2024-01-06 汤沐之邑 4121

Do you like Indians? Why or why not?


Gourav Gohain
Why do people from other countries hate Indians so much?
I have lots of Filipino fiends. They think that Indians people are very dirty. All age group males are like to see the naked body of Filipino girls. One tourist guide said that she don't like to be a guide of Indian people for that reason. They also think that Indians are looking for only sex whenever they traveled to Philippines. When Indian people chat in social media, they directly ask only sex related things. This is really shameful for all of us..


Rohan Kumar
What is that you don't like about Indians in US?
There are few things which I have observed during my 7 years (and counting) of stay in US:
Disrespecting fellow countrymen: Indians in US carry a sense of smugness and self complacency. You worked hard or were exceptionally lucky to be at such good position but it doesn’t give you right to demean other Indians or other people. They continue to look their fellow countrymen with rude stares in most condescending manner.


Attitude of Indian Americans: I am referring to Indians who came to US in late 80’s or early 90s and are now American citizens . Most have attitude to look down on fresh immigrants as people of lower caste or stature. Some of them have strong anti immigration sentiments as they think desi people might bring more competition. They forget that they were in the same boat 25 or 30 years back and should show some compassion or at least basic human respect towards the new immigrants. Based on personal experience, I remember one instance when we (me and my friend ) were waiting for bus and the bus stop was not sheltered. The temperature was -10 degree Celsius (14 F) and suddenly a random Indian who came here to drop his son started conversation with us. Then we got the notification that bus is delayed by 1 hour. That person said “goodbye” as he was feeling cold and went back to his car. He kept looking back at us while we waited outside for the bus. Finally, a group of Americans called us to join them in their car.
Amway Friendship: In a fast pace place like US, it feels good to strike conversation with random desi people. However, in most cases it ends up becoming an Amway offer or some other scheme they want to sell you. You feel sad that all that compassion and friendliness was just meant for a business proposal. That’s one reason why Indians are wary of Indians who are exceptionally friendly and polite.


Lack of basic etiquette: Even after spending years in US many Indians find it offensive to say sorry or thank you. If someone holds door for you, just say small thanks and also reciprocate it later by holding the door if someone is just behind you.
State based divide : We as Indians stand divided in India among states and our prejudices. During my hostel life in india I saw enough of this Delhi, UP, Punjabi, Bihar, Marathi, Telugu and Tamil divide. However, all of us are just Indians when we leave India but a significant minority still continue this state divide in US.
Ignoring Cultural and Linguistic sensitivities: This is still practiced by significant number of Indian people although it wanes slowly with time. In a group try to discuss in a language that’s common among all the people. If you are in group of 10, don’t switch to your native language because remaining 8 people won’t understand what you are talking about.
Personal hygiene: Americans are very particular and judgemental about personal hygiene. Taking shower daily, regular laundry and an antiperspirant is all that’s needed.
Inquiring about Inmigration status: You have met a new desi few hours back but they suddenly start discussing about you personal life and immigration status. Are you green card holder/ H-1B, how much you earn. All these are personal matters and should not be discussed unless you are really good friend and the other person has sought your recommendation.


What is that you don't like about Indians in US?
There are some things I as an Indian living in the United States don’t like about Indians in the U.S
I come from Mumbai. Dahisar to be precise. I went to College at Nationals in Bandra and then at Thakur in Kandiwali. These are by no standards “hi5 Colleges” ( not that it matters) I have been to Goa, Karnataka, Gujrat and Delhi. Just saying I am no elite or hi5 person . However, I am not sure why, but I got a sort of reverse culture shock when I landed in the U.S in a heavily dominated Indian town ( Jersey City). I felt like I just don’t know these people and I was like ‘ Indians can be like this also?” .Even though ( don’t take offense please) I am an Indian from India, I just could not identify with the Indians in Jersey City. The place Journal Square has turned into a desi ghetto and many Indians themselves run away from the place as soon as they get the first opportunity. Indian people are indulging in massive fraud in the rental area.


Our community has destroyed the IT workforce with their penchant to fake cvs and add 7–10 years fake experience and sending unqualified and undeserving candidates to Client locations. I am just too shocked at the level of fraud that is going on in the IT market. I have friends in INDIA who are as shocked and tell me “ You can’t lie to this level on your resume even in India. You will be caught damnit and the verification process in India is very stringent it seems“. Because of such cheaters, as a Indian student , I always feel bad thinking people might look at me as a cheater as well .
A lot of ABD ( American born Desi) are by far the most condescending and rude people I have met. These people have benefited from India in some form or the other ( Someone became a Doctor in India, Someone became an IIT guy in India, Someone has properties in India off which she is minting money due to rent. Yet what do these people do? They sit and criticize India non stop and make fun of India and Indians all the time. When I go for social gatherings at various uncles and aunts places. A lot these uncle and aunties start India bashing. They will sit for beer and nuts and talk about corruption in India and make broad statements like : “Every Indian is a F*cking cheater”,


India is so dirty “ “ These guys come here and take our jobs , it is so unfair to our kids ‘ ( yeah, you did the same some years ago Uncle. Don’t forget that) , “ I will never send my daughter for a road trip to India with her college buddies, she will be raped “, “ Indians smell”, “ Indians don’t exercise” blah blah . Their stupid ABD kids who know nothing about India also pass their “ expert opinions” as if they were born and raised in India and know India better than someone who has lived there a majority of their life.
My whole point is you made a decision to move to USA for good. Now if India is so bad and so pathetic, why are you getting so upset about it? You should be rather happy that you made the right decision to move a better place and if India is so bad indeed, it is the headache of Indians. Why do you people spend so much time bashing India?.I don’t get it at all. Also a lot of these well settled Indians when they come to India get royal treatment from all of us in India but when you visit them in the US, it is a different story all together. A lot of them don’t show you their true colors till you reach their den. Many people get a rude shock when they find out how these “ Amrika dost/relatives” are when they reach the US. When I was in India, I did not meet these kind of people to be honest. I just have a hard time ( maybe it is my fault) understanding desis in the US. A lot of them are very different from Indians in India in the way they think, carry out their work, deal with stuff. Maybe it is a cultural thing. I don’t know.


The last point is that a lot of my fellow desi guys from good families act like they have not seen food in their life and crash into every party at the University ( Pizza beer, undergrad parties, parties of sporting teams, executive gatherings held in the tech centers, sporting events etc). Initially, they do it for a kick. Afterwards it becomes a habit and something like an achievement to show ( “ I got so much food for free” ha!). A couple of my friends even crashed the obituary meeting of an ARTS professor who passed away JUST for the free food. I was like WTF. We are in Computer science and this guy taught dance or painting or something and you had to crash his obituary meeting of all the things? An incident occurred last year when the TA of a top professor tried grabbing some food from some event and he was told by the undergrad girl and someone who works at the campus activities department “ Sir, this food is not for you. Don’t touch it or try to take it away without our permission” in front of literally 10 other desi and a few local students He even knew it was not meant for us, but he told us “ I will miss doing this when I graduate” . He was shocked and had probably thought the American crowd will let it slide and not say anything. Red faced, he tried to put it back and they yelled again “ Don’t put the food you have touched again in there. It is okay. Please leave ” A part of me felt bad for him because I always get uncomfortable when such public cringe events occur. It is embarrassing and I don’t like watching people getting embarrassed or humiliated even if it is their fault.


Shawn Brun
Why some people hate Indians?
Because many scam people by the masses. Many of them are complete thieves. And I mean MANY. Scamming people has become a large part of their culture. I can say these things without any implied racism because they are true on the most part. Don’t believe me, look into it. You’ll see. I think as long as these people keep scamming their way through everything, awareness of this must climb to combat it. It will make it even harder for them to find the legitimate work that scammers aren’t worthy of. All of this is not just me being stuck in some bubble. It’s no wonder that Google’s CEO is Indian. Google has been committing fraud on people for years. Google’s current CEO who chose money over everyone’s security. Sure, that is just one example, but, you don’t have to look far to finds tons more.


Why do Indians hate each other so much?
A rat stuck in a rat race with 1.2 billion rats has no reason to love his fellow rats. Though I think hate is too strong a word for what most Indians feel for each other.
Think about it and the reasons are obvious. The rat has to face huge competition for each and every resource.


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