2024-01-12 辽阔天空 4077

Why do window seats of a train or a bus make us think deeply about life?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Lukas Schwekendiek
“You’re waiting for a train; a train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you can’t be sure. But it doesn’t matter - because we’ll be together.” - Inception.
During the ride on a train we feel at peace.
There is nothing we must do other than sit there and wait to arrive at our destination.
As soon as we step on the train, all our problems seem to slip away because there is nothing we can do about them.
Everyone on the train feels the same way, creating an air of relaxation and tranquility.
Looking out the window with this peaceful sensation creates even more relaxation.
We allow our mind to drift off, to imagine, visualize and to take a break from the life that seems so busy.
There is nothing holding us in our life.
This is the reason we start thinking about the world so much.
Everything is out of our control in this train, so we sit back, relax, and focus on all other thoughts that come up.


In this train or bus, we are secure, safe and all problems are gone, even if just until we leave the train.
If you ever paid attention to it, you will realize that as you get closer to your Destination, the worries, problems and tasks come back up.
You start thinking about where you have to go next and what the plan for the rest of the day is.
But while we are on the train there is nothing left.
We are already moving towards our next point in our plan, and there is nothing we can do in the meantime.
So we relax as we travel away from our problems.
You may have experienced similar situations and feelings when you took a bath, a long shower, or when you went on vacation.
Maybe you have experienced this while driving the same route to work every day, and you just realized you have no idea whether or not you stopped at the last stop sign.
Or you were out running and do not remember the last 2 miles you ran.
In all of these instances the idea is that you are already doing what you need to do and can let your mind wander.


This is the exact same thing that Meditation tries to achieve.
Leaving all of your problems behind for just a little while and thinking about your Life, what truly matters and what really grabs your interest.
This causes our thoughts to wonder and we forget the world around us.
During the Ride in the Train we achieve this State of Flow almost instantly because we do not need any conscious effort to ride the train.
Therefore it eliminates the prerequisite and allows us to dive right into that mental state.
You can forcefully try to think these thoughts by simply meditating the other thoughts away.
Allow yourself to arrive, mentally, in a place where you have nothing else to do.
Let your mind wander.
You’ll notice that you can think much clearer throughout the day and that there are many answers you already have to questions that have been preoccupying your mind.


Nistha Tripathi
I feel the same way when I sit on a window seat. Interestingly, I also feel this when I am walking (not commuting walk but reasonably paced evening walks etc). Anything that creates a perception of you moving (at a reasonable speed where you can feel the sense of motion or change) makes you feel this way.
Why? I believe the motion reminds us of the impermanence of universe. That things change. As you move forward, you get a sense of outside world being left behind. Our mind immediately correlates this to memories or whatever we have left behind. And memories are melancholy and romantic. Even if the past moment in your life was an average moment, whenever you would reminisce about it, you would perceive it as being happier than it actually was. This is why we always crave for our golden pasts. We miss things. From those memories, we hop on to our philosophical sojourns exploring meaning of life as we realize that everything is temporary. Also, especially on train or flight journeys, looking at the vast vistas makes us realize how small we are.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So, it is all a matter of relativity. Going forward relative to the external atmosphere. Feeling small relative to the outside grandeur and so on.
I find the phrase 'walk away from' to be quite appropriate. You are displacing air, you are recreating a new state, you are changing something. And the moment we feel that we are causing or participating in change is sometimes very powerful.
“I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.”
But you know what, once it happened that while I was sitting on a train, I was experiencing these sentiments, pondering over life philosophy and what not but overall feeling a bit negative. I realized that I am sitting backwards to the motion of the train. I was feeling left behind :)


Dushka Zapata
I have a lot on my mind.
When I have a lot on my mind, I get on the bus and stay on it until the end of the line, then get out and ride it all the way back.
Because being in transit gives me the illusion of a suspension of time.
While on the bus, I find solace in its uneven movement. I look out into the San Francisco night and its soft glimmer and am reminded just how restorative, how indispensable beauty is.
I glance at my phone and think, think and work in an ambulatory setting with an ever-changing view where I am not interrupted. The resulting, partially accidental productivity settles me.
I am weary of platitudes. I don’t need reminders of the value of life or the importance of love or our lack of control or how change must be embraced ugh bla bla bla I already know.
I don't have to be anyone here. My role in this bus is that of an anonymous, probably disheveled, middle-aged woman.
I am no one's friend, no one’s coworker or lover or daughter or sister or tenant. I need to do nothing here. I am no one here, just the weak, see-through reflection on someone's large, dark window pane;
I love this question. Thank you for asking it.


Venkata T
Why do the window seats of train or bus makes us think deeply about life?
Scientific Answer:
More Oxygen content to the brain.
Normally these journeys happen in the country side. So, less pollution. More greenery. More Oxygen. More fuel to the brain to wander around.
Logical Answer:
From window seat, we would know where exactly we are in the journey. So we do not worry about losing a stop. We just care about losing in thoughts.
Strategic Answer: Window seats are rare. Getting one means the feeling of owning one of the few best places around.


Philosophical Answer:
With Window seat, we could directly keep staring into depths of endless country side landscapes and realize how minuscule we and our problems are, compared to this World (unless of course, you are in a tunnel).
Extrovert Answer:
Poke around everyone, start investigation and ask questions about their name, family, work details, marriage, kids, kids hobbies, last movie watched, political views and *boom*, ignite a fiery argument which drags all other extroverts around. Wait, where is the advantage of Window seat here? Well, your gaze is now expanded by another 180 degrees, so that you could now even drag the onlookers from the train platform or road when the vehicle stops. Wider the gaze, deeper the thoughts.
Introvert Answer:
Ear Phones in. Amp it up. Start the gaze outside. You could avoid all the above questions listed. Ignore the outside world .


Nostalgic Answer:
Revel the nostalgia. The best thing about the concept of Window seat is the memories of childhood when "curiosity used to have no bounds".
That curiosity to see what's outside. That feeling when the trees, current poles and the whole World starts moving in the reverse direction. That excitement while waving hands at other kids in the fields. That rush of speed, which we may not be able to experience within the city limits.
A flashback into all these feelings would suddenly make anyone feel younger, lighter and free thinking, leaving all the growing burdens of age left to be picked up on the way back along with other luggage.
Actual Answer:
Needless to mention to what extent the Music, fresh air, greenery and gaze into infinite nothingness would stimulate the activity of brain. There are whole mind control and brain training methods (eg. mediation) which use the similar principles to widen the gaze. As mentioned earlier, wider the gaze - deeper the thoughts.
This proves the connection between Window seats and Deep thoughts.


Vikas Kumar
Why do the window seats of train or bus makes us think deeply about life?
Today I was travelling by a bus from Chandigarh to Ambala (A city in Haryana) and I noticed this question on Quora. I was sitting on a window seat. I also took a picture from there. Throughout my journey, I thought about the question and answer, and I'm writing it now:
When we're sitting in a crowded bus/train, we are busy thinking about the bus, passengers and the crowd in the bus. We may also get tired soon or we're afraid that we would be late for our destination. But when there's no crowd and we're sitting near a window, we feel free from our daily life schedule. We forget about our daily life thoughts temporarily, or I would say, we don't pay attention to it (I think this is why we feel sleepy while travelling). The reason for this is that we're busy watching the beauty of nature, green fields and farms or people working outside or vehicles crossing or overtaking us and we feel really good about these things because for us, it doesn't happen daily.


When you see something and you relate it to your past, obviously you'll be lost into the memories of childhood or some old days. Whenever I see the green farms, while travelling, it reminds me about my childhood spent in the village. Me and my cousins used to visit the farms and we used to enjoy a lot there. It's true for everyone who spent their lives in a village.
When you see people having cars, people going to their offices using their personal vehicles, you may feel about luxurious life, and hence you start thinking about career. You start dreaming about a good life, good relationships and all those things that you've mentioned.


When you see the roads and traffic facility, you may start comparing them with other cities or countries. You start thinking how things should work and how the authorities should manage them.
And sometimes you start thinking about your family or parents, because you get some time to think about it, unlike your busy day. You start thinking what they're feeling about you right now, or something like that.
So I think it happens just because of what we see, what we feel, what we imagine and how we relate it to our past and future :)


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