2024-01-04 Phelps 3296


Elliott J. Schuchardt
It is unlikely that the United States will be able to avoid a significant decline in its standard of living, in the next ten years.


The United States must first close its annual trade deficit, of almost $1 trillion per year. This is equal to about $3,000 per year for every person living in the United States.


After that, the United States must deal with the interest on $33 trillion of debt. This number is growing quickly, due to the recent increase in interest rates in the United States. A large percentage of federal revenues is now devoted to simply paying interest on the national debt. In fact, the United States now spends MORE on interest on the debt, than national defense.


The only way to reverse these numbers is to DEVALUE the dollar. Duation will make imports to the United States more expensive. It will also subsidize American exports, by making them cheaper to persons living overseas. It is the classic - and generally only - solution for dealing with a trade deficit.


Duation will be necessary because the rest of the world will no longer accept U.S. dollars, in the near future. The United States will be forced to trade hard assets, to get goods in the future.


Duation can be done gradually or in a sudden drop. I estimate that a 33% duation will be the MINIMUM amount to necessary deal with America’s overpriced currency.


A 33% drop in the value of the dollar will increase the price of gasoline in the United States by 1.5 times, or to about $5 a gallon. A 50% percent drop in the value of the dollar will double prices of everything in the United States — roughly overnight. That will increase gasoline to about $7 per gallon in the United States. In Los Angeles, gasoline would increase from its current price of $5 per gallon to about $10 per gallon.


As you can see, Americans will have to tighten their belts simply to get by in the next decade. That is the best possible scenario.


The more likely scenario is a hard landing, involving violence and chaos in the United States.


My fellow Americans — your government, media, military and economists have failed you. Think for yourselves. Time is running out.


Aaron Bianco
I don’t like the other answers, as they often don’t actually answer the question, often more focused on pointing out why the decline is likely.


So the answer on how to avoid (only some of which is obvious, like #1)….


Become more efficient/productive: get more outputs for the same inputs


Fix the food system: move away from ultra-processed and processed foods (i.e. where sugar has been added (to improve taste) and fiber removed to provide long shelf life (and reduced cost) which reduces taste that is then compensated with adding sugar. The cost of fresh/nutritious needs to go down (see #5). The food system is contributing to everything from diabetes to metabolic syndrome, reducing workers/citizens efficiency/productivity and their ability to contribute.


Fix both the medical system AND the health system: When treatments are profitable and curing is not, the incentives are inverted and consequences are negative for other sectors of the economy. Food and health are related, and combining the health system and the food system is what is presently happening at the edges of innovation at present. (I find the Israeli health system of 3 competing companies to be better than the European model, as do many Europeans.)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Fix the schools system so that the “human capital” of the country goes up. (Unlikely to happen since the fixes disrupt established bureaucracies and entrenched interests.)


Innovate: Innovation increases productivity while reducing costs.


Restructure certain industries: Some industries have matured to the point that the barriers to entry are enormous, where niches have been created such that rents (i.e. payments) can be extracted for things that don’t actually contribute. Alas, this implies new regulations to change the competitive landscape, and many of the regulations are based on ideological grounds which only make the situation worse. Sometimes these rent seekers can be unxs, other times they can be certain professional classes, but generally a “rent” is a fee that could be eliminated if the process was streamlined, but there exists an incentive to complicate processes to increase ones income whether it is a person or a corporation.


People are opposing certain things, like using ChatGPT and AI that would increase productivity while restructuring certain industries. For example, paying actors more upfront with no residuals; what artisan who makes a cup gets paid again every time that cup is used? Sure, the structure means less up front costs for the film maker, but the studios have built a large marketing mechanism that extracts “rents” (i.e. payments) such that films never “show a profit.” Restructuring industries like these will be necessary to have greater productivity and efficiency.


David Andresen
By getting back to sound fiscal policies and once and for all denounce Reaganomics (trickle down). Start to control the DoD budget.


Simplify the tax code, and maybe restore the tax systems from the 1950–80’s.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Bring manufacturing back to the US.


Bring R&D back for new technologies, (As Biden is doing)


Introduce universal healthcare.


Stop catering to the billionaire class.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Get Big money out of politics.


Jim Robert
Change the Republican party. They tend to stand in the way of any meaningful attempt to stop the widening wealth gap and help middle class and poor people. They mostly do this because of outdated ideology about “fairness” and a pioneer work ethic. They would rather “punch the poor” than help everyone including themselves. They see the federal government as an enemy to be strangled and kept small, rather than as a tool for promoting prosperity and the public good. They think their taxes are being “wasted” on “entitlements” not even understanding that every cent the government spends flows right back to businesses and into their paycheck.


So if the Republican party could be a real balance to the Democratic party, rather than a roadblock to all progress, it would help working Americans greatly.


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