2024-01-23 Phelps 12425

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dr. Balaji Viswanathan
Let’s say you need to move a big log of wood. In village A, they use 10 humans to lift it up and drag it through for 10 hours. In village B, they build a inclined plane to move the same log in 2 hours with 4 people.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In short, it takes 100 man hours to move a log of wood in village A and just 8 man hours in village B. Even if village B’s labor costs are 12x of village A, they would be cheap.


The cost of a product is not determined merely by the wage cost.


In India, we are like the village A - we use crude tools and backward infrastructure. Just an example - our workers carry large gunny bags for loading and unloading luggage, while in developed world they use more effective tools.

在印度,我们就像A村 - 我们使用原始的工具和落后的基础设施。举个例子 - 我们的工人搬运行李时使用大麻袋,而在发达国家,他们使用更有效的工具。

In India, something as simple as a bullet train brings a nationwide discussion, while China implemented many HSR lines when their GDP levels were same as where we are now. Every damn thing in India has to be debated and fought.


Last week I traveled to China as a part of Indian business delegation. When we showed our product to the government there, we got the government to give us a grant to set up a new factory, with free rent for 3 years and money to buy equipments [it comes with a few other strings though]. The electricity is cheap and same is the cost of logistics.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

In India, I have to beg our government to do business. I’m a citizen and reasonably well educated and connected, and I find it so hard to get access to the government. For a simple VAT registration the Karnataka government made us run pillar to post. When importing a new technology made by the Russians, our stuff was held in customs for weeks. And we pay 42% customs duty on all those. Electricity is costly and real estate costs are obscene. Oh, the logistics - very hard.

在印度,我不得不请求我们的政府才能做生意。我是一个公民,受过相当良好的教育并有一定的社会关系,但我发现很难与政府沟通。对于简单的增值税注册,卡纳塔克邦政府让我们东奔西走。当进口俄罗斯的新技术时,我们的货物被海关扣押了好几个星期。而且我们对所有这些支付42%的关税。电力成本高昂,房地产成本令人发指。哦,物流 - 非常困难。

No loans, no grants, no subsidies. Local governments don’t care about our existence until the time comes to pay taxes.


If I make the same product in China than in India, my costs would be significantly lower even though I will be paying a higher wage to people. We have some questions on IP rights, but that is an altogether different issue.


For now, for the sake of patriotism, language comfort and better IP protection we manufacture in India, but we don’t know how long we can sustain. Eventually the question would come - is it better to close down the business altogether or have at least half of it run in India while producing the rest of it abroad. That’s the question facing many Indian manufacturing businesses.

目前,出于爱国主义、语言便利和更好的知识产权保护,我们在印度生产,但我们不知道能够维持多久。最终问题将是 - 是关闭企业还是至少有一半在印度经营,而将其余部分在国外生产更好。这是许多印度制造业企业面临的问题。

In India, we take our entrepreneurs for granted. Government makes majority of its taxes from corporations [corporate taxes, GST, excise & customs duties], but our people think of us as though we are things to be milked rather than to be helped. Infrastructure development is pathetic and we have to pay very high electricity rates to subsidise someone else. For small businesses the headache of following regulations are very high and for large businesses labour laws are a pain.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Until we fix these, we will not be able to utilise our lower wage levels. Until our entrepreneurs set up factories and offices, there won’t be many high paying jobs. And until there are many high paying jobs we won’t become a developed nation.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Until our attitudes towards business change, we will struggle to grow.


Divaker V Vittal
My friend was owning a watch factory in Germany and he had come to China to probe manufacturing contracts in Shenzen, China.


The first day the government bureaucrat took him to the contractors who were lined up to meet, after the video presentation, he had been taken to the factories and told that one employee can assemble 50,000 watches a day in a very relaxed way. He was shown some of the skills acquired by watch assemblers like assembling all parts with a fully functional watch within 13 seconds, he had been shown workers assembling watches blindfold, he had been shown workers assembling watches in super speeds, video filmed the event in live and shown in slow motion the dexterity and speed. Fully impressed he had asked for the contract price, the bureaucrat has given a cost sheet which gives the land cost, shed cost, current cost, minimum wages cost of the worker, benefits cost and social security cost and there cost sheet has been prepared without the profit, the price now is the production cost from the contractor. My friend has been advised that the cost price is the minimum price for the contract and every high productivity target is compensated with benefits which is the profit for the contracting company.


If anyone can manufacture with such benefits, then the world would give everything under the sun to manufacture and produce. It is not about competitiveness, it is the sheer dedication to excellence and a genuine concern to keep production costs low with only scope for improvement in productivity brings customers to China.


It is not possible to understand for those who don’t know manufacturing processes on the importance of production costs, India should target its strengths in design, prototyping and services. It is cheaper and safe to import manufactured products from China, until any other country imitates them.


Prangyavit Sahu
For a long time, people around the world thought that China and India, both have low labor costs, but recently, in reality, I came to know this is not true. The labor cost in China is almost 4 and a half times more than India. Still, industries around the world prefer China over India. Why? Labor cost is not the solo factor which determines the best manufacturer. Let's see actually what kind of factors making China best over other low labor cost countries around the world, including India.


Labour productivity: When it comes to efficiency in production China one of the best workforces around the world. It is already in their work culture to work for long hours without rest and with quality. Comparing India they are 5 times more productive. In India, we are still far away from being highly productive at the same time with a quality product. According to a global consulting firm, “Indian manufacturers lag behind their global peers in production planning, supply chain management, quality, and maintenance—areas that contribute to their lower productivity.”


Availability of Labour: In India, you always come across a few lines. “I want to take retire as soon as possible.” “I don’t want to work so hard.” “I got my salary today, no need to work another 15 days.” In China, “not working” is equivalent to a social crime. Chinese are always ready to work, unlike Indians. It is surprising, although China and India have almost the same population, there is a huge gap between their workforces. Thanks to the young age of India, but the second reason goes to the non-availability of labor in India. India’s labor force amounted to about 502 million people in 2014, while China’s was approaching 802 million.


Flexibility with Industries: Remember 911. Instantly after the unfortunate incident, there was a sudden rise of nationalism in the USA. And every USA citizen hoist the flag over their house or buildings. The fact was when they approached Indian industries to manufacture and supply the flag to them, we denied. The silly reason was, we can’t modify our machine as per their requirement. On the other hand, China’s textile industries modified their manufacturing lines overnight and bagged 95% of all orders. What they earned from this? Trust, assurance, and yes, a few billion dollars. And what we earned? A tag of a loser.


Logistics and Infrastructure of India and China: The strength of a country’s infrastructure is a major component of logistics and can have a significant impact on the success or failure of supply chains there. India’s underdevelopment of infrastructure has affected the country’s capacity to manufacture so much so, in fact, that a 2010 report by KPMG found, “estimates indicate that India’s logistics and transportation bottlenecks hinder its GDP growth by one to two percent.” Based on India’s per capita income in 2010, this loss equates to roughly 10 million new jobs every year. As of 2011, India had almost 4.7 million kilometers of roads, almost 600,000 more kilometers than China. However, only about 54 percent of roads in India were paved, whereas 84 percent of Chinese roads are paved.


It is not always the labor cost but, moreover, the other key factors like Productivity, Efficiency, Availability, Flexibility, quality, and infrastructure define the manufacturing industry of a Nation. And we lack in all areas compared to China.


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