Just because the British officials and Maharajas lived lives of luxury doesn’t mean that the majority of Indians did. These were a small minority (less than 1%).
The other side of the story that the advocates of colonialism never seemed to show.
The people who believe that the British provided better governance will never show these sort of images. This was the fate of millions in Bengal.
The people who believe that the British governance of the Indian Subcontinent was somehow superior are either very misinformed, delusional or just racist. These theories that the Indians (and almost every other colonized group) was “unable” to govern themselves was based on racism and promoted by the advocates of colonialism. We still see such people do this by sextively choosing images for comparison to confirm their own bias.
We can also sextively choose images that only focus on the development or well-off regions of the Indian Subcontinent today. But it doesn’t represent the situation of the majority of the people. No more than the minority that did well in the colonial era did.
Ahmad Abubakr (احمد ابوبکر)
Statements like these always make me laugh. They seem to rely on a very sextive and biased view of the British India during the colonial era. As well as dependent on racist statements made by proponents of colonialist, who did not consider the locals as their equals.
Statements like these always make me laugh. They seem to rely on a very sextive and biased view of the British India during the colonial era. As well as dependent on racist statements made by proponents of colonialist, who did not consider the locals as their equals.
What makes you think that India was not poverty stricken during the colonial era? What makes you think that Indians weren’t living in absolute poverty when the British were in charge of the country?
Just because the British officials and Maharajas lived lives of luxury doesn’t mean that the majority of Indians did. These were a small minority (less than 1%).
The other side of the story that the advocates of colonialism never seemed to show.
The idea that Indians were living good lives under the British government is laughable. The vast majority of the Indian population lived in absolute poverty during the colonial era. The situation was far worse than it is today. To make matters even worse, these local Indians were usually second class citizens within their own homes. They didn’t get to choose the policies that would be in their own best interest. Rather the country was run with the best interest of the British Empire as the primary concern.
Ever heard of the Bengal famine that took place under the colonial government. This was not something that took place centuries ago. It occurred in the 1940s. Just prior to the independence of the Subcontinent. About 2–3 million Bengali people died as a result of this famine. When those among the British government who wanted to help the people requested assistance and import of food, their pleas were usually ignored. Because the dying people in Bengal were simply a lesser concern than ensuring that the British army had its supplies. This gross mismanagement of the situation resulted in millions dying.
So much for the “superior British governance”. This famine is only a single example. There are countless others during this century of colonial rule. Interesting that there have not been any famines of this scale in India since colonialism ended. It is almost as if the change in system of governance to place Indians as the primary concern actually ended up helping the Indians. Who could have seen that coming?
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
The people who believe that the British provided better governance will never show these sort of images. This was the fate of millions in Bengal.
The people who believe that the British governance of the Indian Subcontinent was somehow superior are either very misinformed, delusional or just racist. These theories that the Indians (and almost every other colonized group) was “unable” to govern themselves was based on racism and promoted by the advocates of colonialism. We still see such people do this by sextively choosing images for comparison to confirm their own bias.
They would talk (some still do) about the development provided by the colonial government and how much the lives of the people had improved. Changes that effected only a very small percentage of the population. Often mostly the British themselves. All the while, the majority of the Indians continued to live in absolute poverty. But these proponents of colonialism never saw these poor Indians. Either because they lived in their own little bubbles or simply because they did not care about them. The lives of the Indians (and other colonized people) was simply a secondary concern.
We can also sextively choose images that only focus on the development or well-off regions of the Indian Subcontinent today. But it doesn’t represent the situation of the majority of the people. No more than the minority that did well in the colonial era did.
This graph shows that the pre-colonial administration wasn't all that good, economically speaking (we can't blame them though. Other regions of the world faired similarly in terms of economic growth). India didn't grow poorer during the colonial era. But Britain got quite rich (comparatively speaking) during the same period. The British are far more guilty of not making India richer than of making India poorer.
Arani Das
You may want to add the liat of famines India faced in recorded history before colonial rule, against during it. That would make it much more clearer as to who was responsible for them.
Secondly, India was the richest (or in close competition with China) nation on Earth. Brits systematically dismantled the local industries (mostly in proto-industrial stage, i.e. large scale cottage industries), especially in Bengal. Britain got fat on Indian flesh.
You may want to add the liat of famines India faced in recorded history before colonial rule, against during it. That would make it much more clearer as to who was responsible for them.
Secondly, India was the richest (or in close competition with China) nation on Earth. Brits systematically dismantled the local industries (mostly in proto-industrial stage, i.e. large scale cottage industries), especially in Bengal. Britain got fat on Indian flesh.
Lastly, we had to sacrifice hundreds of thousands in wars which didn't even concern us.
And these are not including atrocities like Jalianwalabag, the racist discriminations in every field, the partition (especially the 1905 one which planted the seed of communal disharmony), etc.
And these are not including atrocities like Jalianwalabag, the racist discriminations in every field, the partition (especially the 1905 one which planted the seed of communal disharmony), etc.
Krishna Sengupta
The ancient fabric that no one knows how to make
Bengal Muslin was most valued fabrics from ancient Greek and Roman Empire till Eighteenth Century. Thanks to British Empire , now nobody knows how to make them. Only you can find them in Museum and in high end auctions in Christie
The ancient fabric that no one knows how to make
Bengal Muslin was most valued fabrics from ancient Greek and Roman Empire till Eighteenth Century. Thanks to British Empire , now nobody knows how to make them. Only you can find them in Museum and in high end auctions in Christie
A colonial shambles "The trade was built up and destroyed by the British East India Company," says Ashmore.Long before Dhaka muslin was draped over aristocratic women in Europe, it was sold across the globe. It was popular with the Ancient Greeks and Romans, and muslin from "India" is mentioned in the book The Periplus of the Erythraean Sea, authored by an anonymous Egyptian merchant around 2,000 years ago. Dhaka muslin was a hit – with those who could afford it. It was the most expensive fabric of the era, with a retinue of dedicated fans that included the French queen Marie Antoinette, the French empress Joséphine Bonaparte and Jane Austen. But as quickly as this wonder-cloth struck Enlightenment Europe, it vanished.
Shivam Pattanayak
India being the “richest" country before colonialism doesn't really amount to much. In the pre-industrial revolution world, the common man was mostly poor everywhere, some perhaps poorer than others, but most of them poor by any metric, not “rich". The Indian ruling class was probably richer than the ruling class in many other parts of the world though. All thanks to greater manpower and greater overall production. Even currently, the Indian economy is one of the largest in the world. But is India a rich country? No, right?
India being the “richest" country before colonialism doesn't really amount to much. In the pre-industrial revolution world, the common man was mostly poor everywhere, some perhaps poorer than others, but most of them poor by any metric, not “rich". The Indian ruling class was probably richer than the ruling class in many other parts of the world though. All thanks to greater manpower and greater overall production. Even currently, the Indian economy is one of the largest in the world. But is India a rich country? No, right?
This graph shows that the pre-colonial administration wasn't all that good, economically speaking (we can't blame them though. Other regions of the world faired similarly in terms of economic growth). India didn't grow poorer during the colonial era. But Britain got quite rich (comparatively speaking) during the same period. The British are far more guilty of not making India richer than of making India poorer.
Arani Das
That's true. I was coming from the normalised view of total wealth. Indian contribution to world wide wealth (www ;p) decreased in the colonial period.
That's true. I was coming from the normalised view of total wealth. Indian contribution to world wide wealth (www ;p) decreased in the colonial period.
Shivam Pattanayak
That can probably be attributed more to other regions (i.e. Europe, North America, Japan, etc.) surpassing India rather than to India's decline. From what I understand, India suffered from stagnation in the 19th century and a significant portion of the 20th century when many of the now developed nations experienced considerable growth. There seems to have been negligible growth in India rather than de-growth.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
That can probably be attributed more to other regions (i.e. Europe, North America, Japan, etc.) surpassing India rather than to India's decline. From what I understand, India suffered from stagnation in the 19th century and a significant portion of the 20th century when many of the now developed nations experienced considerable growth. There seems to have been negligible growth in India rather than de-growth.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
James Thomas
U r correct…. But indians didn't have that much trade as the British since British colonized lot of countries. Their rise was due to the global trade they did not from looting India alone… commoners in india were not living high standard like Europeans or some asians.. only the royals had a high standard of living… we cannot take gdp of india before and after colonization. …
U r correct…. But indians didn't have that much trade as the British since British colonized lot of countries. Their rise was due to the global trade they did not from looting India alone… commoners in india were not living high standard like Europeans or some asians.. only the royals had a high standard of living… we cannot take gdp of india before and after colonization. …
Kaushik Saha
I agree with most of this comment except the one on destruction of the local small industries. Those industries were going to wither away in any case, because handloom produced cloth, woven with thread spun by hand, could never have competed with powerloom produced cloth, woven with machine spun thread, in terms of rate and cost of production, and therefore in terms of market price. Human hands just can beat machines in mass production.
The greatest atrocity perpetrated on Bengal in the 19th century was the destruction of foodgrain cultivation in favour of indigo and opium.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
I agree with most of this comment except the one on destruction of the local small industries. Those industries were going to wither away in any case, because handloom produced cloth, woven with thread spun by hand, could never have competed with powerloom produced cloth, woven with machine spun thread, in terms of rate and cost of production, and therefore in terms of market price. Human hands just can beat machines in mass production.
The greatest atrocity perpetrated on Bengal in the 19th century was the destruction of foodgrain cultivation in favour of indigo and opium.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Arani Das
While I agree that they couldn't compete in price, but they could in quality. And if left alone, who can guarantee that they wouldn't see modernization before dying out? Trade alone would have been sufficient to nudge them that way.
While I agree that they couldn't compete in price, but they could in quality. And if left alone, who can guarantee that they wouldn't see modernization before dying out? Trade alone would have been sufficient to nudge them that way.
Arani Das
England didn't need a government change to do so. They did it in their already established setup. With enough trade, and thus competition, the indigenous industries would have to scale up, or wither away. It would not be the instantaneous poverty which struck the land. There was no need for colonisation to achieve that.
And in any case, the Brits didn't bring their industries over at once. They made us a market dependent on them, without indigenous supply. That was the goal, from the start.
英国不需要政府变革来实现这一点。他们在他们已经建立的体系中做到了这一点。有足够的贸易,因此有竞争,本土产业必须扩大规模或逐渐消失。这不会是即时贫困所带来的。没有殖民化也可以实现这一点。 无论如何,英国人并没有一次性把他们的工业带过来。他们让我们成为了一个依赖于他们的市场,没有本地供应的市场。这是他们的目标,从一开始就是如此。
England didn't need a government change to do so. They did it in their already established setup. With enough trade, and thus competition, the indigenous industries would have to scale up, or wither away. It would not be the instantaneous poverty which struck the land. There was no need for colonisation to achieve that.
And in any case, the Brits didn't bring their industries over at once. They made us a market dependent on them, without indigenous supply. That was the goal, from the start.
英国不需要政府变革来实现这一点。他们在他们已经建立的体系中做到了这一点。有足够的贸易,因此有竞争,本土产业必须扩大规模或逐渐消失。这不会是即时贫困所带来的。没有殖民化也可以实现这一点。 无论如何,英国人并没有一次性把他们的工业带过来。他们让我们成为了一个依赖于他们的市场,没有本地供应的市场。这是他们的目标,从一开始就是如此。
The agrarian economy was also hit hard by the forced Indigo and poppy cultivation. We saw the worst famine ever in Bengal (1770) because of those, along with irresponsible taxation. That wouldn't have been if not for colonisation.
Tejas Badwe
Nice to read some pro-Indian or pro- Indian subcontinent (rephrasing as this might incense a hardcore Pakistani like you) write-up! Usually you write and eulogise more about Islamic invaders and conquerors who are not looked as heroes by non-moslems and are rather looked down upon and have caused revulsion, repulsion, disgust by their acts, atrocities and invasions.
Moslems and non-moslems alike of Indian subcontinent had always been on common plank (generation before 1947) when it comes to their aversion to British colonialism.
很高兴看到一些支持印度或印度次大陆的文章!通常你写的,更多地是赞扬伊斯兰侵略者和征服者,而这些人在非穆斯林中不被视为英雄,相反,他们的行为、暴行和侵略引起了反感、厌恶和愤慨。 在印度次大陆,无论是穆斯林还是非穆斯林,在1947年以前的几代人都对英国殖民主义感到厌恶。
Nice to read some pro-Indian or pro- Indian subcontinent (rephrasing as this might incense a hardcore Pakistani like you) write-up! Usually you write and eulogise more about Islamic invaders and conquerors who are not looked as heroes by non-moslems and are rather looked down upon and have caused revulsion, repulsion, disgust by their acts, atrocities and invasions.
Moslems and non-moslems alike of Indian subcontinent had always been on common plank (generation before 1947) when it comes to their aversion to British colonialism.
很高兴看到一些支持印度或印度次大陆的文章!通常你写的,更多地是赞扬伊斯兰侵略者和征服者,而这些人在非穆斯林中不被视为英雄,相反,他们的行为、暴行和侵略引起了反感、厌恶和愤慨。 在印度次大陆,无论是穆斯林还是非穆斯林,在1947年以前的几代人都对英国殖民主义感到厌恶。
Mayur Kanth
But it is also true that india failed as a nation. 80% of indians live on less than $5 a day. So we can't really say lives of indians improved. Nothing changed much. Indians were poor in 1947 we still r poor in 2022.India's contribution to global economy was 5% in 1947. Even after 75 years it is still 8% while we have 19% of world population. So we can't say that independence changed lives of indians.
But it is also true that india failed as a nation. 80% of indians live on less than $5 a day. So we can't really say lives of indians improved. Nothing changed much. Indians were poor in 1947 we still r poor in 2022.India's contribution to global economy was 5% in 1947. Even after 75 years it is still 8% while we have 19% of world population. So we can't say that independence changed lives of indians.
Malkiat Gill
2 third world countries, India seems to have fared better because the government survives until an election. Not overthrown by a military highly influenced by a bunch of mad mullahs who hate all non believers.
2 third world countries, India seems to have fared better because the government survives until an election. Not overthrown by a military highly influenced by a bunch of mad mullahs who hate all non believers.
PrakAsh Donde
Yes, you are correct. India is poor. However, no country would or should remain under an outside rule just to be more prosperous. Please note that the British were not trying to make India prosperous. They did everything that they could to make Britain more prosperous at the expense of India, therefore, your presumption that India would have been more prosperous today under the British rule is totally false. India is relatively more prosperous today under its own rule than it would have been under the British rule; not to mention the freedom the people of India have enjoyed for the last 74 years. My comments apply to Pakistan too, since Pakistani territory was part of the British India.
Yes, you are correct. India is poor. However, no country would or should remain under an outside rule just to be more prosperous. Please note that the British were not trying to make India prosperous. They did everything that they could to make Britain more prosperous at the expense of India, therefore, your presumption that India would have been more prosperous today under the British rule is totally false. India is relatively more prosperous today under its own rule than it would have been under the British rule; not to mention the freedom the people of India have enjoyed for the last 74 years. My comments apply to Pakistan too, since Pakistani territory was part of the British India.
James Thomas
Lol posting photos of Bengal famine and advocating failures of British rule is laughable…… I am thinking u want sentiments for your post…. Bengal famine took place in ww2 and Churchill is to be blamed for the atrocity….. although he proposed this idea as a measure to cut off Japanese resources but later it was exposed as a failure of Churchill and the British government… this I agree but indians during other times weren't living under such harsh conditions….. only during the famine and in general during ww2… all countries were facing famines
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Lol posting photos of Bengal famine and advocating failures of British rule is laughable…… I am thinking u want sentiments for your post…. Bengal famine took place in ww2 and Churchill is to be blamed for the atrocity….. although he proposed this idea as a measure to cut off Japanese resources but later it was exposed as a failure of Churchill and the British government… this I agree but indians during other times weren't living under such harsh conditions….. only during the famine and in general during ww2… all countries were facing famines
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
After british raj took over in 1857 there were large famines in almost few years before 1900, were japanese in burma that time also?? British are more expert than japanese in hiding colonial atrocities.
After british raj took over in 1857 there were large famines in almost few years before 1900, were japanese in burma that time also?? British are more expert than japanese in hiding colonial atrocities.
David Wilson
I’m curious Ahmad, who are these advocates of colonialism you mention?
In my youth (b 1957) there were still a few people who had ‘colonial nostalgia,’ but that sort of nonsense died out decades ago. The strongest public views in support, at least here in the UK, would go no further than claiming a mix of good and bad bits, but indefensible morally.
我很好奇,Ahmad,你所提到的殖民主义的支持者是谁? 在我年轻的时候(1957年出生),仍然有一些人怀有“殖民怀旧情绪”,但这种无稽之谈几十年前就消失了。至少在英国,最强烈的公众支持意见也不会超过认为殖民主义有好有坏,但从道德上不可原谅。
I’m curious Ahmad, who are these advocates of colonialism you mention?
In my youth (b 1957) there were still a few people who had ‘colonial nostalgia,’ but that sort of nonsense died out decades ago. The strongest public views in support, at least here in the UK, would go no further than claiming a mix of good and bad bits, but indefensible morally.
我很好奇,Ahmad,你所提到的殖民主义的支持者是谁? 在我年轻的时候(1957年出生),仍然有一些人怀有“殖民怀旧情绪”,但这种无稽之谈几十年前就消失了。至少在英国,最强烈的公众支持意见也不会超过认为殖民主义有好有坏,但从道德上不可原谅。
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