华为在美国的销量几乎为零。而苹果公司的 iPhone 全球销量有 20% 来自中国。如果双方都禁止对方的设备在各自的市场上销售,谁会遭受更多的损失?
2024-01-03 Phelps 11875
华为在美国的销量几乎为零。而苹果公司的 iPhone 全球销量有 20% 来自中国。如果双方都禁止对方的设备在各自的市场上销售,谁会遭受更多的损失?

It's not that Simple


Iphone has 20% Global Sales in China


The Iphone manufacturing ecosystem in China employs 85,000 people plus a further 100,000 Ancillary people


These people get their money from Apple in Dollars as a fresh input into their economy

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

These Dollars transform into EXTRA RMB and these extra RMB help in promoting growth


If China bans the Iphone, then Apple loses its 20% Market Share but these 185K people will lose their jobs and the money, the dollars , the extra dollars that flow into China and convert to EXTRA RMB will no longer be there


It's Scorched Earth


Apple may lose $ 100 but China will lose $ 13–14 in the process


On the other hand Huawei has no such ecosystem in US


So US can ban Huawei overnight


All that US loses are maybe 200–300 Distributors and Retailers who will simply sign newer deals with Samsung and Lenovo and other brands.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Why do you think China didn't counter ban US Products reciprocally?


Take for instance India


India can ban 50 Chinese Apps overnight because there is no ecosystem and at most 50–100K Tiktokers will be out of money


China on the other hand sells millions of dollars of components to India and around 37,500 Chinese work in these factories that sell components to Indian brands of Electronics and Chinese Electronics sold in India


China can't easily ban Indian products supplied by Chinese markets


So in China, Apple will have to fall naturally

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As Competition intensifies and sales reduce, the ecosystem shrinks


185K becomes 50K and then 11K and finally collapses on its own


Like Mitsubishi


Once the Ecosystem had 65,000 People, by the time it went, it had 2,500


However if Apple relocates its ecosystem to India and Vietnam, then China will ban the iphone in 20 seconds flat


Even if Apple keeps its ecosystem only small enough for the Chinese market alone, China will ban the Iphone by morning and ensure Apple doesn't get a dollar in Chinese sales


Harry Cooper
The answer by Kanthaswamy-Balasubramamaniam is fantastic! But also in the mix regarding the decision to ban Huawei in the US (it really isn’t simple) is the fact that Huawei is overseen by the Chinese government. There should always be a concern when a nation with an intelligence capability as massive as China controls technology that can be exported worldwide and end up in the pockets of people all over the world.


While it is fair to say that the US government does have some influence over American technology manufacturers, it is not to the degree that China has over Huawei. Apple has demonstrated that it is not a puppet of the US government and will resist any effort to use its products in any way that might disadvantage its customers.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Nations like China and Russia exert significant influence over industries in their nation especially with regard to technology that is exported to adversarial countries. Many Americans are very concerned about how NSA collects data from cell phone use for intelligence purposes. When companies like Huawei sell products that people like, they somehow forget that these companies routinely provide the same kind of metadata to the Chinese intelligence service.


Asim Qureshi


Why did the United States ban the sales of Huawei products?


The real underlying reason is that the US is a superpower in relative decline, it wants to keep its pole position, and starting this trade war with China is its attempt to restrain China's rise.


China's economy is not only catching up with the US’s fast, in terms of absolute GDP, but China is currently building a transport infrastructure that will lix it to all of Asia, Africa, Middle East and Europe through the $1T Belt and Road Initiative, which is essentially a modern Silk Road.


It is arguably the greatest infrastructure project in human history - and it will propel China forward.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Chinese construction companies have already secured $350B of construction contracts, but it doesn't end there. China is building mutually beneficial business relationships with countries across the world.


The US, on the other hand, bombs, bullies and sanctions its fellow countries, not only destroying them but leaving a world that increasingly doesn't trust it which will leave it less influential than it should be.


The US bullies countries all the time, but this time it has picked a fight it won't win.


Jay Crabowski

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Is it true that Huawei’s phone sales increased while Apple’s phone sales decreased and why?


Yes Huawei dominated the 2nd place in global phone sales mostly because they concentrate on the big markets like China (35% of the world market) and India (15%) , whereas Apple can only be #1 in America (10.5%) where people care more about the image / cool factors and not quality of their devices.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Apple has been resting on its laurels since Steve died, the IPhone hasn't even changed its design in 4 years, their computers have just been REMOVING ports drives and features because their marketing department said “thin” was cool


The “new” tech they were developing , the charge mat = scrapped

他们正在开发的“新”技术,充电垫 = 被取消。

The main guy who develops their A series chips quit


Their streaming service is merely a cheap rip off of Netflix , but with an online gaming channel like what Google is bringing out on YouTube, But Apple doesn’t have any good game development companies. …


I honestly think Apple is the New Nokia , going to fail because they lost touch


In 10 years they will only really be a finance company

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ted Chyn


What will happen to Huawei if they stop selling their products in the United States?


Huawei has been under a ban in the United States for over four years, and it has also faced restrictions on purchasing products needed for its handset. However, Huawei has found ways to continue generating income by collecting patent fees directly from cell phone vendors or indirectly through cross-patent licenses with companies like Ericsson and Nokia, and this trend is expected to persist.


In the face of U.S. and its vassal states’ sanctions, including severe penalties, Huawei's revival is nothing short of a Miracle. Sales of Huawei handsets and communication equipment suffered due to chip embargoes and trade sanctions, resulting in a 33% drop in revenue in 2020 and 2021. Instead of giving in, Huawei adopted a survival strategy. The company's employees traveled around the world to identify new opportunities and diversified into various tech sectors, including energy storage, cloud computing, chip design, operating systems, application software development, autonomous vehicles, green energy control systems, and artificial intelligence.


After three years of relentless effort by all employees, Huawei not only rejuvenated its handset business with the launch of the 5G Mate60p but also underwent a significant transformation, evolving from a regional telecommunications equipment company into a technological powerhouse. With its handset business on the mend and a diverse portfolio of thriving ventures, Huawei once again became a persistent challenge for the U.S. for many years to come. The company owes much of its success to the notoriety generated by Western nations, primarily led by the United States.

经过所有员工三年的不懈努力,华为不仅通过推出5G Mate60p重振了其手机业务,而且经历了一次重大转变,从一个地区性的电信设备公司转变为一个”技术强国“。随着其手机业务的复苏和多元化的繁荣业务组合,华为再次成为未来多年来对美国构成持续挑战的公司。该公司的成功在很大程度上归功于由美国主导的西方国家所产生的恶名。

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