2024-01-20 翱翔精灵 7853
Iran Executed Its Farthest Ballistic Missile Strike Ever With New Weapon
Iran unleashed its Kheiber Shekan medium range ballistic missile on a target in Syria, demonstrating it can reach Israel.

发布时间: 2024 年 1 月 16 日

Iran used its new Kheiber Shekan medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM) for the first time Monday when it struck what it claimed was a "terrorist facility" in Syria’s Idlib province. The attack was one of three Iran carried out in three countries over the past two days. Iran also attacked what it claimed was an Israeli Mossad facility in Erbil on Monday and what it claimed were "terrorist" sites in an unprecedented attack in Pakistan on Tuesday. While they all seem to have had their own obxtives, they clearly serve as a timely demonstration of Iran's ability to execute precision ballistic missile strikes close to and far beyond its borders.
The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Aerospace Force (IRGC-AF) launched four Kheiber Shekan MRBMs from its facility in the southern parts of Iran’s Khuzestan Province on Monday, said Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, according to the official Iranian Tasnim news agency. That’s a distance of about 800 miles.
The strike is considered the longest ever by an Iranian ballistic missile.

据伊朗官方塔斯尼姆通讯社报道,伊斯兰革命卫队航空兵指挥官阿米尔·阿里·哈吉扎德准将宣布,伊斯兰革命卫队航空兵周一从其位于伊朗胡齐斯坦省南部的基地发射了四枚“堡垒破坏者”中程弹道导弹,打击距离约为 800 英里(约合1287公里)。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The IRGC-AF also launched four other missiles from its Kermanshah facility and seven missiles from the West Azarbaijan Province at Erbil on Monday, Hajizadeh said. He added that they were targeting “the base of Zionists in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq” though Iraqi officials dispute that assertion. Hajizadeh did not specify what kind of missiles were fired in those attacks. Kermanshah is about 200 miles from Erbil and West Azarbaijan Province about 100 miles.
Iraq meanwhile filed a complaint against Iran at the U.N. Security Council.
Monday’s attacks were significant for several reasons, Behnam Ben Taleblu, a senior fellow with the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) think tank, told The War Zone.
“There were two historic firsts,” said Taleblu, an expert in Iranian missile technology. “It was the first military use of the Kheibar Shekan MRBM and it was the first time Iran targeted two territories in two different nations in the same operation.” It was also the first launch from the IRGC-AF base in Khuzestan Province since the Iraq-Iran war, he added.

“这次行动有两个历史性的首次,”塔勒布卢,这位伊朗导弹技术方面的专家说。“这是“堡垒破坏者”中程弹道导弹的首次投入军事行动,也是伊朗首次在同一行动中针对两个不同国家的领土。” 他补充说,这还是自两伊战争以来伊斯兰革命卫队首次利用胡齐斯坦省的空军基地发射导弹。

The Iranian strike on Idlib was the first missile attack launched from the IRGC-AF facility in Khuzestan Province since the Iran-Iraq war. (Google Earth image)

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


The Kheibar Shekan is a two-stage, solid-propellant, truck-launched MRBM that Iran first unveiled on Feb. 9, 2022. A third generation of the Fateh family of ballistic missiles, Iran claims it has a maximum range of 1,450 kilometers (900 miles).
“Dubbed the ‘Breaker of Kheibar, in reference to early Muslim conquests of a Jewish castle in Arabia, the Kheibar Shekan is Iran’s second attempt at producing an MRBM from the Fateh- family (with the Shahid Haj Qassem being the first),” Talebu wrote in a February 2023 monograph. “With a reported range of 1,450 kilometers and a separating warhead, the Kheibar Shekan is Iran’s most advanced solid-propellant system outside the Sejjil, which was Iran’s first solid-propellant MRBM.”
During its unveiling, Hajizadeh said the weight of the new missile has been reduced by a third and it is six times quicker to launch, without identifying the type he was comparing it against, Jane's reported at the time. "He also said the missile is highly maneuverable in its terminal phase and that its warhead uses an explosive that is far more powerful than TNT."
He did not specify the weight of the warhead or which explosive. It is unknown what type of guidance system the weapon has but inertial navigation with embedded GPS is a given.

“堡垒破坏者”是一种两级构型、固体推进剂、车载机动发射的中程弹道导弹,伊朗于 2022 年 2 月 9 日首次披露了它。伊朗声称它是“征服者”系列弹道导弹的第三代,最大射程为 1450 公里(约900英里)。
塔勒布卢在其2023年2月发表的专题中写道。““堡垒破坏者”的命名来自于早期穆斯林征服阿拉伯地区的犹太城堡,它是伊朗第二次尝试以“征服者”导弹家族发展中程弹道导弹,“烈士沙希德·卡西姆”是第一次尝试(译注:即遭美军暗杀的卡西姆.苏莱曼尼)”, “据报道,“堡垒破坏者”的射程达1450 公里,配有分离式弹头,是伊朗除“泥石”导弹之外最先进的固发导弹,它也是伊朗第一种固发中程弹道导弹。”

The Kheiber Shekan medium range ballistic missile and its transporter erector launcher (TEL) vehicle. (YouTube screencap)


The launch of a Kheiber Skekan medium range ballistic missile. (Twitter screencap)


Taleblu said Iran served several purposes in launching the Kheiber Shekans.
They were testing the range of the missile while at the same time serving notice on Israel that it could hit targets there, he said. Iran was also sending a reminder that it remains an active participant in the ongoing conflict in Syria.
In addition to attacking targets in Iraq and Syria, "two key strongholds of the Jaysh al-Dhulm (Jeysh al-Adl) terrorist group in Pakistan" were struck on Tuesday, Tasnim reported. The sites "have been obliterated through precision missile and drone strikes."
The focal point of this operation "was the region known as Kouh-Sabz (green mountain) in the Balochistan province of Pakistan, recognized as one of the largest hubs for the Jeysh al-Dhulm militants," Tasnim reported. Jaish al Adl has previously mounted attacks on Iranian security forces in the border area with Pakistan.
The publication did not specify what types of drones or missiles were used in the attack. Nor did it say who carried out the attack, but Press TV, the English-language arm of Iranian state television, attributed the attack to Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard, according to The Associated Press.

该通讯社报道称,这次打击行动的焦点是“位于巴基斯坦俾路支省一处被称为绿山的地区,该地区被认为是“正义军”武装分子最大的中心之一” 。“正义军”此前曾在与巴基斯坦接壤的边境地区向伊朗安全部队发动过袭击。
该通讯社没有具体说明打击中使用了哪些类型的无人机或导弹,也没有说明由谁实施了这次打击。但据美联社报道,伊朗国家电视台的英语频道Press TV宣布这次打击由伊斯兰革命卫队实施。

Pakistan's Foreign Affairs Ministry also blamed Iran, issuing a sharp rebuke of the attacks it said killed two children and injured three others.
“Pakistan strongly condemns the unprovoked violation of its airspace by Iran which resulted in death of two innocent children while injuring three girls,” the statement read. “This violation of Pakistan’s sovereignty is completely unacceptable and can have serious consequences.”
While it is unclear what missiles Iran used to attack Pakistan, there is no mistaking that it has developed a large arsenal of short- and medium-range ballistic missiles.
The potential of Iranian-made ballistic missiles to cause significant destruction is in little doubt, with multiple instances of them having been employed in combat. In the last couple of years, such incidents have included the January 2020 attack against Al Asad Air Base in Iraq, which made use of a Qiam series short-range ballistic missile (SRBM), and the March 2022 attack on Erbil in Iraq, which used Fateh-110 SRBMs. These weapons hit very hard with an impressive degree of accuracy.
We do not know what, if any response nuclear-armed Pakistan will take yet. Clearly though, three Iranian missile attacks in three different countries over two days serve as a glaring deterrant and raises tensions in a regional already roiling over the ongoing Israel-Hamas war, Houthi attacks on shipping and Iranian-backed militia attacks on U.S. facilities in Iraq and Syria.
We will continue to monitor this situation and upxe when warranted.

毫无疑问,伊朗制造的弹道导弹具有造成重大破坏的潜力,在过去几年里,许多此类导弹已被用于实战。此类事件包括 2020年1月使用“起义”系列短程弹道导弹对美军驻伊拉克阿萨德空军基地发动的攻击,以及 2022年3月对伊拉克埃尔比勒发动的攻击,这些行动中使用了“起义”和“征服者-110”系列短程弹道导弹。这些武器表现出了强大的威力,而且其精确度给人留下了深刻的印象。

I am Mr.Satyre
1 day ago
"Clearly though, three Iranian missile attacks in three different countries over two days serve as a glaring deterrant..."
How does striking a nuclear-armed neighbor serve as a deterrent? Unless Iran announced that same day (which they didn't) that they are now also nuclear-armed, that would seem the epitome of stupid and the exact opposite of deterrent. ���


15 hours ago
While the Iranians have shown the capability of reaching Israel with their missiles, the Israelis have the capability to reach Teheran not only with Jericho missiles fired from Israeli territory, but with cruise missiles fired from Dolphin submarines beneath the Persian Gulf. Israel can destroy Iran in one day with their nuclear arsenal, and so can Pakistan. It seems to me the Iranians are racing to build their atomic bomb sooner than later.


Andrew Pearce
18 hours ago
Any high volume launch would mean Israel would nuke a major Iranian city


Ton Geen
23 hours ago
the reality is that we see the regime as a bunch of religious zealots, but that does not mean they are idiots or not capable to think further than a bomb vest.
the current situation is a carefully directed programme, 1st the 7/10 attacks, then the minor reaction from hezbollah, then the houti and now this.
the purpose is multiple, disrupt the normalisation of israel v arab ties, make people understand iran is a regional power and that region is far far larger than the gulf but basically extends from the mediteranian to deep in the indian ocean, and in the end telling israel that an attempt to attack iranian nuclear sits will result in a near peer war.


1 day ago
I've been surprised by Iran's progress in missile technology in the last few years. For Iran I suppose the 'secret' is that it has substantial revenues from selling oil to China. It can't buy components from the west but it can get them from China and Russia. From China's perspective this is good business and also a way of supporting Russia (and therefore damaging the democracies) without actually sending arms to Putin.


Shawn C
23 hours ago
Iran just set a new World record for simultaneously attacking:
Syria - a Russian client state
Iraq - an American client state
Pakistan - a Chinese client state
Plus, their Houthi proxies are taking on the world!


Fahad Zafar
1 day ago
As a Pakistani, I would like to say that Iran's action was irresponsible, stupid, highly condemnable and dangerous for the whole region.
And those who have misconception regarding Pakistan's stance and approach, let me clear it, and those who follow geopolitical news knows that, Pakistan in recent times shows a lot of restraint to misadventures by its neighbors.
Also for most of the people who have no understanding of the Baloch issue, its just like how ethnic Kurds are divided between Turkey, Iraq and Syria, same is the situation with the Baloch people divided between Pakistan (Balochistan state) and Iran (Sistan-Balochistan state). There is a separatist movement going on since decades on both sides of the border and each side has militant camps/safe havens that are used to attack the other side. But as I said, Pakistan shows restraint now and this is not how to conduct internationally because there are methods to doing it correctly.


Colonel Lingus
18 hours ago
Thank you for your detailed analysis, real life explanation such as yours Is invaluable in understanding the situation. Is there any major religious issues between the 2 countries besides the Baloch issue. I have always been impressed with Pakistan while at the same time sorry for their religious fanatics.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Fahad Zafar
14 hours ago
"Is there any major religious issues between the 2 countries"
There is no religious animosity between both at the moment. Pakistan is a Sunni majority country (85-90%) while Shias amount to 10-15%. But as Iran has a leading role in the Shia world therefore Shias in Pakistan also have that religious connection with Iran. Pakistani and Irani people, however, have this cultural connection due to its proximity and historically Iran was the very first country to recognize Pakistan after its creation. However, this recent attack by Iran as per its explanation was on a Sunni militant Baloch group, so there is some sectarian element to it too.
"I have always been impressed with Pakistan while at the same time sorry for their religious fanatics."
Religious fanatics and mullahs are a problem plaguing both countries. The difference is that Pakistan does not have a theocracy in power (yet).
Fahad Zafar
14 hours ago
"Is there any major religious issues between the 2 countries"
There is no religious animosity between both at the moment. Pakistan is a Sunni majority country (85-90%) while Shias amount to 10-15%. But as Iran has a leading role in the Shia world therefore Shias in Pakistan also have that religious connection with Iran. Pakistani and Irani people, however, have this cultural connection due to its proximity and historically Iran was the very first country to recognize Pakistan after its creation. However, this recent attack by Iran as per its explanation was on a Sunni militant Baloch group, so there is some sectarian element to it too.
"I have always been impressed with Pakistan while at the same time sorry for their religious fanatics."
Religious fanatics are a problem plaguing both countries. The difference is that Pakistan does not have a theocracy in power (yet).


1 day ago
"Also for most of the people who have no understanding of the Baloch issue... "
Me raising my hand.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

1 day ago
The Baloch issue is HUGE. I spent some time on the Afghan side of the area's "Tri-Border Area" -- no relation to the borders of Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil -- and it IS (from a Western perspective) truly ungoverned. Baluchis are nomads that move amongst and in between all three countries (and disliked by all three, in large part). Some parts of the USG had good relations with them. :)


Fahad Zafar
1 day ago
This also brings up the question regarding the modernization of air defense network and systems by Pakistan. Just recently Pakistan Airforce just shared its promo video to highlight the modernization initiative that it is taking to improving the air force capabilities as well as air defense systems. Some of the main systems have been shown in the screen shot. The issue is that most of these systems will be employed on the border with India, but looking at the current scenario with Iran, those systems need to be employed on the eastern border along with Iran as well to avoid such future Iranian foolish outbursts. However, as always, the cost and the economic strain is the issue.


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