2024-01-14 用功 23534

I always think it would be dangerous for anything on the ground to travel that fast. But if they could solve all the safety issues it would be amazing. With these kinds of speed it only take you few minutes to travel. So I think peoples would love it


China has already unveiled the world's fastest train that can travel at a speed of up to 600km/h in October 2022 at a trade fair for the railway industry in Berlin, Germany.
In addition to the above, China has completed a superconducting test run for its ultra high-speed train that aims for speeds of up to 1,000km/h (621mph) in a low-vacuum tube. If successful, it will become the fastest means of on-ground transport. So far there has not been any issue of safety regarding the train traveling at a speed of 1000km/h.
On a similar note, there was no safety problem with the USA's Concorde which even travelled at a greater speed than that of China's hyperloop train.

中国已于2022年10月在德国柏林举行的铁路工业博览会上推出了世界上最快的列车,时速可达 600 公里。
除此之外,中国还完成了超高速列车的超导试运行,其目标是在低真空管道中以高达 1000 公里/小时(621 英里/小时)的速度行驶。如果试运行成功,它将成为速度最快的地面交通工具。迄今为止,时速 1000 公里的列车尚未出现任何安全问题。
(译者注:协和飞机就是因为安全问题退役的。1976年,超音速协和客机投入服务,速度极快,最高时速为2.04马赫——约每小时1350英里(2180公里/小时)。 但因为成本和票价高昂,以及2000年发生了致命空难,机上乘员全部丧生,后在2003年退役)

Electronic circuits in the trains control the speeds at which the trains should travel at any particular time. These circuits determine the starting speeds when the trains begin to leave the train stations, the speeds when the trains are on their routes to their required destinations, and the speeds as the trains approach their destinations. If these electronic circuits work perfectly and according to the required parameter specifications, then there should not arise any problem with speed safety issues of the trains.


I think they are elevated above the cows and trees etc.


Basically it's not on the ground, living in five hundred years ago people also would think it was dangerous for you driving, btw


​For USA Concorde the big difference was the pollution, even if Americans seems not very aware about it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

​Easier to joint a station than an airport, not noisy and less pollution!!!!


If the people there can build this, it means that country is very very safe.


Wow, China is ready to roll out and test the first hyperloop maglev train with a speed of 1000km per hour, a speed that is faster than Boeing 737. However, the hyperloop train can only be used in a straight line and applicable as a transportation mode between big cities. To build the hyperloop network is another engineering challenge which China would no doubt be able to realize before this decade ends.

哇,中国准备推出并测试第一辆超高速磁悬浮列车,时速可达 1000 公里,比波音 737 还快。不过,超高速磁悬浮列车只能直线行驶,只适用于大城市之间的交通。建设超级高铁铁路网络是另一项工程挑战,中国无疑能够在本十年结束前实现这一目标。

China's big city mass transit system is the most developed in the world, so it is very easy and fast to transfer to other modes of transportation. And the past, people thought that screens could only be straight but with the development of technology and material breakthroughs, screens can now be bent more than 80 degrees.

中国的大城市公共交通系统是世界上最发达的,因此换乘其他交通工具非常方便快捷。过去,人们认为屏幕只能是直的,但随着技术的发展和材料的突破,现在屏幕可以弯曲 80 度以上。



If anything is scientifically possible, China will probably be the first to achieve it.❤✌️


The famous French military leader and emperor Napoleon Bonaparte once said about China, “There lies a sleeping giant. Let him sleep! For when he wakes, he will shake the world.”


That's why the West hates Napoleon so much now; why prophesied when you could be an Emperor? To make matter worse, the only prophecy he made, came true and the world (which the West refer themselves as) is trembling just like he described.



I took the highway train from Shanghai(上海) to Hangchou (杭州) about 10 years ago, the speed was roughly around 150mph to 300mph depending on the routine and weather, it was about 50 minutes. Its was good enough for me at that time. upxed price is NT211.
大约 10 年前,我乘坐高铁从上海到杭州,时速大约在 150mph 到 300mph 之间,取决于线路和天气,全程大约 50 分钟。对当时的我来说,这已经足够好了。最新价格为台币211元。

China's bullet trains are among the fastest if not the fastest actually in the world.The rapid development of the bullet trains is important for China to connect people from north to south and east to west.China has achieved this in only few decades.We are proud of China.


Yes , so proud of china


Most of the world is rightly of China achievements for humankind.


Let's just wait a few years till that tofu dreg structures falls apart. That extremely fast development suggest cutting corners


China has the largest bullet train network in the world with 120000++ kms of high speed lines and 34000+ bullet trains. That's unmatched by even the USA & Europe put together ....

中国拥有世界上最大的子弹头列车网络,高速线路长达 120000+ 公里,子弹头列车超过 34000 辆。这甚至是美国和欧洲加在一起也无法比拟的 ....

Your country doesn't have a high-speed rail yet, haha @martinkominek6712

你们国家还没有高铁呢,哈哈 @martinkominek6712

China’s fascinating cutting- edge technology. Congratulations.


I write from AUSTRALIA. Australia is still stuck in 60s with slow trains and argue over Airport Rail lix. Elon Musk may be doing feasibility study. But China is on implementation stage. Impressive!

我在澳大利亚写这个帖子。澳大利亚仍停留在上世纪 60 年代的慢火车时代,还在为机场还是铁路争论不休。埃隆-马斯克可能正在进行可行性研究。但中国已进入实施阶段。真是令人印象深刻!

Australia is even much better than my country Fiji. In my country, there are no subways, high speed trains or any kind of metro at all. We only have olden types of locomotives for transporting sugarcane from one location to another. The locomotives are driven by steam.
When I was a little kid my friends and I used to run after empty locomotives and jump on to the empty carriages for a ride. We could do that because the locomotives were traveling at a speed of less than 20km per hour, and thus we were able to outrun the locomotives and jump in and out of the locomotives at will with ease. So you can imagine the speed at which these locomotives run on. I hope my country will soon have metro trains to ease traffic congestions, especially in the big cities. Maybe Australia or China can setup a metro system in my country.

小时候,我和朋友们经常追着空机车跑,跳上空车车厢去兜风。我们之所以能这样做,是因为机车的时速不到 20 公里,因此我们能轻松地跑过机车,随意跳上跳下。可想而知,这些机车的运行速度有多快。我希望我国能尽快拥有地铁列车,以缓解交通拥堵,尤其是大城市的交通拥堵。也许澳大利亚或中国可以帮我国建立地铁系统。

It's better for australia to donate money to israel... rather than building such thing like that..


Better for Australia to spend more money on buying weapons to make US happy than to spend money on infrastructure


aussie competing with britain who can go back in time quickest. But 90B submarine program..no problem.

澳大利亚正在与英国竞争谁能更快的回到过去。但 90B 潜艇计划......没问题。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Australia is very contented with their 100 km/ hr fast train.


being a US lap's dog nation; could ask japan & US for help.


Australia needs vacuum mag-lev, I can't wait!


Wait until your next reincarnation

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Australia is over sea territory of USA or (you can call it as a colony )


Why not switch to kangaroo riding as it's far greener and economical than trains.


You could have it by now had your government not spend it on AUKUS.

如果你们的政府不把钱花在 AUKUS 上,那么你们现在就可以拥有它了。

Here in Illawarra NSW, train speed at 57km/hr..WOL - SYD takes around 1.5-2hr one way. I would be very happy if it could reach 100 one day


Malaysia, a third world nation is having 120 km/hr. train. Australia must belong to the fourth world.

马来西亚,一个第三世界国家,却拥有每小时 120 公里的火车。澳大利亚一定是属于第四世界。

100km/h? No, it's 60km/h in fact.

时速 100 公里?不,实际上是 60km/h。

Any third world country would be proud of that!


You have never seen African countries in Central EU. But there is a western country in Asia.


Very few trains do 100kph in Australia.

在澳大利亚,时速 100 公里的火车寥寥无几。

Your Archipelago Neighbour have 350km/h train

你的邻居群岛有时速 350 公里的火车

I'll ride in Australia

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Genuine extra advanced hi-tech engineering is getting done for real.. in China..
I truly love it..
Huge..!! congratulations China..


Congratulation China. This is an unbelievable achievement.❤


The thing is China already a leader in fast trains and EVs. They will again be the leader for the hyper loop if they headstart it.


I am from Pakistan. Congratulations China ❤


Pakistan need this too mainly for future military and resources transport purposes.Forget about high speed train. Hyperloop is more realistic.


But more money




Of course Pakistan would congratulate China


As an Indian, keeping the relation between the countries aside, I also congratulate China for its advance and cutting edge technology. It motivates the world to follow it in technology....
Highly appreciable efforts.


Incredible speed


So China's is moving from Bullet Trains to Sonic Trains. Incredible. Only in China.


The magnetics is the easy bit. Removing the 'air' from the tube is the challenge. It is the air in the tube that creates the resistance infront of the train/pod and the aerodynamic 'drag' that slows the train/pod down. Furthermore : a livable, sealed atmosphere must be created inside the 'pod'. The Tube/pipe will need to be constantly 'Evacuated' to maintain the low pressure/low air density environment to reduce air friction and drag.

磁性材料是最简单的部分。将 "空气 "从管道中排出才是难点。正是管道中的空气产生了列车前方的空气阻力,使列车减速。此外,还必须在 "列车 "内创造一个适宜人类的密封环境。管道需要不断 "排空",以保持低压/低空气密度环境,从而减少空气摩擦和阻力。

This would be much more interesting to watch if they took the time to review and eliminate the redundancy in the video. AI is a tool to collect the information but not good enough to complete the analysis and present it in an acceptable manner.
The technology to travel that fast is known but the limiting point is as always the economics of the project. How much would it cost to build, how much would it cost to use and how many passengers would make it viable. Those are the information that would be the controlling factors to such a project.


our first step has already made in Indonesia. upgrading from 350km/ hour to 400/ 450 km/ hour for the next gen won't take long

我们在印尼已经迈出了第一步。下一代产品从 350 公里/小时升级到 400/450 公里/小时不会花太长时间。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Love from somalia ❤❤❤


Haha - as long as the dangerous parts are eliminated then it is safe - this sentence is brilliant! (as per definition)
Ayway thank you for this very good information. Amazing what China does regarding the infrastructure for its country. If the West would just place the same amount for budget into construction project and not so much in the weapon-industry it would be a much better world.


I love China



原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hyperloop One, an American company, has signed an agreement with Dubai. It could see construction completed within five years, but so far the company has only built a 500 metre test track in the US.
Shanghai and Hangzhou will be connected via hyperloop by 2035, even though the distance there is only 108 miles. HSR already covers the route in one hour.
Seems like the concept is only popular enough to spark these two very short test cases.

美国公司 Hyperloop One 已与迪拜签署协议。它将在五年内完成建设,但到目前为止,该公司只在美国建造了一条 500 米长的测试轨道。
到 2035 年,上海和杭州将通过超级高铁连接起来,尽管两地的距离只有 108 英里。高铁已经可以在一小时内到达。

Shanghai to Hangzhou High-Speed Trains 156 high-speed trains and bullet trains run from Shanghai to Hangzhou between 01:05AM and 10:25PM every day. The duration is around 1 hour and the ticket prices are USD16 to USD39. The fastest train G4833 with a maximum speed of 300 km/h finishs the journey in 45 minutes.

上海至杭州高速列车 每天凌晨 1:05 至晚上 10:25 之间,有 156 列高速列车和子弹头列车从上海开往杭州。时长约为 1 小时,票价从 16 美元到 39 美元不等。最快的 G4833 次列车最高时速可达 300 公里,45 分钟内即可完成旅程。

Testing and building are totally different stories.


It is a huge breakthrough for science but I don't think it's economically feasible right now even though bullet trains are under huge debt,airplane tickets are much cheaper there,only a few sexted individuals will use it but it won't cover the costs,but anyways it's a big win for technology.


Hopefully hyper loops lands in the Philippines too from north to south


.. it is magical that everything is there around us in Nature! It only needs to be discovered/invented. Who knows whether we would see a 2000km speed train in future!!

......神奇的是,大自然中的一切都在我们身边!它只需要被发现/发明。谁知道我们将来会不会看到时速 2000 公里的高速列车呢?

Okay, don’t argue anymore, technology will always advance.


Always on the expense of human lives. We have seen it with cars, trains, planes and ships. This will not be any different. Let's just hope they won't rush it and will actually put some thinking into risks - and there are many


South China Morning Post 19.01.2023 —
China's hyperloop completes first test runs,
pushing ahead in race for ultra-fast land transport.
Pod travels at 50km/h (31mph)

南华早报 2023年01月19日
舱体时速 50 公里(31 英里/小时)

Love to china from Bihar, eastern Indian


Why not continue to develop Maglev technology - which has 600 km/h capabilities? There are still only 6 Maglev lines in the world - the longest being 30 km long. This technology has been around for at least 30 years.

为什么不继续发展时速 600 公里的磁悬浮技术?目前世界上只有 6 条磁悬浮线路,最长的有 30 公里。这项技术已经存在至少 30 年了。

Like to see the 4000k/h train, amazing, good luck, China leads the world.

想看看时速 4000 公里的列车,太神奇了,祝你好运,中国引领世界。

Does this mean all passengers have to be super fit with some of space aerodynamics training before boarding this train just to be on the safe side.




The fastest to traveling any accident happened is straight way to heaven


The hyper loop was first designed back in the 1800s..


Chinese are amongst the most engenious communities. Once upon a time in the 60s & early 70s they took cues from Japan, USA and European unx but now others take cues from Chinese Engineering...

中国人是最有创造力的群体之一。曾几何时,在上世纪 60 年代和 70 年代初,他们向日本、美国和欧盟学习,但现在,其他人则向中国学习工程学...

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

很赞 43