2024-01-14 用功 6573

I welcome a newcomer ! We need competition to bring prices down. And I agree xiaomi's car looks very promising


I've had xiaomi phones, smart watches and toothbrushes (!) for years and they've been amazing value and top quality. No reason to think the car would be anything but technically brilliant.


Yes under rated brand across the board.


I have 2 vacuum cleaning robots and smart fan....superb!


3 from 4 smartphones in my family are from xiaomi. Maybe the same happens with cars.


Looks bloody cracking and 800 km range


In China, the current regulations limit autonomous driving to Level 2, which requires drivers to maintain their hands on the steering wheel. However, in 2024, a trial of Level 4 autonomous driving (fully autonomous) is planned in sext cities. Drivers wishing to participate in this trial will need to pass a specific test and obtain an additional license. Consequently, the validity of xiaomi's claims about autonomous driving in 2024 remains uncertain. Meanwhile, other car manufacturers have already developed Level 4 technology and are awaiting upxes in policy to proceed.

在中国,现行法规将自动驾驶限制在 2 级,即要求驾驶员将手放在方向盘上。不过,计划于 2024 年在部分城市进行 4 级自动驾驶(完全自动驾驶)的试验。希望参加该试验的驾驶员需要通过特定的测试,并获得额外的驾照。因此,小米关于 2024 年自动驾驶的说法是否属实仍不确定。与此同时,其他汽车制造商已经开发出第四级技术,正在等待政策的更新,以便继续推进。

Isn't Huawei M9 a level 3 car ?


It's hardware should be capable for L4, software is currently L3-L4, but only L2 is allowed now (hands on wheel). Parking area is not public road so you might see some video showing Huawei's car run driverless finding a car park slot, but on city road it's still L2. L3 (hands off) will be tested early this year, and time of L4 (no driver) is not clear

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Who the hell will allow a car to drive hands off the wheel, stuff that


its not a gimmick if the city is as large as shanghai with over 30 million population. it itself is a large market and I for one is waiting for an L3 car to be able to be driven around shanghai autonomously. I hate driving and I will but any car with the best autonomous driving. I barely drive outside the city and multi-city driving is not that meaningful for me.

如果城市像上海这样大,人口超过 3000 万,那就不是噱头了。它本身就是一个巨大的市场,我就等着 L3 汽车能在上海自动驾驶。我讨厌开车,但我会选择任何自动驾驶性能最好的汽车。我几乎不在市外开车,在城市之间驾驶对我来说意义不大。

xiaomi has been arounfd a long time but into appliances, etc. Good to have a competitor for us consumers.


Several tech and tesla youtubers have already said befote this news came out that its a lot easier for tech company to become ev company than legacy auto to turn into tech company that makes EVs.


And China has it all


Its the same reason as to why Apple created the first modern smartphone. The product was obvious but only Apple could invest a billion+ in new hardware and software instead of the financially low risk of gradually upgrading your legacy products which all the other - now extinct - cell phone companies did.


In the future you will need to transform into a tech company to make EVs if you cannot do that you won't be making cutting edge EVs.


apple need JOBS can do this


If xiaomi can charge a phones 5 000 mAh battery from 0-100% in 19 min I'm not surprised over what they can do with an EV. xiaomi 13T is the phone in question and I'm using it now.

如果小米手机能在 19 分钟内将 5000 毫安时的电池电量从 0 充至 100%,那么他们在电动汽车上的表现也就不会令人失望了。我现在使用的就是小米13T手机。

Mi is awesome all around - best value of anything out there, phone or car ❤️

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Very ambitious of xiaomi but I'll wait for the reviews. I am still trying to digest the idea that companies that makes consumer electronics like smartphones, computers, telecommunications equipment (Huawei) coming into the EV space. I remembered i read somewhere that Terry Gou, the boss of Foxconn said he wants his factories to be setup to make cars as well. I think that's going to be the trend going forward but i dunno how successful they will be.


The video says "they make more electric scooters than anyone else in the world". That's still a big jump, but Suzuki started in looms, and BMW in aircraft engines, farm equipment, and household products, then a motorcycle. It's conventional automakers that seem to be struggling with how to think in a new realm. It might prove an advantage to be coming from outside the auto industry, given which companies are succeeding in EVs and which aren't.

视频中说 "他们生产的电动踏板车比世界上任何其他公司都多"。这是一个很大的飞跃,但铃木是从织布机起家的,宝马是从飞机发动机、农用设备和家用产品起家的,然后才是摩托车。传统汽车制造商似乎正在苦苦思索如何适应一个全新的领域。考虑到某些公司在电动汽车领域取得了成功,而某些公司却没有,证明非汽车行业的公司反而更具优势。

The Mercedes Vision EQXX is the first EV that can go more than 700 miles (1000km) on a charge, that was two years ago. The British startup company that developed the motor and associated energy control, was supported by Mercedes. Mercedes has since bought the company, similar to Porsche burying Remac. This technology is being brought to the next generation of BEV.

两年前,奔驰Vision EQXX是第一款充电里程超过700英里(1000公里)的电动汽车。这家英国初创公司开发了发动机和相关的能源控制系统,得到了梅赛德斯的支持。梅赛德斯后来收购了这家公司,就像保时捷收购了雷马克一样。这项技术正被引入下一代纯电动汽车中。

With the US EPA changing to even more conservative calculation of EPA range for EVs, the gap with Chinese EPA and US EPA is growing. It would be nice to know the US EPA of the 800km range. Re the ADAS, I wonder on what basis you determined that the ADAS is already the world’s best.

随着美国 EPA 对电动汽车 EPA 续航里程的计算方法变得更加保守,中国 EPA 与美国 EPA 的差距越来越大。如果能知道 800 公里续航里程的美国 EPA 值就好了。关于 ADAS(自动驾驶),我想知道,您是根据什么来确定(中国) ADAS 是世界上最好的?

Seems great, but I'll wait for my favorite YT car reviewers to get their hands on this.


Who else remembers that Sony was going to co-develop an EV with Honda? They announced it and even built a prototype, but we have to wait till 2026 to get it. Seems EV outside of China need more time to built.

谁还记得索尼与本田合作开发的一款电动汽车?他们宣布了这一计划,甚至还制造了原型车,但我们要等到 2026 年才能见到它。似乎中国以外的电动汽车需要更多的时间来完成。

I wish they would implemente they're own charging network


$42K for the entry level version? Insane if that battery has a range over 300 miles. I bet xiaomi will try to make money on a subscxtion service for the self drive and other added tech functions


$42K may be the projected price in China, with the massive subsidies provided to indigenous manufacturers. Expect this car to be 60% more expensive outside China, before taxes (which can add a lot more to the price).


they have not revealed the price yet (after all the car is not ready for order until the middle of 2024). I am pretty certain the starting price would be much less at around 30k otherwise they can hardly compete with other intenders like zeekr 007 or geely e8. 40k it's likely what the top model would cost.

他们还没有透露价格(毕竟这款车直到2024年中期才能上市)。我很确定起价会低得多,大概在3万左右,否则他们很难与其他厂商竞争,比如zeekr 007或吉利的e8。4万元很可能是顶级车型的价格。

Correct that's the Chinese local price - for comparison an ID.7 is $33k in China, but will sell for 56k pounds in the UK, it will be close to $85k AUD and $55k USD


I can forsee this car is going to sell well not only in China, will be selling well all over the world.


Will believe it when a few consumers buy them and confirm that the model does what is claimed when they say so. Before then, I’m sceptical.


Range claim doesn't seem to match the 71kW battery but that's just me.

声称的续航能力似乎与 71 千瓦的电池不符,不过这只是我的个人看法。

Again the self driving that this car uses depends on detailed 3D mapping of the cities. Like GM's Cruise, it cannot go anywhere that it doesn't have a precise map for and if anything changes that is not in that map it maybe cannot handle it.
This tech is a great convenience feature but will meet a dead end as to its top end capabilities before it gets to the level of a human. Humans don't depend on maps to handle unique driving situations.
If you are shooting for level 4 or level 5 autonomy then your car has to be able to think on its own and handle new situations on its own just like a human can, else you might as well drive yourself.


Absolutely.This may be a better implementation of a geofenced system than Cruise or Waymo but ultimately Tesla will have the better system by miles.Looks like we are getting to the point where autonomy(of one sort or another) is the competitive selling point of a modern car.At least in China. This was what Elon Musk predicted: that customers would demand a car with autonomy and those that didn't have it would be largely worthless.

是这样的。这可能是一个比Cruise或Waymo更好的地理围栏系统,但最终特斯拉将拥有更好的系统。看起来我们正在接近这样的一个时刻:自动驾驶(某种或另一种)将成为现代汽车的竞争卖点。至少在中国是这样。这正是埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)的预测:消费者会要求汽车能自动驾驶,而那些没有自动驾驶功能的汽车基本上毫无价值。

xiaomi is not just a consumer electronics company; it is also an investment firm. The Chairman of xiaomi, Lei Jun, concurrently owns Shunwei Capital.,invested in a wide range of companies across almost every sector, including BYD, xiaopeng Motors, NIO, and others. This grants xiaomi significant influence in the supply chain.The main leaders of xiaomi's automotive project come from various major automotive companies. For instance, Yu Liguo, the former President of Beiqi Arcfox(BAIC Motor's new energy vehicle brand); Hu Zhengnan, the former Vice President of Geely Group and the Director of Geely Research Institute; Huang Zhenyu, the former Vice President of Magna China.


Will this be coming to Australia any time soon? Would rather this over the Seal.


You think $28,000 US is realistic for this much car, at this point in time? $56k is a bit much, but personally, I think 40-45 is pretty reasonable.


Front end looks like a McLaren and the rear looks like an RX7.


100 kWh doesn't seem enough for 800 km of range. NMC batteries seem a step backwards. They are what the Nissan Leaf used and have more thermal runaway issues compared to LFP batteries that Tesla currently get from CATL, that don't use Nickel and Cobalt.
Getting away from the need to mine cobalt and nickel is a positive thing.

100 千瓦时似乎不够 800 公里的续航里程。NMC 电池似乎是一种倒退。与特斯拉目前从宁德时代(CATL)获得的不使用镍和钴的 LFP 电池相比,日产聆风使用的 NMC 电池存在更多的热失控问题。

Jai Hinuja. If xiaomi car can pass the discerning Indian consumers like their xiaomi phones, our well off Indian families will consider to buy the SU7


What I find interesting is how easy it seems to be to bring an EV to market . The automotive ice industry is hard to get into . It's been awhile to see a new player in that industry. It seems like we see a new EV maker come along as a common place from companies that have no automotive experience .
I think it shows how easy it is to develope and produce an EV . With so many in the space we should see the technology improve quickly and prices should drop below ice vehicles in short order .


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

China had foreign automakers partner with them for 25 years or longer and have not had a Chinese ice automaker sell outside of China and the foreign companies were top dogs in China
Then came along EVs and they took the market by storm . Foreign automakers did not have EVs . Tesla was it but Tesla was not required to partner with a Chinese company like other foreign companies have to .
In general they figured it out for the most part . EVs have allot less parts over ice . In theory it's a simple form of propulsion . Technically it's a glorified electric golf cart . Combustion engines and transmissions are far more complex


From what we've seen of China its not hard to find a manufacturer who would produce this car for them and then they can add their technical know how. Do this initially until they get enough sales and then build/buy their own factory.


Steve. It's China speed. Certainly not exclusive to that country. What is the difference is the determination and support of government policy, backing up and working with private companies. They call it win win. It seems to work in the auto industry. 101,000 more charging poles in the country in November 2023 alone.

史蒂夫,这是中国速度。当然,这并非中国独有。不同之处在于政府的政策,以及对私营公司的支持。他们称之为双赢。这在汽车行业似乎行之有效。仅在 2023 年 11 月,中国就增加了 10万1000 个充电桩。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

it may seems easy for the layman, but it is not, apple ev is dead in the water spoke for itself


If you ever bought this, just change that MI badge with Maserati trident . Damn good looking car


@0:17. I guess you haven't yet watched videos of the latest Huawei powered EVs (such as AITO, LUXEED, and AVATR 12).
They are clearly ahead of Tesla in the area of autonomous driving. xiaomi is only catching up to them.
@6:47. The Huawei powered cars already can do exactly that.
That is, the car goes find parking itself, parks the car. And then when you finish your shopping, you click a button on the Huawei app on your phone, and the car will come and find you.
The only difference here is the Huawei cars are ALREADY in the market. People have already been driving them.
xiaomi is a late newcomer onto the scene offering the same functions.

@0:17. 我猜你还没有看过最新的华为电动汽车(如 AITO、LUXEED 和 AVATR 12)的视频。
@6:47. 华为汽车已经可以做到这一点。

很赞 18