2024-01-05 翻译加工厂 10676
-------------译者:昨日山雨--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

I've been wanting to come make a video in Yanji for YEARS! The food was phenomenal, and still sooo many other things I wanna try.


-------------译者:昨日山雨--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

I love how Chinese border area are totally in a different vibe. It is almost like you travelled abroad yet you're not actually left the country.


The type of Korean spoken in Yanji is the Hamgy?ng dialect, which is also spoken in North and South Hamgy?ng, and Ryanggang Provinces of the DPRK. The food shown here is traditional northern Korean cuisine, as well as fusion. The go-to northern Korean dish is naengmyeon which is a cold noodle dish made from mainly buckwheat. It is served in a large brass or stainless-steel bowl with a tangy iced broth, julienned cucumbers, slices of Korean pear, lightly pickled radish, and either a boiled egg or slices of cold boiled beef or both. Spicy mustard and vinegar are often added before consumption. It is symbol of peace as it was served at a Panmunjom summit between Kim Jong-un and Moon Jae-in in April 2018.


Another northern Korean dish is bulgogi. Bulgogi is often affiliated with Seoul, however, the word bulgogi is a compound word meaning "fire meat" that is derived from the Pyongan dialect of what's now the western DPRK! It was introduced to the southern parts of Korea by refugees after the end of WWII.

-------------译者:rx78meng--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

This vid literally makes me drool and smile at the same time!! So glad that you and Patrick showed us how varied and distinctive food in Northeast China is!! I'm planning to make a trip there soon and your vid is so gonna be my guide when I'm there!! Apparently, another draw is how cheap and cost-effective eating out is in Dongbei!! As a Chinese, I'm so jealous of all your food adventures across China. Thanks for all the great vids so that I can live and eat vicariously with you!!~lol


People in yanji were just sooooo nice and the food was awesome. I loved every meal we had

-------------译者:rx78meng--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Ooh the seafood looks legit! Here on Long Island in New York, we're famous for our seafood too, specifically our Blue Point oysters! Blue Point oysters put the world-famous Grand Central Oyster Bar in NYC on the map! I'm glad you're showing some love to the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture! Yet again, you show the amazing diversity of China and just how many ethnicities call the nation home. It puts into perspective just how big and incredible China is. And of course, the passion of these ethnicities is shown through their food and the fusions they create when coming together! The autonomous prefectures like Yanbian have as much of a story to tell!
The Korean history of this autonomous prefecture is rich. Modern Koreans are descended from the Yemaek who lived in northern Korea and Manchuria. Yanbian is home to the Ancient Tombs at Longtou Mountain, the burial sites of 12 royals from the ancient Balhae kingdom. There was a huge wave of Korean immigration in the late 19th century and after the foundation of the Republic of China in 1912, a second wave arrived. Over a million of them remained in the region at the end of WWII, and during the civil war, many Koreans fought for the communists! In return, when the PRC was founded, the PRC gave these Koreans their own autonomous region in 1952, which then became an autonomous prefecture in 1955.

欧欧~ 海鲜看起来很正宗!在纽约的长岛,我们的海鲜也闻名于世,特别是我们的蓝点生蚝!蓝点生蚝将世界著名的纽约中央大章鱼酒吧(Grand Central Oyster Bar)变成了地标!我很高兴你对延边朝鲜族自治州表示了喜爱!再一次,你展示了中国令人惊叹的多样性,以及有多少个民族视这个国家为家。这让我们更加了解中国有多广阔和不可思议。当然,这些民族的热情通过他们的食物和民族融合所展现出来!像延边这样的自治州有着丰富的故事。
-------------译者:rx78meng--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Many of these cuisines are very reminiscent of traditional Korean cuisines where you mix in the rice with the crab inners or food wrapped with lettuce or other kinds of leaves. Also the mijiu is the same as the Korean Makgeolli rice wine where it is also drink from bowl. I guess none of these should be surprising considering the location proximity to Korea. You can also get many of these similar cuisines in South Korea as well.


It is a special fusion cuisines from the borders of China and North Korea.
Never been to that side of China before, but still pretty commendable.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Thanks for taking us along on your culinary adventure. Stay happy and safe!


Wow that crab leg trick is crazy but makes sense! Food looked really amazing - another place added to the list of cities I wanna visit

-------------译者:昨日山雨--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

So happy! It’s truly a joy to have tried a wide variety of Chinese cuisine and visited places that many Chinese people haven’t been to.


My wife can not wait for your next episode! We are jealous for your food adventure!


mouth watering video, more on these border cuisines please. Thanks Amy

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

You two are amazing! Please continue to share as I am learning everyday from your cuisine exploration. Yanji is now on my list to visit one day.


I love Yanji so much !!Actually you can find any Korean food in Yanji in a cheaper price with huge portions. Love the video!

-------------译者:rx78meng--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Your channel is an oasis in this crazy world. Thank you.


It was so hard to tell if Patrick liked the food or not with his reactions.


Oh damnnnnnn! I have kept saying this quite a while ago whenever I saw an Amy’s food vlog of Changchun or Dongbei. I even commented once under one these videos like “so shocking that you’re based in Changchun but still have NOT been to Yanji which’s in the same province and Yanji is one of the most popular, if not THE most popular city of having amazing food in the trio provinces of Dongbei! And yes again, Yanji is my hometown.


Wow! I've always loved "border food" (if that's even a term). It's super cool to see food traditions merge.

-------------译者:rx78meng--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

As someone who used to live in Korea, I'd really like to go there to eat. The food looked familiar yet different!


Thank you for introducing Patrick. His videos will help me learn Chinese better by listening to his pronunciation and sentence structures. I often still use English structures and phrases but replaced with Chinese word for word - which I'm finding is often incorrect. Like I'm learning they don't always use the same translated words in the same context. For example, they don't really say "hi," instead they greet each other by saying "you good" (ni hao). Quite a challenging language to learn.

感谢介绍Patrick。通过他的发音和句式结构,他的视频将帮助我更好地学习中文。我经常还在使用英语的结构和短语,只是逐字逐句地用中文替换,但我发现这样经常是不正确的。就像我正在学习的那样,他们并不总是在相同的上下文中使用对应的词汇翻译。例如,他们并不真正说“嗨”,而是用“你好”(ni hao)来互相问候。这是一门相当具有挑战性的语言。

as a Korean it was so interesting to see the Yanbian regional food that's so familiar to the Korean food I grew up with. Thanks for the great video, looking forward to the next!


I felt like halfway through the episode it switched to Korean Englishman and I missed it. Naengmyeon, maekgolli, bo ssam. I mean I know you said the Chinese words for all of these but like, that's a Korean meal. Awesome.

我感觉在这一集中间的时候,它变成了《Korean Englishman》(韩国的英国人)节目,我很想念。冷面、米酒、猪肉包生菜。我的意思是,我知道你说的是这些菜的中文名字,但这是朝鲜菜。太棒了。
-------------译者:rx78meng--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

The crab reminded me of our great meal at Harry's Walsh Bay crab restaurant. I wanna go again!!! So yum. This is not an ad but I'm happy to be sponsored? Can't wait to do some food adventures with you again.

这螃蟹让我想起了我们在Harry's Walsh Bay螃蟹餐厅享用的美餐。我想再去一次!!!太好吃了。这不是广告,但我会很高兴得到赞助。迫不及待地想再次与你一起进行美食探险。

Gosh, that food looked so good! Here in Hawaii Korean restaurants serve a cold noodle called "naengmyeon," which comes with a soup (spicy or not) made with shaved ice. It looks just like the noodles you had and is so refreshing in our hot climate. I see someone mentioned it below....I always order it with the bulgogi he also mentioned, which comes sizzling on a cast iron plate with sliced onions...yummy!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Really great video showing different food from Yanji! I'd love to try them all! Especially that prawn/rice/seaweed combo haha also Patrick is so handsome I instantly subbed to his channel.

-------------译者:rx78meng--- 审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

It would be my dream job traveling around the world, tasting the food, jealous of you guys.


i like how he was so uncomfortable speaking english in the other video and now hes used to it lol patrick your german accent is fine dont be embarrassed ;)

我狠喜欢他在其他视频里说英语时显得那么不自在,而现在他已经习惯了哈哈,Patrick你的德国口音很好,不需要尴尬。: )

It's interesting that the bao fan restaurant chooses to display the number of years it's been open as opposed to simply the year it was opened. They must have to pay to have the sign changed annually haha.

有趣的是宝帆(bao fan)餐厅选择展示它运营的年数而不是开业在哪一年。他们应该每年都要支付更换标志的费用哈哈。

很赞 12