2024-01-15 Natsuo 5862

The older Russians who have misty-eyed nostalgia for the Soviet unx never seem to understand that the Soviet unx's economic collapse was all but inevitable, and the its future unsustainable. Gorbachev knew this.


You're right and he knew it by far.But the old soviet leaders with plenty of privilegies, didn't want him to succeed bringing Democracy and western capitalism, because it would have meant the failed of the Communism political system in the world.In fact,none of themt helped him to do it...Then the collapse.


As someone from a former (occupied) soviet state, Lithuania, born pretty much after the fall of USSR, I can say that those times were pretty bad, there were long queues at the food stores, people had money but there was nothing to buy, you could get some rare goods only if you knew the right people, people stole from the factories where they worked in, in the funniest ways you could imagine (for example tying meat under their clothes and smuggling it out, and so on) young folks were chased after by the soviet police for the way they dressed, listened to western music, their hair styles and so on, in 1970s one young man even set himself on fire and burned to death in a public place, he wrote a short note/letter, that said "for my death soviet government is to be blaimed", so yeah, those were the times, horrible times indeed. Although as I've read and accumulated the knowledge I came to realize, that back then people were more united, somewhat more helpful and compassionate than now, but in the end, those times were pretty bad nonetheless.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

There is so much naivety from these young people. I visited Moscow (from London) in March 1990 and I was horrified. I expected it to be grey, but not so utterly decrepit. I had a pen friend from the DDR who was studying in Moscow for a year, and he showed us around the non-touristy parts. We went to a giant flea market in front of a decayed old stadium (there were workmen on the roof with huge pots of hot tar - not a safety measure of any kind). A man heard my English, grabbed my jacket, shouted "Bush" and spat on the ground. We took an ancient Moskvitch taxi back to the hotel (Cosmos) which had one rear door welded up, and driven by a driver stinking of vodka. The road was wet and he lost it more than once. Terrifying. Had it not have been for the recently opened McDonalds I think we'd have starved as the hotel food was inedible. It was a fascinating week, but I said I could see no dignity anywhere of any kind. Communism was broke. What they provided was awful, and they couldn't even afford that any more.


I live in Russia. Among the uneducated population, the ideas of returning to the USSR and love for Stalin are very popular. this speaks volumes about who supports these ideas.


Older people remember the USSR fondly for psychological reasons. They were just young people back then and that's why they associate those times well. They confuse good memories of carefree youth with the regime.


It feels good to hear the younger generation speak so frankly about the USSR era. I believe the older generation, the one born in the late 60's, have lived well these last 30 years under Putin's govern. The younger generation, born in the late 80's has also lived well under Russia's Vova' The Good, until now...


Couple of things were not mentioned once: - not allowed to travel freely in the whole world or leave the country, if you wanted to - millions of repressed, killed, destroyed families - no free speech - economic failure Nice points are - more solidarity - morally sound on the surface - more respect and care for each other


I think you could ask people in the USA if they would like to have the good old times from the 20th century back and they would answer in the same fashion. A sense of belonging, people were kinder, nowadays people are more selfish. Etc. Maybe we don't have to travel back in time to make the present day better, we just have to look at each other and be willing to help


I grew up in commie times and there was not much that I remember that was positive. Even as an older child I realized that it was Soviet occupation. I guess I learned that from my family even though that was not discussed with me directly since I was too young. I was against the communist government and I ended up living abroad, not all by choice. Those were bad times. I'm glad to see Poland a free country and growing in prosperity. I hope they have enough sense to keep arming themselves so together with other countries in the region they can keep Russia within its borders. I hope the Ukrainians will free themselves soon as well.


I travelled to the former East Berlin in the late eighties which was supposed to be the showpiece of Communism . It did not work their showpiece department store was like a warehouse with nothing in it but randomley placed obxts for sale the majority of the shelves were bare . I had a list of things i was not supposed to buy because they were in short supply in the East not that there was anything worth buying apart from say one thing we were buying East German cameras as the lenses were fantastic . I remember joining a queue for food only to get to the counter to see next nothing for sale . I really do feel sorry for people trapped under Communism it does not work . Sorry it does work for the chosen self elected few at the top .


When someone in Russia wants USSR back, they don't mean being arrested for trading or for currency exchange. They don't want to get special visas for traveling abroad. They want only positive features such as territory, free education, medical care, industrial and scientific development, etc


I visited Soviet in 1989, as one of very few from the west. At least in the north. It was surreal, a strange world. I dont think thats a world onf could want to live in. Yet today, in Russia, in rural parts people are still living in Soviet.


I find it interesting to hear what the young people think about the rule of the USSR. I think when we look back on what life was like in the future, it won't be with fond memories. The future is in trouble.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The things they mention that old people talk of missing about the USSR were common to people in all countries back then.. most were poor but there was a community spirit and they had to help each other survive, few went on to further education, but skills were higher locally and food growing etc..and people in villages got together and provided their own entertainment etc. Thst was the way of life in Europe back then regardless of the political system..


I love it when people talk about "the kindness of social interactions in the USSR." The reality is there was a great deal of pettiness, judgement and ratting others out over jealousy and vindictiveness.


My memories of the communist period are still vivid. I don't remember a single positive thing about the regime imposed on my country by the Russians. For those who naively believe that communist “equality” is a great idea, let me tell you how it was implemented. There was a small class of very rich, very privileged people (much smaller than in capitalist countries) and the rest of us: not the equally rich, but the equally poor. The dream was achieved: we were all equal. Well, some more equal than others. [EDIT] It seems that some commentators below also consider the Russians who were part of the system as victims; as if Stalin or other "non-Russian" leaders were the only ones who did all the bad things and the "true Russians" bear no responsibility. No! The entire system, which lives to this day, was formed by Russian citizens, raised in Russian culture and perpetuated by Russians. Own it!


Daniil it's the wrong question, ask what people want , ask what they can agree on, ask if a president should be for life, ask if there should be freedom of speech, assembly, demonstration, public oversight, human rights for Russian people, ask about social responsibility, there's Soo much you can ask about


As a Georgian, I think Red army invasion of my country in 1921 has robbed us of the European destiny and has demolished our progressive liberal economy and political system of the time. This is a second fight, but I am amazed that 100 years later, we still fight this plague.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

100 years later 4 generations will have gone by and I’m pretty sure that nobody is gonna have a clue what USSR was. Unless old generation is alive we gonna return to this question over and over again . Everything we have in our life is just experience that we should handle and process in our mindset, then go straight away . Ancient schemas are not working , the new system suppose to be built I’d say. I didn’t live in USSR and definitely I have no idea how it feels to live there. For me , personally, I think it was not terrible and not great, just mediocre . Eventually it’s a step that did a seal in a history .

100年后,4 代人已经过去,我非常确定没人会知道苏联是什么。除非老一辈仍然活着,我们将一次又一次地回到这个问题。我们生活中的一切只是我们应该处理和加以思考的经验,然后继续前进。古老的模式不再适用,新的体系应该被建立,我想说的是。我没有生活在苏联,肯定不知道在那里生活是什么感觉。对我个人而言,我认为它既不可怕也不伟大,只是平庸。最终,这是历史上的一个里程碑。

As a child I lived in the USSR, I will never forget that I went to school with a cold weapon, the territory of Kazan was divided by gangs, there were no fruits, meat, dairy products in store, so necessary for a growing body. And now it's safe in Russia, I have successfully had two surgeries for free, in old age I study for free under the state program for working with AI, and my city of Kazan is developing at the tremendous pace.


I am not from Soviet countries but when I travelled to Baku (I am Azeri myself) and asked people especially old people why they are sympathetic to USSR they all said basically the same thing. We had work and no unemployment, we had a place to live, college was free and culture or social life was better. I think if you an honest human, those are some of the factor you should consider when you think about socialism


Having the most land of any country, it follows logically, they must acquire more land to protect their vast country. This is the twisted logic behind PUtin's Imperialism.


Crazy how kids born in the 00s don't know about the immense poverty they live in (unless their parents are close to the regime) compared to what they would have if all the common assets weren't sold out for pennies on the dollar after the undemocratic dissolution. Many millions of people who were expected to be born never were, because the economy shrunk so much that millions of would-be parents couldn't afford to have kids. Child prostitution and drug use was widespread for many years after, and these illegal markets still exist today, where many women are essentially enslaved.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It seems like they have forgotten the GULag, the Purges, the Famines, the Colectivization, the Peasant Rebellions, the deportations of millions of people, the forced domicile, the arbitrary arrests, the closed cities, the incredible polution of some areas, the horrible experiences young men had to go through when conscxted even in peace times. Vorkuta, Karaganda, Magadan, Katyn, Semipalatinsk, Chernobyl. All those things don't even come into their minds.


Old people in Italy spoke with fondness of the Fascist period in exactly the same way. I'm sure the same was true with older Germans who looked back to the days of National-Socialism with nostalgia.


I wish with all my heart young Russians the return of Soviet unx. The added benefit will be that we won’t have to listen to young Russians emigres telling us how much better their lives were in Russia and how vastly superior Russian culture is over the decadence of the West.


Soviet times or not, but back in the days, it was better because people had no phones, internet, or any other shiny, unnecessary stuff. People were enjoying communication more than now, appreciating the taste of oranges and other goodies. Today, asses are full of stuff, and people don't even know what to eat. More doesn't mean better.


USSR was great! We put up big long fences to keep people from escaping and when people from the West would visit they would bring their own toilet paper and wouldn't trade us for their blue jeans, not for even an entire sack of potatoes! Decade after decade of FUN FUN FUNNNN ! ! ! !


Sadly their is one person who wants to rebuild the USSR as a Dictatorship and wants to be a modern day Stalin. And that is Vladimir Putin.


Yeah, all world knows how Russian kindness looks like. Grey, grumpy faces that don't believe in each other as everyone could be an agent or potential informer. I have been in Belarus in 2018, I guess it is a portal to USSR, grey people, without emotions on the streets and constant feeling that big brother watching u. Cameras, people in uniform and without uniform but still agents, nah, hard to imagine someone really miss it


In my opinion? For the most part, only 45+ people want to return USSR. They are avidly telling how great was the USSR for one major reason: because it was the time of their childhood. They grew up, they didn't do certain things in time and missed opportunities therefore they are romanticizing about it. USSR had shit ton of troublesome parts that no one of them recalls because the bad disappears and the good stays. Most of these 45+ people wouldn't even be living as good as they live now in USSR. Russia is the country of elderly.


If you want your life 'spoon fed' to you then go back to how it was. That included being spoon fed information, which was rationed the same as food.


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