a reserve currency (it will only be used for paying imports to china) because it will give Chinese exports hard time selling products cheaply like they do.


Profile photo for Russell Miller
Russell Miller
· 2h
The next potentially disastrous step that is being contemplated is over what the us and eu intend to do with the Russian financial assests seized after the start of the war.


Profile photo for Zé P
Zé P
· 1h
Japan got nuked a 3rd time by the Plaza Accords.


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